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9/25/2006, 09:49 AM
Anybody planning on watching it tonight? I only had time to watch the opening scene on Yahoo, but it looks pretty interesting. I just don't think I can fit another TV show in. Right now I'm limited to the Office, Prison Break, & 24.


Per requests, here are the characters. Do NOT read this if you do not want spoilers. This provides character descriptions up to current episodes.

Peter Petrelli: Duplicates powers of other heroes in close proximity to him. Has learned how to harness these powers and has the potential to be one bad mofo.
Nathan Petrelli: Flies. Running for congress and has political ties to Linderman. Also the bastard father of Claire Bennett. Was working undercover for the FBI to bust Linderman, but might choose the dark side.
Linderman: Mobster-type bad guy. Is involved with some of the heroes through shady illegal deals involving money, most notably Nikki. Knows about their powers, and used to be a hooligan in futuristic England.
Claire Bennett: Regenerates and can come back from the dead (provided there is no physical object causing the death), "The Cheerleader."
Claires REAL Mom: Firestarter that lives in a trailer. Not much of a player in the rest of the show.
Mr. Bennett/HRG (Horned Rim Glasses): Adoptive father of Claire. Works for a company that tracks the heroes and possibly neutralizes them (at least the dangerous ones). In spite of everything, he loves his daughter and wants to protect her.
Hiro Nakamura: Manipulates space/time continuum (freeze time, travel through time, etc). Looks constipated when performing his power. Now he has his samurai sword, so he should be able to refine his power.
Ando: Hiro's powerless sidekick, but a cool dude nonetheless.
Charlie: Eidetic memory. Hiro's crush. Now dead, killed by Syler.
DL: Can turn immaterial and pass through physical objects (or they pass through him). Nikki's husband & Micahs father.
Nikki: Has angry, superstrong alternate personality named "Jessica." At this time, Jessica has taken over and is doing hits for Linderman, while posing as Nikki for Micah & DL. Nikki still shows up from time to time.
Micah: Son of DL & Nikki. Has the ability to manipulate machines.
Mohinder Suresh: The son of the Doctor that discovered the heroes. He is on a mission to find the heroes and help them, possibly by trying to "cure" them. Could cause conflict with some of the heroes that embrace their power.
Mohindad: Discovered the hero's and was wacked by Syler.
Syler: Bad guy that acquires powers from other hero's by killing them and doing something mysterious with their brains.
Haitian: Has ability to wipe peoples memories and possibly prevent any mental powers from being performed on him or those he chooses to protect (in most cases HRG). He was the Tonto to HRG's Lone Ranger, but is now on the run with Claire since the copany found out she was a hero. Working with Peter and Nathans Mom to hide Claire.
Mrs. Petrelli: Nathan and Peters Mom that has intimate knowledge of the heroes, but still very unknown as to what her connection is.
Eden McCain: Well... she was persuasive. Killed herself before Syler could get her powers in the fall finale.
Isaac Mendez: Able to paint the future, but originally had to be high on opiates. Now he has the ability without being high.
Matt Parkman: Mind reading dyslexic cop.
Simone: Able to seduce white superhero's. Was accidentally shot/killed by Isaac when Peter and Isaac had a spat with each other.
Ted Sprague: When he gets emotional, he emits high levels of radiation without being harmed himself. He accidentally killed his wife with said radiation. He now can control his powers but is captured by the company. Blames "them" for giving him his powers and causing his wifes death.
Claude: He can become invisible. He taught Peter to use the powers he's absorbed from other heroes. HRG used to be partners with him but HRG was forced to kill him (or so he thought) since Claude was hiding another hero from the company (presumably Claire).
Hana "wireless": Can interpret electronic data sent via wireless communications.
Dale: Butch mechanic lady that had super hearing power. Now dead by the hands of Syler.
Shape shifting hotness: Hot chick that can shape shift into other people (as well as take on their voice). Working with the company to track down the heroes.
Eric Roberts: HRG's boss.
Sulu: Hiro's father and involved in the company in some way.

9/25/2006, 09:59 AM
I've seen the whole episode. It's good. Last week, Yahoo did a whole episode premire.

This one will be one of our weekly watched shows.

9/25/2006, 10:38 AM
I was gonna try out "Jericho" but I missed the premiere and will prolly forget to record it.

Norm In Norman
9/25/2006, 10:38 AM
If i think about it I'm going to try it out. i hope it doesn't come on at the same time as Vanished.

And - Prison Break? Exactly how many episodes does it take to break out of prison? I'm going to come up with a show called "That time Norm built a cake". That should take care of about 7 1 hour episodes, but I don't know what to do with the rest of the episodes. maybe me eating it or something.

Norm In Norman
9/25/2006, 10:43 AM
I was gonna try out "Jericho" but I missed the premiere and will prolly forget to record it.
What I saw of it was bad. Really bad. There were these kids missing on a bus and instead of the parents going to look for them they all went to the police and complained why nobody was doing anything to find their kids. Later when they found the busload of kids, they had to do a cliche emergency tracheotomy, except nobody had a ball point pen to take apart to use as a tube so they used juice box straws. It couldnt' keep my attention at all.

9/25/2006, 10:47 AM
If i think about it I'm going to try it out. i hope it doesn't come on at the same time as Vanished.

And - Prison Break? Exactly how many episodes does it take to break out of prison? I'm going to come up with a show called "That time Norm built a cake". That should take care of about 7 1 hour episodes, but I don't know what to do with the rest of the episodes. maybe me eating it or something.

I will DVR this if there's a role in it for The Boy. :mack:

Norm In Norman
9/25/2006, 10:58 AM
I'm sure the boy will lick the paddles or something. Maybe he'll even get a piece of cake during the "Norm's first bite" episode.

9/25/2006, 02:38 PM
The guys have already escaped out of prison and now they're on the run. It jumps the shark around 4 times per episode, but it's one of those that started strong so now we have to see how it ends up.

9/25/2006, 02:45 PM
LAST TIME ON "That time Norm built a cake"!!!!

Norm: "......"
*dramatic shot of egg cracking on floor and making a mess*
Norm: "Dang."


9/25/2006, 02:47 PM
I'm planning on watching it if possible. I foresee it as one of those shows that is either a hit or dies quickly. I'll be able to tell if it's worth my time after 2-3 weeks.

What will really **** me off is if it turns out like Dark Angel or Firefly, and is a really excellent show that gets canned because the writers won't cave into the network.

Edit: I was going to make a comment about Hayden Panettiere, but when I found out her age, I decided that I did not want to be known as a dirty old man and by the way I'm happily married anyway and I'll shut up just now...

9/25/2006, 05:58 PM
I just watched the show on the Yahoo link above and it was pretty stinking good. I'm gonna watch it tonight with the wife and see what she thinks. If 24 keeps their same time slot, we might have a problem (unless I get that dual tuner DVR).

9/25/2006, 07:36 PM
Edit: I was going to make a comment about Hayden Panettiere, but when I found out her age, I decided that I did not want to be known as a dirty old man and by the way I'm happily married anyway and I'll shut up just now...

I think you may have blown your cover at this point.

9/25/2006, 08:42 PM
damn....its LOADED with hot chicks!

...especially the chick that went into the fire!

EDIT: Born in 1989....im OUT.


9/25/2006, 09:06 PM
It was definitely worth watching IMO. I'm addin' it to my list.

9/25/2006, 10:24 PM
i missed out on Lost a few years ago and never got into it. This was a great show, i'll keep it on my list.

unfortunetly i'm forced to watch CSI Miami now, b/c i don't have cable.

9/25/2006, 11:12 PM
LAST TIME ON "That time Norm built a cake"!!!!

Norm: "......"
*dramatic shot of egg cracking on floor and making a mess*
Norm: "Dang."


This is a great idea for a show. Norm could have an episode where he has to go to Wal-Mart to pick up something for the cake and you know that would be a nightmare. Or how about one with one of his screwy neighbors. This last one would shot the rating clean out of the roof. Dean comes over and trashes Norms kitchen just as Norm is about to put the cake in the oven. I am sending and email to NBC, ABC, CBS, FX, Fox, TNT, TBS, MTV, A&E, BET an Animal Planet suggesting they pick up this show.


9/26/2006, 12:11 AM
Or how about one with one of his screwy neighbors.Like the time Norm was caught trying to shoot cows on Dean's ranch and Dean's son chased him and he busted through a police blockade and...?

9/26/2006, 12:18 AM
This show looks kinda like "Misfits of Science."

9/26/2006, 05:15 AM
I liked it

actually I was getting Lost flashbacks the whole time. The way the lives of the people were intertwined was like a live show version of a Lost flashback. Pretty cool the way that worked out. I'm still trying to figure out the blonde interweb chicks special power. Is Psychobitch a power? I mean she see's herself in refelctions, but the reflections like a different person....the crazy one. She passes out and when she comes to the crazy one has cleaned house....that's not a special power ya'll, it's multiple personality disorder.

although, the teleporter guy was cool....and the hot cheerleader chick.

9/26/2006, 07:43 AM
I downloaded the premiere free on iTunes and did like it. The nice twist at the end was decent.

9/26/2006, 07:48 AM
most of the characters introduced seemed to realize that their powers could help others. All but the blonde internet chick, she seems like the character who would use her powers for her self. I'm curious if she assists the scientist dude with glasses.

9/26/2006, 08:06 AM
I think it's gonna be a solid. I just hope the people with Nielsen boxes agree so it will stay on the air. It's always a gamble getting into a new show.

9/26/2006, 09:29 AM
damn....its LOADED with hot chicks!

...especially the chick that went into the fire!

EDIT: Born in 1989....im OUT.


I believe my point has been made yet again...

9/26/2006, 09:40 AM
The show definitely did not suck. I admit to being slightly worried near the start. Right away we get hit with the "brilliant scientist who got fired and then murdered has an equally brilliant son who is determined to finish his work" cliche. They start off hitting us with the subplot of the sudden discovery of mutated humans...well, it sounded cheesy. But they pulled it off with the rest of the show.

Sure, it's an X-Men clone, and we've already met Professor X (the Indian dude) and Magneto (Claire's dad), although the 2 of them don't appear to be mutants, they might well turn out to be later. But I like the way they are developing the characters and they've taken a different tack...it doesn't have that "comic book" feel to it (although based on the previews for next week it might get that way). The writing is really good, esp. Claire (the cheerleader) and the painter/druggie. The random intersections of the characters was well done, and the editing rocks. Oh, and Hiro (the japanese teleporter) is freakin' hilarious.

The only thing that will REALLY kill it for me is if the mutants turn out to be some kind of genetic experiment run by the military, in fact I'd rather they avoid the entire "mutants vs. the government" thing altogether. It will be a much cooler show if they only hint at the full explanation for what's happening, if the bad guys are just private citizens, and if the mutants save the world without the general public knowing about it.

9/26/2006, 10:00 AM
Thread merge?

9/26/2006, 10:02 AM
I'm guessing the blonde single mom/innerweb chick is some kind of berserker. The old Nordic berserker myth usually involved the subject waking up after and having no memory of what happened...temporarily losing rational thought. The Hulk was the comic-book version of that.

As to whether she turns out to be this show's version of Mystique, we'll see.

9/26/2006, 10:06 AM
actually, my original intent was to start this threaad and have absolutely zero pertinent information in it.

I failed miserably.

9/26/2006, 10:07 AM
I missed it =\

I did manage to catch Monday Night Football. Would have rather watched Heroes I think. What time that show come on anyways?

9/26/2006, 10:10 AM
9/8 Mondays. Replay of the premiere is tonight at 8/7, or you can download it free from iTunes.

9/26/2006, 10:19 AM
I missed it =\

I did manage to catch Monday Night Football. Would have rather watched Heroes I think. What time that show come on anyways?

Why do you hate New Orleans?

9/26/2006, 10:21 AM
I loved the pre-game and about the first 10 minutes of the game. After that I got kind of tired of the ESPN guys saying the same stuff over and over and over and over and over and over... well you get the idea.

It's kinda like watching Mike and Mike in the morning on ESPN2, after you get the first 10 minutes in you can stop watching. The rest is them going back and forth about the same things.

9/26/2006, 10:56 AM
actually, my original intent was to start this threaad and have absolutely zero pertinent information in it.

I failed miserably.

You also failed to remember that spoiler'd text shows up in rollovers and ruined it for me, you jerk. :mad:

9/26/2006, 10:59 AM
There is definitely a connection, b/c the Indian guy had them all mapped out.

9/26/2006, 11:12 AM
Oh no, I meant that part.

9/26/2006, 11:21 AM
I saw it...I liked it right up until they revealed how these people were getting their powers. I thought that be just a bit lame, and a bit unoriginal....because it's been done before.

9/26/2006, 11:56 AM
I didn't know they revealed how they got them....I must have missed that.

9/26/2006, 12:18 PM
I didn't know they revealed how they got them....I must have missed that.

well, OK..they hinted at it...

some artist dude draws their powers in a comic book....no word yet on how artist dude got his power to draw other peoples powers

9/26/2006, 12:23 PM
well, OK..they hinted at it...

some artist dude draws their powers in a comic book....no word yet on how artist dude got his power to draw other peoples powers

Are you implying that the comic book artist was the one giving them the powers? I figured it was the precog artist dude's work, just predicting them.

The show has a lot of cliche's - the precog artist and the stripper single mom, to name a few. The suicidal cheerleader who can't be hurt was pretty clever, though.

It was a good beginning...I'll be tuning in for at least the next few weeks to see where it goes.

9/26/2006, 12:24 PM
I think maybe you are reading something into it. I didn't get that at all.

9/26/2006, 12:28 PM
maybe...but based on both the "next time" clips and the scene with the wanna-be-flying guy in artist dudes house, it was the impression I got...perhaps I got that impression because I have seen a couple of other shows where this angle has been played, and there were too many similarities.

9/26/2006, 12:28 PM
I agree with OU4L. He doesn't cause it, he just predicts it. The Indian Doctor has something to do with the cause b/c he knew where all of them were located (remember his map with the push pins), presumably some genetic experiment. We might find out later all of the mare adopted, like they revealed the cheerleader is adopted (by the bad guy no less).

9/26/2006, 12:33 PM
My favorite character is already the dweeby Japanese guy. With that squint, he's gonna have to be careful he doesn't accidentally teleporting himself when he's taking a dump. :D

On edit: or vice-versa. :rolleyes:

9/26/2006, 12:36 PM
its coming on tonight (tuesday). Is this a new eppy or rerun of last nights?

9/26/2006, 05:20 PM
I agree with OU4L. He doesn't cause it, he just predicts it. The Indian Doctor has something to do with the cause b/c he knew where all of them were located (remember his map with the push pins), presumably some genetic experiment. We might find out later all of the mare adopted, like they revealed the cheerleader is adopted (by the bad guy no less).

See, that's exactly what I don't want to have happen. I do not want them to be genetic experiments. I want them to just be mutations with no certain cause, and the Indian dude is just discovering them. Otherwise it's too much like "The Boys From Brazil" with superpowers.

9/26/2006, 05:22 PM
its coming on tonight (tuesday). Is this a new eppy or rerun of last nights?

Rerun. It's the latest thing. Reruns start as soon as the show premieres, either on the same network or an affiliated cable channel (in this case both, as the series will second-run on SciFi as well).

9/26/2006, 05:26 PM
Exactly, no genetic experiments please. Mutations sound so much cooler. I do find it interesting that many of them have crossed paths so far. Will they form a group like the super friends? :rolleyes:

9/26/2006, 05:31 PM
Apparently in an interview the creator said there would NOT be any Superfriends, Justice League, or X-Men formed. There will be interactions between the characters but nothing overly organized.

9/27/2006, 01:11 AM
Just watched it on the ol' DVR. If the whole thing happened in Tokyo and the show was all about the Japanese guy I'd be all over this show. The world needs more dweeby super heroes. As it is, waaaaaay too many cliches, and I thought the writing was iffy.

I suppose I'll keep recording it for now, I don't know if I'll keep watching though.

9/27/2006, 01:23 AM
So what makes you guys see that hotcheerleaderthatstooyoung's dad is the bad guy? I probably wasnt paying attention to that part. Or was it something subtle that I didnt catch?

9/27/2006, 07:07 AM
So what makes you guys see that hotcheerleaderthatstooyoung's dad is the bad guy? I probably wasnt paying attention to that part. Or was it something subtle that I didnt catch?

He was the one in the other room when the Indian son went to his Dads place. The horned rimmed glasses guy. Also in the cab

9/27/2006, 07:18 AM
Good point though, I think I just assumed that he was the bad guy when he was introduced going through the indian guys dad's place right after you were told that the indian guy thinks his dad's death wasn't an accident. HMMM, maybe he's not really a bad guy, but he sort of came off that way in the cab, and in the apartment...i want to know who he was on the phone with. THAT'S the reall bad guy I think.

9/27/2006, 08:00 AM
Good point though, I think I just assumed that he was the bad guy when he was introduced going through the indian guys dad's place right after you were told that the indian guy thinks his dad's death wasn't an accident. HMMM, maybe he's not really a bad guy, but he sort of came off that way in the cab, and in the apartment...i want to know who he was on the phone with. THAT'S the reall bad guy I think.

I can't believe you didn't watch the final table of the "World Series of Poker Main Event 2006" on ESPN . :confused:

9/27/2006, 08:10 AM
I was coaching.

9/27/2006, 10:00 AM
Did you guys see the trailer for next week? It seems as though somebody knows all about them, and apparently that person is a comic book writer.

I'm still in.

9/27/2006, 12:54 PM
You people are driving me ****ing CRAZY with this!!!!!:mad:

;) ;)

9/27/2006, 01:27 PM
They really should consider hiring cast on these shows that are at least 18 years of age. :(

10/2/2006, 08:11 PM
I think the dude with the glasses (the cheerleaders dad) also has powers.

10/2/2006, 08:35 PM
Reruns of Scrubs and Everybody Loves Raymond are the only decent shows on television.

Norm In Norman
10/2/2006, 09:05 PM
Holy crap. That was a good show.

10/2/2006, 09:35 PM
Holy crap. That was a good show.
I'm diggin it. Wasn't sure at first, but it's pretyy good.

Wasn't the young hotties Dad the guy that got into the cab in NY last week?

Norm In Norman
10/2/2006, 09:40 PM
Yes, and the one who was in the indian dude's apartment.

10/2/2006, 10:03 PM
so I wonder if the girl found under the stairs has any powers, there seems to be a connection to the murders.

Norm In Norman
10/2/2006, 10:07 PM
I woudl think that maybe the glasses guy killed them all. He's probably just the mastermind though. He could have been the guy who left the message on the answering machine.

10/2/2006, 10:25 PM
the one story they haven't tied to the others is the internet ****.

10/2/2006, 10:26 PM
I was helping with homework and getting the girls ready for bed while trying to watch the last few minutes . . . I guess I'll need to try and download it.

Too bad tvtorrents.com is no longer. :(

10/2/2006, 11:18 PM
I was helping with homework and getting the girls ready for bed while trying to watch the last few minutes . . . I guess I'll need to try and download it.

Too bad tvtorrents.com is no longer. :(



10/2/2006, 11:58 PM
Dammit!!! I MISSED IT TONIGHT :( :mad:

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/3/2006, 01:17 AM
I think the dude with the glasses (the cheerleaders dad) also has powers.A scene last week lead me to believe he is one EVIL DUDE!

10/3/2006, 01:20 AM
A scene last week lead me to believe he is one EVIL DUDE!

and that was re-inforced this week...

10/3/2006, 02:02 AM
and that was re-inforced this week...


Its taking FOREVER to freaking download :(

10/3/2006, 02:36 AM

Its taking FOREVER to freaking download :(

neener neener?;)

10/3/2006, 06:38 AM
I think the murders are definitely connected. The killer is taking their brains for a reason. It will all come down to someone trying to figure out how the powers work by killing them and stealing their brain so they can study it. I'm guessing one of the killers is going to be some kind of ice man, since one of the victoms was frozen. I have a bad feeling this is going to turn into some Xman type of thing with good powers and bad powers.

Also, how many more of these freaks are they going to introduce? Geez. However, the guy that can hear peoples thoughts kicks ***. I want that power so bad!!

Lastly, did the japaneze kid go back to the time he left Japan when he warped back home? or did he just waste another 5 weeks of his life. I'm guessing since the clock was the same as when he left the first time he went backwards. So maybe the next few episodes will be him trying to save NYC? Also, the ****... the skull she found was one she had put there long ago? I wonder how many bodies she has planted out there lol. I guess thats the coolest part of the show though... no one really knows wtf is going on yet.

10/3/2006, 09:13 AM
for those that missed it you can always watch it on nbc.com without having to download it.


this show rocks

10/3/2006, 09:47 AM


10/3/2006, 10:16 AM
This show RMFO.

Yeah, Claire's dad (glasses guy) = "Syler" or whatever the cops called him. He's the one hunting down mutants.

So also, everything that happened to Hiro was 5 weeks ahead of everything else? That caught me off guard. And it's not often that a show can do that to me. I be hooked now.

Oh, BTW, md, Ali Larter is on the show. :D

Pride Baritone
10/3/2006, 12:43 PM
***minor spoilers (not really plot related)***

Wow... this show continues to impress. I am watching the episode right now streaming from nbc.com, and I just noticed somthing really cool. At the part where Mohinder puts the hard drive into the computer and all of that code is scrolling, look closely at it. There is a pattern of symbols that are dimmer than all the rest. Then the scene cuts away to the cop looking at a pool. In the pool there is tubing of some sort that is in the exact same pattern. The only reason I noticed this is because when the Japanese guy was walking around in the painter's place I noticed a painting with this exact same symbol on it. It's kind of an "S" shape with some things shooting off to either side. Something tells me this symbol will be of some importance.

***End Spoilers***

Sorry I don't know how to do the whole black background thing.

10/3/2006, 01:02 PM
***minor spoilers (not really plot related)***

Wow... this show continues to impress. I am watching the episode right now streaming from nbc.com, and I just noticed somthing really cool. At the part where Mohinder puts the hard drive into the computer and all of that code is scrolling, look closely at it. There is a pattern of symbols that are dimmer than all the rest. Then the scene cuts away to the cop looking at a pool. In the pool there is tubing of some sort that is in the exact same pattern. The only reason I noticed this is because when the Japanese guy was walking around in the painter's place I noticed a painting with this exact same symbol on it. It's kind of an "S" shape with some things shooting off to either side. Something tells me this symbol will be of some importance.

***End Spoilers***

Sorry I don't know how to do the whole black background thing.

it is also in the corner of the flying dude's picture he drew at the hospital

10/3/2006, 01:53 PM
I think the murders are definitely connected. The killer is taking their brains for a reason. It will all come down to someone trying to figure out how the powers work by killing them and stealing their brain so they can study it. I'm guessing one of the killers is going to be some kind of ice man, since one of the victoms was frozen. I have a bad feeling this is going to turn into some Xman type of thing with good powers and bad powers.

I think it's very fitting that there are "bad guys" that have similar powers. The show is about humans evolving, and it appears that it has nothing to do with any experiment, just random evolution. It only makes sense that there would be bad people that would get the same type powers.

Also, how many more of these freaks are they going to introduce? Geez. However, the guy that can hear peoples thoughts kicks ***. I want that power so bad!!

I think this is the last of them, but oh well if there are more. It just adds more twists that are possible for the future.

Lastly, did the japaneze kid go back to the time he left Japan when he warped back home? or did he just waste another 5 weeks of his life. I'm guessing since the clock was the same as when he left the first time he went backwards. So maybe the next few episodes will be him trying to save NYC? Also, the ****... the skull she found was one she had put there long ago? I wonder how many bodies she has planted out there lol. I guess thats the coolest part of the show though... no one really knows wtf is going on yet.

When he warped from the Japanese train to Times Square he went ahead 5 weeks. That was the first time he had done it so it makes sense that he messed up a little bit, and it's just fate (or hacky writing) that he did it at the time that he could see the bomb go off. Regardless, I think it works.

IMO Syler is definitely the guy with the glasses. Interestingly enough it seems that he wasn't aware of his adopted daughters powers (his comments after watching the tape she made). Apparently she's going to be on his hitlist, though good luck with wacking her.

10/3/2006, 02:33 PM
I think it's very fitting that there are "bad guys" that have similar powers. The show is about humans evolving, and it appears that it has nothing to do with any experiment, just random evolution. It only makes sense that there would be bad people that would get the same type powers.

I think this is the last of them, but oh well if there are more. It just adds more twists that are possible for the future.

When he warped from the Japanese train to Times Square he went ahead 5 weeks. That was the first time he had done it so it makes sense that he messed up a little bit, and it's just fate (or hacky writing) that he did it at the time that he could see the bomb go off. Regardless, I think it works.

IMO Syler is definitely the guy with the glasses. Interestingly enough it seems that he wasn't aware of his adopted daughters powers (his comments after watching the tape she made). Apparently she's going to be on his hitlist, though good luck with wacking her.

Heh, yeah. She makes Bruce Willis' character in "Unbreakable" look like a wimp.

10/3/2006, 02:53 PM


Thanks dude . . . I'll check it out at the house.

Hot Rod
10/3/2006, 03:58 PM
For those of you who missed it last night, like I did....


10/3/2006, 04:36 PM
So are they going to keep that up throughout the season? I've noticed some other shows doing that as well. It seems to me that might upset the advertisers...

10/3/2006, 05:19 PM
So are they going to keep that up throughout the season? I've noticed some other shows doing that as well. It seems to me that might upset the advertisers...

I don't think they have a choice with these serial dramas. You miss too much if you miss an episode.

On the upside for them, if they get you hooked it's more likely you'll tune in during commercial time. :)

10/3/2006, 06:25 PM
So are they going to keep that up throughout the season? I've noticed some other shows doing that as well. It seems to me that might upset the advertisers...

it looks like they are just putting the last episode up. I wish they still had the pilot up cause I only got to see about half of it.

10/4/2006, 01:54 AM
i went and got it on iTunes yesterday since i couldn't find a torrent and i was impatient :O

i got episode 2 though

cool show... i think Claire's dad knew about her, but didn't know if she knew about her powers yet. i'm thinking that is why he had her in the first place, that he stole her from some mutants or took her when he killed them or something

i'm not so sure he's Syrus, but he's certainly up to no good. i'm thinking he's more like Stryker than Magneto

and you guys are pervs ;) Claire is the little girl from Remember the Titans and Malcolm

now Ali Larter....mmm....****tastic

10/4/2006, 01:57 AM
also, the spoiler tags are for stuff from other websites, not stuff that aired or speculation, right?

these aren't doleo rules ;)


TV shows and movies should be treated differently

10/4/2006, 02:00 AM
ooh, and you guys didn't miss these guys did you???


10/4/2006, 06:56 AM
ooh, and you guys didn't miss these guys did you???


10/4/2006, 09:48 AM
their mutant power is to suck

10/4/2006, 09:53 AM
and you guys are pervs ;) Claire is the little girl from Remember the Titans and Malcolm

Not to mention those giants of American cinema, Ice Princess and Racing Stripes!


10/10/2006, 12:49 AM
Anyone catch it tonight?

I tell ya, if it wasnt for the Japanese kid (and the comic book thing) and the suicidal cheerleader that cant die, I'd be pretty turned off on the show. The **** with the alter ego might be hot but her story is just... bleh.

Next week's episode looks to be bad *** though. Cant wait til see how they do the cheerleader's situation. Also, from the previews (which I've mostly forgotten now heh) it seems we will see more of the bad guys next week. You know, the invinsible bad guy that deflects bullets and can control people's motor skills!! I dunno if that part was cheesy or awesome yet. I guess I have to wait until I see what they do with it. To me it looks like the bad guy (forget his name) has all of the abilities of the characters in the show. I'm guessing he plotted them on the map so he could learn their abilities and use them. He obviously is invinsible, can fly, and can read minds/mind control (Im thinking the cop can do the 'shoot yourself in the head' trick once he learns all of his powers). Or... maybe he is just a natural super freak, which would be cheesy imo.

10/10/2006, 02:24 AM
This past episode had a very shocking ending. Man, that was disgusting. I hope they don't show stuff like that anymore.

10/10/2006, 02:32 AM
maybe next they'll cut her in half and there will be two of them

Newbomb Turk
10/10/2006, 06:55 AM
I gave this show a try, but for some reason it just doesn't hold my interest.

10/10/2006, 07:39 AM
Go back and watch the opening episodes. It's really pretty cool.

So Sylar is the black dude in the bar, right? Apparently he can block the cop out.

I agree about the hooker. There just isn't much going on and we have no grasp as to what she actually does. They need to step it up on her storyline pretty soon.

I'm still in....

10/10/2006, 10:16 AM
Note on the pilot episode: The reason it's not available is that the maker of the garbage disposal that Claire stuck her hand in sued NBC because they didn't ask permission to use the trademark (it was an Emerson In-Sink-Erator). They have to edit out the garbage disposal scene from future versions of the episode. They'll probably re-post it once they get that done.

As for the show itself, still in. I thought last night's was the best one yet. I guess Sylar is the black dude in the bar. Sylar obviously has mental powers and telekinesis, but he may have just been wearing a kevlar vest in the FBI basement scene. The characters that I'm getting frustrated with are Nikki and the Petrellis. They just seem to be spinning their wheels and aren't really in the story yet.

Oh, and BTW Penguin, yer a wuss. :D I've seen worse in comic books, man. What I want to know is, now that Claire is "dead" (at least everyone but her dad thinks so), is she going to try to play scary back-from-the-dead and get the people who ****ed her off? Previews seem to indicate so. I bet she takes off for NY afterward.

10/10/2006, 11:09 AM
The Japanese dude is the best. Nice comic relief. I could do without seeing people with the top of their noggin sawed off and people with exposed rib cages and internal organs. I haven't decided if I like the show or not. It's pretty up and down. The story isn't cohesive enough since they're still learning their powers and they don't know each other. Maybe they'll form the Hall of Justice and add Wendy and Marvin.

10/10/2006, 11:33 AM
I don't mind the exposed chest and head cavities. I just don't care about most of the characters. I could probably get behind the mind reader guy, and they could make the cheerleader work. Hiro should be on the screen 45 minutes an episode.

But the whiny flying boy is horrible.


10/10/2006, 11:46 AM
I could probably get behind the mind reader guy, and they could make the cheerleader work. Hiro should be on the screen 45 minutes an episode.

But the whiny flying boy is horrible.


Very true. All of it.

Scott D
10/10/2006, 11:49 AM
this show should have been cancelled before the pilot....

that is all.

10/10/2006, 11:58 AM
Gah . . . you probably think Wife Swap is quality tv.


10/10/2006, 12:08 PM
"No... It must be a Nissan Versa"

Any show that engages in such blatant and pointless product placement does not deserve to be watched.

Scott D
10/10/2006, 12:33 PM
Gah . . . you probably think Wife Swap is quality tv.


that's another show that should have been a full abortion in it's initial planning stage :)

Norm In Norman
10/10/2006, 12:34 PM
"No... It must be a Nissan Versa"

Any show that engages in such blatant and pointless product placement does not deserve to be watched.
Wow, you mean television with like ... commercials? Yes, let's not watch television with commercials. And it seems like there are plenty of commercial placements when i watch OU football on TV. So let's not watch that.

I think this show is awesome and anyone who doesn't like it is a total moron.

10/10/2006, 12:55 PM
Wow, you mean television with like ... commercials? Yes, let's not watch television with commercials. And it seems like there are plenty of commercial placements when i watch OU football on TV. So let's not watch that.

I think this show is awesome and anyone who doesn't like X-Men III is a total moron.


10/10/2006, 01:19 PM
Wow, you mean television with like ... commercials? Yes, let's not watch television with commercials. And it seems like there are plenty of commercial placements when i watch OU football on TV. So let's not watch that.

I think this show is awesome and anyone who doesn't like it is a total moron.

so how far into the season will it take before it's cancelled now? ;)

i noticed at the end they mentioned that Nissan and Apple paid for promotional consideration or whatever

it was a bit too obvious, but it wasn't THAT bad

10/10/2006, 01:29 PM
Wow, you mean television with like ... commercials? Yes, let's not watch television with commercials. And it seems like there are plenty of commercial placements when i watch OU football on TV. So let's not watch that.

I think this show is awesome and anyone who doesn't like it is a total moron.

I'd like your thoughts on it Norm. What do you predict? As for me, I have no stinking idea, which is why I think im drawn to the show.]

It kinda succ'd when Hiro got to the end of the comic book though, that was some cool **** heh.

10/10/2006, 01:31 PM
so how far into the season will it take before it's cancelled now? ;)

i noticed at the end they mentioned that Nissan and Apple paid for promotional consideration or whatever

it was a bit too obvious, but it wasn't THAT bad

Since it got picked up for a full season, and NBC is kicking major azz on Monday nights, I'd say it will be around for awhile.

And Oh BTW, CBS has cancelled "Smith".

Norm In Norman
10/10/2006, 01:38 PM
I'd like your thoughts on it Norm. What do you predict? As for me, I have no stinking idea, which is why I think im drawn to the show.]

It kinda succ'd when Hiro got to the end of the comic book though, that was some cool **** heh.
I have no idea where it's going, which is why I like it too. i think the lesser characters are just that way because we don't really know what they are capable of yet. OK, the hooker can kick *** and the other dudes can fly. We haven't really seen them do anything yet. I think they will catch on. I also think the kid will have some sort of important role, since he's portrayed as a genius.

This is going to be another one of those like Lost where you have to watch each week or you don'[t get what is happening. i bet it gets canceled.

10/10/2006, 01:43 PM
I also think the kid will have some sort of important role, since he's portrayed as a genius.

The kid = Walt

10/10/2006, 01:48 PM
Just wait til Hiro picks up all the sooper kids on the way to save the day in nyc!@!! woo hoo!!! I like the show too! very good.

10/10/2006, 01:49 PM
The main thing Im wondering is how will they be in society? Will they just have it kept a secret, be shunned like the X-men, or be accepted in society? Will they start using their powers in open public is what I'm asking I guess.

10/10/2006, 01:49 PM
Which kid?

10/10/2006, 01:50 PM
it ought to be interesting when they run into the **** in Vegas ;)

so her husband is innocent, right?

10/10/2006, 01:53 PM
it ought to be interesting when they run into the **** in Vegas ;)

so her husband is innocent, right?

Yeah, I'm guessing the hubby is innocent. I'm also guessing he's dead some where. Dunno if i shoulda put a spoiler tag on that or not lol.

10/10/2006, 01:55 PM
hmmm... i think the kid knows where he is

but i think her alter ego either framed him, or just killed those d00ds and he got blamed

10/10/2006, 01:57 PM
Ohhhhhhhh that kid, the ****s son.

I was thinking the girl the cop saved, but Norm said 'he's' and it confused the hell outta me.

10/10/2006, 02:00 PM
hmmm... i think the kid knows where he is

but i think her alter ego either framed him, or just killed those d00ds and he got blamed

Think about it dood!! How else would her alter ego know where those other bodies were buried. Remember the hulk (what I've been calling her alt) gave her the map to the place. It's obvious the hulk has been there before.

10/10/2006, 02:19 PM
i'm refusing spoiler tags for specualtion ;)

that's what i'm saying though, she's all Tyler Durden and ****.

10/10/2006, 02:25 PM
Oh, and BTW Penguin, yer a wuss. :D I've seen worse in comic books, man. What I want to know is, now that Claire is "dead" (at least everyone but her dad thinks so), is she going to try to play scary back-from-the-dead and get the people who ****ed her off? Previews seem to indicate so. I bet she takes off for NY afterward.

You're right. Besides, I bet she will be whole again after 30 seconds and she will have grown brand new super boobs. Why was she in a full blown autopsy when it was obvious how she was killed? Kind of strange.

I love the Japanese dude storyline. The mirror-personality woman storyline is growing on me. Flying brothers is getting boring.

10/10/2006, 02:32 PM
maybe once they figure out how to actually fly and figure out some other powers they will be more interesting

the autopsy was probably just for the grossout factor :P

10/10/2006, 02:42 PM
Anyone notice what was on the cover of the paper when the FBI showed it to Hiro?

10/10/2006, 02:48 PM
Anyone notice what was on the cover of the paper when the FBI showed it to Hiro?


10/10/2006, 03:20 PM
I don't think the younger Petrelli brother can fly on his own. I think he's Rogue (absorbs other people's mutant powers). You notice how his only actual flying happens when he's near his brother? When he tries it on his own he can't do it.

10/10/2006, 08:20 PM

Just finished ep. 3. This show is awesome so far.

10/10/2006, 08:33 PM
I don't think the younger Petrelli brother can fly on his own. I think he's Rogue (absorbs other people's mutant powers). You notice how his only actual flying happens when he's near his brother? When he tries it on his own he can't do it.

Kinda what I was thinking. I just hope they don't turn all wonder twins on us.

10/10/2006, 11:20 PM
Kinda what I was thinking. I just hope they don't turn all wonder twins on us.


10/10/2006, 11:35 PM
The scene with Hiro saving the girl was straight up awesome. It was cool seeing his friend finally believe in him...

I'm with Norm on the people that don't like the show.

10/11/2006, 08:20 AM
You're right. Besides, I bet she will be whole again after 30 seconds and she will have grown brand new super boobs. Why was she in a full blown autopsy when it was obvious how she was killed? Kind of strange.

I love the Japanese dude storyline. The mirror-personality woman storyline is growing on me. Flying brothers is getting boring.

Penguin, I must have missed something in the cheerleader attack sequence. How was she killed? and what the heck was he pulling out of her head in the autopsy?

Also, could the black guy in the bar be the stripper's ex? I dunno.

10/11/2006, 09:24 AM
Penguin, I must have missed something in the cheerleader attack sequence. How was she killed? and what the heck was he pulling out of her head in the autopsy?

I'll answer that one for Penguin. :D

In the course of her fighting off the attempted rape, she fell onto a downed tree branch near the edge of the football field, and a large pointy part of it entered her skull behind her ear. The interesting part is, instead of just going "ow" and pulling it out, she went into "mostly dead" state. So I suppose that if something interferes with her nerve pathways (like a sharp object in the base of her skull), then she's immobilized until it's removed. This may indicate a relationship between certain parts of the brain and mutant powers, which I assume is what her dad is trying to find out.

BTW, did anyone see who the person performing the autopsy was? It could have been just the coroner, or it could have been...someone else...

Also, could the black guy in the bar be the stripper's ex? I dunno.

You may be onto something there. That one just flew past me when I saw it. That would fit with the "interconnectedness" thing that the writers have going, if Nikki's ex is Sylar.

10/11/2006, 10:35 AM
The cheerleader sure is fragile for someone who can't be killed. She gets run into by a football player and it snaps her neck. She falls on a tree branch and it impales her neck.

Actually, maybe she just has a wimpy neck.

10/11/2006, 11:02 AM
yeah, she sure is clumsy, or unlucky

i guess that's how she realized her powers in the first place though

10/11/2006, 11:26 AM
I like the stripper storyline. More shows should have strippers in them.

10/11/2006, 11:51 AM
Anyone catch it tonight?

I tell ya, if it wasnt for the Japanese kid (and the comic book thing) and the suicidal cheerleader that cant die, I'd be pretty turned off on the show. The **** with the alter ego might be hot but her story is just... bleh.

Gotta agree with you there. Those two characters are keeping me watching right now. Especially Hiro - he's original, funny and has such honesty that you can't help but like him. I do like how they've revealed the cheerleader's weakness - stick something in her brain and she can't heal.

The show definitely has its flaws. The cheerleader gets fatal injuries too convienently and easily. The Indian guy and his uber-convenient new GF make me groan every second they're on the screen. The pol and his whiny brother don't do much for me either. The show could very quickly go from "hopeful" to "steaming pile of dog crap" if they're not careful.

10/11/2006, 12:13 PM
Note on the pilot episode: The reason it's not available is that the maker of the garbage disposal that Claire stuck her hand in sued NBC because they didn't ask permission to use the trademark (it was an Emerson In-Sink-Erator). They have to edit out the garbage disposal scene from future versions of the episode. They'll probably re-post it once they get that done.

i noticed at the end they mentioned that Nissan and Apple paid for promotional consideration or whatever

it was a bit too obvious, but it wasn't THAT bad

So Emerson is suing because they didn’t have to pay for the product placement like Nissan and Apple? That doesn’t seem to be a very smart move.

10/11/2006, 12:28 PM
So Emerson is suing because they didn’t have to pay for the product placement like Nissan and Apple? That doesn’t seem to be a very smart move.

Essentially, their argument is "if you're gonna give us free product placement, don't show somebody getting their hand mangled by it, it gives people the wrong impression. If there is blood and gore, we want to be paid."

There's also another legal reason, and that's that if you let somebody use your trademark for free, you run the risk of losing your right to it.

10/11/2006, 12:32 PM
The cheerleader sure is fragile for someone who can't be killed. She gets run into by a football player and it snaps her neck. She falls on a tree branch and it impales her neck.

Actually, maybe she just has a wimpy neck.

Were you expecting adamantium claws or something? :D

You are confusing superpowers. What Claire has is not "invincibility" like Superman. She has "rapid cellular regeneration" or "super-healing" like Wolverine. But unlike Wolverine, she doesn't have the super strength to go along with it, so she's as fragile as any other 17 year old girl from the Petroplex. She just gets better really fast.

10/11/2006, 12:53 PM
Here's a real spoiler, but I think most people have figured it out:

A spoiler site I stumbled onto said that "Syler" is pretty much a Jedi without a lightsaber. That would explain his ability to manipulate objects & people and his flying & mental abilities.

10/11/2006, 01:46 PM
I do like how they've revealed the cheerleader's weakness - stick something in her brain and she can't heal.

Gotta disagree to a point. I think she cant do it if the object that killed her isnt removed; no matter where it is at. You cant heal if something is in the way.

Also, Im going to have to download the freaking episode now. Thank to whoever mentioned who was doing the autopsy because I didnt catch it the first time around!!

10/11/2006, 02:17 PM
They only show a gloved hand yanking the stick out of her head. I don't think it's worth dowloading the whole video for that. I just rewatched the scene on my Tivo.

10/11/2006, 02:30 PM
They only show a gloved hand yanking the stick out of her head. I don't think it's worth dowloading the whole video for that. I just rewatched the scene on my Tivo.

Yeah, I wasn't implying that I knew a secret. I really didn't remember if they showed anything more than a hand.

10/11/2006, 02:50 PM
I havent started the download yet, thank god heh. Thanks for the heads up Penguin (and hurraaay TiVo!).

Norm In Norman
10/11/2006, 02:51 PM
Gotta disagree to a point. I think she cant do it if the object that killed her isnt removed; no matter where it is at. You cant heal if something is in the way.
Well, except for the stick that was in her side in the first episode. Remember? She stuffed it back into her side.

10/11/2006, 02:52 PM
The glove was light blue and the little bit of skin showing from his wrist implies that he is white.

10/11/2006, 02:59 PM
Well, except for the stick that was in her side in the first episode. Remember? She stuffed it back into her side.

Dont remember that one :(

10/11/2006, 03:02 PM
Well, except for the stick that was in her side in the first episode. Remember? She stuffed it back into her side.
I think that was a rib.

10/11/2006, 03:03 PM
if by stick, you mean her ribs

10/11/2006, 03:16 PM
Well, except for the stick that was in her side in the first episode. Remember? She stuffed it back into her side.

That was her lower left 2 ribs.

10/11/2006, 03:17 PM
The glove was light blue and the little bit of skin showing from his wrist implies that he is white.

"2 by 2, hands of blue..."

[free egg roll to the first person to spot the reference]

Norm In Norman
10/11/2006, 03:30 PM
Those were her ribs? Boy, I couldn't tell. Now that part makes sense.

10/11/2006, 03:42 PM
I think Syler is the Ex, and if that is the case, the kid is going to be a bad mamajama.

10/11/2006, 03:43 PM
"2 by 2, hands of blue..."

[free egg roll to the first person to spot the reference]


10/11/2006, 03:59 PM

Prize to the small crustacean. With hot mustard dipping sauce.

10/11/2006, 04:04 PM
I think Syler is the Ex, and if that is the case, the kid is going to be a bad mamajama.


10/11/2006, 04:30 PM
I wonder if people will be offended if the only black male on the show is a bad guy.

10/11/2006, 04:39 PM
I wonder if people will be offended if the only black male on the show is a bad guy.

But they have a black female good guy, so it's all good. ;)

10/11/2006, 04:42 PM
So Norm. Do you really like this show? Because I'm kinda digging it and if you like it, it's going to get cancelled.

10/11/2006, 04:55 PM
the kid is half black ;)

i think DL is probably a good guy too though

10/15/2006, 08:22 PM
This show is awesome. It rocks harder than a troll that collects rocks.

10/15/2006, 09:53 PM
i keep forgetting to watch that show

too bad NBC doesn't show the whole episodes on the web like CBS & ABC do :(

10/15/2006, 10:20 PM
They did the first couple of weeks. I guess you just suck really bad... ;)

10/15/2006, 10:26 PM
NBC just does 2 minute recaps.

10/16/2006, 03:16 AM
there's a video player you can download, (if you're in the US, those filthy **** **** *****)

10/16/2006, 07:40 PM
Tune in, folks!

20 minutes....

10/16/2006, 07:44 PM
is it a repeat tonight? The description mentions "a tragedy at a bonfire puts claires healing abilities to the ultimate test"

10/16/2006, 08:09 PM

10/16/2006, 09:00 PM
Ho Lee Crap

10/16/2006, 09:17 PM
This past episode had a very shocking ending. Man, that was disgusting. I hope they don't show stuff like that anymore.

i hope you didn't watch tonight :D

10/16/2006, 10:08 PM
So the folks with the tatoo / mark are linked? and the cheerleader's adopted dad is the main mobster guy?

Norm In Norman
10/16/2006, 10:14 PM
Ok, who else had the tatoo?

I think the quarterback was a pawn.

10/17/2006, 12:01 AM
Future badass Hiro blows.

I think that was the last time I tune.

10/17/2006, 12:11 AM
Really? I thought it was one of the better show concepts I've seen in a while. I am totally digging this show.

10/17/2006, 12:19 AM
Future badass Hiro blows.

I think that was the last time I tune.

You, sir, are crazy. He had a ninja sword! That alone gives him enough cool points to conquer all.

10/17/2006, 12:22 AM
Though it was kind of funny when that dude punched Hiro out in the alley. I bet that is what spurs him to learn how to do defend himself better.

10/17/2006, 12:33 AM
and learn English :D

10/17/2006, 05:49 AM
Future Ninja Hiro was awesome

10/17/2006, 06:21 AM
I totally missed the tattoo thing. What are you people talking about?

10/17/2006, 07:05 AM
I totally missed the tattoo thing. What are you people talking about?

its on her right shoulder blade ( I think)

That symbol was also on one of Claires books

And wasn't it on the pendant of the mind erasing guy?

10/17/2006, 07:15 AM

10/17/2006, 07:16 AM

10/17/2006, 07:29 AM
Ok, who else had the tatoo?

I think the quarterback was a pawn.

Not a tatoo but in last weekes episode the black dude was wearing the symbol around his neck.

10/17/2006, 07:31 AM
and learn English :D

I think you mean "rearn engrish".


10/17/2006, 07:34 AM
so the symbol is important, and the cheerleader is the hub of everything.....

Does she ever wear anything besides that cheerleading outfit? She must have like, 30 of those outfits...one has been burned up, at least 3 have had bg gaping holes and blood on them, then the most recent one has gone through the car crash. I'm thinking it's the outfit that makes her invincible. ;)

So, do they need to save her from her dad? Is that the reason she's the important part?

I'll keep watching. Plus next week we are supposed to be getting more story on Ali, and find out what her character is really about, besides being slutty.

Norm In Norman
10/17/2006, 08:14 AM
Messing around in time is tricky business. I hope that doesn't screw things up.

10/17/2006, 08:18 AM

I'm thinking it's the outfit that makes her invincible.

Man, I hope not. We've already done that series.


10/17/2006, 08:21 AM
Messing around in time is tricky business. I hope that doesn't screw things up.

Like you would know, Dr. Who.

10/17/2006, 09:27 AM
I will most definitely keep watching this show.

Hiro and his buddy rakin' in the dough was great.

So you guys that think the QB was a pawn . . . what are you thinking exactly.

That he was setup by the cheerleader's dad or something?

Norm In Norman
10/17/2006, 09:32 AM
Who, me? Yeah, I kinda thought that was a possibility. He might have similar abilities or something. I'm almost thinking that he is finding the mutants so they can replicate their powers.

I'm still wondering what his power is.

10/17/2006, 09:33 AM
I don't think the QB was involved, just a horny teenager.

Norm In Norman
10/17/2006, 09:39 AM
Yeah, but the dad sure was interested in him last episode. A normal dad would be, but he's not normal.

10/17/2006, 09:43 AM
My question is why would a mobster or bookie from Vegas care about setting up a politician from back east?

Is the mobster dude really working for the dude with the glasses?

10/17/2006, 09:43 AM
OOOH look! Future ninja Hiro has a soul patch! That way you know he's from the future!

10/17/2006, 09:50 AM
when did the younger Petrelli see the future? was it in a dream?

10/17/2006, 09:59 AM
Who, me? Yeah, I kinda thought that was a possibility. He might have similar abilities or something. I'm almost thinking that he is finding the mutants so they can replicate their powers.

I'm still wondering what his power is.

Seems like he's known about them for some time, and he knows where they all are. He made the comment on the cop "looks like he farther along than we thought" or something like that.

It's like they knew it was coming, or he started it...or created them...or something

10/17/2006, 11:03 AM
Crap! PG didn't DVR this one.

10/17/2006, 11:09 AM
Messing around in time is tricky business. I hope that doesn't screw things up.

I think it already has. in episode 2, Hiro was in the apartment when the explosion occured, but now he is all transformed ninja like. plus all those messages have been left on the artist answering machine in japaneese which gave the police a prime suspect. does he avoid NYC now?

10/17/2006, 11:15 AM
Crap! PG didn't DVR this one.
You watch it on nbc.com

10/17/2006, 11:27 AM
Who, me? Yeah, I kinda thought that was a possibility. He might have similar abilities or something. I'm almost thinking that he is finding the mutants so they can replicate their powers.

I'm still wondering what his power is.

Which is why the cheerleader is so important...she definitely has the most useful power, if the bad guy gets that he'll be virtually invincible.

I liked the Peter Parker/Spiderman allegory...that was hilarious.

Future ninja Hiro is a logical progression. He's not going to be a timid nerd forever.

The show is OK. Great concept, not always good in execution. I'll tune in until the things that annoy me outnumber the things that intrigue me (like Desperate Housewives).

10/17/2006, 11:27 AM
when did the younger Petrelli see the future? was it in a dream?

Him and the Indian dude were on the subway going to see the heroin addict pre-cog dude.

10/17/2006, 11:34 AM
I could hear Hiro walking on the roof of the train, he is no Ninja! ;)

10/17/2006, 01:57 PM
He just plays one on TV.

10/17/2006, 02:26 PM
Him and the Indian dude were on the subway going to see the heroin addict pre-cog dude.

After he jumped off the building and his brother flew and caught him, he was in the hospital and drew the future on that sheet of paper that showed him walking on air in front of his brother. This was all after he had met the heroin addict artist guy.

10/17/2006, 03:09 PM
I still likes it... and good point about hearing him walk on the roof. A real ninja would cut your head off before you heard the sword cutting the air.

You guys are pretty observant about the symbol. I hadn't picked up on that at all.

It looks like we know the blonde chicks power. She has a split personality that knows how to fight and whore around. I'm not sure how useful that will be... Apparently her son has some prescient gifts as well.

10/17/2006, 04:13 PM
When the train stopped and the dude was hearing sounds on the roof, I turn to my wife and say, "I bet it's Syler" Survey says...."Annnnehhhh".

Frozen Sooner
10/17/2006, 09:46 PM
I'm digging the show so far.

I was suspecting Petrelli Jr had the power to dupe other powers as soon as he said that he might need to be other powered people to do anything-when time stopped on the subway, I was thinking that Hiro was probably on the train and Petrelli stopped time. In fact, that may be what's happening, and Hiro is about to tell him how to unfreeze things.

The symbol is def. interesting-they went out of their way to show it on Ali Larter's back. Not that they need an excuse to show me Ali Larter's back.

10/18/2006, 12:23 AM
Im into this show more for the chicks than the storyline. :)

10/18/2006, 12:31 AM
The symbol is def. interesting-they went out of their way to show it on Ali Larter's back. Not that they need an excuse to show me Ali Larter's back.

It's been recurring for awhile now.

It also was in the code that flew by when the Doctor's son was looking through the computer.

10/23/2006, 08:07 PM
Looks like a good one tonight.

10/23/2006, 08:33 PM
It's definitely an interesting show. I just wish I could get a season pass for it on iTunes since NBC won't let me watch it from Korea.

10/23/2006, 10:59 PM
So...the one guy doesn't fly, he just mimics the power of whoever he's near?

Norm In Norman
10/23/2006, 11:15 PM
Well, who was he mimicing when he drew the future in the hospital bed?

Norm In Norman
10/23/2006, 11:16 PM
Oh, and I guess I was wrong about the QB being a pawn. And I guess DL is the mind dude.

I love this show.

Frozen Sooner
10/23/2006, 11:17 PM
Well, who was he mimicing when he drew the future in the hospital bed?

The guy who draws the future?

Norm In Norman
10/23/2006, 11:21 PM
The future guy was in the hospital then? I missed that.

Frozen Sooner
10/23/2006, 11:22 PM
Didn't his girlfriend bring him in because he was all strung out?

Norm In Norman
10/23/2006, 11:29 PM
Yeah, but they never showed it that I can remember. I just watched that drawing scene and it never really showed anyone definitive in the background. Although I might have missed it.

I had never noticed that he drew the symbol in that picture though. I also saw that symbol in the pool of the little girl's house. The cop is looking at it.

Frozen Sooner
10/23/2006, 11:52 PM
Well, the show kinda IS big on having the other characters kind of show up near whoever the focus of the story is randomly.

Frozen Sooner
10/24/2006, 12:17 AM
OK, I'm watching this week's episode right now. Here's my new theory on the younger Petrelli:

He takes the powers of everyone he encounters, but the further he gets from them the less powerful he gets. That's why he could draw stick-figures of the future in the hospital, but when he was in the artist's apartment he could paint just as well as the artist.

Frozen Sooner
10/24/2006, 12:55 AM
Here's all the places the symbol has appeared so far:

In the swimming pool at a double homicide crime scene in which Matt Parkman was involved.
As a recurring shape shown scrolling across a laptop screen in a genetic profiling program created by Chandra Suresh.
On a drawing done by Peter Petrelli.
Frequently painted by Isaac Mendez.
On a post-it note on the map in Mohinder Suresh's apartment.
Written on a geometry textbook owned by Claire Bennet.
Written on pictures in Sylar's apartment.
As a tattoo on the shoulder of Niki Sanders' alternate personality.
Engraved on the hilt of Future Hiro's katana.
Printed on the front of Chandra Suresh's book.
Printed on the upper left corner of the 14th issue of '9th Wonders comic book, written by Isaac Mendez (The 13th issue that Micah was reading did not have the symbol).
A necklace around Mr. Bennet's special assistant's neck

Has it already been pointed out that the symbol looks like half of a double-helix DNA strand, or RNA?

10/24/2006, 01:02 AM
Here's all the places the symbol has appeared so far:

In the swimming pool at a double homicide crime scene in which Matt Parkman was involved.
As a recurring shape shown scrolling across a laptop screen in a genetic profiling program created by Chandra Suresh.
On a drawing done by Peter Petrelli.
Frequently painted by Isaac Mendez.
On a post-it note on the map in Mohinder Suresh's apartment.
Written on a geometry textbook owned by Claire Bennet.
Written on pictures in Sylar's apartment.
As a tattoo on the shoulder of Niki Sanders' alternate personality.
Engraved on the hilt of Future Hiro's katana.
Printed on the front of Chandra Suresh's book.
Printed on the upper left corner of the 14th issue of '9th Wonders comic book, written by Isaac Mendez (The 13th issue that Micah was reading did not have the symbol).
A necklace around Mr. Bennet's special assistant's neck

Has it already been pointed out that the symbol looks like half of a double-helix DNA strand, or RNA?

Wow. You are a Heroes nerd. :D

I never noticed the symbol until I read about it in this thread.

This thread on SoonerFans is light years ahead of the threads on the so-called "Heroes spoilers" threads on the innerweb.

Frozen Sooner
10/24/2006, 01:04 AM
Heh. I can't take credit for that list. I pulled it off another message board.

Though if it helps, it's the message board for the guy who's Marvel Comics' top writer. So I'm still a nerd.

10/24/2006, 01:09 AM
The symbol is obviously important.

If it's been caught a dozen times, then that means there are another half dozen times that nobody noticed.

Frozen Sooner
10/24/2006, 01:12 AM
You may be right, but the guys on that board are true otaku. They're pretty obsessive.

But yeah, the symbol means something. Like I said, I think it's half a DNA strand.

10/24/2006, 07:17 AM
I dig that the younger Petrelli just sponges off the other special people, but that DOES mean that when they go to help the cheerleader, he'll also be indestructable. Which could be really cool.

If he was in a confined area with all of them, woudl he have all of their powers? Even DL's? That would be hella sweet.

10/24/2006, 07:32 AM
Maybe he can tap into all of their powers after he has been in contact with them or something . . .

10/24/2006, 10:08 AM
This thread would be hilarious if you've never seen the show before. Ninjas? Cheerleaders? People whose superpower is painting? Heh.

10/24/2006, 12:35 PM
Another great episode last night.

Hiro is quickly becoming one of my favorite tv characters ever.

Nathan Patrellis scenes were great. The flying is MUCH more powerful than I thought. cool.

10/24/2006, 01:37 PM
Maybe he can tap into all of their powers after he has been in contact with them or something . . .

Well...he wasn't able to fly when he wasn't around his brother. I think the proximity thing is more likely, or possibly he could only do stick figures because the pencil/paper wasn't the artist's chosen format.

Pride Baritone
10/24/2006, 01:43 PM
Just to clarify, DL is not the mind-screwjob guy with the necklace. The picture they showed was of a different guy, although they looked kind of similar. Plus, if you watched the scenes from the next episode you see DL reaching through a wall. Given that the cops said they had DL in custody and he "pulled a Houdini" it's safe to assume that his ability is walking through walls. Quite handy for a career criminal.

10/24/2006, 01:57 PM
Hiro is quickly becoming one of my favorite tv characters ever.

Waffle-o! woohoo!

10/24/2006, 02:27 PM
up, up, and away!

Norm In Norman
10/24/2006, 02:43 PM
OK, I guess I believe the sponge theory on the younger brother. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time remembering details with this show. He seems to think that's his power too - he says that he drew the future after he had met the artist. Maybe he could only draw a stick figure since he had been away from the artist for so long and it wore off? Because as far as I can remember, he met the artist, did some stuff, jumped off the building, flew, went in the hospital, then drew the future. Then, I guess he was the only one not affected by Hiro's time stoppage because he had absorbed Hiro's powers and was stopping time too. He's going to be important when they have to fight the brain guy I'm sure. You guys probably had all that figured out before though. I'm wondering how he knew when his brother was hurt (remember, he told that story when he was in the hospital). Maybe he had absorbed someone's powers?

I'm wondering if they all know about that symbol because at one point something happened to them and brain guy "cleaned them out". Are we sure the brain guy is Sylar? And are we sure DL isn't the brain guy? I'm gonna rewatch that episode here after a while. I thought DL and the brain guy both had soul patches. Maybe there are 3 guys - brain guy, bullet proof guy (sylar) (which we never saw really), and DL (who walks through walls?).

Also, I don't know why I didn't make the connection until today that the older brother had went to vegas to get money for his campaign from the mob (or whatever) and Nikki had been hired so the mob (or whatever) could blackmail the brother if he didn't push their political agenda like agreed. What I don't understand is why we haven't met the wife yet? They've mentioned her several times now. It must be some sort of surprise or something. I think the brother is going to end up being a bad guy, although that might be too easy.

10/24/2006, 02:46 PM
I think the brother might end up being the only one who can defeat Sylar...a chicken and egg thing, Sylar seems to suppress superpowers and Peter absorbs them?

10/24/2006, 03:00 PM
would everyone else agree that this show is built for this one storyline (saving the city from the bomb)?

if so, please don't ruin it like ABC did with lost by extending it beyond what they originally planned...

A new challenge will be ok though.

10/24/2006, 03:27 PM
would everyone else agree that this show is built for this one storyline (saving the city from the bomb)?

if so, please don't ruin it like ABC did with lost by extending it beyond what they originally planned...

A new challenge will be ok though.

No. I think the bomb is going to happen to quickly to be the single storyline. I wouldn't be shocked if the main bad guys we know right now have nothing to do with it.

I think the bomb brings them together, but a deeper mystery will reveal itself afterwards.

10/24/2006, 03:49 PM
The story is going slower than I'd like, but it's obvious why since ther eare so many storylines to follow. That's what is nice about 24. For the most part, it's all about Jack so you can get things moving at a faster pace.

I think Syler may be the boys dad (blondies ex). She has stated that he's a murderer, and we know he can move through objects. It makes just as much sense that objects can move through him (bullets). The one thing that makes me doubt it is the mindreader cop blacked out when he was down in the basement with him.

The flying Petrelli was AWESOME. I'm hooked now. One thing I've noticed; we all need to start getting the characters names (expecially me). The only ones I know are Hiro, Syler, Petrelli's (no first names), Isaac, and cheerleader.

Norm In Norman
10/24/2006, 05:08 PM
The big images are DL. The one on the left is the mug shot and the one on the right is him right after he appeared out of thin air (I raised the brightness and contrast a lot). The two little ones are the brain guy - one in the hospital and one sitting in the diner. I agree they are different people. It was hard to tell the first time I saw DL.

And here is Sylar:
I dunno why I thought there weren't any discernable characteristics about him, but I guess Sylar is a white guy. He's not the dad (I think).

10/24/2006, 06:45 PM
He might be the Dad, considering we haven't seen the Dad do anything. Good shot of him there. On the tube, I couldn't see anything but that seems to be a white guy.

Then again, he may just be Syler and we haven't seen him any other time than here.

Either way, I'll be watching this show for a while.

10/24/2006, 06:59 PM
some names...

webcam hottie: Nikki
sponge boy: Peter
flying guy: Nathan
cheerleader: Claire

i think the kid is too smart to not know if his dad is a bad guy, he may be a small-time crook, but i don't think he's evil

10/24/2006, 08:35 PM
i think the kid is too smart to not know if his dad is a bad guy, he may be a small-time crook, but i don't think he's evil
Walt on Lost was really smart and had magical powers too, but he didn't seem to realize his dad was a ******.

10/24/2006, 10:18 PM
i'm thinking he had a hunch

Frozen Sooner
10/24/2006, 11:21 PM
DL is not a bad guy. He was framed by Nikki's bad half.

Watch. That's the way it'll turn out.

Frozen Sooner
10/24/2006, 11:23 PM

I also don't think Claire's father is actually evil. He's had several opportunities to kill people-including drawing down on a fleeing Nathan with a clear shot-that he didn't take.

10/24/2006, 11:26 PM
DL is not a bad guy. He was framed by Nikki's bad half.

Watch. That's the way it'll turn out.

i'm pretty sure someone has already said that ;)

and i think they have actually called Claire's "father" evil in one of the recaps or something

i think he needs these guys alive for whatever reason

Frozen Sooner
10/24/2006, 11:28 PM
i'm pretty sure someone has already said that ;)

and i think they have actually called Claire's "father" evil in one of the recaps or something

i think he needs these guys alive for whatever reason

You didn't call that Nikki framed him, beyonce.

And SOMEONE's getting a boot to the head for spoiling Lost for me in this thread. :mad:

10/24/2006, 11:35 PM
You didn't call that Nikki framed him, beyonce.

And SOMEONE's getting a boot to the head for spoiling Lost for me in this thread. :mad:



and, heh

i was wondering if anyone would see the Lost thing who was avoiding spoilers :D

Frozen Sooner
10/24/2006, 11:37 PM
Oh. So you're reading the online comic as well?

Hey, sweet. 2.0 spell checks.

10/24/2006, 11:53 PM
no, is that pretty cool?

10/24/2006, 11:55 PM
Oh. So you're reading the online comic as well?

Hey, sweet. 2.0 spell checks.
But the grammar Czechs are the suck.

Frozen Sooner
10/25/2006, 12:01 AM
no, is that pretty cool?

Yeah, it is. In the most recent one they revealed that DL was framed.