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View Full Version : Accepting Things

9/21/2006, 08:26 AM
I know I'm going to sound a little like John Belushi in Animal House here but I just don't understand when people say you should just let an injustice go.

Did we let it go when the British were taxing our tea?
Did we let it go when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor?
Did Rosa Parks let it go when she was aksed to move to the back of the bus?
Did we let it go when Hitler invaded Kuwait? (this is a joke folks)

I thought this country was founded on recognizing an injustice and standing up for what you believe is right and fighting for change. Maybe its just our changing society. My father taught me to stand up for anything I felt was wrong or unjust and fight for it. When someone tells you to be quiet about it, I think they're just hoping it will go away.

In no way am I advoacting death threats or some of the stupid things people have done. What I am saying is I have no problem with Stoops and Boren standing up for their University and asking for a correction of a problem.

Yes, its just football. We all know that. But this garbage about it being a life lesson and learing to accept injustices is just not the way I was raised.

- Tru

9/21/2006, 08:39 AM

Probably the silliest media whining has been about Boren's involvement.

Mostly it's just a chance to take cheap shots at OU as an educational institution. Not only are these cheap shots, they're ridiculous aimed at David Boren, who's deeply committed to OU as an educational institution and has done a world of good in improving it as such.

I'm sure Boren spent all of ten minutes writing his statement on Saturday's game, and then moved on. He's a busy guy, but he can find that amount of time to deal with this situation. University presidents shouldn't spend a lot of time on sports, but we all know that they spend some time on it. For example, we've all seen Boren show up virtually every year to congratulate our perennial champion men's gymnastics team during an OU football game. Nobody complains about this as a waste of his time.

Bottom line: all the cheap shots at Boren and OU regarding the letter are really just high-falutin' ways of saying "shut up and take your loss" to OU. And given how this "loss" happened, I'm very happy that we didn't (though it's now time to move on).

9/21/2006, 08:43 AM
Read THIS -- Somebody see this as it should be......LINK


Don't Give UP - The Truth has NOT been Told.....!!!!

Keep Rockin'

9/21/2006, 09:06 AM
Read THIS -- Somebody see this as it should be......LINK


Don't Give UP - The Truth has NOT been Told.....!!!!

Keep Rockin'
Thanks for the post. I emailed that dude and gave him a that'a boy. It is great to see a journalist write facts and support whats right not whatever is the norm.

Its hard for journalists to write the truth, that will get them page 45, where most writers will spice the articles up to be on the front page.

Just saying..

9/21/2006, 09:08 AM
Read THIS -- Somebody see this as it should be......LINK


Don't Give UP - The Truth has NOT been Told.....!!!!

Keep Rockin'

Pretty good read but I wished the article would have made it clear the OU(AP) recovered the onside kick.

David Earl
9/21/2006, 09:58 AM
Did we let it go when Hitler invaded Kuwait?

:confused: I don't get it? I thought Poland invaded Kuwait?!