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9/25/2006, 07:21 AM
has a limited shelf life at OU.BECAUSE he is at odds with the local media.That to me sounds like arrogance bordering on hubris IF the media thinks Bob would leave OU because he thinks reporters are idiots and is tired of dealing with them.First of all he is a demi-god in OKLAHOMA,second he would have to deal with reporters wherever he went(including Dallas,ask Parcells),third he saw one of his best friends get chwewd up and spit out in short order by the NFL.Traber,Schroedr, and I think Humphries(not sure was paying little attention till they dropped the Stoops bomb)I always thought Schroeder was a smart writer.Apparently not ,as the limited shelf life comment was his.Traber is an aggy so nothing negative he says is news.The other guy just jumped in agreeing.for what thats worth.

I think Bob may move on to the NFL someday but I don't see it happening till after Drake and Isaac,((his youngest kids )are out of HS.Family is very important to him and I dont see him uprooting and moving the family to Dallas ,Miami,San Francisco or elsewhere anytime soon.

Bob run out of Norman by the press yeah,right.

Scott D
9/25/2006, 09:06 AM
well it's not like the management of the media in oklahoma are intelligent enough to get rid of the idiots.

9/25/2006, 09:10 AM
Sounds like a lame threat, to me.
"Dear Bob - Make us media gods happy or we'll screw you into the ground."

9/25/2006, 09:32 AM
well it's not like the management of the media in oklahoma are intelligent enough to get rid of the idiots.


9/25/2006, 09:39 AM
I heard them say that and I just about fell over.The attitude was like among the media this was a well established fact.Bob is no Barry Switzer when it comes to smoozing with the press but somehow I think he will survive.

9/25/2006, 09:49 AM
exactly who in the local media? Berry Trammel? That guy is the most annoying self promoting tool of all. He prints stuff just so people can get upset and call his show, putting more money in his pocket.

9/25/2006, 10:01 AM
When you have a job as disposable as a sportswriter's, you have to drum up some way to feel important. Imagining yourself to have more power than a coach with an NC at OU is one way to do it.

9/25/2006, 12:50 PM
exactly who in the local media? Berry Trammel? That guy is the most annoying self promoting tool of all. He prints stuff just so people can get upset and call his show, putting more money in his pocket.
Yep and his counterpart is Sittler in the Tulsa World. Wonder if it's possible both could dry up and blow away.:mad:

9/25/2006, 01:23 PM
Winning/competing for National Championships > Being Nice to Media Idiots

9/25/2006, 02:52 PM
I think the only people who complain about Stoops being mean to the media is.......the media. The rest of us, including Boren, etc., actually enjoy Stoops putting those nontalent lackeys in their place. When one of them has the guts to counter Stoops in a press conference, I may give them credit. Right now, they just lick their wounds and fire back in print. Reminds of Traber's intent to slam Bobby Knight a few years back which turned into an arse-kissing contest.

Stoop Dawg
9/25/2006, 03:28 PM
How 'bout you guys send letters/emails to the paper/radio instead of bitching on here? Let the paper/radio know that you'd rather have Bob than Traber and that they should find someone who can get along with the coach to do their reporting - not the other way around.

If Traber can't get along with Bob - that's Traber's problem.

9/25/2006, 03:38 PM
Bob doesnt like the unlocal media either.

9/25/2006, 03:50 PM
How 'bout you guys send letters/emails to the paper/radio instead of bitching on here? Let the paper/radio know that you'd rather have Bob than Traber and that they should find someone who can get along with the coach to do their reporting - not the other way around.

If Traber can't get along with Bob - that's Traber's problem.

That only hurts our cause because the writers then have evidence that their columns, rants, etc. are being read and heard. Ignoring them is the best way to get rid of them. Besides, if the local media owners are going to listen to anyone, it will be Boren behind closed doors, not some local nobody.

The Maestro
9/25/2006, 04:13 PM
Someone needs to make a youtube of Bob Stoops halftime interviews with Craig Sager. Those are the best!

Sager - "Coach, your team is up 35 at half...why not 42?"

Stoops - "You certainly don't wear lime green jackets in a great way."

9/25/2006, 04:57 PM
Which one should we dump: Bob Stoops or Jim Traber??
What a tough choice! NOT

9/25/2006, 05:07 PM
I still think Bob will go to the Browns b/c that's an NFL gig close to home.

Or maybe Ohio St...a great program and, again...it's close to home.

Or there's Florida...he's been there before and they have great golf courses.

Maybe he'll go to Notre Dame...I mean, who besides Urban Meyer could resist that peach?

Or maybe the Dallas Cowboys will lure him down to their new supercomplex....he wouldn't jump at the chance to work for Jerry Jones?

According to almost every possible source, Bob would/will leave OU and go just about any and every possible destination.

Only source that always disagrees is.......Bob.

Bob leaving Norman anytime soon?

Yeah, not so much.

9/25/2006, 05:35 PM
well it's not like the management of the media in oklahoma are intelligent enough to get rid of the idiots.

Actually, OPUBCO was forced to send one of their reporters to their paper in Colorado Springs many years ago. I believe it was Frank Boggs, though my old memory might be wrong. After some negative storries were written about the program, he received some threats. I think he spent 10 or 15 years in Colorado Springs before returning to the Daily Oklahoma as a local interest columnist.

9/25/2006, 06:14 PM
I think Bob may move on to the NFL someday but I don't see it happening till after Drake and Isaac,((his youngest kids )are out of HS.Family is very important to him and I dont see him uprooting and moving the family to Dallas ,Miami,San Francisco or elsewhere anytime soon.

They are pretty young kiddos, so if this theory is correct - aren't we looking at around 10 years?

I hope you're right.

9/25/2006, 09:45 PM
he's not mean to the media.

9/25/2006, 09:51 PM
Someone needs to make a youtube of Bob Stoops halftime interviews with Craig Sager. Those are the best!

Sager - "Coach, your team is up 35 at half...why not 42?"

Stoops - "You certainly don't wear lime green jackets in a great way."

Now that is ****ing funny.

9/25/2006, 10:02 PM
Bob doesnt like the unlocal media either.

Actually this is a misnomer. I get to deal with Coach Stoops a lot when he is involved with productions and Q&A's with the local media. They love him. He usualy is very upbeat, friendly, joking around and having a good time.

Bob simply likes reporters who takes his words as what he means. Not somebody who is constantly in the background saying .."well, what he meant was this"... or, "he should not have talked about a car deal",...or, reagrdles of what he says or the rest of the participants involved , I know th ereal story."

He gets along with the media outside of Oklahoma becasue they actually have a clue and are not out to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

9/25/2006, 11:32 PM
As I recall, The King didn't have too cozy of a relationship when it came to the media...when little Skippy Gheyless did his hatchet job, there weren't too many Oklahoma media types defending Barry or at least trying to get the truth out. They just let the national hyenas devour him.

9/25/2006, 11:34 PM
i will say it again: bob doesn't hate the media.

I would say that he dislikes ignorance and stupidity. When he has the same questions asked repeatedly, it can get frustrating.

of course, he's not like mack brown. "let me answer that question for chris." :D

stoops the eternal pimp
9/25/2006, 11:39 PM
A few days ago, Traber pretty much said he was the reason John Blake or Frankenfurter was fired..saying when they banned him from attending media related things, it went all down hill for them

9/26/2006, 12:26 AM
A few days ago, Traber pretty much said he was the reason John Blake or Frankenfurter was fired..saying when they banned him from attending media related things, it went all down hill for them

Yea 3-8 had nothing to do with Blake getting the axe. Traber has all the power, I know Boren is quaking in his office thinking "If only I could get that aggie to like me!!!"

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2006, 12:29 AM
Yea 3-8 had nothing to do with Blake getting the axe. Traber has all the power, I know Boren is quaking in his office thinking "If only I could get that aggie to like me!!!"

And as ridiculous as that sounded, he carried on about it with everybody..But he is just pure comic value..nothing else..

9/26/2006, 12:52 AM
These media pimps love to hear their own head rattle. They love to think of themselves as a "mover and shaker". They are pizzants, nothing more.

Gosh, I wish the late Bill Connors was still writing for the Tulsa World. He was a true journalist,