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RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/23/2006, 12:26 PM
There are reports saying he died in August. Does it matter? Do you suppose the terrorists will be folding up their tents, saying "it was a good run while it lasted-now let's go back to normal, goat-humping and such"?

9/23/2006, 12:51 PM
There are reports saying he died in August. Does it matter? Do you suppose the terrorists will be folding up their tents, saying "it was a good run while it lasted-now let's go back to normal, goat-humping and such"?

No, the killings of jihaadists must continue unabated. The only good jihaadi is a dead jihaadi.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/23/2006, 12:56 PM
Then the CIA infiltrator should open up a can of whoop-*** at the old jihad corral campsite?

9/23/2006, 01:03 PM
No, the killings of jihaadists must continue unabated. The only good jihaadi is a dead jihaadi.
bingo. who knows if OBL is dead or not... and i doubt it really matters.

those wackjobs run MUCH deeper than OBL. IF he's gone... someone else has taken his place already.

9/23/2006, 01:11 PM
bingo. who knows if OBL is dead or not... and i doubt it really matters.

those wackjobs run MUCH deeper than OBL. IF he's gone... someone else has taken his place already.

I'd probably be more concerned about who has his money to fund stuff, if he's dead.

9/23/2006, 01:28 PM
I'd probably be more concerned about who has his money to fund stuff, if he's dead.
me too... but where's the line?

if the US oversteps spying... we're "controlling" and trying to be the "world power/police".
if the US doesn't spy enough, we'll likely be attacked again.

it's a fine line and i WISH someone had the "right" answer.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/23/2006, 02:29 PM
Hope McCain, Lindsay Graham, all the other RINOS will STFU til the '06 elections are over.

9/23/2006, 02:44 PM
he is not dead, he was seen hangin' with elvis the other day.

9/23/2006, 02:51 PM
What does Bin Laden being dead have to do with McCain, Graham, and other RHINO's shutting up until the 2006 elections are over?

Scott D
9/23/2006, 02:54 PM
What does Bin Laden being dead have to do with McCain, Graham, and other RHINO's shutting up until the 2006 elections are over?

because william favor is bin Laden's publicist.

9/23/2006, 02:59 PM
The comment is dumb on two levels...is he implying that Bin Laden dying of natural causes is somehow a victory of the war on terror(like somehow the administration was able to channel enough negative energy that they finally got him) and as for McCain, he has mostly been critical of using torture(and unless somehow we tortured him, i don't see any correlation between the two events)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/23/2006, 03:16 PM
The comment is dumb on two levels...is he implying that Bin Laden dying of natural causes is somehow a victory of the war on terror(like somehow the administration was able to channel enough negative energy that they finally got him) and as for McCain, he has mostly been critical of using torture(and unless somehow we tortured him, i don't see any correlation between the two events)On again off again. This time off again.(or, you are a masterbaiter)

9/23/2006, 03:17 PM
McCain though got cornered a couple of weeks ago by a reporter asking what he would expect us to do if we had a terror suspect in custody and we knew a major attack possibly using WMDs was imminent. He said something along the lines of hoping whoever was in charge of the suspect woudl do whatever he had to do in order to get the information out of him.

So, I took that to mean that he sure hopes whoever is in charge on-site takes things into his own hands in order to save American citizens but once he does w'ell have to lock him up for violating our own anti-torture law.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/23/2006, 03:20 PM
McCain though got cornered a couple of weeks ago by a reporter asking what he would expect us to do if we had a terror suspect in custody and we knew a major attack possibly using WMDs was imminent. He said something along the lines of hoping whoever was in charge of the suspect would do whatever he had to do in order to get the information out of him.

So, I took that to mean that he sure hopes whoever is in charge on-site takes things into his own hands in order to save American citizens but once he does w'ell have to lock him up for violating our own anti-torture law.Tell that to Gandalf.

9/23/2006, 04:00 PM
McCain though got cornered a couple of weeks ago by a reporter asking what he would expect us to do if we had a terror suspect in custody and we knew a major attack possibly using WMDs was imminent. He said something along the lines of hoping whoever was in charge of the suspect woudl do whatever he had to do in order to get the information out of him.

So, I took that to mean that he sure hopes whoever is in charge on-site takes things into his own hands in order to save American citizens but once he does w'ell have to lock him up for violating our own anti-torture law.

Seriously, if we KNOW a major attack possibly using WMD's is imminent. I am going to guess we have someone else giving us information before homeboy terrorist. Also I haven't ever said I don't think we should torture these Arab bastards. McCain says that and I believe in all honesty he can say that because he honestly believes it. However, on that subject his opinion is highly jaded just because of circumstance. It's like if you ask a mother of a women who just got raped if you should get the death penalty for rap, now ask the mother of the guy doing it and see what type of response you get. I still do not see how this has anything to do with McCain keeping his mouth shut though, Bin Laden's death has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with torture. Bin Laden dying has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the administration's ability to conduct the war on terror.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/23/2006, 04:33 PM
I still do not see how this has anything to do with McCain keeping his mouth shut though, Bin Laden's death has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with torture. Bin Laden dying has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the administration's ability to conduct the war on terror.Couldn't agree with you more, on that last statement. McCain is just wrong so often, on so many things.(and the media loves the grief he gives conservatives) That's why he should keep his mouth shut.

9/23/2006, 05:08 PM
I'll also say that if Bin Laden is dead then I hope to God our troops in the field have the good sense not to bring him back alive. I shudder to think of the ordeal of putting him through a civil trial (which has to be done because he's already been indicted of several Federal crimes, and I think the state of New York has brought state charges).

Better just to kill the bastard than bring him back.

9/23/2006, 05:22 PM
I'll also say that if Bin Laden is dead then I hope to God our troops in the field have the good sense not to bring him back alive. I shudder to think of the ordeal of putting him through a civil trial (which has to be done because he's already been indicted of several Federal crimes, and I think the state of New York has brought state charges).

Better just to kill the bastard than bring him back.

Somebody like Lid will try and defend him, But it wont be Lid, Bin Laden cant afford his services.

9/23/2006, 09:14 PM
Couldn't agree with you more, on that last statement. McCain is just wrong so often, on so many things.(and the media loves the grief he gives conservatives) That's why he should keep his mouth shut.

Well thank God we found Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq on a scale that makes Iran and North Korea seem so tiny!! Nice to know the administration isn't ever wrong. And thank God Iraq has greatest us as Liberators!!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/23/2006, 09:42 PM
Well thank God we found Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq on a scale that makes Iran and North Korea seem so tiny!! Nice to know the administration isn't ever wrong. And thank God Iraq has greatest us as Liberators!!Good stuff. The bait is old and rancid, this time. No bites.

9/23/2006, 09:45 PM
So you think the Bush Administrations organizing of the Iraq war will go down in Military journals of "How To"

Scott D
9/23/2006, 09:49 PM
Good stuff. The bait is old and rancid, this time.

the irony in this post is dripping thicker than molasses.

9/23/2006, 09:50 PM
The comment is dumb on two levels...is he implying that Bin Laden dying of natural causes is somehow a victory of the war on terror(like somehow the administration was able to channel enough negative energy that they finally got him) and as for McCain, he has mostly been critical of using torture(and unless somehow we tortured him, i don't see any correlation between the two events)

Man, I'm glad you guys finally found something that is not Bush's fault. I was worried that you would accuse Bush of murdering Osama.

9/23/2006, 09:59 PM
You know if Bush DID murder Osama...I wouldn't be the least bit phazed in fact..I would probably give him leeway to do ANYTHING he wants the rest of his administration. My PROBLEM isn't with Bush, I honestly think Bush has capable people and runs a very solid administration...they make mistakes but all humans do and I have always thought that Bush is one of our more caring Presidents, However, when someone attacks John McCain or a Colin Powell, it really aggravates me because again to imply they are ALWAYS wrong or are pandering is beyond ludicrous in my books. John McCain came up with an immigration idea....yes it was stupid, but by God it was an idea...name how many of these so called great leading Republicans that have put forth ideas?

9/23/2006, 10:04 PM
Nixon had an idea once, but he forgot it.
Thank goodness, someone taped it.

9/23/2006, 10:20 PM
What does Bin Laden being dead have to do with McCain, Graham, and other RHINO's shutting up until the 2006 elections are over?

Because killing Bin Laden is what the Iraq War is all about. Or at least that's what Tony Snow will tell us if he's really dead.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/23/2006, 10:27 PM
You know if Bush DID murder Osama...I wouldn't be the least bit phazed in fact..I would probably give him leeway to do ANYTHING he wants the rest of his administration. My PROBLEM isn't with Bush, I honestly think Bush has capable people and runs a very solid administration...they make mistakes but all humans do and I have always thought that Bush is one of our more caring Presidents, However, when someone attacks John McCain or a Colin Powell, it really aggravates me because again to imply they are ALWAYS wrong or are pandering is beyond ludicrous in my books. John McCain came up with an immigration idea....yes it was stupid, but by God it was an idea...name how many of these so called great leading Republicans that have put forth ideas? You respect McCain's behavior while he was a POW. As best I know, I respect it too. However, he has, in recent years, behaved less than admirably. We might disagree on the particulars. I'm sure that will be addressed (again) in another thread in the future. I hope someone more conservative than he gets the Repub. nomination for POTUS in '08. And, if McCain runs as an independent, we will most certainly wind up with a liberal dim as president.
I would appreciate it if he and the other RINOS would be more supportive of the war effort than they have been. That's all......except to say TEXAS SUCKS!

9/23/2006, 11:05 PM
You do realize what they call countries where they don't expect their leaders to be accountable and explain their actions?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/23/2006, 11:08 PM
You do realize what they call countries where they don't expect their leaders to be accountable and explain their actions?Who are they and WTF you talking 'bout, eh?

9/23/2006, 11:15 PM
You do realize what they call countries where they don't expect their leaders to be accountable and explain their actions?


9/23/2006, 11:26 PM
Hope McCain, Lindsay Graham, all the other RINOS will STFU til the '06 elections are over.

I would appreciate it if he and the other RINOS would be more supportive of the war effort than they have been. That's all......except to say TEXAS SUCKS!

You can support the war effort, yet question aspects of how it is run...Do you understand..or shall I type slower. However, I have to leave, Lovely Little Future Mrs. Gandalf is here and she is way sexier than this conversation.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/23/2006, 11:41 PM
You can support the war effort, yet question aspects of how it is run...Do you understand..or shall I type slower. However, I have to leave, Lovely Little Future Mrs. Gandalf is here and she is way sexier than this conversation.If you are a congressman or Senator, especially in the same political party as the president, you should do your questioning quietly, in the background, and NOT screeching at the camera, for the purposes of recognition and acclaim(infamy)...do YOU understand, or should I type slower?

9/23/2006, 11:44 PM
do YOU understand, or should I type slower?

OOOOOH...BURN! :pop:

Scott D
9/23/2006, 11:53 PM
If you are a congressman or Senator, especially in the same political party as the president, you should do your questioning quietly, in the background, and NOT screeching at the camera, for the purposes of recognition and acclaim(infamy)...do YOU understand, or should I type slower?

you really don't understand the intended structure of our government do you. That's ok, neither do 99.99% of politicians.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/23/2006, 11:54 PM
OOOOOH...BURN! :pop:If you don't like what the other person is saying, you simply insult them, and all is well.

9/24/2006, 01:04 AM
Well, even if we didn't directly kill him, our constant pressure probably had a hand. The fatality rate on typhoid is less than 1% when appropriate treatment is received.

Hard to get appropriate treatment if you have to hide out in the wasteland all the time.

9/24/2006, 01:33 AM
Partisan politics sucks

9/24/2006, 01:42 AM
Thats just great.

Whose gonna release the AQ video asking us all to vote democratic or else this time???

Stupid Typhoid.

9/24/2006, 02:04 AM
if he is dead and know one claims they did it write me down. And send the reward.

9/24/2006, 08:31 AM
If you are a congressman or Senator, especially in the same political party as the president, you should do your questioning quietly, in the background, and NOT screeching at the camera, for the purposes of recognition and acclaim(infamy)...do YOU understand, or should I type slower?

That is the problem with government, not enough people willing to risk party anger...look what happened to Lieberman when he made a conscience effort to be honest about how he felt about the election. And everything you say about McCain screeching to camera's is crazy. What do you think happened if George Washington had went and whispered in King George's ears.."Your Hienous...umm about those taxes....yeah they suck..."

9/24/2006, 08:43 AM
This seems like the perfect thread for a Jack Bauer appearance:


9/24/2006, 09:03 AM

9/24/2006, 09:11 AM
so are we talking about the possibility of Bin Laden being dead or who is the better political party?

if Bin Laden has left our presence, i expect minimal impact on terriorist operations. Iraq will continue as it has, the only hope is a major disruption in financial backing of sleeper cells across the world.

9/24/2006, 11:33 AM
Might be you're misinterpreting his comment, dimmy.
Bravisimo, my rug-chewing liberal brother
If you don't like what the other person is saying, you simply insult them, and all is well.
Educate us... is that last observation sarcasm, or just a summation of your usual MO?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/24/2006, 11:43 AM
Educate us... is that last observation sarcasm, or just a summation of your usual MO?Dimmies is a term of endearment for members of a particular political party. Rug-chewers, not so much. Bravisimo is a compliment. Liberal, not so much.
The guy who retaliates is the one who usually gets the penalty call.

Scott D
9/24/2006, 02:54 PM
wf gets a five minute major for irony. along with a 10 min misconduct for silliness..and a game misconduct for ridiculousness. I hope everyone enjoyed his participation.