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12/5/2006, 03:29 PM
Sylar killed Charlie, whom we now know had a brain aneurism (sp). A question for y'all...do you think it's possible that Sylar ended up with this condition when he stole her power - and that it might come into play somewhere down the line?

Frozen Sooner
12/5/2006, 03:32 PM
Sylar killed Charlie, whom we now know had a brain aneurism (sp). A question for y'all...do you think it's possible that Sylar ended up with this condition when he stole her power - and that it might come into play somewhere down the line?

I like that theory. Sylar's big deal is changing his brain to be like the brains of the people he kills so that their powers work-maybe when he changed his brain he brought the anyeurism over as well. There has to be a reason for an otherwise-throwaway character to have been introduced like that.

12/5/2006, 03:37 PM
He's still going to go after Claire. He knows that her powers is the key to heal the anyeurism.

12/5/2006, 03:44 PM
I honestly think Sylar will go out before Claire does. I hope so, anyhow.

So, Haitian guy tells Claire it's imperative that she remembers who and what she is. Is it possible that he too knows things about the future, or had been with Hiro there or been warned by him? I don't get the feeling that he's the kind who would betray his mission without a good reason.

12/5/2006, 04:15 PM
I like that theory. Sylar's big deal is changing his brain to be like the brains of the people he kills so that their powers work-maybe when he changed his brain he brought the anyeurism over as well. There has to be a reason for an otherwise-throwaway character to have been introduced like that.

I think her character could have been introduced to show that Hiro can't just go back in time and prevent people from being killed. In other words, he can't just go back and change anything.

Frozen Sooner
12/5/2006, 04:58 PM
That's pretty sloppy writing, though, to introduce a character only for that reason. There's much cleaner ways for Hiro to discover that limitation.

12/5/2006, 05:00 PM
did I mention that this show is frickin' awesome?

So why is Peter sick? Can he not be permanently healed from Claire? And when did the dreams start?

12/5/2006, 05:05 PM
He also said something like you've finally found a guy who you can't use them on to Eden at one point in last week's episode.

12/5/2006, 05:17 PM
Sylar killed Charlie, whom we now know had a brain aneurism (sp). A question for y'all...do you think it's possible that Sylar ended up with this condition when he stole her power - and that it might come into play somewhere down the line?
Zing! I think that's going to definitely play a part in it. They wouldn't have mentioned that if it wasn't going to be used...

12/8/2006, 04:32 PM
Great episode. TBL has some pretty good insights.

But how about all the running during Peter's dream sequence. Run, Claire! Run!

1/22/2007, 10:21 PM
I chose 24 over Heroes tonight, but hopefully they'll have it up on the web tomorrow. I got a new DVR for the downstairs but I have to get on top of my roof to hook it up to the satellite and I wasn't about to brave that tonight.

Norm In Norman
1/22/2007, 11:01 PM
Um, tonight's heroes was AWESOME. Not the best ever, but it was good. I don't' know why, because there was less action.

1/23/2007, 01:30 AM
I watched the last episode earlier today

in a couple days I can get the one they aired tonight from iTunes

1/23/2007, 10:14 AM
You can get it free from NBC right now.

I thought it was pretty stinking good. Now we see how Peter gets the nuclear capabilities. I thought the scene of nukeman Ted in the desert was pretty cool. I look forward to seeing more of him. I wonder how much fiber he has to eat to sustain that?

I also thought it was cool that Nathan seems to be embracing his hero-dom more.

For once I was actually interested in Nikki's plotline. The scene where she as Nikki took the club and snapped it like a twig shows promise that she'll be able to harness her physical powers and instead of being a psycho, be like a she-hulk (but instead of turning green & huge she just stays blonde & hot).

Hot Rod
1/23/2007, 10:23 AM
I don't know if this has been mentioned or not, but there will be another season next year.

It was nice to see Heroes last night.

1/23/2007, 10:33 AM
They ain't canceling Heroes, no way. Now if only they'd move it an hour later and leave Jack Bauer alone. Even in this day and age with DVR's, DVD's, and web capabilities where we can watch both shows faithfully, the Nielsen boxes still only register one show and I'll bet 24 will always get more viewers than Heroes.

1/23/2007, 10:48 AM
Little revision...

Peter Petrelli: Duplicates powers of other heroes in close proximity to him. So far only seems to use the powers while heroes are close to him, but may be able to keep them once he learns how. Also has dreams that are prescient.
Nathan Petrelli: Flies. Running for congress and has political ties to Linderman.
Linderman: Unknown mobster-type bad guy. Is involved with some of the heroes through shady illegal deals involving money.
Claire Bennett: Regenerates and can come back from the dead (provided there is no physical object causing the death), "The Cheerleader."
Mr. Bennett/HRG (Horned Rim Glasses): May be able to resist powers, may not be able to. May be a good guy, may not be. Father of Claire. Works for somebody that gives him orders on the phone.
Hiro Nakamura: Manipulates space/time continuum (freeze time, travel through time, etc). Looks constipated when performing his power.
Charlie: Eidetic memory. Hiro's crush. Now dead, killed by Syler.
DL: Can turn immaterial and pass through physical objects (or they pass through him). Nikki's husband & Micahs father.
Nikki: Has angry, superstrong alternate personality named "Jessica."
Micah: Son of DL & Nikki. Has the ability to fix things. Whether it works on people is yet to be discovered.
Mohinder Suresh: Ability to suck the life out of an interesting show, but might actually have powers. Should be relegated to voiceovers at the beginning and end of episodes. (Also the son of the Doctor that discovered the heroes).
Mohindad: Discovered the hero's and was wacked. Father of Mohinder, and much more interesting than his son.
Syler: Bad guy that acquires powers from other hero's by killing them and doing something mysterious with their brains.
Haitian: Has ability to wipe peoples memories and possibly prevent any mental powers from being performed on him or those he chooses to protect (in most cases HRG). He's the Tonto to HRG's Lone Ranger. Working in secret with Claire.
Eden McCain (formerly known as "persuasive chick"): Well... she's pretty persuasive. Voice gets husky when she's really putting on the charm. Killed herself before Syler could get her powers in the fall finale.
Isaac Mendez: Able to paint the future, but originally had to be high on opiates. Now he has the ability without being high.
Matt Parkman: Mind reading dyslexic cop.
Simone: Able to seduce white superhero's.
Ted Sprague: When he gets emotional, he emits high levels of radiation without being harmed himself. Currently in the desert learning how to control his powers.
Invisible guy: He's invisible and steals peoples stuff. So far nobody can see him but Peter.

1/23/2007, 11:44 AM
That's pretty sloppy writing, though, to introduce a character only for that reason. There's much cleaner ways for Hiro to discover that limitation.

Last night, they also used it to explain why Hiro's english improved as much as it did over the span of an episode or two.

Micah: Son of DL & Nikki. Has the ability to fix things. Whether it works on people is yet to be discovered.

It appears to me as if it's more than just fixing things; if you'll recall last season when he called Nikki to tell her where he and DL were, I don't believe he had a quarter for the pay phone -- I believe he used his power to make it make the call.

1/23/2007, 01:16 PM
They ain't canceling Heroes, no way. Now if only they'd move it an hour later and leave Jack Bauer alone. Even in this day and age with DVR's, DVD's, and web capabilities where we can watch both shows faithfully, the Nielsen boxes still only register one show and I'll bet 24 will always get more viewers than Heroes.

with this age of the DVR they should replay shows at like 3am for overlap purposes

1/23/2007, 01:22 PM
with this age of the DVR they should replay shows at like 3am for overlap purposes

This is exactly why I wish that freakin' satellite law that limits the feeds you can receive didin't exist.

That way if you wanted, you could pay for the east/west coast feeds of any of the major networks. That's the one thing I miss here. The freakin' OKC stations will not grant a waiver for that.

I can only pray that my request to receive the HD networks goes through. I'm right on the edge of being able to receive a quality HD signal up here so I hope they have mercy on me. :D

Anyway, Monday nights are going to rawk . . . Prison Break/Deal or No Deal, then Heroes/24 and the occasional CSI: Miami. Thankfully I can watch them online or download the torrents. :D

1/23/2007, 03:01 PM
For once I was actually interested in Nikki's plotline. The scene where she as Nikki took the club and snapped it like a twig shows promise that she'll be able to harness her physical powers and instead of being a psycho, be like a she-hulk (but instead of turning green & huge she just stays blonde & hot).

The Incredible ****.

Frozen Sooner
1/24/2007, 11:48 PM
Haven't watched last night's episode yet. However, apparently Mr. Bennett handed Mohinder a card with the web address www.primatechpaper.com on it.

This website is live and they are accepting applications for employment. Invite code is MT36. Knock yourselves out.

1/25/2007, 12:08 AM
Haven't watched last night's episode yet. However, apparently Mr. Bennett handed Mohinder a card with the web address www.primatechpaper.com on it.

This website is live and they are accepting applications for employment. Invite code is MT36. Knock yourselves out.
General Electric Company
Internet Registrations
3135 Easton Turnpike
Fairfield, CT 06828-0001
[email protected]

Registrar of Record: Corporate Domains, Inc.

Administrative Contact:
General Electric Company
Internet Registrations
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Fairfield, CT 06828-0001
[email protected]
Technical Contact, Billing Contact:
General Electric Company
Internet Registrations
3135 Easton Turnpike
Fairfield, CT 06828-0001
[email protected]

Domain servers in listed order:


Created on..............:
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Record last updated on..: 10-Jan-07

Frozen Sooner
1/25/2007, 12:11 AM
Well, that makes sense. GE is NBC's parent company.

1/25/2007, 12:36 AM
Well, that makes sense. GE is NBC's parent company.
thats what I meant...the job application is probably just to get on an email list, which GE can then turn around and sell to spammers.

1/25/2007, 08:46 AM
Not just that, but if you actually filled out the online application you might as well have signed your life over.

1/25/2007, 10:21 AM
I just applied for a job. I said my super-power was "gravy consumption"...

1/25/2007, 11:03 AM
that's an odd job for a paper factory.

1/25/2007, 11:49 AM
I just applied for a job. I said my super-power was "gravy consumption"...
The first time I read that, I read "gravity", and thought " WTF is gravity consumption". Which made me think of a human black hole. I think that would be a cool super-power.

1/25/2007, 11:57 AM
Sorry dude, my Ex-Wife already has human black hole taken, it's not as cool as it sounds.

pick another power

1/25/2007, 12:18 PM
I'm a real-time psychic. I see events as they are happening.

1/25/2007, 12:29 PM
The first time I read that, I read "gravity", and thought " WTF is gravity consumption". Which made me think of a human black hole. I think that would be a cool super-power.

It also wouldn't be nearly as funny.

Or, maybe it would...

1/25/2007, 12:31 PM
Enough gravy consumption will increase your gravity consumption.

1/25/2007, 12:52 PM
Enough gravy consumption will increase your gravity consumption.

True enough. It would suck if I couldn't afford to pay my gravity bill.

1/25/2007, 02:05 PM
That would be grave indeed.

1/25/2007, 03:20 PM
My super power is to hit an amazingly accurate golf ball with a 6 iron. Top that!

1/25/2007, 03:23 PM
My super power is Supreme Patience. I'm letting you ninnies post crap about crappy TV shows without nuking the whole pathetic lot of you.

1/25/2007, 03:29 PM
I admit we're posting crap, and I also admit to being somewhat pathetic, but Heroes is an awesome TV show.

1/25/2007, 03:37 PM
I love the show. In fact, I just got an autographed 8x10 photo from Hayden Panettiere!!!

Top that, morons!

1/25/2007, 03:39 PM
I love the show. In fact, I just got an autographered 8x10 photo from Hayden Panettiere!!!

Top that, morons!

Easy. I've never seen the show. In fact, I just ripped an interesting smelling fart in my office!!

1/25/2007, 03:44 PM
Damn it! You would quote me before I had a chance to fix my typo! :mad:

1/26/2007, 08:32 AM
My super power is to hit an amazingly accurate golf ball with a 6 iron. Top that!
*ahem* (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73797)

1/28/2007, 02:33 AM
Thank you for your interest in Primatech Paper and taking the time to complete our employee application.

Unfortunately, after reviewing your submission, we don't have any openings that match your skill-set at this time. You are always welcome to re-apply at a later date.

You've received this update because you subscribed to it while visiting www.PrimatechPaper.com (http://www.primatechpaper.com/).
To unsubscribe, click on the following link: unsubscribe me (http://www.primatechpaper.com/unsubscribe.shtml)
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You may also unsubscribe by mail. Send your request including your name and e-mail address to:
Primatech Paper "Unsubscribe", 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 1360 2nd Floor, Universal City, CA 91608

1/28/2007, 05:23 AM
i noticed a thing pop up in the corner of the screen when rewatched it that listed a number to text "apply" to while they were at the paper company

what is it with NBC and paper companies? :D

1/28/2007, 06:44 AM
You can get it free from NBC right now.

I tried that route, it only works for ip's in the US

1/28/2007, 11:01 AM
Man that BLOWS!!!! Do you have anybody with a windows pc you can log into via remote desktop?

1/28/2007, 05:21 PM
I tried that route, it only works for ip's in the US

Azureus + http://thesprawl.se/?main=main = great downloads in Korea.

1/28/2007, 07:37 PM
I tried that route, it only works for ip's in the US

if you really wanted, you can probably run your IP through a proxy. That's what I do when I am blacked out of MLB broadcasts.

Go here and try a few proxies until one works:

In http proxy enter: port: 80

Check use the same proxy for all protocols, and you've got it. Don't forget to change it back after you are finished though.

1/29/2007, 08:19 AM
Thank you for your interest in Primatech Paper and taking the time to complete our employee application.

Unfortunately, after reviewing your submission, we don't have any openings that match your skill-set at this time. You are always welcome to re-apply at a later date.

You've received this update because you subscribed to it while visiting www.PrimatechPaper.com (http://www.primatechpaper.com/).
To unsubscribe, click on the following link: unsubscribe me (http://www.primatechpaper.com/unsubscribe.shtml)
***Please allow 3 to 5 business days for your unsubscribe request to take effect.***
You may also unsubscribe by mail. Send your request including your name and e-mail address to:
Primatech Paper "Unsubscribe", 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 1360 2nd Floor, Universal City, CA 91608

Thank you for your interest in Primatech Paper and taking the time to complete our employee application.

We are always interested in unique individuals with special abilities to help us provide the best service to our many clients.

Please retain this email for your records. A Primatech Paper representative will be contacting you in a few weeks with the next steps.

1/29/2007, 09:45 AM
I tried that route, it only works for ip's in the US

dear heroes deprived soul,


your buddy,


1/29/2007, 09:51 AM
I didn't think that would be up on peekvid yet. Nice!

1/29/2007, 11:35 PM
Looks like I'm gonna have to revise the list...

1/30/2007, 08:24 AM
Want to try to get into his files too? Go to primatechpaper.com, find the helix hidden in the logo on the�'About us' page.

Enter�the username�bennet and�password claire.�The password to get into my file is HGghx11a. Get 2 know me.

1/30/2007, 11:08 PM
actually, i'm not Heroes deprived, i'm just a couple days delayed. Downloaded it last night and watched it this morning (at work beyounces)

Actually, I saw one of the channels is going to have heroes, unfortunately I can't seem to get that channel at my apartment though, I only see it at the gym

1/30/2007, 11:14 PM
oh, and this weeks episode had some pretty interesting twists in it

2/6/2007, 04:32 PM
So how did they get the charges dropped against Nikki? Was it Linderman? I missed that part...

2/6/2007, 04:34 PM
So how did they get the charges dropped against Nikki? Was it Linderman? I missed that part...

2/6/2007, 04:34 PM
yeah, Linderman's stooge came in and said she was free to go

not sure how that happens after she ****ed up the psychologist chick though

2/6/2007, 05:00 PM
How long till Claire turns 18? I mean come on. :mad:

2/6/2007, 07:56 PM
even a few more twists and turns in today episode

2/20/2007, 01:32 PM
I can't believe I'm the first one to comment on last night's episode. Like the new hero(ine) Wireless Girl. Too bad that SuperHearing Lady got the axe, but she was not that interesting.

Hiro N. gets some of his power back, Peter flies, Simone dies, and a confrontation at HRG's house! Wow.

2/20/2007, 02:19 PM
Looks like a nice showdown looming between Sylar and Peter. I'm not sure how they could ever let Peter live beyond this season, though...he's getting WAAAY too powerful.

2/20/2007, 02:32 PM
I was thinking the same thing about Peter. Although it would be fun to see the Sylar/Peter battle. Sylar isn't invincible yet so I'd probably give the edge to Peter at this point. Peter has it easy because he just has to hang around someone to get their power. Sylar has to kill them and eat their brains or whatever it is he does.

2/20/2007, 03:31 PM
Peter will literally become Superman.

Nice little cameo by Stan Lee last night. Apparently the X-Men comparison is coming full circle.

2/20/2007, 03:34 PM
I was thinking the same thing about Peter. Although it would be fun to see the Sylar/Peter battle. Sylar isn't invincible yet so I'd probably give the edge to Peter at this point. Peter has it easy because he just has to hang around someone to get their power. Sylar has to kill them and eat their brains or whatever it is he does.

Actually, Peter will gain all of Sylar's powers when he's around him. He automatically becomes more powerful just by fighting. I suspect he's going to start losing the new control he has once he absorbs a few powers too many...thus, the eventual explosion when he absorbs nuclear guy.

2/20/2007, 03:37 PM
I was thinking the same thing about Peter. Although it would be fun to see the Sylar/Peter battle. Sylar isn't invincible yet so I'd probably give the edge to Peter at this point. Peter has it easy because he just has to hang around someone to get their power. Sylar has to kill them and eat their brains or whatever it is he does.

See, I wonder if Sylar might not be exactly like Peter in that he can absorb the powers just by being near them, but decides to go ahead and kill people anyway.

If that's the case, a future Sylar-Peter fight could just lead to a huge feedback loop between them

2/20/2007, 03:56 PM
See, I wonder if Sylar might not be exactly like Peter in that he can absorb the powers just by being near them, but decides to go ahead and kill people anyway.

If that's the case, a future Sylar-Peter fight could just lead to a huge feedback loop between them

WOW! And I thought I was a geek. ;)

2/20/2007, 04:30 PM
See, I wonder if Sylar might not be exactly like Peter in that he can absorb the powers just by being near them, but decides to go ahead and kill people anyway.
Then why his obsession with lopping off the domes of his victims? Maybe it's a fetish.

2/20/2007, 04:39 PM
I don't think he can get them without killing them... However if he did learn how to, he'd probably still kill them anyway b/c he doesn't want anybody else to have his powers.

2/20/2007, 05:12 PM
Nah, I think the murder is incidental. He wants the powers and will do whatever is necessary to get them.

2/20/2007, 05:16 PM
Nah, I think the murder is incidental. He wants the powers and will do whatever is necessary to get them.
So again I ask, why does he kill them exactly the same way every time? It's not like sawing off the top of someone's head is the easiest way to do it.

2/20/2007, 05:20 PM
The only way he can get their powers is by examining the brain itself, the same way he examined the watches. Either that or my original theory of him eating the brains still holds true. :D

Either way, he has to get their brains to get the powers.

2/20/2007, 06:15 PM
See, I wonder if Sylar might not be exactly like Peter in that he can absorb the powers just by being near them, but decides to go ahead and kill people anyway.

If the absorbing were the case, Sylar wouldn't have needed to go back to the hearing lady...he would've been able to get her power when he and Mohinder visited her. Eat the Brains!!! :D

2/20/2007, 06:17 PM
So again I ask, why does he kill them exactly the same way every time? It's not like sawing off the top of someone's head is the easiest way to do it.

To get their brains....like I said, it's what he needs to do to absorb their power. He's only killing them because that's the only way to do so.

2/20/2007, 06:18 PM
I gotta go with tbl on this one. He has to see the brain in order to find the problem, so he can "fix it" and then duplicate the power in his.

2/20/2007, 06:39 PM
The only way he can get their powers is by examining the brain itself, the same way he examined the watches. Either that or my original theory of him eating the brains still holds true. :D

Either way, he has to get their brains to get the powers.

I'm still not convinced of this. Peter's absorbed powers become more controllable as he exerts himself/fights. Sylar may absorb the power initially, but the murder may be the exertion or act that makes the power more controllable for him. The brain bit may just be his personal flare as a serial killer.

2/20/2007, 06:45 PM
um, but the powers are immediately controlable for him. Some might be, but the power from super hearing lady wasn't immediately controllable for him last night.

2/20/2007, 06:59 PM
Sylar isn't a serial killer. Sylar is a murderer. Let's clear that up. He's being tracked as a serial killer by the FBI on the show, but as an omniscient audience, we know the truth. It's hard for me to call him a conventional serial killer when he's only killing super-powered individuals, or people that get in his way.

Anyway, as for the show itself, I think that Sylar has to see their brain "working" in order for him to figure out how to "work" their power. He doesn't have the same control issues that other people who are new to powers have because he's using his power (to see how things "work") to figure out how to make himself be able to do THEIR power without any "issues." But, as I already said, he has to see their brain "work" to do this. That's my guess, anyway.

This show pretty much owns my life right now. I plan around it. It dominates my Monday's.


2/20/2007, 07:32 PM
Sylar isn't a serial killer. Sylar is a murderer. Let's clear that up. He's being tracked as a serial killer by the FBI on the show, but as an omniscient audience, we know the truth. It's hard for me to call him a conventional serial killer when he's only killing super-powered individuals, or people that get in his way.

American Heritage Dictionary
serial killer
n. A person who attacks and kills victims one by one in a series of incidents.

How is Sylar not a serial killer? When some wacko kills prostitutes over several years, they are labeled serial killers. Why not a wacko who kills heroes one by one?

2/20/2007, 07:48 PM
Sylar isn't a serial killer. Sylar is a murderer. Let's clear that up. He's being tracked as a serial killer by the FBI on the show, but as an omniscient audience, we know the truth. It's hard for me to call him a conventional serial killer when he's only killing super-powered individuals, or people that get in his way.


that's what makes him a serial killer. His victims all meet a specific profile (i.e. having super powers)

if he was just out there randomly killing people then he'd be a murdered.

2/20/2007, 07:59 PM
oh, and i'm forgetting my most important thought from the last 2 episodes

99% of all cops are bad

2/20/2007, 10:32 PM
I think it's interesting that lines are being drawn where there will be different sides between the Heroes. At first it was Syler against everybody else (except for Nikki/Jessica, but who cares about her?). Now you have Parkman, Ted, and the text message chick that seem to be forming an alliance similar to Magneto. While they're all still on the same side (of sorts), their approach to HRG and the other people will most likely be much different. It seems odd that Parkmans character has turned the way he has (stealing diamonds, going the revenge angle), but maybe they'll bring it back home.

Also, just how stupid is Mohinder??? Is he not able to connect that Syler is the one that killed Dale? Idiot...

2/20/2007, 10:43 PM

This provides character descriptions up to current episodes.

Peter Petrelli: Duplicates powers of other heroes in close proximity to him. Has learned how to harness these powers and has the potential to be one bad mofo.
Nathan Petrelli: Flies. Running for congress and has political ties to Linderman. Also the bastard father of Claire Bennett.
Linderman: Unknown mobster-type bad guy. Is involved with some of the heroes through shady illegal deals involving money, most notably Nikki.
Claire Bennett: Regenerates and can come back from the dead (provided there is no physical object causing the death), "The Cheerleader."
Claires REAL Mom: Firestarter that lives in a trailer. She probably won't end up being much of a player in the rest of the show.
Mr. Bennett/HRG (Horned Rim Glasses): May be able to resist powers, may not be able to. May be a good guy, may not be. Adoptive father of Claire. Works for somebody that gives him orders on the phone.
Hiro Nakamura: Manipulates space/time continuum (freeze time, travel through time, etc). Looks constipated when performing his power.
Ando: Hiro's powerless sidekick.
Charlie: Eidetic memory. Hiro's crush. Now dead, killed by Syler.
DL: Can turn immaterial and pass through physical objects (or they pass through him). Nikki's husband & Micahs father.
Nikki: Has angry, superstrong alternate personality named "Jessica." At this time, Jessica has taken over and is doing hits for Linderman, while posing as Nikki for Micah & DL.
Micah: Son of DL & Nikki. Has the ability to manipulate machines.
Mohinder Suresh: The son of the Doctor that discovered the heroes. He is on a mission to find the heroes and help them, possibly by trying to "cure" them. Could cause conflict with some of the heroes that embrace their power.
Mohindad: Discovered the hero's and was wacked by Syler.
Syler: Bad guy that acquires powers from other hero's by killing them and doing something mysterious with their brains. Currently pretending to be a hero named Zack (could melt objects into liquid), so that he can ride with Mohinder to find the heroes.
Haitian: Has ability to wipe peoples memories and possibly prevent any mental powers from being performed on him or those he chooses to protect (in most cases HRG). He's the Tonto to HRG's Lone Ranger. Working in secret with Claire.
Eden McCain (formerly known as "persuasive chick"): Well... she's persuasive. Voice gets husky when she's really putting on the charm. Killed herself before Syler could get her powers in the fall finale.
Isaac Mendez: Able to paint the future, but originally had to be high on opiates. Now he has the ability without being high.
Matt Parkman: Mind reading dyslexic cop.
Simone: Able to seduce white superhero's. Was accidentally shot/killed by Isaac when Peter and Isaac had a spat with each other.
Ted Sprague: When he gets emotional, he emits high levels of radiation without being harmed himself. He accidentally killed his wife with said radiation. He now can control his powers and is on the hunt to find HRG and figure out what these people did to him. Blames "them" for his wifes death.
Invisible guy: He's invisible and steals peoples stuff, but is also like a sensei to Peter. He taught Peter to use the powers he's absorbed from other heroes. HRG is aware of him and he apparently goes way back.
Internets girl: She's in league with Ted & Parkman to find HRG. So far she has shown the ability to send txt messages with her mind. Pretty amazing power... for a 12 year old to have.
Dale: Butch mechanic lady that had super hearing power. Now dead by the hands of Syler.

2/21/2007, 09:48 AM
mohindad gets a hearty chuckle.

2/21/2007, 10:26 AM
Ok, i'm confused. Sylar apparently has regenerative powers, like the cheerleader, but he didn't get them from the cheerleader. How is that possible?

I mean, he obviously got shot twice by HRG and he got shot by the FBI chick.


2/21/2007, 12:37 PM
Good point.

Frozen Sooner
2/21/2007, 01:05 PM
Ok, i'm confused. Sylar apparently has regenerative powers, like the cheerleader, but he didn't get them from the cheerleader. How is that possible?

I mean, he obviously got shot twice by HRG and he got shot by the FBI chick.


He may have some limited invulnerability that he picked up somewhere. I don't recall him actually bleeding from the shots.

2/21/2007, 03:03 PM
He has the telekinetic ability, so maybe he stopped the bullets.

Frozen Sooner
2/21/2007, 03:09 PM
Maybe he ate Remo Williams' brain and he caught them.

2/21/2007, 03:18 PM
Maybe he ate Remo Williams' brain and he caught them.

"You move like a pregnant Yak"

2/21/2007, 03:21 PM
He has the telekinetic ability, so maybe he stopped the bullets.
That is what I initially thought, but didn't he fall down when he was shot?

2/21/2007, 04:06 PM
Maybe he ate Remo Williams' brain and he caught them.

man, doleo and Instigator didn't know who the hell i was talking about when we saw him in Portland...

they thought it was Richard Gere! :eek:

i think it was around the time he was shooting his Grey's Anatomy cameo

2/21/2007, 04:42 PM
He has the telekinetic ability, so maybe he stopped the bullets.

I don't think so because Hatian guy was there.

I think they just missed.

2/21/2007, 06:16 PM
If he had a limited invulnerability wouldn't Eden have known that when she tried to have him off himself?

2/21/2007, 06:48 PM
Nope. Eden didn't read minds... she just planted suggestions. Also, physical and mental invulnerability aren't necessarily the same. Then again, and this one is REALLY, REALLY reaching... but, since Sylar "knows how things work" and has a VERY high level of telekinesis, maybe he "repairs" himself...? I mean, he couldn't regrow any new tissue or anything, but he could fix everything that was wrong...


2/21/2007, 06:54 PM
So far she has shown the ability to send txt messages with her mind. Pretty amazing power... for a 12 year old to have.

Lol. Tht s rly :D


2/22/2007, 08:46 AM
I don't think so because Hatian guy was there.

I think they just missed.

I don't think misses would have thrown him into the fridge like that and made him run away.

U R wrong. ;)

2/22/2007, 09:18 AM
Nope. Eden didn't read minds... she just planted suggestions. Also, physical and mental invulnerability aren't necessarily the same. Then again, and this one is REALLY, REALLY reaching... but, since Sylar "knows how things work" and has a VERY high level of telekinesis, maybe he "repairs" himself...? I mean, he couldn't regrow any new tissue or anything, but he could fix everything that was wrong...


then why would he need Claire?

the Peter/Sylar showdown could be interesting...

2/27/2007, 12:08 AM



2/27/2007, 12:25 AM
So what happened? When I saw it in the middle, it looked like the Geico caveman was trying to burn HRG's house to the ground.

2/27/2007, 12:32 AM
That episode completely changes my opinion of HRG. I really felt sorry for him at the end.

Next week should yeild even more answers. I just hope that the Heroes writers aren't peaking this series too early.

2/27/2007, 01:14 AM
Holy friggin crap that was a good episode.

I think sticking with one storyline per episode was a nice change of pace. Very engrossing. As a father to a daughter, I have to admit I got a little welled up tonight.

Parkman and HRG working together. This should be interesting.

Also, looks like Simone has been hiding something. Friggin A this show is awesome.

Norm In Norman
2/27/2007, 08:17 AM



2/27/2007, 08:24 AM
Also, looks like Simone has been hiding something. Friggin A this show is awesome.

is it possible that Simone is working for the same people that HRG works for? I mean, HRG DID leave the gun, so it COULD have held blanks, and they were setting up the psychic...I mean, she shows up EXACTLY during the confrontation with Peter?

How cool was it to see Claire and Hiro together as kids? THAT was a nice twist.

Best episode so far.

Norm In Norman
2/27/2007, 08:25 AM
HRG is still what we thought he was. He's bad with some good. He didn't even hesitate to shoot invisible dude 7 years ago. So how much of his memory is going to be erased? If it's just that days activities then OK. But maybe they erased all of his memories of the cheerleader. Then he's going to be after her. Why the hell did Matt let them take him back to the lab? Who was invisible guy hiding? Who is the other person looking after the cheerleader (or who else is the haitian working for)?

Damn, we got a lot of good questions answered and a lot more questions were raised. It's funny how I leave Heroes feeling satisfied and wanting more while I leave lost feeling frustrated and wanting more.

2/27/2007, 09:04 AM
Ok, in last week's (not yesterdays) episode at the end, when it showed Ted and Parkman at the HRG house, was not Wireless girl with them? She was. So where was she in last night's episode? Did I miss something?

Other than that, that was the best episode evar. How cool was it when Claire walked out of the house lookin' all toasty and burned and still smokin' hot. Very sad when Haitian guy and HRG and Claire were on the bridge. Very sad.

2/27/2007, 10:50 AM
Honestly, HRG is now the most interesting character on the show. They took a mysterious character and made him multi-layered, not necessarily good or evil. I have always loved the look of happiness on his face when he sees the Petrelli's fly. The sacrifices he made for Claire and his family are heart-wrenching, despite the fact that he doesn't show that much kindness to any of the other heroes.

2/27/2007, 11:55 AM
So how much of his memory is going to be erased? If it's just that days activities then OK. But maybe they erased all of his memories of the cheerleader. Then he's going to be after her.

I have a feeling it will be the latter.

Why the hell did Matt let them take him back to the lab?

I think HRG earned his trust. Plus it's not completely known that he "let" them.

Who was invisible guy hiding? Who is the other person looking after the cheerleader (or who else is the haitian working for)?

You just answered your own question. :D They addressed that last night by the way they framed the story. Haitian says he's protecting Claire b/c somebody else outside of HRG's group has asked him to. They flashed back to the scene of HRG & Invisibrit in the car, where Invisibrit divulged that he knew all about Claire. Invisibrit is working with the Haitian and who knows who else. I did notice the Haitian had a necklace as a boy that was the "bad guy" symbol... but I'm thinking more and more that good and bad guys are going to get mixed up quite a bit to where you don't really know who is who.

Damn, we got a lot of good questions answered and a lot more questions were raised. It's funny how I leave Heroes feeling satisfied and wanting more while I leave lost feeling frustrated and wanting more.
All a testimony to the genius of the show. Sure there have been some lags, but all in all the show is money.

2/27/2007, 11:56 AM
is it possible that Simone is working for the same people that HRG works for? I mean, HRG DID leave the gun, so it COULD have held blanks, and they were setting up the psychic...I mean, she shows up EXACTLY during the confrontation with Peter?

Good point. Really good point. She's probably not a hero at all... but I'm sure we'll see next week.

2/27/2007, 12:26 PM
He didn't even hesitate to shoot invisible dude 7 years ago.

Did anyone else notice how it seemed like someone "made" HRG pull the trigger? He looked surprised everytime it went off.

2/27/2007, 12:38 PM
So what happened? When I saw it in the middle, it looked like the Geico caveman was trying to burn HRG's house to the ground.

Is this the first reference to the caveman in this thread?

Holy crap that is funny. He is soooooo one of those damn cavemen.

Scott D
2/27/2007, 01:23 PM
Did anyone else notice how it seemed like someone "made" HRG pull the trigger? He looked surprised everytime it went off.

I think he got manipulated into the first shot, then he took more of a part in the second two shots.

Norm In Norman
2/27/2007, 01:23 PM
Did anyone else notice how it seemed like someone "made" HRG pull the trigger? He looked surprised everytime it went off.
Well, I thought that at first but something he said made me change my mind. Maybe something DID make him shoot.

2/27/2007, 01:36 PM
Is this the first reference to the caveman in this thread?

Holy crap that is funny. He is soooooo one of those damn cavemen.


Scott D
2/27/2007, 02:50 PM
he's not the caveman (http://johnlehr.com/).

2/27/2007, 05:18 PM
heh, i always thought he looked like a caveman too

it did look like someone else made him shoot

also, the "bad guy" symbol was on Hiro's sword and in Mohindad's computer, i think it's the "hero" symbol or something

2/27/2007, 08:07 PM
HRG is still what we thought he was.



2/27/2007, 11:04 PM
I don't think anybody else made him shoot... He was just very apprehensive about it and didn't want to do it.

2/27/2007, 11:06 PM
maybe there aren't really any good or bad guys (well, maybe a couple of each), but a large cast stays in the "grey" area..

2/27/2007, 11:44 PM
My two concerns with this show have been along the lines of what Penguin stated. That the show would peak too soon, or that the storylines would become too complicated to keep track of.

But....they've avoided both so far.


2/28/2007, 08:28 AM
ok, I remember thinking while watching it on Monday that HRG's gun just kind of seemed to go off on it's own...and had forgotten about it until someone mentioned it here. I went back an watched it again and I'm convinced that HRG didn't do it. The first shot for sure. It was a shot in mid sentence, while he was holding his gun down by his side. Every other time we've seen him shoot at anyone, his taken aim, and that time, during none of the shots, did it seem like he tried to aim.

Something either controlled him, or the gun. IMO.

2/28/2007, 09:00 AM
Ok, everybody's ignoring my point. Was or was not Wireless girl with Ted and Parkman at the Bennett house at the end of last week's episode? Why was she not there at the beginning of Company Man?

2/28/2007, 09:10 AM
no, that was odd...she was missing

2/28/2007, 10:12 AM
Ok, everybody's ignoring my point. Was or was not Wireless girl with Ted and Parkman at the Bennett house at the end of last week's episode? Why was she not there at the beginning of Company Man?

I rewatched it, and she wasn't there in the last scene. I seem to remember her in the house, though.

2/28/2007, 10:15 AM
I think they definitely peaked with Mondays episode, but hopefully it's just the peak so far and not the all time peak. The possibilities are pretty endless, so we should have plenty of good seasons left.

2/28/2007, 11:22 AM
after rewatching, did anyone else wonder if Eric Roberts character has powers?

when he and HRG are walking down the hall talking about the Haitian, Eric makes the comment "it's a shame I have to kill another partner". Of course referring to invisible guy.....so maybe HRG didn't kill him.

2/28/2007, 01:43 PM
Extended trailer for next week's episode:


Notice who faces off at the end!

2/28/2007, 01:48 PM
after rewatching, did anyone else wonder if Eric Roberts character has powers?

when he and HRG are walking down the hall talking about the Haitian, Eric makes the comment "it's a shame I have to kill another partner". Of course referring to invisible guy.....so maybe HRG didn't kill him.

HRG didn't kill the invisible guy . . . he's the one who helped Peter learn to sorta control the many powers he's absorbed.

Wasn't he?

Scott D
2/28/2007, 01:54 PM
HRG didn't kill the invisible guy . . . he's the one who helped Peter learn to sorta control the many powers he's absorbed.

Wasn't he?

HRG thought he killed invisible guy. All you saw was invisible guy go invisble during the 3rd or 4th shot and you are led to believe he fell over the side and died. Or at least HRG was led to believe that, clearly Invisible Guy has spent a lot of time making sure that HRG and those he works for believe he's dead. I think that's the primary reason he was so ****ed off that Peter could see him when he was doing his pickpocket thing.

2/28/2007, 01:56 PM
Extended trailer for next week's episode:


Notice who faces off at the end!
That looks awesome. I hope that's not just tricky editing to make us think one thing when in reality it's something else. I hate that.

2/28/2007, 01:57 PM
HRG thought he killed invisible guy. All you saw was invisible guy go invisble during the 3rd or 4th shot and you are led to believe he fell over the side and died. Or at least HRG was led to believe that, clearly Invisible Guy has spent a lot of time making sure that HRG and those he works for believe he's dead. I think that's the primary reason he was so ****ed off that Peter could see him when he was doing his pickpocket thing.

So like I said . . . HRG didn't kill invisibrit. :D

Scott D
2/28/2007, 02:00 PM
Bob your penchant for stating the obvious is only outshown by the fact that you still have to live in Stoolwater ;)

2/28/2007, 02:38 PM
I rewatched it, and she wasn't there in the last scene. I seem to remember her in the house, though.

I was sure that I'd remembered her too. Is it possible she was in one of the previews for this week's show? There have been a couple of times where I thought that the previews and/or the "previously on" lead-ins have contained scenes, or versions of scenes that weren't ever aired as part of the show. Of course, I could just be making that up.

Overall I enjoy this show a lot more than I thought I would. Last Monday's episode was outstanding television. There are still a couple of actors that I don't like much, but they've veered away from much of what I didn't like early on.

2/28/2007, 02:53 PM
I was sure that I'd remembered her too. Is it possible she was in one of the previews for this week's show? There have been a couple of times where I thought that the previews and/or the "previously on" lead-ins have contained scenes, or versions of scenes that weren't ever aired as part of the show. Of course, I could just be making that up.

Overall I enjoy this show a lot more than I thought I would. Last Monday's episode was outstanding television. There are still a couple of actors that I don't like much, but they've veered away from much of what I didn't like early on.

(Mohinder) :D

Norm In Norman
2/28/2007, 10:38 PM
OK, how about this: Invisible Dude still works for the agency. They made HRG shoot invisible dude to see how loyal he is to the agency (or whatever we are calling it). Invisible dude is actually trying to ensure that Peter explodes because the puppet master wants this to happen for some reason.

Another question - who is in charge? Sulu or Linderman? Or are they both in charge of different things? maybe competing agencies or something. Maybe Sylar works for one of them.

Norm In Norman
2/28/2007, 10:59 PM
I just rewatched it and he does look surprised when he pulled the trigger. Also... is internet girl the same one who is supposed to fix HRG's mess? The one that is looking after mind reader dude? They have the same hair and same features. I can't convince myself ether way. They may be the same.

2/28/2007, 11:04 PM
Is this show any good?

Norm In Norman
2/28/2007, 11:22 PM
Actually, no.

Norm In Norman
2/28/2007, 11:23 PM

2/28/2007, 11:32 PM
Ok, in last week's (not yesterdays) episode at the end, when it showed Ted and Parkman at the HRG house, was not Wireless girl with them? She was. So where was she in last night's episode? Did I miss something?

I went and check, and no, she is not shown with them at the very end when they take HRG and the family

3/1/2007, 12:29 AM
Extended trailer for next week's episode:


Notice who faces off at the end!

I figured it out after watching the video. Mr. Linderman is The Architect from the Matrix movies!!!

It's all starting to make sense now. The heroes are all "Neos."

3/1/2007, 08:23 AM
Mr. Linderman is Malcom McDowell

of course, most of you already know that.

3/1/2007, 09:26 AM
I went and check, and no, she is not shown with them at the very end when they take HRG and the family

Gah, I'm losing it (my memory). I checked the wikipedia write up of the episode and they mentioned that Wireless had gone to look for somebody before Parkman and Nukeman paid a visit to the Bennets house. :O

3/1/2007, 09:42 AM
I think she went to chase the e-mail trail of whoever is really in charge.

Linderman maybe?

3/1/2007, 10:01 AM
Another question - who is in charge? Sulu or Linderman? Or are they both in charge of different things? maybe competing agencies or something. Maybe Sylar works for one of them.
I think Linderman might be the head honcho, just b/c they've been holding off on on introducing him for so long. Sulu might lead the Pacific branch.

I don't think Sylar works for anybody. He's a true renegade, which is why everybody wants him gone.

3/1/2007, 10:03 AM
I think she went to chase the e-mail trail of whoever is really in charge.

Linderman maybe?
I think they couldn't make a deal with the actress or they realized how *********gish her power was, so they just wrote her out. I'd let that one slide b/c her power was pretty stupid.

3/2/2007, 02:36 PM
I think they couldn't make a deal with the actress or they realized how *********gish her power was, so they just wrote her out. I'd let that one slide b/c her power was pretty stupid.

As an electrical engineer, it bothers me how completly imposible here power is ('cause the others are so logical). She might be able to recieve the signals, but interpreting them is something completly different. The kind of processing power they are giving here is completly insane.


3/2/2007, 02:58 PM
As an electrical engineer, it bothers me how completly imposible here power is ('cause the others are so logical). She might be able to recieve the signals, but interpreting them is something completly different. The kind of processing power they are giving here is completly insane.


You're right decoding an instant message is much less reasonable then warping time and space.

3/5/2007, 09:45 PM
or flying

3/5/2007, 10:10 PM
so now we know how Peter gets his scar.

3/5/2007, 10:31 PM
no new Heroes until 4/23?!!?!1


that bit with Simone in the trailers was not very nice :eek:

i knew when she told Mrs. Bennett that she liked her hair, bad **** was going to happen...

Norm In Norman
3/5/2007, 11:35 PM
This show kills me. I can't wait over a month.

3/6/2007, 12:01 AM
well now I can watch '24' in peace. and then they'll end at roughly the same date:mad:

3/6/2007, 12:24 AM
My friggin DVR cut off right when Sylar had Peter up against the wall and said "you're like me, aren't you."

That was a good episode. I didn't see that it wasn't back on until STINKING APRIL 23!!!! How can they pull that??? They already had one hiatus this season...

Linderman was quite the thug in his youth.

3/6/2007, 01:02 AM
You're right decoding an instant message is much less reasonable then warping time and space.

You caught the sarcasm in my "'cause the other's are so logical" comment right? I always forget that people can't catch that kind of stuff on the internet. should have added the :rolleyes: to it.

3/6/2007, 01:03 AM
no new Heroes until 4/23?!!?!1


that bit with Simone in the trailers was not very nice :eek:

i knew when she told Mrs. Bennett that she liked her hair, bad **** was going to happen...

I had just chopped it up to a dream. I figured they weren't going to actually bring her back.

3/6/2007, 01:10 AM
Linderman was quite the thug in his youth.
Frickin droogs. :mad:

3/6/2007, 08:33 AM
so now we know how Peter gets his scar.

Which makes NO sense since he has Clairebears healing abilities.

April 23rd....man I hate tv networks.

3/6/2007, 09:07 AM
I had just chopped it up to a dream. I figured they weren't going to actually bring her back.

P4C, I believe you mean "chalked" not "chopped".

However, our dvr stopped recording just as Hiro and Ando were trying to warp out of the art warehouse. GAAAAAAH. Not sure why, but that's where it stopped. So what did I miss.:confused:

3/6/2007, 10:55 AM
Which makes NO sense since he has Clairebears healing abilities.

April 23rd....man I hate tv networks.

Dang...you think they would've learned by "Lost"...56 episodes a year, no breaks, or the fans will whine. :D

3/6/2007, 11:05 AM
i'd settle for 50 ;)

3/6/2007, 12:35 PM
P4C, I believe you mean "chalked" not "chopped".

However, our dvr stopped recording just as Hiro and Ando were trying to warp out of the art warehouse. GAAAAAAH. Not sure why, but that's where it stopped. So what did I miss.:confused:
They warped into the future to a devastated NYC with nearly all buildings either destroyed or with colossal damage. They were standing on the patio where the pigeons were looking out over the city. Although it appeared there were vehicles moving around out there so not everyone was killed.

Scott D
3/6/2007, 01:03 PM
They warped into the future to a devastated NYC with nearly all buildings either destroyed or with colossal damage. They were standing on the patio where the pigeons were looking out over the city. Although it appeared there were vehicles moving around out there so not everyone was killed.

psst, they warped to Osaka Japan.

3/6/2007, 01:41 PM
they were on the Deveaux building...

3/6/2007, 01:45 PM
My friggin DVR cut off right when Sylar had Peter up against the wall and said "you're like me, aren't you."

That was a good episode. I didn't see that it wasn't back on until STINKING APRIL 23!!!! How can they pull that??? They already had one hiatus this season...

Linderman was quite the thug in his youth.

you can watch it online :)

3/6/2007, 02:36 PM
Linderman's come a long way since his days of defending Clifford from that thug Moody.

3/6/2007, 02:45 PM
man, i would never have remembered his name from that flick, Moody is probably the only one i remembered (Matt Dillon)

i just saw Serenity and he's in that, but now i think of him as Animal Mother though :D

3/6/2007, 03:58 PM
He also had a recurring role on the X-Files as an alien supersoldja and a military dude in Independence Day. He seems to pop up every once in awhile.

3/6/2007, 10:11 PM
Bob your penchant for stating the obvious is only outshown by the fact that you still have to live in Stoolwater ;)

There are worse places to live. :rolleyes:

3/6/2007, 10:16 PM
Not a single comment about the Petrelli's mom knowing more than she let on?

I for one was surprised to see her with the Haitian dude . . .

3/6/2007, 10:39 PM
Good point. That was interesting that she's known about her sons and the whole superpower world. However... meh. ;)

3/6/2007, 10:40 PM
you can watch it online :)
Yeah... now. But I was jonesin last night.

Thats an interesting way to get rid of Peters hair. I was reading that the actor wanted to get rid of the bangs since he felt it made him too boyish, and he said they had a way to do it that would flow with the show.

What was meant that "now we know where Peter gets his scar"? I don't remember him ever having a scar in any of the future glimpses...

3/6/2007, 10:45 PM
BTW, Mohinders stock went up with me 1,000 percent last night.

3/6/2007, 11:22 PM
There are worse places to live. :rolleyes:

you mean like Detriot?


3/6/2007, 11:46 PM
I am watching it on TIVO right now.

OH MYLANTA! When Ali Larter was sucking on her finger.....!!!SPLOSIONS!!!:D

Frozen Sooner
3/6/2007, 11:47 PM
BTW, Mohinders stock went up with me 1,000 percent last night.

Yeah, he really hit the roof.

Get it?

3/7/2007, 12:16 AM
oh, that was bad...

3/7/2007, 12:20 AM
Now you can't have any of my pot pie...

3/7/2007, 01:55 AM
BTW, Mohinders stock went up with me 1,000 percent last night.
I thought the same thing until he went back into idiot mode and let Sylar turn off the IV. Dumb dumb dumb.

3/7/2007, 09:46 AM
What A dumbass Mohinder was. "I'm going to kill him after I perform some test on his DNA." Hey, dumbass, the DNA is still there after you kill him.

3/7/2007, 10:10 AM
the battle between Sylar and Peter will be epic.

ole pete can regenerate and go invisible, and probably a few other things that Sylar can't.

3/7/2007, 10:13 AM
not to mention all the crap Sylar can do :eek:

maybe Peter will eat his brain

3/7/2007, 11:11 AM
Sylar will just hear Peter breathing or walking around if he goes invisible.

I still can't stand Mohinder. Is it too late to recast his part?

3/7/2007, 11:53 AM
Sylar will just hear Peter breathing or walking around if he goes invisible.

I still can't stand Mohinder. Is it too late to recast his part?

if by "walking" you mean "flying or teleporting" then I agree.

3/7/2007, 11:56 AM
Peter hasn't stopped time yet, has he?

That would be a quick way to turn an epic battle into a one-sided route in a hurry.

3/7/2007, 12:13 PM
well, I expect Hiro to show up.

3/7/2007, 10:02 PM
Peter hasn't stopped time yet, has he?

That would be a quick way to turn an epic battle into a one-sided route in a hurry.
He hasn't, but he does have the ability. Petie is gonna smack Syler around once he gets ticked off...

Epic is exactly the right word for it. That or "the bees knees".

Also, turns out that wireless chick was named Hanna and they actually wasted four, count em FOUR graphic novels on her online, then she just disappears from the show. Weird...
BTW, don't waste your time reading this. It blows...

3/7/2007, 10:08 PM
He hasn't, but he does have the ability. Petie is gonna smack Syler around once he gets ticked off...

Epic is exactly the right word for it. That or "the bees knees".

Also, turns out that wireless chick was named Hanna and they actually wasted four, count em FOUR graphic novels on her online, then she just disappears from the show. Weird...
BTW, don't waste your time reading this. It blows...
Your post or the link? ;)

If Sylar can pick up an ability from a person's brain would he pick up Peter's ability to mimic or the skills Peter has already absorbed. I ask because if it is the former, that would be an interesting twist in that Sylar would no longer need to kill.

Likewise, if Peter mimics their actual powers, can he mimic those acquired by Sylar or does it only apply to the natural kind?

Frozen Sooner
3/7/2007, 10:12 PM
Wait a minute, I just realized something.

Claire is obviously crushing on Peter.

But Claire is Nathan's daughter.


3/7/2007, 10:35 PM
If Sylar can pick up an ability from a person's brain would he pick up Peter's ability to mimic or the skills Peter has already absorbed. I ask because if it is the former, that would be an interesting twist in that Sylar would no longer need to kill.

Likewise, if Peter mimics their actual powers, can he mimic those acquired by Sylar or does it only apply to the natural kind?
You don't pick up on the obvious very well, do you? ;)

Yes, Sylar could get Peters absorption power, though he'd probably still kill since he doesn't want anybody else sharing his power... and yes, Peter can mimic those acquired by Sylar since he's already done that (telekinesis).

Don't worry... there's no way they kill off Peter Petrelli.

Peter Petrelli: Duplicates powers of other heroes in close proximity to him. Has learned how to harness these powers and has the potential to be one bad mofo.
Nathan Petrelli: Flies. Running for congress and has political ties to Linderman. Also the bastard father of Claire Bennett. Was working undercover for the FBI to bust Linderman, but might choose the dark side.
Linderman: Mobster-type bad guy. Is involved with some of the heroes through shady illegal deals involving money, most notably Nikki. Knows about their powers, and used to be a hooligan in futuristic England.
Claire Bennett: Regenerates and can come back from the dead (provided there is no physical object causing the death), "The Cheerleader."
Claires REAL Mom: Firestarter that lives in a trailer. Not much of a player in the rest of the show.
Mr. Bennett/HRG (Horned Rim Glasses): Adoptive father of Claire. Works for a company that tracks the heroes and possibly neutralizes them (at least the dangerous ones). In spite of everything, he loves his daughter and wants to protect her.
Hiro Nakamura: Manipulates space/time continuum (freeze time, travel through time, etc). Looks constipated when performing his power. Now he has his samurai sword, so he should be able to refine his power.
Ando: Hiro's powerless sidekick, but a cool dude nonetheless.
Charlie: Eidetic memory. Hiro's crush. Now dead, killed by Syler.
DL: Can turn immaterial and pass through physical objects (or they pass through him). Nikki's husband & Micahs father.
Nikki: Has angry, superstrong alternate personality named "Jessica." At this time, Jessica has taken over and is doing hits for Linderman, while posing as Nikki for Micah & DL. Nikki still shows up from time to time.
Micah: Son of DL & Nikki. Has the ability to manipulate machines.
Mohinder Suresh: The son of the Doctor that discovered the heroes. He is on a mission to find the heroes and help them, possibly by trying to "cure" them. Could cause conflict with some of the heroes that embrace their power.
Mohindad: Discovered the hero's and was wacked by Syler.
Syler: Bad guy that acquires powers from other hero's by killing them and doing something mysterious with their brains.
Haitian: Has ability to wipe peoples memories and possibly prevent any mental powers from being performed on him or those he chooses to protect (in most cases HRG). He was the Tonto to HRG's Lone Ranger, but is now on the run with Claire since the copany found out she was a hero. Working with Peter and Nathans Mom to hide Claire.
Mrs. Petrelli: Nathan and Peters Mom that has intimate knowledge of the heroes, but still very unknown as to what her connection is.
Eden McCain: Well... she was persuasive. Killed herself before Syler could get her powers in the fall finale.
Isaac Mendez: Able to paint the future, but originally had to be high on opiates. Now he has the ability without being high.
Matt Parkman: Mind reading dyslexic cop.
Simone: Able to seduce white superhero's. Was accidentally shot/killed by Isaac when Peter and Isaac had a spat with each other.
Ted Sprague: When he gets emotional, he emits high levels of radiation without being harmed himself. He accidentally killed his wife with said radiation. He now can control his powers but is captured by the company. Blames "them" for giving him his powers and causing his wifes death.
Claude: He can become invisible. He taught Peter to use the powers he's absorbed from other heroes. HRG used to be partners with him but HRG was forced to kill him (or so he thought) since Claude was hiding another hero from the company (presumably Claire).
Hana "wireless": Can interpret electronic data sent via wireless communications.
Dale: Butch mechanic lady that had super hearing power. Now dead by the hands of Syler.
Shape shifting hotness: Hot chick that can shape shift into other people (as well as take on their voice). Working with the company to track down the heroes.
Eric Roberts: HRG's boss.
Sulu: Hiro's father and involved in the company in some way.

Norm In Norman
3/9/2007, 10:25 AM
So last night I decided to start re-watching the ones since after the break. I noticed something - if Peter can see the future, the future has already changed. During every dream where he explodes, Simone is there with Mr. Isaac holding her back. She's dead now, right?

Another little thing that has bugged me for no good reason is I'd swear Isaac's painting of Hiro in front of the dinosaur has him holding an actual sword. When it really happened, he was holding a fake sword that is still sheathed. Does this mean anything or is the continuity wrong?

3/9/2007, 10:35 AM
maybe it was sheathed in the painting? i thought about that but haven't gone back to see the detail on the sword

3/9/2007, 10:35 AM
Well, I think it's just a possibility of the future.... however those are good points and probably come from flaws in the writing.

3/9/2007, 06:26 PM
Wait a minute, I just realized something.

Claire is obviously crushing on Peter.

But Claire is Nathan's daughter.



Norm In Norman
3/9/2007, 11:47 PM
Although, in one of Peter's dreams he sees invisible dude going through that chick's wallet and that really happened. So some of it really was the future. I hope they explain all of this.

3/13/2007, 07:20 AM
Is it me or does he look like Sylar?


3/13/2007, 10:02 AM
No Heroes and no Beer make Zach something something...

3/13/2007, 10:58 AM
i forgot there wasn't a new one last night

i was a little ****ed when i remembered it wasn't new again until April

3/13/2007, 11:58 AM
i forgot there wasn't a new one last night

i was a little ****ed when i remembered it wasn't new again until April

My daughter (she's 9) was like we better check anyway just in case they were lying to us about it not coming on until April 23. :D

3/13/2007, 08:36 PM
i forgot there wasn't a new one last night

i was a little ****ed when i remembered it wasn't new again until April
April? Didn't hear that, I'm bummed. :(

4/23/2007, 04:55 PM
new episode tonight!!!!!!! Woot!!!!!1


4/23/2007, 04:57 PM
heh, they are about as bad as Lost ;)

Norm In Norman
4/23/2007, 10:36 PM
Way to go channel 4. How about starting off in HD for 30 seconds (just to remind us how good it looks) then putting a tornado warning that is 200 miles away up so we don't get HD THEN bringing the ****ing map down for commercials. **** you. I'm going to download them off bit torrent from now on. You can take your "Unauthorized Use of NBC Universal Properties" email and shove it up your ***.

4/24/2007, 12:27 AM

4/24/2007, 08:06 AM
My DVR cut off when Hiro and Ando were walking into Isaac's place. What happened at that point? Feel free to use spoiler tags if you want. Thanks.

4/24/2007, 08:08 AM
the battle between Sylar and Peter will be epic.

ole pete can regenerate and go invisible, and probably a few other things that Sylar can't.

man, was I wrong. They pussified that up wit a quickness. What a wasted opportunity.

still, good Ep though.

4/24/2007, 08:09 AM
My DVR cut off when Hiro and Ando were walking into Isaac's place. What happened at that point? Feel free to use spoiler tags if you want. Thanks.

Not much, Hiro ran into future Hiro and future hiro didn't look too happy. the end

4/24/2007, 08:12 AM
My DVR cut off when Hiro and Ando were walking into Isaac's place. What happened at that point? Feel free to use spoiler tags if you want. Thanks.

They walked into the room and found several ropes attached to the walls with pictures all over them representing a time line. Then Hiro and Andy met the future Hiro and the Future Hiro looked at the recent Hiro and said, "You!!" and the current Hiro answered, "Me???"

4/24/2007, 01:33 PM
I had no problem with the Sylar Peter fight being anti-climatic, but why, when Mohinder knocked Sylar out, wouldn't Sylar pick up a gun, or a knife, or something, and finish what he had improbably started but getting the upper hand on Sylar in the first place?

If he had time to drag Peter's limp body out of there, I don't see why he didn't have time to finish Sylar off.

Also, what does the implication that Linderman is HRG's old boss mean for Mama Petrelli? It would appear that Mom is trying to protect Claire from Linderman, but at the same time she has to know that her oldest son is on the take from Linderman.

Does that mean that she's basically on Linderman's side, but she wants to protect her grand-daugher, or does it mean that she wants Linderman to believe that she's on his side, while in reality she is working against him, much like the Haitian. I don't buy the third option, that they simply aren't aware of each other.

Also, I still hate "future-soul-patched-lost all trace of his accent" Hiro.

Overall, I was pretty disapointed in that episode.

4/24/2007, 01:55 PM
I was amazed at how HRG, scanner-cop and the Geico caveman so easily got out of the building they were imprisoned in and no one seemed to notice. As soon as the power went out, don't you think they would've sent people up to all 3 rooms ready to kick-***?

4/24/2007, 02:28 PM
I was amazed at how HRG, scanner-cop and the Geico caveman so easily got out of the building they were imprisoned in and no one seemed to notice. As soon as the power went out, don't you think they would've sent people up to all 3 rooms ready to kick-***?

No doubt. Just a sloppy episode in a lot of ways IMO.

Frozen Sooner
4/24/2007, 03:03 PM
Anyone else waiting to see what Mama Petrelli's power is? I'm guessing she used to be in Linderman's group.

4/24/2007, 03:04 PM
Anyone else waiting to see what Mama Petrelli's power is? I'm guessing she used to be in Linderman's group.
It's obviously not noticing where glass fragments lodge.

Scott D
4/24/2007, 03:12 PM
Anyone else waiting to see what Mama Petrelli's power is? I'm guessing she used to be in Linderman's group.

*shrug* I have a feeling that Mama Petrelli's in the heirarchy of "The Others" (why do these series' have 'the others'). Odd that they've spent so much time making Nathan an unsympathetic character to make a quick turn to sympathetic, and give teasers of him being the ultimate unsympathetic character in the future.

Desert Sapper
4/24/2007, 03:47 PM
Anyone else waiting to see what Mama Petrelli's power is? I'm guessing she used to be in Linderman's group.

I would have thought Linderman would have had more of a 'destructive' power (like making people explode or controlling gravity or something). Should be interesting to see it all play out with the new storyline of the old-timer group.

Anybody else wondering why Hiro had the schizophrenic timeline in Isaac's old place?

4/24/2007, 08:24 PM
Yeah, no sh*t, re: Linderman. What the Hell is scary about a rich, evil botanist?

I don't want to say that the episode was a disappointment, but they'd better "wow" me next week. I'm leaving the gym early for Heroes, and last night, I didn't feel "rescued."


4/25/2007, 01:28 AM
I think it was so anticlamatic because Hiro is the one to defeat sylar. We kind of got a glimpse in the comic that was sent off.

Yeah, the episode was kinda dry though

Frozen Sooner
4/25/2007, 01:32 AM
Yeah, no sh*t, re: Linderman. What the Hell is scary about a rich, evil botanist?

I don't want to say that the episode was a disappointment, but they'd better "wow" me next week. I'm leaving the gym early for Heroes, and last night, I didn't feel "rescued."


Ask this guy:


Scott D
4/25/2007, 05:12 AM
I would have thought Linderman would have had more of a 'destructive' power (like making people explode or controlling gravity or something). Should be interesting to see it all play out with the new storyline of the old-timer group.

Anybody else wondering why Hiro had the schizophrenic timeline in Isaac's old place?

normally I'd think the different colored threads would have to do with different results based upon certain events either happening or not happening. But after Monday I don't think that's a given.

4/25/2007, 08:01 AM
I'm thinking that you guys are making some assumptions about Linderman's power....there's nothing in that episode that says he can only revive plants......maybe he can revive any living organism.

just sayin

4/25/2007, 08:12 AM
I'm thinking that you guys are making some assumptions about Linderman's power....there's nothing in that episode that says he can only revive plants......maybe he can revive any living organism.

just sayin
you can only hope he can revive dead organs.

4/25/2007, 09:19 AM
you can only hope he can revive dead organs.
He could single-handedly eliminate the need for Viagra and Cialis.

4/25/2007, 09:26 AM
you can only hope he can revive dead organs.

it's ok that you didn't think of this first.

Desert Sapper
4/25/2007, 11:30 AM
I'm thinking that you guys are making some assumptions about Linderman's power....there's nothing in that episode that says he can only revive plants......maybe he can revive any living organism.

just sayin

Still, that's a constructive power, not a destructive one. I suppose he could revive all he wants if he is controlling an army of badasses that destroy everything in their path. He sort of hinted at his dual nature with the .07% discussion. He merely wants to unite everyone in fear. Sounds about as philanthropic as Hitler, but it also means that his motives aren't strictly destructive. He doesn't want to destroy the world, just NYC. He's an 'end justifies the means' type. Regardless, it all points to some bigger and more interesting episodes to come.

Frozen Sooner
4/25/2007, 11:31 AM
I'm thinking that you guys are making some assumptions about Linderman's power....there's nothing in that episode that says he can only revive plants......maybe he can revive any living organism.

just sayin

Based on the conversation Linderman was having with Nathan, I was under the impression that he could heal anything.

4/25/2007, 11:40 AM
Based on the conversation Linderman was having with Nathan, I was under the impression that he could heal anything.

Yeah, the whole "It's not enough to heal one person at a time" thing made it sound like he could certainly heal people anyway.

4/25/2007, 12:18 PM
I read the info for next weeks episode and it looks like the heroes are looked at as terrorists by the normal people. Should be interesting...

To me, I noticed a lot of the acting was pretty bad in this episode... I don't know if it was the script or what, but a lot of it seemed pretty hacky. Still, I'm in...

Pride Baritone
4/30/2007, 09:24 PM
Very interesting episode this week, lots of action. There are a lot of questions to be answered though, because some of the stuff that happened takes a lot of explaining. Still, it was funny to see everyone looking like a mobster, talking an octave lower, and generally being bad a badass.

4/30/2007, 09:34 PM
Interesting episode tonight.

4/30/2007, 11:05 PM
It got a three thumbs up from the three Heroes watchers at my house. Would have loved to see more of the Petrelli v Sylar matchup.

5/1/2007, 12:04 AM
It got a three thumbs up from the three Heroes watchers at my house. Would have loved to see more of the Petrelli v Sylar matchup.

So what did happen? My DVR stopped recording right when Sylar showed himself to Peter. Set it to record two minutes later for the remaining episodes so that doesn't happen again.

5/1/2007, 03:11 AM
So what did happen? My DVR stopped recording right when Sylar showed himself to Peter. Set it to record two minutes later for the remaining episodes so that doesn't happen again.

Sylar says that Nathan had already "turned against his own kind", Peter says he's a liar, and says Sylar is going to pay for what he's done.

The shot cuts to slightly behind and to the right of Sylar, showing his right hand, which freezes. Peter can be seen in the background charging Sylar with his hands on fire. The scene cuts away to the room with Hiro/etc.

Future Hiro's lying on the ground, dying. He hands Hando a frame from the comic book, covered in blood -- the frame shows Future Hiro on the ground, dying. Suresh is barricading the door, which is being hammered on. Periodic flashes of light, orange and blue, can be seen through the door frame.

Present Hiro freaks out. Hando hands him the sword, tells Hiro they have to leave. Hiro says he can't do it. Hando says he's seen what Hiro becomes, and that he believes in him. Just as the door gives way, Hiro takes the sword, concentrates, and they teleport/time travel to the pigeon cage roof top. Skyline is pre-nuke. Hiro says, "Now the hard part begins."

Then my DVR cuts out. :(

Of course, the end of the fight between Peter and Sylar is probably not hard to predict. Peter can stop time and has had Claire's power long enough to know how to make death stick. Who knows what all Sylar can do now, but I bet he doesn't know the whole "stick something in their brain and they won't regenerate" thing.

5/1/2007, 08:56 AM
So what did happen? My DVR stopped recording right when Sylar showed himself to Peter. Set it to record two minutes later for the remaining episodes so that doesn't happen again.

Go check it out online at nbc.com.

5/1/2007, 08:59 AM
You want to know what happened?

well...let's just say they're going to make you wait until the finale to show the final round of Peter v. Sylar I'd imagine.

5/1/2007, 08:45 PM
last episode was really good

only 1 or 2 more left in the season though

5/1/2007, 11:36 PM
Sylar says that Nathan had already "turned against his own kind", Peter says he's a liar, and says Sylar is going to pay for what he's done.

The shot cuts to slightly behind and to the right of Sylar, showing his right hand, which freezes. Peter can be seen in the background charging Sylar with his hands on fire. The scene cuts away to the room with Hiro/etc.

Future Hiro's lying on the ground, dying. He hands Hando a frame from the comic book, covered in blood -- the frame shows Future Hiro on the ground, dying. Suresh is barricading the door, which is being hammered on. Periodic flashes of light, orange and blue, can be seen through the door frame.

Present Hiro freaks out. Hando hands him the sword, tells Hiro they have to leave. Hiro says he can't do it. Hando says he's seen what Hiro becomes, and that he believes in him. Just as the door gives way, Hiro takes the sword, concentrates, and they teleport/time travel to the pigeon cage roof top. Skyline is pre-nuke. Hiro says, "Now the hard part begins."

Then my DVR cuts out. :(

Of course, the end of the fight between Peter and Sylar is probably not hard to predict. Peter can stop time and has had Claire's power long enough to know how to make death stick. Who knows what all Sylar can do now, but I bet he doesn't know the whole "stick something in their brain and they won't regenerate" thing.

Sylar won't have Claire's power though, Hiro is going to have to kill him back in the current timeline before that stuff happens

of course, killing Sylar doesn't stop the bomb, right? what keeps Peter from going off?

5/2/2007, 12:00 AM
ok, so future Hiro was about to go back to warn Peter on the Subway...did he do it? Did I miss that part?

5/2/2007, 08:03 AM
what keeps Peter from going off?
Mother In Law shows up.

5/2/2007, 08:05 AM
Sylar won't have Claire's power though, Hiro is going to have to kill him back in the current timeline before that stuff happens

of course, killing Sylar doesn't stop the bomb, right? what keeps Peter from going off?

well, Peter is the one who went off originally it seems, not Sylar. So if they can kill Sylar, perhaps Peter won't need to assplode.

5/2/2007, 08:23 AM
ok, so future Hiro was about to go back to warn Peter on the Subway...did he do it? Did I miss that part?

he had already done that in the future timeline

5/2/2007, 08:23 AM
well, Peter is the one who went off originally it seems, not Sylar. So if they can kill Sylar, perhaps Peter won't need to assplode.

he needs to not meet the Geico Caveman...

5/2/2007, 08:49 AM
No joke... How about Ponytail Hiro giving him that advice?

5/2/2007, 10:26 AM
Sylar won't have Claire's power though, Hiro is going to have to kill him back in the current timeline before that stuff happens

Well, in the fight I was describing, Sylar had the power.

Assuming everything works out according to Hiro's plan, Sylar won't be alive to be involved in that fight in the first place.

of course, killing Sylar doesn't stop the bomb, right? what keeps Peter from going off?

I'd bet when they finally realize it was Peter, they get smart and bring in the Haitian.

5/2/2007, 07:57 PM
he had already done that in the future timeline
I guess I misheard him then.

5/2/2007, 08:00 PM
I'd bet when they finally realize it was Peter, they get smart and bring in the Haitian.
Didn't the Haitian get the needle? Wait never mind. That was in the future that might not happen. I'm kinda' confused.

5/7/2007, 11:56 PM
These next few episodes left better be worth it, after these last two weeks.

This last episode was kind of ... meh

5/7/2007, 11:59 PM
I think it's funny how they're trying to make Sylar appear to be some kind of conflicted villain.

5/7/2007, 11:59 PM
shouldn't he have given Claire a knife or something?

although, if the bullet goes through his head, wouldn't he not die?

5/8/2007, 02:58 AM
It is interesting that now there we have 3 people that can blow up the city (Sylar is included assuming he kills Ted).

But why would Sylar blow himself up? He didn't kill the cheerleader, so wouldn't he be done blowed up afterwards?

I have 2 questions. What happened to the internets girl? And, what happened to the ultra-memory girl? The last I saw Hiro went back in time to save her, next he said that he couldn't save her, then the story moved on. Seems like there's more to the story there. Of course, I haven't read any of the online novels, so maybe it was explained there.

5/8/2007, 08:17 AM
It is interesting that now there we have 3 people that can blow up the city (Sylar is included assuming he kills Ted).

But why would Sylar blow himself up? He didn't kill the cheerleader, so wouldn't he be done blowed up afterwards?

I have 2 questions. What happened to the internets girl? And, what happened to the ultra-memory girl? The last I saw Hiro went back in time to save her, next he said that he couldn't save her, then the story moved on. Seems like there's more to the story there. Of course, I haven't read any of the online novels, so maybe it was explained there.

i think memory girl had brain cancer or something. it's been so long, i don't even remember