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10/25/2006, 12:11 AM
spoiler tags! :mad:

it's different when i'm speculating here :D

Frozen Sooner
10/25/2006, 12:13 AM
Jeez, man, I figured you'd head over and read the comic quickly enough. It's on like the first page.

10/25/2006, 12:20 AM
that was for your sake :norm:


10/25/2006, 07:41 AM
Wait, so there's an online comic? Crap. Now I gotta go read that thing.

10/25/2006, 11:20 AM
Interesting little fact...

Masi Oka, aka Hiro Nakumura, is a programmer at ILM. You've seen his work in The Perfect Storm, both "Pirates" movies, Attack of the Clones, and Terminator 3.


Hot Rod
10/25/2006, 12:00 PM
[Hiro] HELLO NEW YORK!!! [Hiro]

That cracks me up.

10/25/2006, 12:25 PM
Interesting little fact...

Masi Oka, aka Hiro Nakumura, is a programmer at ILM. You've seen his work in The Perfect Storm, both "Pirates" movies, Attack of the Clones, and Terminator 3.


no wonder he knows so much about comics ;)

10/25/2006, 01:08 PM
[Hiro] HERROW NEW YORK!!! [Hiro]


10/25/2006, 01:12 PM
Interesting little fact...

Masi Oka, aka Hiro Nakumura, is a programmer at ILM. You've seen his work in The Perfect Storm, both "Pirates" movies, Attack of the Clones, and Terminator 3.


Man...I like him even better now!

He's done some pretty incredible stuff.

10/25/2006, 01:21 PM
[Hiro] HELLO NEW YORK!!! [Hiro]

That cracks me up.



10/25/2006, 01:38 PM
Interesting little fact...

Masi Oka, aka Hiro Nakumura, is a programmer at ILM. You've seen his work in The Perfect Storm, both "Pirates" movies, Attack of the Clones, and Terminator 3.


Wow. I want to have his babies.

10/25/2006, 03:40 PM
Good points about DL being a good guy. I hadn't thought about his kid having the intuition and knowing he's a good guy. Also, the framing by Nikki makes some sense as well.

Link to the comic? I'm checking out NBC right now... fags. ;)

10/25/2006, 03:43 PM
I figured out where I knew Hiro from. Scrubs....

10/25/2006, 03:47 PM
i'm thinking he had a hunch


What hunch?

10/25/2006, 05:21 PM
there's and online comic also? interesting

Frozen Sooner
10/25/2006, 09:54 PM
there's and online comic also? interesting


Click on "Graphic Novel".

10/25/2006, 10:49 PM
Mount the cheerleader, save the world. This show could really pick up.

10/25/2006, 11:59 PM
Mount the cheerleader, save the world. This show could really pick up.

That one guy tried to and it didn't turn out so well for him.

10/26/2006, 08:34 PM
I think Syler may be the boys dad (blondies ex). She has stated that he's a murderer, and we know he can move through objects. It makes just as much sense that objects can move through him (bullets). The one thing that makes me doubt it is the mindreader cop blacked out when he was down in the basement with him.
I'm pretty sure that the boy's dad is dead and was killed by blondie's alter ego. She buried the two mob dudes in the same place she buried him.

10/26/2006, 08:36 PM
is it on tonight?

Frozen Sooner
10/26/2006, 08:49 PM
I'm pretty sure that the boy's dad is dead and was killed by blondie's alter ego. She buried the two mob dudes in the same place she buried him.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong on this one.

10/26/2006, 09:00 PM
I'm pretty sure you're wrong on this one.
We can place some vcash on it. ;)

There was something about the ring that he was wearing that connected him as the boys dad.

Frozen Sooner
10/26/2006, 10:09 PM
Well, except you don't have any vCash to bet...

But I'd be happy to put 150 on it.

10/26/2006, 10:32 PM
The Dad is alive holmes. Read the online comic (I refuse to call a comic book a graphic novel). Plus, the last scene in the episode showed the dad.

10/27/2006, 12:17 PM
Oh well. Wouldn't be the first thing I missed on the show.

Oh, and I'll have me some vcash after this weekend. :)

Frozen Sooner
10/27/2006, 08:38 PM
I'll take your marker.

GHP, you got this recorded?

10/27/2006, 10:11 PM
I'll take your marker.

GHP, you got this recorded?
So what happens if we're both wrong? You think that Syler's the kids dad, yet Syler looks white to me in the picture. Nikki's boys is for sure not white.

Frozen Sooner
10/28/2006, 12:48 AM
So what happens if we're both wrong? You think that Syler's the kids dad, yet Syler looks white to me in the picture. Nikki's boys is for sure not white.

I don't think Sylar is the kid's dad. I think DJ is the kid's dad, and DJ is innocent. DJ is black.

10/28/2006, 12:51 AM
I'll take your marker.

GHP, you got this recorded?

Let me open a thread over there. So the bet is whether or not Syler is the kid's dad, right?

10/28/2006, 12:54 AM
OK, bet is up. http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81558 Open till 5 pm Monday.

Unless you guys want i to be a Syler vs. DJ bet instead of Syler vs. the field. I can change that part and just abandon the event if it winds up being some crazy out-of-left-field scenario.

Frozen Sooner
10/28/2006, 12:55 AM
WHOA! That's not what I was betting. I was betting whether the kid's dad is dead or not. Reread my posts!

edit: This comes across more upset than I was, and sounds like I was acting like GHP can't read. GHP can read. At a fourth-grade level. Which is about right for my posts anyhow.


Frozen Sooner
10/28/2006, 01:06 AM
sb93, if you were the one complaining earlier about no season pass for this show on iTunes, it's up now.

10/28/2006, 01:09 AM
Heh. sorry, I'm so used to trying to decipher Engrish that actual coherent sentences didn't register properly. ;)

10/28/2006, 09:23 AM
I don't think Sylar is the kid's dad. I think DJ is the kid's dad, and DJ is innocent. DJ is black.
My bad, it was tbl that said that, not you.

Frozen Sooner
10/28/2006, 09:56 AM
All good man.

proud gonzo
10/29/2006, 10:33 PM
I know something y'all don't know--hahahahaHAha!!!... :D :D

10/30/2006, 06:16 PM
Since I got to watch the last 15 minutes of last weeks episode, I'll be making some money. :D

Dude's literally coming out of the woodwork. Crazy stuff.

proud gonzo
10/30/2006, 08:26 PM
...I know who Sylar is...

10/30/2006, 11:00 PM
sb93, if you were the one complaining earlier about no season pass for this show on iTunes, it's up now.

yeah, i saw, it had to do with the first episode i guess. Looks like I get a couple duplicate episodes now :D

Scott D
10/30/2006, 11:01 PM
Ok...I got a question here. When the Japanese guys were in the bathroom, and the one tried to do his freeze thing. Is it outside the realm of possibility that he actually helped 'evil' Niki kill those other guys by freezing them, and he is unaware that he wasn't able to freeze her because of her power?

10/30/2006, 11:30 PM
Ok...I got a question here. When the Japanese guys were in the bathroom, and the one tried to do his freeze thing. Is it outside the realm of possibility that he actually helped 'evil' Niki kill those other guys by freezing them, and he is unaware that he wasn't able to freeze her because of her power?

I don't think so...I think he was afraid and couldn't stop time in time. Or something like that. :O

Norm In Norman
10/31/2006, 08:43 AM
OK, what happened when Nikki blacked out for a few minutes? Is Nikki dead? Is DL a good guy? It's funny, the Indian's girlfriend always seemed not right to me. He just instantly started trusting her (she broke into his apartment!). I just always assumed it was bad writing, but come to find out he shouldn't have trusted her in the first place. Who are these "normal" people the dad seems to have hired (the girlfriend and the cheerleader's parents). Or do they have powers too?

You know, if Nikki is dead and Hiro decides to do a "do over", he might stop her, which might save her.

Scott D
10/31/2006, 11:40 AM
I don't think so...I think he was afraid and couldn't stop time in time. Or something like that. :O

that's mostly what I thought, but decided it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility of the way the writers are thinking.

I've only seen the one episode, and I didn't really see anything that indicated that DL could be one of the bad guys. I think his coming in to stop Niki may have had something to do with what Micah may have said to him when the two were in Micah's room. Or, his temper could have gotten the best of him after 'evil' Niki tried throwing him through the wall.

10/31/2006, 11:43 AM
Not that strong of an episode in my opinion.

I'm still not sure about Niki's powers and I am a little unsettled by her good girl, bad girl persona. So she only has her powers when she is in her bad girl persona? Is her split personality a product of her ability or a result of her trying to deal with it?

I don't understand why her bad side tried to get her to get the money right then. Why didn't she wait until he left? Was she trying to force a confrontation?

I'm also warming up to Peter Petrelli. His was my least favorite character to begin with but they've done some good things with him lately.

10/31/2006, 11:46 AM
OK, what happened when Nikki blacked out for a few minutes? Is Nikki dead? Is DL a good guy? It's funny, the Indian's girlfriend always seemed not right to me. He just instantly started trusting her (she broke into his apartment!). I just always assumed it was bad writing, but come to find out he shouldn't have trusted her in the first place. Who are these "normal" people the dad seems to have hired (the girlfriend and the cheerleader's parents). Or do they have powers too?

You know, if Nikki is dead and Hiro decides to do a "do over", he might stop her, which might save her.

My opinion is that Nikki is only mostly dead. Horned rimmed glasses dude will find a way to bring her back...on his side. I think DL is a good guy too.

10/31/2006, 12:06 PM
DL was only trying to defend himself, but i can't imagine Nikki is dead

Eden being with the Horn Rimmed Glasses Guy was a surprise to me, it's not that she broke in to the apartment, she had a key. i guess she either took it from "Papa Suresh" after he was dead, or had actually conned him too. she probably knew the guy that was tapping the phone, but why where they just now tapping it?

10/31/2006, 12:11 PM
but why where they just now tapping it?

Heh. I think that's what horn-rims was suggesting. :texan:

10/31/2006, 12:13 PM
"Save the cheerleader, save the world"

I have to admit, I'm a bit embarassed at watching a movie with this tagline. :O

10/31/2006, 12:14 PM
"Save the cheerleader, save the world"

I have to admit, I'm a bit embarassed at watching a movie with this tagline. :O
That's why they whisper it during previews.

10/31/2006, 12:16 PM
it can't be good that her "dad" got that message

when does Hiro start another do-over? :eek:

10/31/2006, 12:25 PM
"Save the cheerleader, save the world"

I have to admit, I'm a bit embarassed at watching a movie with this tagline. :O

SWEET!, There's a movie about this stuff??!?!? awesome, where?

10/31/2006, 12:31 PM
I think that Claire's (that's the cheerleaders name right) dad is going to actually turn out to be neither good or bad. He's just doing what he sees as necessary.

It may turn out that Syler is someone we've seen before but I'm betting he is an entirely different character.

If anything, I think that the evil Niki is somehow tied in to the bad group of characters (I can't bring myself to call them mutants. Anyone have a better name for these evolved characters?)

10/31/2006, 12:36 PM
my DVR is f'd up. it didn't record anything sunday or monday..what's up with that?

10/31/2006, 01:30 PM
Hold it up to your computer screen and we'll diagnose it for you. ;)

Scott D
10/31/2006, 01:45 PM
I think that Claire's (that's the cheerleaders name right) dad is going to actually turn out to be neither good or bad. He's just doing what he sees as necessary.

It may turn out that Syler is someone we've seen before but I'm betting he is an entirely different character.

If anything, I think that the evil Niki is somehow tied in to the bad group of characters (I can't bring myself to call them mutants. Anyone have a better name for these evolved characters?)

no better name, but I have a feeling that Niki is going to be 'evolving' in a future episode. Why else have that big deal at the end of the episode specifically referring to evolution being a survival or perish kind of thing.

Desert Sapper
10/31/2006, 02:32 PM
...I know who Sylar is...


Wonder who this is? ;)

10/31/2006, 02:47 PM

Desert Sapper
10/31/2006, 02:59 PM


10/31/2006, 06:21 PM
Ok, when ever I see horned rimmed glasses dude on other websites, are they talking about the cheerleader's dad?

Nevertheless, we see them as bad guys. I have read enough comic books to realize that this may not be the case.

I also believe that Claire's dad is not the top bad guy. #1) They always save that junk for the season finale and #2) What big bad guy would ever choose to live in Odessa? :D

I believe the symbol is the key to everything. Even the most laid back watcher figured it out when Rogue-dude was rubbing off paint. Frozen Sooner-type people figured that out during the pilot.

Save the cheerleader, save the world. Saving NYC is not saving the world. What if you need a hero that must perform a world-saving task after a nuclear blast? After that task is done, Hiro may then save NYC with his re-winding voodoo.

Just some random thoughts. I thought Monday's episode was awesome. The storylines are really starting to mix together now!

10/31/2006, 06:44 PM
Ok, when ever I see horned rimmed glasses dude on other websites, are they talking about the cheerleader's dad?

Nevertheless, we see them as bad guys. I have read enough comic books to realize that this may not be the case.

I also believe that Claire's dad is not the top bad guy. #1) They always save that junk for the season finale and #2) What big bad guy would ever choose to live in Odessa? :D

I believe the symbol is the key to everything. Even the most laid back watcher figured it out when Rogue-dude was rubbing off paint. Frozen Sooner-type people figured that out during the pilot.

Save the cheerleader, save the world. Saving NYC is not saving the world. What if you need a hero that must perform a world-saving task after a nuclear blast? After that task is done, Hiro may then save NYC with his re-winding voodoo.

Just some random thoughts. I thought Monday's episode was awesome. The storylines are really starting to mix together now!

The symbol is a key to something, but whoknows how much. It looks to me like its one side of a DNA strand, but could be something else. But until we are given a little more, its nothing more than an easter egg. but it is everywhere...

proud gonzo
10/31/2006, 07:01 PM
Ok, when ever I see horned rimmed glasses dude on other websites, are they talking about the cheerleader's dad? yes--the dude with the glasses

11/1/2006, 08:20 AM
The symbol is a key to something, but whoknows how much. It looks to me like its one side of a DNA strand, but could be something else. But until we are given a little more, its nothing more than an easter egg. but it is everywhere...

I'm with you, Ike. I'm positive it's one side of a DNA strand. I think it's a part of the DNA strand that they all share, or what makes them different.

I'm not 100% convinced that Sharesh won't wind up with an ability before it's over.

11/1/2006, 09:20 AM
Nikki is going to turn out being one of the bad guys full time (she already was part time). She's not dead, but I think this incident is going to let the dark side take over for good. DL is not bad at all. I'm still mixed on Claires dad whether he is bad or not, though I lean towards bad.

I for one hope Suresh stays in India. He grated me every time his scenes were on.

11/3/2006, 10:36 AM
you know, I wonder what happens to the younger Petrelli when he's in proximity to more than ONE super.

Does his head explode? Will he do a flying time stop? Split into two personalities and walk through himself?

What is he is in proximity to Sylar....or the brain wiping dude?


Frozen Sooner
11/3/2006, 11:25 AM
I don't remember if I put this in the post where I copied someone saying every place the RNA strand appears, but there's a model of it on Mohinder's father's desk.

11/6/2006, 11:53 PM
So now we know of a new symbol for the good guys. I'm still thinking horn rimmed might be a good guy. I don't think he's the one that is chasing down Claire (isn't that the cheerleaders name?)

Norm In Norman
11/7/2006, 11:27 AM
I'd say this was the weakest episode but it still was pretty good. I'm really annoyed about Hiro and DL being open with their powers but neither cared at all.

11/7/2006, 11:30 AM
Wasn't DL more concerned about getting away from the cops? so didn't have any time to think about powers?

11/7/2006, 11:43 AM
I don't think that Hiro saw DL's powers and vice versa. The one that seems to know the most is Micah. He saw Hiro's abilities, he knows about his mom and his dad and he has abilities as well.

I thought the episode was OK.

It's interesting to see Peter getting more confident. Not sure about the tie in with his patient and the dream and everything. Seems like there might be another clue about his abilities.

I'm a little disappointed with the mind reader's story line so far. Maybe I think that he is showing a weakness of character in not telling his wife about his abilities.

I think that it's still the best new show of the season.

11/7/2006, 12:37 PM
So now we know of a new symbol for the good guys.

we do?

11/7/2006, 12:40 PM
Not only that, but not confronting her on cheating. He bailed when he was about to crack her mind, but at least he popped the guy at work. He needs to grow a pair and stop being such a wuss.

I was extremely happy that the Indian guy and his girl were nowhere to be found. Unfortunately it looks like he's back next week.

I think Peter is becoming one of my faves. He and Hiro are the glue.

11/7/2006, 12:42 PM
we do?
You didn't see that? It's like 2 parallel lines. The psychic cop had one on his shoulder and one of the other guys had one (can't remember now). Apparently there's a bad guy symbol & a good guy symbol. It's going to be interesting to see how this thing pans out.

I'm still frustrated by how fast each episode goes by without getting that far in the story. They need to start writing some of the weaker characters off and stop adding new ones. Apparently next week we're being introduced to more (in addition to last nights radioactive man).

11/7/2006, 01:26 PM
oh, that.

I didn't realize that was a symbol.

Desert Sapper
11/13/2006, 01:35 PM
Apparently everything will 'clear up' in the next two weeks. Right.:rolleyes:

11/13/2006, 03:47 PM
I read an article in EW today while I was in a lobby waiting. It looks like we'll get to see Syler and also have some other things cleared up before they take their fall break on 12-4. The episode on the 27th is supposed to be the bees knees.

11/13/2006, 10:21 PM
so for how many more weeks will we be introduced to new characters? i'm still waiting for something to happen.

Norm In Norman
11/13/2006, 10:36 PM
Well, reading the creator's website, he said the cool thing about heroes (as opposed to lost) is that they can go anywhere with it. They don't have to stay with the same cast or anything. That way if they run out of material for a character, they can spend some time on another character or something.

11/13/2006, 11:33 PM
Well, reading the creator's website, he said the cool thing about heroes (as opposed to lost) is that they can go anywhere with it. They don't have to stay with the same cast or anything. That way if they run out of material for a character, they can spend some time on another character or something.

I guess we can count on them getting rid of Mohinder, then...BOOO-RING.

Frozen Sooner
11/14/2006, 12:53 AM
Grrrr. Stupid-*** DVR didn't record it.

11/14/2006, 08:33 AM
I'm a little disappointed with the mind reader's story line so far. Maybe I think that he is showing a weakness of character in not telling his wife about his abilities.

and here I was thinking that it was the wife that was showing weakness of character for spreading her legs for his partner.

11/14/2006, 09:32 AM
I agree that the wife is at fault for her indiscretion but that doesn't excuse him not confiding in what is supposed to be his closest companion.

After last night, I'm not sure what is going on with his story line. He loses his badge but is still on call for the FBI?

Thought that tonights story was pretty interesting. I'm liking Hiro's character. I wonder if he is going to show back up speaking perfect English?

11/14/2006, 10:25 AM
I guess we can count on them getting rid of Mohinder, then...BOOO-RING.
No doubt. I hope he's nixed in the opening scene of the next episode. His story has been the worst since the inception of the series. Now that we have HRG possibly being a good guy that can bring all of them together, there's no reason for him to exist. Even if HRG is bad, they can get to the origins of the evolution without having Mosuckder around to ruin the show.

That's another thing I read in the EW article was that they created it with the idea of killing people off (most likely due to losing their powers). If that theory holds true, I think the first guy to go is Isaac, since Peter has already proven he can do it without heroin. The creator said it's getting hard to decide who gets the ax now, due to the surprising popularity.

Positives for last nights episodes:
A lot of Hiro. That's always a good thing. Plus I thought introducing the memory chick was pretty cool, if nothing else as a love interest for Hiro-San.
Finding out more about HRG. It's good to see that his motive for his daughter is purely out of love for her. I like the dualism they're putting out there. Maybe he's a good guy that subscribes more to the ends justifying the means mentality.
Radoiactive man. I kinda like him.
No Nikki. Her storyline is another one I could do without. Hopefully she'll go soon, but I highly doubt it.

Mosuckder's dominating storyline. Worst. Character. Evar.
Lack of Peter Petrelli. I think he has one of the best stories, since his powers are still unknown. Plus, like Hiro, he openly embraces his powers and wants to do something with them.
Mind reader not telling his wife... AGAIN. I mean, COME ON!

11/14/2006, 10:27 AM
I wonder if he is going to show back up speaking perfect English?
Oooooo.... Good point. I bet that does happen.

In the EW article, they said Hiro's sword was going to end up playing a very important role throughout the series.

11/14/2006, 10:49 PM
I missed this weeks show. :mad:

11/14/2006, 10:56 PM
Sucks to be you!!! ;)

11/14/2006, 11:02 PM
Here ya go...


11/14/2006, 11:13 PM
Here ya go...


11/14/2006, 11:33 PM
I thought this quote from the boards over there was pretty funny. Apparently there's going to be a gay character on the show. Most of them propose it's Claires wussy friend Zack, which makes complete sense.

"Next week we'll have a blind hero with a seeing eye dog, a VietNam veteran who can shoot napalm from his hands and a Mexican hero who cannot be held back by common fences. This is getting absurd."

11/15/2006, 09:23 AM
oh great, the obligatory gay character. And I was just about to say that last night's episode has me hooked for the duration.

TBL, I agree with your assessment of absurdity. Too bad, they had something good going.

11/15/2006, 09:58 AM
People are tired of the Indian dude's storyline? That's the whole freaking basis for the show! You get rid of him, you never find out the origin of these heroes.

I find every storyline interesting, except maybe the flying congressman.

BTW, what happened with the mind reader dude stopping that robber? They kind of dropped that story altogether.

11/15/2006, 10:13 AM
Because the story was over. He talked him out of it. Yes, the didn't show what happened after he passed out but I guess you are to just assume he came to and went on his way.

Norm In Norman
11/15/2006, 10:54 AM
I watch Lost. I don't make assumptions.

11/15/2006, 10:56 AM
Hiro's clapping was pretty annoying. I hope they don't ruin his character.

There's a fine line between "geeky excitement" and "perkiness". DO NOT CROSS.

11/15/2006, 11:28 AM
Hiro's clapping was pretty annoying. I hope they don't ruin his character.

There's a fine line between "geeky excitement" and "perkiness". DO NOT CROSS.

11/15/2006, 11:33 AM
I thought that he looked sad in the picture at the end of the show. I'm curious how he is going to be reintroduced.

11/15/2006, 11:51 AM
I thought that he looked sad in the picture at the end of the show. I'm curious how he is going to be reintroduced.
That's just the standard "Hi, I'm stuck in West Texas." look.

JoJo Dudeman
11/15/2006, 02:15 PM
That's another thing I read in the EW article was that they created it with the idea of killing people off (most likely due to losing their powers). If that theory holds true, I think the first guy to go is Isaac, since Peter has already proven he can do it without heroin.

Maybe I'm wrong but I thought Peter's "power" was being able to possess other people's "power". For example he can only fly when he's around his brother who can fly. So if that's the case he wouldn't be able to paint if Issac was dead.

11/15/2006, 02:31 PM
well, we don't really know anything about peter's power yet. Except that he does "use" the others power when he's around them. Since all of the other characters powers are evolving still as they begin to understand how to control them, we can also probably assume that Peter's power is also just being developed. So maybe after he learns how to control it, he will be able to retain powers long after coming in contact with them.

11/15/2006, 02:32 PM
Hiro's clapping was pretty annoying. I hope they don't ruin his character.

There's a fine line between "geeky excitement" and "perkiness". DO NOT CROSS.

based on what we saw of "future Hiro", I don't think he'll be getting anymore annoying than he already is.

by the way, I kind of enjoy his annoyingness.

11/15/2006, 04:49 PM
well, we don't really know anything about peter's power yet. Except that he does "use" the others power when he's around them. Since all of the other characters powers are evolving still as they begin to understand how to control them, we can also probably assume that Peter's power is also just being developed. So maybe after he learns how to control it, he will be able to retain powers long after coming in contact with them.

From his inablility to fly when not near his brother, I think that it is safe to say that he has to be in close proximity to another character in order to have their ability.

It's interesting to think that he might be able to sustain the ability longer the more he practices it. Maybe his power is similar to Syler's. Seems that Syler is trying to take other peoples abilities.

JoJo Dudeman
11/15/2006, 04:56 PM
Syler is getting the powers by stealing their brains. I'm assuming he gets the radioactive guys brain and uses it to blow up NYC.

11/15/2006, 10:32 PM
Here ya go...

The innerweb just RMFO.

Good episode.

Frozen Sooner
11/16/2006, 12:32 AM
Random sweetness: Apparently Bill Lawrence is thinking about having Masa Oka's character on Scrubs show up with Hiro's powers at Sacred Heart.

Finally watched this week's episode. Told you that HRG isn't Sylar. :D This was also confirmed in an interview with Oka.

So Hiro's stuck in the past gettin' some nook. Good for him. Still hasn't explained why, once he gets controls of his powers, he wouldn't appear at the designated time anyhow.

Super-persuasive Girl is actually pretty decent. Explains why Mohinder accepted her so quickly.

11/16/2006, 01:32 AM
The actor has been announced that plays Syler. All you gotta do is go to the NBC boards and there is all kinds of info.

I hate to keep quoting this EW article, but there was a ton of stuff in it (including some spoilers). Apparently Hiro went back in time and was a busboy at the restaurant, presumably learning English from the memory girl. Somewhere along the line he acquires a sword... Makes sense. :D

Peter Petrelli is a mimic. Once he really learns his powers, I have a feeling he'll be able to maintain those abilities once he learns them, even away from the people (ala the blue chick on X-men).

11/16/2006, 01:35 AM
Super-persuasive Girl is actually pretty decent. Explains why Mohinder accepted her so quickly.
Wait... is THAT her power??? Being persuasive? You've got to be kidding me... Oh well, I still completely dig the show, in spite of it's flaws. I mean 24 is as good as it gets, but we have to ignore the nuclear capabilities of Jacks PDA.

11/16/2006, 02:20 AM
a woman being persuasive???? holy ****

11/16/2006, 02:22 AM
Mohinder's gonna hit it. :P

11/16/2006, 09:51 AM
Wait... is THAT her power??? Being persuasive?
Sounds like a character from Mystery Men. Mr. Furious' power was getting really angry. This chick's power is being Super Persuasive. Awesomeness.

Norm In Norman
11/16/2006, 10:14 AM
Dude, use spoiler tags when quoting spoilers.

11/16/2006, 10:22 AM
My bad. The only spoiler I posted was that he went back to be a busboy. I didn't figure that one to give too much away.

Frozen Sooner
11/16/2006, 11:35 AM
Wait... is THAT her power??? Being persuasive? You've got to be kidding me... Oh well, I still completely dig the show, in spite of it's flaws. I mean 24 is as good as it gets, but we have to ignore the nuclear capabilities of Jacks PDA.

Plenty of examples of this power in traditional comics, and it can be used to devastating effect. Purple Man, for example, usually beats a lot of Avenger *** before they finally put him down.

I'm guessing her power is going to have something to do with pheromones, which is why she's only using it on men.

I'm going to guess that HRG's power is immunity to others' powers. I don't think I've seen anyone use powers on him yet.

Frozen Sooner
11/16/2006, 11:36 AM
Dude, use spoiler tags when quoting spoilers.

You talkin' to me?

Sorry-I didn't think it was a spoiler that HRG isn't Sylar anymore.

11/16/2006, 11:41 AM
I'm going to guess that HRG's power is immunity to others' powers. I don't think I've seen anyone use powers on him yet.

Yeah, cause couldn't have really persuasive girl just whispered sweet nothings into his ear in the last episode and got her out of doing the dirty work? Nice point.

Norm In Norman
11/16/2006, 01:26 PM
You talkin' to me?

Sorry-I didn't think it was a spoiler that HRG isn't Sylar anymore.
I meant tbl. I mentioned HRG isn't Sylar a few pages back (with pics). I didn't want to know about Hiro being a busboy, learning english from the chick, or picking up the sword during this time. i like to be surprised about detail stuff. For Lost i even tried not watching the next weeks previews, but someone always blew it for me so now I watch the previews so at least i can do it on my own terms.

11/20/2006, 09:25 PM
I was a little disappointed in tonight's show.

Norm In Norman
11/20/2006, 10:28 PM
Dude, that's bad.

I wonder if he saved the right cheerleader? This episode wasn't quite as awesome as they built it up to be. It was still good though. Why didn't they sick that one chick on Sylar way before this?

11/20/2006, 10:43 PM
I think that "that one chick" is working with whoever "the bad guys" are. She's a double-agent, so to speak. I'm kinda sad that they didn't give us more of Hiro's trip in this episode. He's been gone for a full episode now.


11/20/2006, 10:46 PM
Tonight was the first episode my wife has bothered to watch . . . questions, questions, questions.

I kinda think she's hooked . . . so I guess she'll be watching the other shows I've got on my PC.

11/21/2006, 01:02 AM
Lack of Hiro also made me sad. Looks like we'll get a good dose of him next week though. Next week might be interesting. Why does the older Petrilli drive his car into the median?

I'm also disappointed that this week didn't quite live up to the hype.

Scott D
11/21/2006, 01:47 AM
Interesting that Niki's alter ego has a name now thanks to Micah. And nice to see Haitian guy show up to render Sylar unconscious.

11/21/2006, 02:10 AM
When they first flashed to Nikis story, they identified her as Jessica in the opening comic strip. wonder if she got her man. I guess that he goes "non solid" as soon as he hears the gun shot. They get away.

11/21/2006, 08:30 AM
I was a little disappointed in tonight's show.

well I just talked to tonights show, and it was disappointed in YOU.

11/21/2006, 09:13 AM
well I just talked to tonights show, and it was disappointed in YOU.

shouldn't you be picking roses and breaking into apartments?


ps I changed what I had originally written. It had to do with lady parts of the cheerleader.

11/21/2006, 09:27 AM
weak, dude.

I suppose you will be wearing a nice orange polar fleece this weekend too....

Hot Rod
11/21/2006, 09:41 AM
First of all, Micah realizes what his mom is going through and pleads to his dad for help to "save her". Next, if Hiro went to save the waitress, wouldn't she already be saved, as soon as he went back in time. If he does go back in time to stop it, does she still die? (Just a little thought)

It's a good thing that Peter goes to try to save the cheerleader that can regenerate and heal herself, or it would've been lights out for him.

It seems as if our "double agent" was trying to get that list from Mohinder's Dad. I wonder if he will get a power eventually as the show goes on.

11/21/2006, 10:10 AM
First of all, Micah realizes what his mom is going through and pleads to his dad for help to "save her". Next, if Hiro went to save the waitress, wouldn't she already be saved, as soon as he went back in time. If he does go back in time to stop it, does she still die? (Just a little thought)

It's a good thing that Peter goes to try to save the cheerleader that can regenerate and heal herself, or it would've been lights out for him.

It seems as if our "double agent" was trying to get that list from Mohinder's Dad. I wonder if he will get a power eventually as the show goes on.

perhaps Hiro convinced here to stop working there and now he's friend needs to find him somewhere in Midland-Odessa.

So the cheerleader was saved and now the next story line begins. I like this show.

11/21/2006, 10:13 AM
I also don't understand the Hiro storyline. It seems like he didn't stick around long enought to save her. She is still dead in the current timeline.

11/21/2006, 10:23 AM
Dude, that's bad.

I wonder if he saved the right cheerleader? This episode wasn't quite as awesome as they built it up to be. It was still good though. Why didn't they sick that one chick on Sylar way before this?

i don't think they knew when and where he'd be before now

her Jedi Mind Trick thing is pretty rough... it didn't work on Mohinder though...

11/21/2006, 10:25 AM
and the painting was kinda weak, i mean you knew he was going to be around Claire and in the painting his head was still in tact, so you knew he wasn't Sylared

Scott D
11/21/2006, 10:53 AM
First of all, Micah realizes what his mom is going through and pleads to his dad for help to "save her". Next, if Hiro went to save the waitress, wouldn't she already be saved, as soon as he went back in time. If he does go back in time to stop it, does she still die? (Just a little thought)

It's a good thing that Peter goes to try to save the cheerleader that can regenerate and heal herself, or it would've been lights out for him.

It seems as if our "double agent" was trying to get that list from Mohinder's Dad. I wonder if he will get a power eventually as the show goes on.

I think the key to the Hiro thing was the other waitress. She commented that he was there 6 months ago. His friend never asked about the waitress, and the scene had shifted enough that there didn't appear to be anything other than regular business going on that I saw.

11/21/2006, 10:57 AM
I think the key to the Hiro thing was the other waitress. She commented that he was there 6 months ago. His friend never asked about the waitress, and the scene had shifted enough that there didn't appear to be anything other than regular business going on that I saw.

I was thinking the same thing. It was business as usual around there, and no cops, or people questioning...nothing but normal diner stuff.

11/21/2006, 11:20 AM
They still had the tribute to the murdered waitress up and that is where Ando sees the picture of Hiro with the waitress. As of this time, we still have to assume the waitress is dead. The replacement waitress says that Hiro left abrubtly two weeks ago and hadn't been around since. The question is, why did hero leave.

11/21/2006, 11:21 AM
Claires dad also had a picture of the murdered waitress.

11/21/2006, 02:27 PM
It's possible that after going back in time Hiro realizes that either saving the waitress will cause too many problems in the time line. Another possibility is that his time travel causes events to change so that she dies at another time and/or place.

11/21/2006, 05:36 PM

heh, pretty harsh...

this was pretty funny though :D

'Heroes' still moves faster than 'Lost'

11/21/2006, 06:03 PM

heh, pretty harsh...

this was pretty funny though :D

He spends the majority of “Homecoming” in a Hamlet-inspired sulk, wondering if he should follow dad's (woefully misinformed) genetic work and fretting over the newfound knowledge that he has a deceased (and genetically special) older sister, Shanti. (Though you can bet your Vulcan ears she’s probably alive somewhere, hanging out with Fox Mulder’s sister.)

11/22/2006, 01:28 AM
Mohinder already has powers. More than a couple. The first ones that I can think of are sucking, boring viewers, greasy hair, and really sucking. Kill Mohinder; save the show.

I thought the ep was pretty stinking good. I fast forwarded through every Mohinder scene, so that definitely made it better. It sucks that Peter is going to get arrested, but I'm sure he'll figure a way out of it. I was hoping he'd have a power showdown with Sylar, but I guess he isn't ready for it. At least he confirmed what we were all suspecting his power was.

Nathan sucks. He needs to start embracing who he is. I mean, the dude can fly.

We're gonna get a heavy dose of Hiro next week. I'm also hoping for some more Peter. Those two are definitely my favorites. I think b/c they openly embrace their powers and talk to others about it.

I agree that persuasive girl is a double agent, though I'm not 100%. I'm still not sure what HRG is up to either.

Great show.

Frozen Sooner
11/22/2006, 01:32 AM
Why is persuasive girl a double agent again? She was in the process of stopping Sylar when the bald dude showed to put the Vulcan nerve pinch on.

11/22/2006, 01:35 AM
I don't know... she just seemed fishy. Again, maybe HRG is still a bad guy, but he just had obvious personal reasons for protecting Claire. It's hard to tell.

Thus the hook.

11/22/2006, 02:25 AM
The haitian dude works with Mr. Bennet (HRG) the same as Eden (the persuasive girl). She doesn't seem like a double agent to me. I think that you still see her in the role of spying on Mohinder so you thing that she is still spying on someone.

So what is going to happen to Syler. Also, by travelling back six months, will the cast actually stop Syler from committing so many murders?

PS - I'm trying to force myself to use the characters names so I'll maybe remember them.

11/22/2006, 08:28 AM
I have a problem with the whole Peter / Sylar showdown. I suppose we are to assume that Sylar already has healing abilities too, as he was able to hop up and run away faster than Peter, who was still out until Claire came out that door. But if ole Peter absorbs the powers of whatever super he's around, then why didn't he recover just as quickly?


11/22/2006, 08:29 AM
Of course Peter is now screwed, cause he's going to be going on and on to the cops about how he "saved" the cheerleader...so of course the cops will label him a psycho.

11/22/2006, 08:44 AM
I enjoyed the episode. Agree with the lameness of Mohinder's scenes, but I guess maybe they put that in to somewhat pace the show? idk. All I'm sayin' is that Persuasive girl's eye's should be registered as weapons.

11/22/2006, 09:09 AM
I think that her hypnotic abilities should be in the form of pulling off her shirt and you just see big swirley patterns were her breast should be and that would hypnotis whoever looks at them. :D

11/22/2006, 11:25 AM
I'm pretty tired of Nathan. I guess I just don't like little sniveling people and he's first rate. OTOH, if he gets killed off the show, he could probably really go into politics. He'd be perfect.

Frozen Sooner
11/22/2006, 11:38 AM
Mohinder doesn't bother me as much as he apparently does everyone else. He's a literary device for exposition-he's not supposed to be exciting, he's there to show backstory and explain things. It's a little clumsy, sure, but not horrible.

I'm gonna give it up to myself for calling big-eyed-chick's power. :D

11/22/2006, 12:33 PM
Nathan is my least favorite (and by that I mean most disliked) character on the show. I guess that his attitude of "I know best" really gets on my nerve. I wouldn't have any problem if he had an accident.

Mike Rich, you are going to quote your post and date it before I give it up to you. I can't (and by that I mean I'm too lazy to go back through the post and verify.

Frozen Sooner
11/22/2006, 12:34 PM
Random sweetness: Apparently Bill Lawrence is thinking about having Masa Oka's character on Scrubs show up with Hiro's powers at Sacred Heart.

Finally watched this week's episode. Told you that HRG isn't Sylar. :D This was also confirmed in an interview with Oka.

So Hiro's stuck in the past gettin' some nook. Good for him. Still hasn't explained why, once he gets controls of his powers, he wouldn't appear at the designated time anyhow.

Super-persuasive Girl is actually pretty decent. Explains why Mohinder accepted her so quickly.

posted on 11/15. :D

There may have been reference to her power earlier in the thread.

11/22/2006, 01:48 PM
I'll give it up to you. I thought her superpower was No B00bs.

11/27/2006, 10:14 PM
Most obvious positive about this episode; no Mohinder!

I thought it was really informative, though some parts were slow. We're still not completely in the know on HRG, but I dig that she can't use her powers on him. Apparently he's immune to powers being used on him (as I believe somebody speculated earlier).

So it looks like Syler is eating brains. Hopefully the memory girls tumor will come into his brain and ruin him. Apparently he's not the only bad guy since there's obviously somebody out there that wants to blow up NYC.

I'm pumped about next week. Who do you guys think gets the axe? I'm putting my money on Isaac. I wish it were Nicky/Jessica, but apparently she's too good looking for the network to kill. I still give her plotline a solid "WHO CARES?!?!?!".

11/27/2006, 10:32 PM
Now that was a disappointing episode IMO.

11/27/2006, 11:34 PM
I still thought it was pretty good. Apart from Nicky still being there, it was good to see. Again, Mohinder was MIA, therefore it gets an automatic passing grade from me.

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 11:37 PM
Most obvious positive about this episode; no Mohinder!

I thought it was really informative, though some parts were slow. We're still not completely in the know on HRG, but I dig that she can't use her powers on him. Apparently he's immune to powers being used on him (as I believe somebody speculated earlier).


11/27/2006, 11:39 PM
Yes Mike. You rule. You have massive Hero's insight. Perhaps that is your gift...

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 11:42 PM
Reading a lot of comic books is hardly a super power. ;)

I expect Heroes to follow a lot of comic book conventions-Jeph Loeb is one of the chief writers, and he's a BIG comic book guy. He's written a bunch of Batman stories and just got signed to a big-money exclusive deal by Marvel.

11/27/2006, 11:45 PM
I'm going to eat your brain...

Frozen Sooner
11/27/2006, 11:46 PM
Better be prepared to be there all day, then. ;)

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 12:47 AM
Heh. That's some good comic-book geek insider jokery right there.

"Go break the internet in half!"

(For those who don't get the reference, Marvel Editor-in-chief Joe Quesada said about a certain comic that it would 'break the internet in half'-something for which he caught a LOT of grief and mockery.)

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 12:51 AM
Whoa. Mr. Gray is kind of a freak...

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 01:03 AM
Hm. I'm wondering if Sylar might be only killing people who are going to die soon anyhow...

Nope, I think I'm wrong on that one.

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 01:10 AM
I don't think Sylar is eating brains. I think he's taking them apart to figure out what's "broken" and then "fixing" his own brain to be able to do the same things.

11/28/2006, 03:54 AM

it's the black dude that blocks powers, not HRG. i'm almost positive

i think Sylar looks at their brains and steals their powers too, that's pretty crazy

has anyone mentioned "Great Scott" yet? that was awesome :D

11/28/2006, 03:57 AM
Now that was a disappointing episode IMO.

i kinda agree, it was like a twisted clip episode

basically filler, mostly it was stuff you knew had to have happened, just fleshing out all the details... and tying things up to all happening within 6 months and making some connections, like the cop and the persuasive chick

11/28/2006, 09:06 AM
I thought it was a better episode than last weeks. At least you know a little more about what's going on now. Last week was just empty.

Pretty sure that we knew Sylar was stealing powers already, but I think now we know how.

interesting. So....did Sylar kill Mohinders dad?

11/28/2006, 09:21 AM
You're right on the black dude blocking powers instead of HRG. Any time HRG has been immune has been while the Haitian was around. I'm still wondering what his angle is... Maybe he's the one involved in the bomb plot. I have a feeling he's a good guy, but they're definitely leaving the shady vibe out there.

11/28/2006, 09:24 AM
i think Sylar looks at their brains and steals their powers too, that's pretty crazy

How on earth would he do that? I just don't think that makes sense... Of course I don't think logic plays too much into the storylines on this show. I know he's a watchmaker and is very detailed, but I don't see how he could impliment that into his own brain.

11/28/2006, 09:28 AM
being detail oriented as he is, I think it's a fairly easy jump to make that he more or less goes through their brains and see what "makes them tick", and then changes his own to reflect theirs.

11/28/2006, 09:31 AM
Right, but how does he change his own? Perhaps he has a natural power after all...

11/28/2006, 09:38 AM
well, he was first on the list.

11/28/2006, 10:49 AM
So...if Sylar can see the irregularities in a super's brain, then WHY WAS HE FOOLED BY THE OTHER CHEERLEADER?!?!?!?

Sorry. Forgive me. I actually the last two episodes have improved the show quite a bit...

11/28/2006, 10:56 AM
well he wouldn't know until he cut her open....duh.

11/28/2006, 10:58 AM
well he wouldn't know until he cut her open....duh.

He saw the abnormalities in the telekinetic guy before he killed him. Which was, of course, why he killed him.

11/28/2006, 10:58 AM
Couldn't he just hold her head up to his ear like he did the watch?

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 11:26 AM
He has to be looking for it to know if someone is abnormal. If someone's going to just tell you that they've got powers, much easier.

I don't think the Haitian was around when Super-persuasive Girl was asking HRG to not make her convince the Artist to do smack.

11/28/2006, 11:29 AM
He has to be looking for it to know if someone is abnormal. If someone's going to just tell you that they've got powers, much easier.

I don't think the Haitian was around when Super-persuasive Girl was asking HRG to not make her convince the Artist to do smack.

Could be. I think by this time persuasion girl probably knows she's screwed if she uses her powers on glasses guy.

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 11:53 AM
Well, I also think it's a bit unlikely that Haitian guy has more than one power. He's already got the demonstrated mind-wipe power, why would he have a power-suppression power as well? I don't think anyone has demonstrated more than one innate power (given that Sylar and cool Petrelli have a meta-power: the ability to mimic other people's powers.)

We know that Claire is adopted, but that HRG won't let her meet her parents. The people he had her meet were a ruse, right?

I think Claire is his actual daughter from a different mother-which would make it make a lot of sense for him to have powers as well.

Plus, if Haitian guy can suppress powers, then why didn't he keep jerk Petrelli from flying away?

11/28/2006, 12:04 PM
The mind-reader cop guy couldn't read minds around the Haitian guy, and glasses guy indicated he was the reason. Good call on Petrelli, perhaps Hatian guy has to focus the power and he wasn't at the time (and Petrelli was too quick?)

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 12:12 PM
I don't recall HRG indicating that the Haitian was the reason why the cop couldn't read his mind. I thought that HRG just said that he wouldn't be able to read his mind. Which episode was that? I'll rewatch it while I'm trying to look like I'm working today.

11/28/2006, 12:14 PM
i'm pretty sure he said "not with my friend here"

he also tried to read the Haitian dude's thoughts and couldn't before he blacked out in the bar

and what's with them changing actors on Sylar? :D

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 12:17 PM
You're right, he couldn't read the Haitians thoughts at the bar. Good call. If the Haitian has that power, though, it seems to work rather selectively.

11/28/2006, 12:17 PM
heh, Sean Bean isn't listed anymore... i wonder what is up with that...


i mean, imdb is user updated... i wonder if that was some random dork, or if NBC did it?

11/28/2006, 12:37 PM
i'm pretty sure he said "not with my friend here"

he also tried to read the Haitian dude's thoughts and couldn't before he blacked out in the bar

and what's with them changing actors on Sylar? :D

It's in the episode "Come Together", towards the beginning. The entire line is "trying to read my thoughts, Matt? Not with my friend here".

Later on, the cop asks "Who's Claire?", and glasses guy says "they're further along than we thought." Obviously, whatever suppression technique they're using isn't 100% effective.

11/28/2006, 12:42 PM
maybe it only works while they aren't good with their powers yet?

Nathan Petrelli had already been using his power somewhat and it was seemingly triggered by stress or something

11/28/2006, 01:10 PM
It seems Haitian can only suppress mental powers, not physical (like flying). The only way they got syler down was by whats her name suggesting he pass out.

I disagree with crawfish on Syler. The reason he killed the telikinetic guy is the same reason he's killed everybody else; he wants their powers, not b/c he detected a flaw with them. He said he always wanted to be different, and now he's figured out how to make himself more powerful. He possesses the key feature of the super villain; self serving pride.

I still don't see how looking at their brains would do anything. I mean, he got the telikinetic power in one afternoon after killing the other guy. There's no way he could go from looking at and diagnosing watch problems to examining the human brain and implimenting changes within his own brain, merely by focus (unless thats his gift). If it is, it doesn't make sense that he could figure it out in a couple of hours. I still say he eats the brains or consumes them in some fashion. He's a zombie...

After thinking about last nights episode, I don't think HRG possesses powers at all, since he knew Mohinders dad and they were obviously involved together. If he had powers, father Suresh would have known that and used him to prove his theory instead of relying on Syler. HRG was not on his list, so they're kind of like outsiders looking in, guys that know Clark Kent is Superman but aren't from Krypton. It'll be interesting to see what his connection really is to the Suresh dad (what's his name???). Obviously though not everybody is on the list since it's safe to assume Haitian isn't (unless he and persuasive girl are and HRG just got to them first). That's another thing that makes HRG's loyalty still open, since he didn't reveal the persuasive girl or Haitian to papa Suresh.

This is a great show. Obviously it has it's flaws, but it's really cool to have a prime time show about people with superhero powers. We haven't had that since "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air".

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 01:30 PM
I still say that it breaks one of the patterns of the show for the Haitian to have more than one power, but I'm willing to accept that as least hypothesis until more evidence of HRG's power comes forward.

But yeah, if HRG was immune to other people's powers, then the cop wouldn't have been able to pluck the name Claire out of his head.

There's some evidence that people with mental powers have some resistance to the mental powers of others-the cop was able to fight off Super-persuasive Girl for a little bit.

I'm not sure why they felt the need to make the cop dyslexic. Maybe they're working a theme that powers are an extension of what you really want:

1. Sylar really wants to fix things. People with powers are broken.
2. Claire wanted to be impervious to what other people thought and became in invulnerable.
3. Hiro (for whatever reason) really wanted to be able to teleport. He can now.
4. Nathan wanted to rise above his fellow man, and he can fly.
5. The cop wanted to be able to read-now he can read minds.
6. Charlie wanted to be able to travel, and all of a sudden could learn languages in like three minutes.

I dunno, just a thought. Powers manifesting as your deepest desire is something that's been explored in both Marvel comics and in George RR Martin's Wild Cards pastiche novels.

11/28/2006, 01:55 PM
I disagree with crawfish on Syler. The reason he killed the telikinetic guy is the same reason he's killed everybody else; he wants their powers, not b/c he detected a flaw with them. He said he always wanted to be different, and now he's figured out how to make himself more powerful. He possesses the key feature of the super villain; self serving pride.

I didn't say that at all. He sees the "flaw" in another person and knows intuitively how to insert that flaw/power into himself. That's his power. He never killed to remove the flaw - he killed to collect the power. Obviously, with Claire's power he's essentially invincible.

I still don't see how looking at their brains would do anything. I mean, he got the telikinetic power in one afternoon after killing the other guy. There's no way he could go from looking at and diagnosing watch problems to examining the human brain and implimenting changes within his own brain, merely by focus (unless thats his gift). If it is, it doesn't make sense that he could figure it out in a couple of hours. I still say he eats the brains or consumes them in some fashion. He's a zombie...

I assume that question will be answered in a future episode. We're unclear how he does it as of yet, just that he can.

After thinking about last nights episode, I don't think HRG possesses powers at all, since he knew Mohinders dad and they were obviously involved together. If he had powers, father Suresh would have known that and used him to prove his theory instead of relying on Syler. HRG was not on his list, so they're kind of like outsiders looking in, guys that know Clark Kent is Superman but aren't from Krypton. It'll be interesting to see what his connection really is to the Suresh dad (what's his name???). Obviously though not everybody is on the list since it's safe to assume Haitian isn't (unless he and persuasive girl are and HRG just got to them first). That's another thing that makes HRG's loyalty still open, since he didn't reveal the persuasive girl or Haitian to papa Suresh.

He wasn't working with Mohinder's dad - he's actually involved in this thing at a much deeper level. Mohindad (sorry) was just an outsider who noticed the pattern somehow.

There's likely going to be a connection between all of them at some point, and glasses guy may be with the organization responsible. We'll have to watch some more before we know.

This is a great show. Obviously it has it's flaws, but it's really cool to have a prime time show about people with superhero powers. We haven't had that since "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air".

I'm liking it more and more. It doesn't have the complexity of Lost, but has the same feel of there being a deeper truth. Some - in fact, many - of the characters have annoying traits but I keep watching, so they're doing SOMETHING right.

11/28/2006, 01:56 PM
I laugh at your pistachio novels.

11/28/2006, 02:02 PM
I still say that it breaks one of the patterns of the show for the Haitian to have more than one power, but I'm willing to accept that as least hypothesis until more evidence of HRG's power comes forward.

Perhaps we're a bit off on the essence of Haitian guy's powers. Perhaps his power isn't suppression, but can control one's access to their mental facilities. He figures out where the mind reading comes from and prevents the mind reader from accessing it. That would also explain why he couldn't stop Nathan from flying off, as he hadn't had the time to figure out how. The mental wipe then just becomes a logical extension of that power.

There's some evidence that people with mental powers have some resistance to the mental powers of others-the cop was able to fight off Super-persuasive Girl for a little bit.

Perhaps it's more in the nature of his power - he was intuitively reading her mind and knew what she was doing, but wasn't aware enough at the time of his own powers to prevent her from doing it. Kind of receiving mixed messages and then going with the strongest one. He might be immune to her now.

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 02:11 PM
I like that explanation of the Hatian's powers. I was thinking thoughts like that but couldn't figure out why he wasn't able to stop Nathan flying off. Then again, Nathan's flight may not be telekinetic in nature.

11/28/2006, 02:38 PM
Jesus H you guys are geeks.

go outside once in a while!


11/28/2006, 03:19 PM
I still don't really like the theory of people with powers being "broken". It really comes down to him wanting to be powerful himself, as he stated that to Mohindad. Maybe you guys are reading too much into the whole broken/fixing thing (or maybe I'm wrong). Obviously we'll find more and more out, but at the pace they're going, it's going to take a while...

11/28/2006, 03:20 PM
I didn't say that at all. He sees the "flaw" in another person and knows intuitively how to insert that flaw/power into himself. That's his power. He never killed to remove the flaw - he killed to collect the power. Obviously, with Claire's power he's essentially invincible.

But how does he insert that power into himself? I propose through scrambled brains with ketchup... :D

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 03:25 PM
But how does he insert that power into himself?


11/28/2006, 03:44 PM
I still don't really like the theory of people with powers being "broken". It really comes down to him wanting to be powerful himself, as he stated that to Mohindad. Maybe you guys are reading too much into the whole broken/fixing thing (or maybe I'm wrong). Obviously we'll find more and more out, but at the pace they're going, it's going to take a while...

I think you're misunderstanding us. A superpower, on this show, is an anomaly, much like a cancer. Sylar sees the anomaly in the supers, as his power is to intuitively know how things work. He can also see, somehow, how to insert that power into himself by using the brain (or a portion thereof) of the super. We don't know exactly how he does this yet.

Buck up, it's gonna happen quicker than Lost. :D

11/28/2006, 04:35 PM
OKay peeps...

Is this show worth catching up on on Wednesday as SciFi puts up the 1st 6 eps and then show sthe rest on Friday?

11/28/2006, 05:00 PM
If it wasn't worth it in some way, it wouldn't have an 11-page thread. :)

11/28/2006, 05:14 PM
Yeah, I kinda figured that...But then some 11-page theads get jacked and go off on a tangent and are no longer about the title...

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 05:20 PM
It's a good show and deserves an audience.

11/28/2006, 05:32 PM
I think you're misunderstanding us. A superpower, on this show, is an anomaly, much like a cancer. Sylar sees the anomaly in the supers, as his power is to intuitively know how things work. He can also see, somehow, how to insert that power into himself by using the brain (or a portion thereof) of the super. We don't know exactly how he does this yet.

Buck up, it's gonna happen quicker than Lost. :D
No I get it... I just don't think it's right. It doesn't explain how he actually gets the powers (which is secondary to the argument), plus I don't think he can spot the anomoly (or as you guys are stating "find what's broken in these people and fix it"). He stole the list of names from Mohindad. That's how he's finding the hero's, and that's why he killed the wrong cheerleader. It's not like he has a gift to just spot people with powers and fix them like he did with Mohindads watch. He's going off the list and deliberately killing them to get as many powers as he can.

The ultimate question is "how does he get the powers from the people he kills?". Once we figure that out, the rest is moot. I believe that is his real power is very similar to Peter Petrelli, but he obviously has to kill them and remove the brain to get the power (and thus gets to keep it permanently).

Frozen Sooner
11/28/2006, 05:33 PM
Or maybe the dude just likes brains. I mean, I eat a ton of chips and salsa, and I haven't yet turned into a flat salty wafer. ;)

11/28/2006, 05:36 PM
Yeah, I kinda figured that...But then some 11-page theads get jacked and go off on a tangent and are no longer about the title...
True, but hopefully you haven't been reading all our posts b/c we've pretty much done away with the spoiler tags and openly discuss stuff that could ruin it for Heroes noobs. This thread has actually stayed pretty true to the show (much like sniff sniff). There are minor tangents here and there, but it's mostly dork talk between fellow dorks.

11/28/2006, 05:53 PM
No I get it... I just don't think it's right. It doesn't explain how he actually gets the powers (which is secondary to the argument), plus I don't think he can spot the anomoly (or as you guys are stating "find what's broken in these people and fix it"). He stole the list of names from Mohindad. That's how he's finding the hero's, and that's why he killed the wrong cheerleader. It's not like he has a gift to just spot people with powers and fix them like he did with Mohindads watch. He's going off the list and deliberately killing them to get as many powers as he can.

The ultimate question is "how does he get the powers from the people he kills?". Once we figure that out, the rest is moot. I believe that is his real power is very similar to Peter Petrelli, but he obviously has to kill them and remove the brain to get the power (and thus gets to keep it permanently).

Did you miss the showing of what he was seeing in the telekinetic guy's head, right before he killed him?

11/28/2006, 06:10 PM
OKay peeps...

Is this show worth catching up on on Wednesday as SciFi puts up the 1st 6 eps and then show sthe rest on Friday?

bittorrent good

11/28/2006, 10:54 PM
Did you miss the showing of what he was seeing in the telekinetic guy's head, right before he killed him?
Apparently I did. All I remember seeing was the guy turn around and then Sylar wacked him with a piece of crystal (meth). That might explain why we're at odds on this... ;)

11/29/2006, 08:36 AM
No I get it... I just don't think it's right. It doesn't explain how he actually gets the powers (which is secondary to the argument), plus I don't think he can spot the anomoly (or as you guys are stating "find what's broken in these people and fix it"). He stole the list of names from Mohindad. That's how he's finding the hero's, and that's why he killed the wrong cheerleader. It's not like he has a gift to just spot people with powers and fix them like he did with Mohindads watch. He's going off the list and deliberately killing them to get as many powers as he can.

The ultimate question is "how does he get the powers from the people he kills?". Once we figure that out, the rest is moot. I believe that is his real power is very similar to Peter Petrelli, but he obviously has to kill them and remove the brain to get the power (and thus gets to keep it permanently).

I'm not so sure he has a "list". At least not an accurate one. Suresh had a list AND pictures. If Sylar actually HAD that list, he woudl have known to go after Claire and not the skank cheerleader. But he went after glory whore because it was her picture in the paper.

11/29/2006, 10:23 AM
bittorrent good

What is this bittorrent you speak of? I still have dial up at home...;)

Though momma is getting a new laptop for Christmas and we will join the high speed innerweb shortly thereafter.

11/29/2006, 12:31 PM
True, but hopefully you haven't been reading all our posts b/c we've pretty much done away with the spoiler tags and openly discuss stuff that could ruin it for Heroes noobs. This thread has actually stayed pretty true to the show (much like sniff sniff). There are minor tangents here and there, but it's mostly dork talk between fellow dorks.

After I missed the first ep due to international travel and the fact that Mrs. THA doesn't appreciate me getting involved in another TV show, I decided to take a pass on this show. That and I didn't want to get involved in a new show only for it to be cancelled (re: Threshold). Becuase of that, I have largely ignored this thread - thankfully.

11/29/2006, 12:53 PM
Did you miss the showing of what he was seeing in the telekinetic guy's head, right before he killed him?
I saw it but it just looked like he was looking through his watch repair monocles into a mirror. The implication was that he was seeing something but it didn't show anything. I rewound it a couple of times to make sure.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned... It looks to me that Azz Petrelli has 2 powers. He can fly and he can withstand g-forces that would turn any normal person into jello. Did you see how quickly he shot into the sky and then changed directions? Holy moly.

Frozen Sooner
11/29/2006, 01:08 PM
You know, it might be a good idea for a mod to insert a character list on the first page of the thread so we can start learning people's names a bit better.

Peter Petrelli: Duplicates powers
Nathan Petrelli: Flies
Claire Bennett: Regenerates, "The Cheerleader."
Mr. Bennett: HRG, may be able to resist powers, may not be able to.
Hiro Somethingjapanesea: Manipulates space/time continuum. Looks constipated
Charlie: Eidetic memory
DL: Can turn immaterial and pass through walls. Nikki's husband.
Nikki: Has angry, superstrong alternate personality named "Jessica."
Mohinder: Super curry powers.

11/29/2006, 01:13 PM
or tbl could do it

Frozen Sooner
11/29/2006, 01:14 PM
True, he could.

11/29/2006, 01:17 PM
You know, it might be a good idea for a mod to insert a character list on the first page of the thread so we can start learning people's names a bit better.

Peter Petrelli: Duplicates powers
Nathan Petrelli: Flies
Claire Bennett: Regenerates, "The Cheerleader."
Mr. Bennett: HRG, may be able to resist powers, may not be able to.
Hiro Somethingjapanesea: Manipulates space/time continuum. Looks constipated
Charlie: Eidetic memory
DL: Can turn immaterial and pass through walls. Nikki's husband.
Nikki: Has angry, superstrong alternate personality named "Jessica."
Mohinder: Super curry powers.
Charlie: Remembers stuff and dead
Nathan's Wife: Hawt

Frozen Sooner
11/29/2006, 01:18 PM
Nathan's Wife: Hawt. Can go down hills faster than ANYONE.

That's just messed up, man.

(ps-I'd already put Charlie in there.)

11/29/2006, 01:18 PM
Froz is a sick bastard for beating me to that

Frozen Sooner
11/29/2006, 01:19 PM
Get out of my head, yermom. There's no Subarus in there!

11/29/2006, 01:21 PM
Thoroughly reading posts is WAY overrated. I won't even read this one as I'm typing it.

11/29/2006, 01:49 PM
Charlie: Remembers stuff and dead
Nathan's Wife: Hawt and cripled


11/30/2006, 12:34 AM
bittorrent good

iTunes good

that's the only way i get this show (well, i could torrent, but don't feel like it)

11/30/2006, 12:59 AM
Done... but how many of us actually go back to the first page? We're still missing some people, but I'll revise it once we get it figured out. Booyakasha.

11/30/2006, 01:19 AM
I made a couple of revisions and additions as well. Once somebody finds out any of the still nameless ones, post it and we'll log it.

As I type this, I realize how pathetic this is. Oh well....

Peter Petrelli: Duplicates powers of other heroes in close proximity to him. Also has dreams that are prescient.
Nathan Petrelli: Flies. Super jerk as well as Super hero.
Claire Bennett: Regenerates and can come back from the dead (provided there is no physical object causing the death), "The Cheerleader."
Mr. Bennett/HRG (Horned Rim Glasses): May be able to resist powers, may not be able to. May be a good guy, may not be. Father of Claire. Works for somebody that gives him orders on the phone.
Hiro Nakamura: Manipulates space/time continuum (freeze time, travel through time, etc). Looks constipated when performing his power.
Charlie: Eidetic memory. Hiro's crush. Now dead, killed by Syler.
DL: Can turn immaterial and pass through physical objects (or they pass through him). Nikki's husband.
Nikki: Has angry, superstrong alternate personality named "Jessica."
Micah: Son of DL & Nikki. Has the ability to fix things. Whether it works on people is yet to be discovered.
Mohinder Suresh: Ability to suck the life out of an interesting show. Should be relegated to voiceovers at the beginning and end of episodes. (Actually the son of the Doctor that discovered the heroes).
Mohindad: Discovered the hero's and was wacked. Father of Mohinder, and much more interesting than his son.
Syler: Bad guy that acquires powers from other hero's by killing them and doing something mysterious with their brains.
Haitian: Has ability to wipe peoples memories and possibly prevent any mental powers from being performed on him or those he chooses to protect (in most cases HRG). He's the Tonto to HRG's Lone Ranger.
Eden McCain (formerly known as "persuasive chick"): Well... she's pretty persuasive. Voice gets husky when she's really putting on the charm. Killed herself before Syler could get her powers in the fall finale.
Isaac Mendez: Able to paint the future, but originally had to be high on opiates. Now he has the ability without being high.
Matt Parkman: Mind reading dyslexic cop.
Simone: Able to seduce white superhero's.
Radioactive dude: When he gets emotional, he emits high levels of radiation without being harmed himself. Made a brief appearance in 2 episodes but hasn't been there since.

Frozen Sooner
11/30/2006, 01:28 AM
Do we know that Charlie is actually dead?

I'm just asking. We didn't see her die onscreen after Hiro warned her.

11/30/2006, 02:28 AM
her memorial is still there... i was talking about this with someone else today, it looks like he can't change the past, once it happens in his home timeline it's done

11/30/2006, 02:41 AM
But perhaps he changed how she died, she may not have been killed, maybe she died from the inoperable brain tumor?

11/30/2006, 02:43 AM
Micah: Son of DL & Nikki. Has the ability to make broken payphones work

I think it's more then just payphones, it's probably all electronics. Hence him taking apart the laptop grandpa bought him

11/30/2006, 02:46 AM
i think he was taking something apart the first time we saw him

11/30/2006, 07:52 AM
and Nikki's alternate personality is her twin sister.

11/30/2006, 09:45 AM
I'm not so sure he has a "list". At least not an accurate one. Suresh had a list AND pictures. If Sylar actually HAD that list, he woudl have known to go after Claire and not the skank cheerleader. But he went after glory whore because it was her picture in the paper.

It looked like HRG was going to swipe the picture in the last episode. (I would if it was my kid)

So maybe huge eyebrows Sylar DI-ENT have Claires picture.


11/30/2006, 09:55 AM
Yup. Syler definitely had a list, but just didn't have the complete file. As we've seen, there are a couple of lists that are just names/addresses.

IMO Jessica as Nikki knows her now is not a real person (meaning her real sister was not super strong nor mean). Maybe after her sister died the beatings started. I still wonder if Jessica was real at all, and maybe the gravesite deal was all in her head. "Jessica" would take over when she was getting beat, meaning that the beating caused the rift in her personality to protect her, which is why she couldn't remember anything about her dad. This is a classic storyline in split personalities. Something traumatic happens that causes the split. Her dad actually confirmed all of this last week. "You really don't remember, do you?"... and she didn't, which implies that he knew he beat her (Nikki). She just thought he left. Jessica however remembered all of it, since she was the one that took the beatings for Nikki.

11/30/2006, 10:18 AM
oh ok, so the list of people is based on your opinions, my bad. I thought we were going off what the show had showed us so far.

11/30/2006, 10:42 AM
oh ok, so the list of people is based on your opinions, my bad. I thought we were going off what the show had showed us so far.
It just seems that he had to have a list to find the people, though he couldn't have had pictures since he killed the wrong cheerleader. He stole the info to find the first hero, so I think it'd be safe to assume that the did the same thing to find the rest, especially since we saw in the early episodes that he had the same map that Mohindad had.

11/30/2006, 10:46 AM
nothing, and I was just yanking your chain a little. The show DID show us that Jessica was actually Nikkis 11 year old twin.

11/30/2006, 10:49 AM
nothing, and I was just yanking your chain a little. The show DID show us that Jessica was actually Nikkis 11 year old twin.
I revised my post b/c I thought you were referring to the list I posted, not the list Syler was looking at. :P

I agree that she was her twin, but I think it's possible that it was in her head (though not that likely). I still think that the beatings happened to her after the real Jessica died, and thus created the split.

11/30/2006, 10:59 AM
very possible. Hopefully the show let's us in on that later.

12/4/2006, 10:31 PM
So it looks like you genius's were right about how Syler gets the powers (though we're still not 100% how). It also looks like he'll be on the prowl again. I don't get why he could use his powers on her through the glass and not on HRG or when he was by himself. That was kinda dumb...

Hopefully Nikki will stay arrested. Next to Mohinder, she has the worst storyline.

Looks like we now know why Hiro gets a sword!

I thought the end was really cool. It'll be interesting to see how that one pans out. I still really like Peter. I'm kind of confused as to why he was sick...

12/4/2006, 10:39 PM
Peter Petrelli: Duplicates powers of other heroes in close proximity to him. So far only seems to use the powers while heroes are close to him, but may be able to keep them once he learns how. Also has dreams that are prescient.
Nathan Petrelli: Flies. Running for congress and has political ties to Linderman.
Linderman: Unknown mobster-type bad guy. Is involved with some of the heroes through shady illegal deals involving money.
Claire Bennett: Regenerates and can come back from the dead (provided there is no physical object causing the death), "The Cheerleader."
Mr. Bennett/HRG (Horned Rim Glasses): May be able to resist powers, may not be able to. May be a good guy, may not be. Father of Claire. Works for somebody that gives him orders on the phone.
Hiro Nakamura: Manipulates space/time continuum (freeze time, travel through time, etc). Looks constipated when performing his power.
Charlie: Eidetic memory. Hiro's crush. Now dead, killed by Syler.
DL: Can turn immaterial and pass through physical objects (or they pass through him). Nikki's husband & Micahs father.
Nikki: Has angry, superstrong alternate personality named "Jessica."
Micah: Son of DL & Nikki. Has the ability to fix things. Whether it works on people is yet to be discovered.
Mohinder Suresh: Ability to suck the life out of an interesting show, but might actually have powers. Should be relegated to voiceovers at the beginning and end of episodes. (Also the son of the Doctor that discovered the heroes).
Mohindad: Discovered the hero's and was wacked. Father of Mohinder, and much more interesting than his son.
Syler: Bad guy that acquires powers from other hero's by killing them and doing something mysterious with their brains.
Haitian: Has ability to wipe peoples memories and possibly prevent any mental powers from being performed on him or those he chooses to protect (in most cases HRG). He's the Tonto to HRG's Lone Ranger. Working in secret with Claire.
Eden McCain (formerly known as "persuasive chick"): Well... she's pretty persuasive. Voice gets husky when she's really putting on the charm. Killed herself before Syler could get her powers in the fall finale.
Isaac Mendez: Able to paint the future, but originally had to be high on opiates. Now he has the ability without being high.
Matt Parkman: Mind reading dyslexic cop.
Simone: Able to seduce white superhero's.
Ted Sprague: When he gets emotional, he emits high levels of radiation without being harmed himself. Currently in the desert learning how to control his powers.
Invisible guy: He's invisible and steals peoples stuff. So far nobody can see him but Peter.

12/5/2006, 12:54 AM
So it looks like you genius's were right about how Syler gets the powers (though we're still not 100% how). It also looks like he'll be on the prowl again. I don't get why he could use his powers on her through the glass and not on HRG or when he was by himself. That was kinda dumb...

Hopefully Nikki will stay arrested. Next to Mohinder, she has the worst storyline.

Looks like we now know why Hiro gets a sword!

I thought the end was really cool. It'll be interesting to see how that one pans out. I still really like Peter. I'm kind of confused as to why he was sick...

I think the point was that he could have done that whenever he wanted, but was waiting to either find out something else useful to him, or for an opportunity to come along, like the one that did.

12/5/2006, 12:55 AM
nothing, and I was just yanking your chain a little. The show DID show us that Jessica was actually Nikkis 11 year old twin.

Wait, if her sister is 11 years old, how could she be her twin?


Frozen Sooner
12/5/2006, 12:59 AM
I am so fired up to see Hiro fighting lizards.

Pride Baritone
12/5/2006, 09:17 AM
I think that the picture of Hiro weilding a sword fighting a dinosaur is going to wind up being him in a natural history museum or something. This show is awesome, but I don't think the writers are good enough to work in a Hiro vs. T-Rex battle and have it serve any function in the overall plot. But kudos if they do manage it.

12/5/2006, 09:43 AM
I think the point was that he could have done that whenever he wanted, but was waiting to either find out something else useful to him, or for an opportunity to come along, like the one that did.
Hmmmm.... Interesting. I don't know though. HRG was pretty stinking confident that he couldn't use his powers in that room. There's something to that, b/c there's no way he would have gone in there if he knew Syler could have used his powers.

12/5/2006, 09:46 AM
I think Peter is probably the most powerful hero on the show, he just doesn't realize it yet. I have a feeling he'll learn how to keep the powers of those he mimics, kinda like Syler (but he won't need to kill them to do it). Presumably he'll get so many powers that his physical body just won't be able to take it.

Norm In Norman
12/5/2006, 10:48 AM
I think that the picture of Hiro weilding a sword fighting a dinosaur is going to wind up being him in a natural history museum or something. This show is awesome, but I don't think the writers are good enough to work in a Hiro vs. T-Rex battle and have it serve any function in the overall plot. But kudos if they do manage it.
He overshoots a month ago and goes back 65 million years instead.

12/5/2006, 11:26 AM
If you haven't done it yet, go read the online comic. It tells what happened after Eden killed herself. Good stuff...

Frozen Sooner
12/5/2006, 11:28 AM
If you haven't done it yet, go read the online comic. It tells what happened after Eden killed herself. Good stuff...

Some poor janitor had a really crappy day?

12/5/2006, 01:24 PM
Very good episode. I was on the verge of not watching anymore, but I'm completely in now.

Scott D
12/5/2006, 03:00 PM
So it looks like you genius's were right about how Syler gets the powers (though we're still not 100% how). It also looks like he'll be on the prowl again. I don't get why he could use his powers on her through the glass and not on HRG or when he was by himself. That was kinda dumb...

Hopefully Nikki will stay arrested. Next to Mohinder, she has the worst storyline.

Looks like we now know why Hiro gets a sword!

I thought the end was really cool. It'll be interesting to see how that one pans out. I still really like Peter. I'm kind of confused as to why he was sick...

The hint on why Syler's powers didn't work when HRG was in there taunting him was done at the police station, when the Haitian guy was just down the hall creating the 'static' that prevented Parkman from being able to read HRG or Claire's minds.

12/5/2006, 03:06 PM
The hint on why Syler's powers didn't work when HRG was in there taunting him was done at the police station, when the Haitian guy was just down the hall creating the 'static' that prevented Parkman from being able to read HRG or Claire's minds.

I don't think so. Haitian guy didn't appear to be around for HRG earlier. I think there was something else, and I think Sylar was just going along with it.

12/5/2006, 03:17 PM
Maybe the HRG can resist powers on his own?

Frozen Sooner
12/5/2006, 03:18 PM
Maybe the HRG can resist powers on his own?

Now that'd just be silly. ;)

12/5/2006, 03:19 PM
Why Eden's power did not work on Syler:
Prior to coming into the room, she turned off the code that disabled whatever kind of shield was used to block Sylers powers (and her powers as well) so she could persuade him to kill himself. When she made her suggestion, she put the qualifier "I'm going to put this gun in the slot" before she said he would kill himself with it. Syler knew she was using her power so he also knew he could use his. Before she had the chance to put the gun in the slot, he yanked her through the glass. Now her suggestion could not be followed since she could not put it in the slot.

Why Sylers power worked on her:
Pretty simple. Eden turned off the shield (for lack of a better word) so she could persuade him.

HRG or the Haitian had nothing to do with the lack of powers in that room. For one, it's the Haitian that has the mind blocking power, not HRG. For two, even if both of them could do that, they would have had to be there the entire time with Syler. No way they'd have left if they were the ones personally inhibbiting him from getting out. For three, HRG actually said "you can't use your powers in this room".