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View Full Version : Dodged a bullet

9/26/2006, 10:48 PM
I was playing right field in my slow-pitch softball league tonight. A guy hit a rope right at me, unfortunately two things were working against me 1)I'm not very good at fielding, 2) The ball disappeared in the lights at the last second. The ball collided with my upper quad while I was on a dead sprint. I was about 4 inches from being sterilized. I am pretty stoked that I'm not.

9/26/2006, 11:05 PM

9/26/2006, 11:09 PM
Sounds more like the bullet dodged you, Sport. ;)

Glad you're okay, man.

9/26/2006, 11:10 PM
that's what you get for trying to be athletic.

9/27/2006, 02:25 AM
Royal, if a guy hits a rope right at you, there's no need to be on a dead sprint.

I hope George Brett doesn't read this message board.

Stay in School!

9/27/2006, 08:33 AM
Royal, if a guy hits a rope right at you, there's no need to be on a dead sprint.

Hell, that's my philosophy on about 98% of life.

The other 2% involves crossing busy streets against the light and being chased.