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View Full Version : What is the point of a one game suspension

9/23/2006, 09:26 AM
When those Pac-10 officials (because of a shortage in officiating crews) are allowed to coach the USC / Arizona game tonight? What was the point in suspending them if they don't follow the suspension? I don't care what they have to do to get another crew to that game in socal, but these suspended officials should not be there.

Fowler just said that the OU / Oregon officals will be the crew at tonights USC / Arizona game, so lets hope that they are Arizona fans - GO MIKE!!!

9/23/2006, 09:43 AM
The PAC 10 using those officials at the USC/Arizona game where Mike Stoops is the coach should cause the NCAA to look into PAC 10 officiating. No one with half a brain would assign those officials to officiate the game of Bob Stoops brother.

Think it is becoming more evident that the PAC 10 has no ethics and they lie since they said they would be suspended for the next game.

Believed that the game with Oregon was given to Oregon on purpose before this but now I have to believe the PAC 10 could care less as long as their school won and their apology was only to get Sooners to shut up.

Who controls the PAC 10? Nike? Gambling Interests of their big money people? This smells which means there is more to this story then we have any idea.

Bomar takes money ($18,000?) from a car dealership and it is plastered all over the papers and the broadcast media for days. Reggie Bush
and his family take hundreds of thousands of dollars and it went off the radar in a few days because it was under investigation which seems to be the favorite word of the PAC 10 but then nothing ever happens. Why is what I want to know.

Is it so important to their conference that they make sure a team goes undefeated? Remember that Arizona and Arizona State were not part of the original PAC 10 so they are expendable.

9/23/2006, 09:46 AM




9/23/2006, 09:58 AM
i understand a shortage, but why let them ref the arizona game?

9/23/2006, 10:18 AM
i understand a shortage, but why let them ref the arizona game?

Exactly! Doesn't Oregon have the week off as well? This smells and PAC 10 has NO credibility left.

9/24/2006, 12:37 AM
exactly what I thought regardless of outcome... the were SUSPENDED that means YOU DONT GET TO DO YOUR JOB BECAUSE YOU WERE WORTHLESS... just unbelievable.

Sooner in the Bluegrass
9/24/2006, 01:20 AM
My thinking is that how is the idiot in charge of handing down the suspension also not aware of what the PAC-10 has upcoming in terms of games and the need for officiating crews? Surely someone in charge of matching up officiating crews with the games slated to be played CAN COUNT. And that they must have had a pretty good idea how many crews they'd need and how many they had at the time that they issued the missive about suspending that crew. Which means they no doubt knew AT THAT TIME, that they actually had no intention of having the crew serve the suspension this weekend. But they went ahead and lied anyway in the hopes of retaining some level of respectablity and at least the illusion of accountability.


9/24/2006, 01:24 AM

I mean if they are suspended that means you get someone else from another conference or somewhere... I am sure there are some WAC, MWC, MAC, CUSA officials itching for the chance to show they can officiate in a big time conference without blowing it.

9/24/2006, 07:46 AM
[pac-10]Um Bob, when was your vacation scheduled? OK, we'll just use that weekend for your "suspension"[/pac-10]