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9/24/2006, 05:34 PM

:D I hope so. It's dead on!

Newbomb Turk
9/24/2006, 05:37 PM
I'm not a bit Tuberville fan, but if he did say that, good on him.

9/24/2006, 05:40 PM
The main announcer i have issues with is Lou Holtz. He needs to get off Notre Dame;s **** and announce good football. Instead he tells me last night (After sqeakin past MSU) that Notre Dame is gonna win the National Championship.
All the other announcers are just people, sure they have their biases but they dont usually do too much to tick me off

9/24/2006, 05:49 PM
Doubt he actually said that but he should have

9/24/2006, 05:57 PM
I like Lou Holtz, b/c you try to repeat stuff he says--- in the exact way that he says it... and you can't, because he sounds so ridiculous--- his voice, the words... you just break out laughing. "Nooooterrr Daaaaame is da beehst fuhtbahl teahm in da countreee."

Go ahead and try to find somebody that fun. Okay, so you found Lee Corso (mind you, Holtz is on FSN, right? So don't give ESPN all the credit). Not only did he coach and get fired, but HE COACHED AT LOUSY INDIANA! If Indiana fires you, you are doomed. After Illinois fires Ron Zook, he'll be doomed, also. South Carolina gets rid ("retires" ??? riiiiight) of Holtz? He's doomed, too.

Sorry, but out of all the armchair quarterbacks out there, the ones on tv are the worst. They talk smack about teams, and are actually considered legitimate. Arrrgh.

9/24/2006, 06:12 PM
Holtz in on ESPN.

Pat Jones is on FSN.

9/24/2006, 06:14 PM
that shows you how much I pay attention :rolleyes:

youhavetolovehowlouholtzstringsallhiswordstogether sobadlythatyoucan'tunderstandwhathesaysunlessitsab outNOTRE DAMEorsomethinglikethat

9/24/2006, 06:47 PM
If he said it he has brass balls.

9/24/2006, 07:13 PM
At least Corso and Holtz are amusing. Davie's a bore with a bad accent.

The VIIIth
9/24/2006, 07:29 PM
This is exactly what he said...

Tommy Tuberville sends ESPN a fish in newspaper at a Montgomery Quarterback’s Club luncheon, getting his bitch on in Olympian fashion with some choice quotes:

“ESPN has gotten so much power lately, it’s kinda scary,” Tuberville said. “And most of their analysts are coaches who haven’t won any games. That’s why they’re there. I think you know who I’m talking about.”

“And Lou Holtz gets on there and talks about what a team has to do win that game, and the guy couldn’t beat anybody in our conference. These guys will come talk to you and look you straight in the eye and tell you something, then they’ll get on the air and say something else.

“ESPN, I’ll tell you, I don’t have much to do with them anymore."

He did say this, it was last year, Oct 25th.

9/24/2006, 10:26 PM
That is hilarious.....f*** ESPN and texass!

9/25/2006, 12:09 AM
This is exactly what he said...

Tommy Tuberville sends ESPN a fish in newspaper at a Montgomery Quarterback’s Club luncheon, getting his bitch on in Olympian fashion with some choice quotes:

“ESPN has gotten so much power lately, it’s kinda scary,” Tuberville said. “And most of their analysts are coaches who haven’t won any games. That’s why they’re there. I think you know who I’m talking about.”

“And Lou Holtz gets on there and talks about what a team has to do win that game, and the guy couldn’t beat anybody in our conference. These guys will come talk to you and look you straight in the eye and tell you something, then they’ll get on the air and say something else.

“ESPN, I’ll tell you, I don’t have much to do with them anymore."

He did say this, it was last year, Oct 25th.

and then this year he said, "Let's change some clock rules.":mad:

9/25/2006, 12:41 AM
Lou Holtz before the game Sat Question asked "Will the pounding ND took from Mich hurt them and BCS chances"?
Lou " Absolutley not all they need to do is keep winning FB games"
Next ?, "Will the controversial loss OU took on a bad call hurt them."
Lou "Absolutely, probably for the rest of the yr, and maybe longer"
IT hurts OU- a game they rightfully won , but a pounding on the field by Mich doesn't hurt ND.
What a ND homer and goof ball. Sometimes I think he has a brain about like a BB in a boxcar.:pop:

9/25/2006, 12:47 AM
and then this year he said, "Let's change some clock rules.":mad:

and then he said, "Auburn won the real championship in 2005."

and then he said, "I like sheep. But I still have ESPN."
this statement was well-received by the entire state of Oklahoma, from sheep-loving aggies to ESPN-hating Sooners.

9/25/2006, 09:16 AM
Holtz in on ESPN.

Pat Jones is on FSN. Hey they are twins seperated at birth so whats the difference?

9/25/2006, 09:33 AM
If anyone thinks Corso is on there for anything more than comedy relief, they are kidding themselves.

I am quickly losing respect for Herbie as he's becoming more of a blinded tosu homer. When they were talking Heisman after the oregon debacle, he said it didn't matter that AD had over 200 yards, his team lost. WTF??? Everyone knew what happened in that game and to hold it against AD of all people is retarded. He was just pimping T Smith.

9/25/2006, 09:36 AM
Hell, if I were Tommy I would have mentioned Holtz leaving every program in ruin for good measure.

9/25/2006, 11:19 AM
I loved Holtz when he starred as "Granny" on the Beverly Hillbillies, but as a football coach or announcer I've never been a fan.

9/25/2006, 12:53 PM
That makes me kinda like Tuberville.
