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10/2/2006, 03:09 PM
Reminds of the old lady from Any Which Way But Loose who opens us on the biker gang . . .


proud gonzo
10/2/2006, 03:11 PM
yep--both my grandmas were TOUGHER. and they weren't in any sissy wheelchair, neither.

Preservation Parcels
10/2/2006, 06:42 PM
GGG...Grandmother Maria Schell was pretty tough. August 6, 1781, she helped ward off a siege attack by 66 Tories and Indians. As five of them aimed inward at her family through the loopholes of their blockhouse, she beat their muskets with an axe and rendered them useless.

That same day, her 11 year-old twin sons (one of whom, Markus, was my ancestor), were captured and sent to live with Indians and then the British for the duration of the Revolutionary War. She didn't know what happened to them for eight years.

Soon after, her daughter Eve was scalped and left for dead. "A pipestem attached to a tomahawk had become fastened in her head; when she regained consciousness, she extracted the obnoxious stem and struggled home. She recovered and afterwards married Mr. Plank and became the happy mother of children."

The next summer, her husband and two other sons were ambushed while harvesting their crops.

She was pretty tough.


10/2/2006, 07:01 PM
It was my grandma who put her in the wheel chair. ;)

10/3/2006, 07:36 AM
Ja! Dot Fraulein M. Schell vass vun tuff kuchie! Vy, she lived ein long time after being geschalped und das haar implants verked gut!


Loyal von Pfan
UhlansOffizier, Emeritus

10/3/2006, 08:14 AM
My grandma was pretty much a wuss.