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View Full Version : A Boy What Makes His Momma Proud

Viking Kitten
9/19/2006, 09:27 PM
Your attention please.

We just returned from my first grader's football game, in which my boy, while playing DB, intercepted his first pass, and ran it back 35 yards for a touchdown, evading several opposing players in the process with a couple of amazing spin moves. He also got several flags, and while playing TE, blocked the crap out some very determined kids. This from a kid who, when he first started playing two years ago, used to stand in the backfield and perform what appeared to be interpretive dance moves.

It was one of my proudest moments as a parent. Talk amongst yourselves; I'm a little verklempt right now. I'll give you a topic: We gotta get Stoops in on this kid. Discuss.

Frozen Sooner
9/19/2006, 09:29 PM
He also got several flags.

Wow. The Pac-10 supplied officials?

9/19/2006, 09:32 PM
How'd you break him of the interpretive dance?

I'm.....just curious.

Viking Kitten
9/19/2006, 09:32 PM
Wow. The Pac-10 supplied officials?
Nah, that's little league speak for "tackled the little f***er."

Frozen Sooner
9/19/2006, 09:34 PM
I was just bein' funny.

Congratulations on your budding superstar. Your Teutonic genetics are showing through.

9/19/2006, 09:34 PM
Awe. freakin'. some.

Good on'im.

And his folks.

Viking Kitten
9/19/2006, 09:35 PM
How'd you break him of the interpretive dance?

I'm.....just curious.

Shame and humiliatation. My favorite parenting techniques.

9/19/2006, 09:35 PM
Nah, that's little league speak for "tackled the little f***er."The two key criteria for being a successful defensive back:
1. Be a vicious little mother
2. Have a vicious little mother

Congratulations, VK.

9/19/2006, 09:36 PM
Shame and humiliatation. My favorite parenting techniques.
I'll try it........I mean........good job.

9/19/2006, 09:38 PM
Sound's like a Aflete! Whats his 40 time.

Viking Kitten
9/19/2006, 09:38 PM
I was just bein' funny.

http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b241/greenyze/misc/tombstoneval3.jpg I wasn't...

9/19/2006, 10:11 PM
in other athletic achievement related news:

i dominated the nut jobs at the psych hospital today in basketball. some may argue that they don't move as well on Haldol, but it was domination just the same.

jk the sooner fan
9/19/2006, 10:38 PM
thats great stuff! i can relate, when we were stationed at fort knox, the football league was crazy as the teams had a span of 3 different age groups....JK2 was determined to play but was one of the smallest kids on the team and got very little playing time.....he got an interception against one of the big teams and promptly ran it out of bounds to save his hide

great stuff! parenting can be fun at times ;)

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
9/19/2006, 10:42 PM
What's his Wonderlic score?

9/19/2006, 10:48 PM
What can he bench?

Good job, son of VK!:D

9/19/2006, 11:28 PM
We just returned from my first grader's football game, in which my boy, while playing DB, intercepted his first pass, and ran it back 35 yards for a touchdown,


Just kidding, that's a moment he'll remember forever. Good on ya.

9/20/2006, 12:47 AM
Your attention please.

We just returned from my first grader's football game, in which my boy, while playing DB, intercepted his first pass, and ran it back 35 yards for a touchdown, evading several opposing players in the process with a couple of amazing spin moves. He also got several flags, and while playing TE, blocked the crap out some very determined kids. This from a kid who, when he first started playing two years ago, used to stand in the backfield and perform what appeared to be interpretive dance moves.

It was one of my proudest moments as a parent. Talk amongst yourselves; I'm a little verklempt right now. I'll give you a topic: We gotta get Stoops in on this kid. Discuss.
Thats badass vk

9/20/2006, 02:13 AM
What's the deal with the flags? Is he afraid to hit somebody? ;)

9/20/2006, 02:50 AM
I'll try it........I mean........good job.
you are gonna shame and humiliate your self ? :eek:

9/20/2006, 05:22 AM
so your a pop warner parent eh?

Shouldn't you be busy:

-Second guessing the coaches every move?
-Berating the other players for not doing their jobs?
-Sitting on the sidelines during practice and complaining?
-Bitching about playing time?

/been coaching little league FB for 12 years
//heard it all
///had one parent removed from a game this week for continuously berating an 8 year old for fumbling the ball.

Glad for you VK, you sound like one of the good parents. Please stay that way.

9/20/2006, 08:19 AM
Your attention please.

We just returned from my first grader's football game, in which my boy, while playing DB, intercepted his first pass, and ran it back 35 yards for a touchdown, evading several opposing players in the process with a couple of amazing spin moves. He also got several flags, and while playing TE, blocked the crap out some very determined kids. This from a kid who, when he first started playing two years ago, used to stand in the backfield and perform what appeared to be interpretive dance moves.

It was one of my proudest moments as a parent. Talk amongst yourselves; I'm a little verklempt right now. I'll give you a topic: We gotta get Stoops in on this kid. Discuss.

This is even better than a VK-BSG shoe thread!

Interpretive dance moves = coffee spewed on keyboard.

9/20/2006, 08:21 AM
so your a pop warner parent eh?

Shouldn't you be busy:

-Second guessing the coaches every move?
-Berating the other players for not doing their jobs?
-Sitting on the sidelines during practice and complaining?
-Bitching about playing time?

/been coaching little league FB for 12 years
//heard it all
///had one parent removed from a game this week for continuously berating an 8 year old for fumbling the ball.

Glad for you VK, you sound like one of the good parents. Please stay that way.

I used to coach little league baseball in Norman all the time and had the same issues with the parents. It's not easy coaching the kids and helping them learn any sport when a crazy over involved parents gets in the act.
Sometimes it was a tough job with little reward. Way to help the kids buddy.

9/20/2006, 08:30 AM
Did he get burnt like toast on any other plays?

Were there any incidents of drama? :texan:


Viking Kitten
9/20/2006, 09:20 AM
Did he get burnt like toast on any other plays?

Were there any incidents of drama? :texan:


There was, in fact, no no no no drama.:D

9/20/2006, 09:26 AM
I used to coach little league baseball in Norman all the time and had the same issues with the parents. It's not easy coaching the kids and helping them learn any sport when a crazy over involved parents gets in the act.
Sometimes it was a tough job with little reward. Way to help the kids buddy.

can't you just have "closed practice"? ;)

9/20/2006, 09:27 AM
Who the hell has football games on Tuesday nights?

They play in the WAC or something?

9/20/2006, 09:27 AM
YAY !!
But I hope he doesn't go by "Kitten."

Viking Kitten
9/20/2006, 09:31 AM
so your a pop warner parent eh?

Shouldn't you be busy:

-Second guessing the coaches every move?
-Berating the other players for not doing their jobs?
-Sitting on the sidelines during practice and complaining?
-Bitching about playing time?

/been coaching little league FB for 12 years
//heard it all
///had one parent removed from a game this week for continuously berating an 8 year old for fumbling the ball.

Glad for you VK, you sound like one of the good parents. Please stay that way.

We have been extremely lucky with this league. Although it's competetive and the teams play to win, nobody's an a**hole about it. All the parents are very supportive and emphasize good sportsmanship. I've heard all the horror stories you are talking about though, and it made me really nervous about putting him in organized sports in the first place. So I really hope our league continues on the way it has.

As far as playing time goes, last year my son was upset about not getting more playing time, and instead of whining to the coach about it, we told our son he needed to bust his a** to be the best player on the team so the coach would want to put him in every play. And that's exactly what happened this year.

9/20/2006, 09:33 AM
in other athletic achievement related news:

i dominated the nut jobs at the psych hospital today in basketball. some may argue that they don't move as well on Haldol, but it was domination just the same.


9/20/2006, 09:59 AM

yep :D

9/20/2006, 10:15 AM
We have been extremely lucky with this league. Although it's competetive and the teams play to win, nobody's an a**hole about it. All the parents are very supportive and emphasize good sportsmanship. I've heard all the horror stories you are talking about though, and it made me really nervous about putting him in organized sports in the first place. So I really hope our league continues on the way it has.

As far as playing time goes, last year my son was upset about not getting more playing time, and instead of whining to the coach about it, we told our son he needed to bust his a** to be the best player on the team so the coach would want to put him in every play. And that's exactly what happened this year.

Thank God for parents like you. Most of my current parents are like you, but I've had the ones that have kidvision so badly that they honestly believe that their 49 pound 3rd grader is the best athelete on the field and should play eveyr play. I coach in a full blown tackle league, and believe me, if your son isn't ready for contact, he has no business being out there and getting hurt. The hardest part for me as a coach is teaching them that getting hit hurts a whole lot more than being the one delvering the hit.

Viking Kitten
9/20/2006, 10:20 AM
Heh. My son weighed 49 pounds when he was three. It's those Teutonic genes and whatnot. Yet I still don't want him playing tackle until middle school. That's the momma bear coming out.

9/20/2006, 10:35 AM
oh pfffft. Sounds like he'd likely be among the bigger kids playing. It's your call and all, but let me tell you....you are handicapping him if you hol dhim out until middle school. He'll have to then spend those years learning all the basics that he would already know if he had played youth league.

It's not as physical as you think. You come across a few kids every once in a while that are fearless and know how to bring the wood....but for the most part it's grab and tickle.

Viking Kitten
9/20/2006, 10:41 AM
You don't think a touch league is enough?

9/20/2006, 10:44 AM

9/20/2006, 10:49 AM
You don't think a touch league is enough?

Enough for a 1st or 2nd grader? Absolutely. But there's SO much more to the game that they can learn by playing tackle in 4th 5th and 6th. That way when they step into middle school ball all they really have to learn is the plays and that particular coaches terminology.

Please ignore Pat, he's still not big enough to stand up to the rigors of middle school ball.

Viking Kitten
9/20/2006, 10:51 AM
Pat who?

9/20/2006, 11:35 AM
Pat who?


:les: THAT ONE!!!

9/20/2006, 11:39 AM
Pat who?

Pat McGroin?

Czar Soonerov
9/20/2006, 12:01 PM
Pat McGroin?

http://thumbs.vidiac.com/608f5fd4-09e4-468b-ac25-450946e95ca5.jpg (http://video.freevideoblog.com/video/608f5fd4-09e4-468b-ac25-450946e95ca5.htm)
Click here to see Video (http://video.freevideoblog.com/video/608f5fd4-09e4-468b-ac25-450946e95ca5.htm)


Viking Kitten
9/20/2006, 01:31 PM
Pat McGroin?

Look sir, when I want to hear from an a**hole, I'll make sure Czar eats some extra-crispy KFC.

9/20/2006, 01:46 PM
How rude.

Viking Kitten
9/20/2006, 02:06 PM
How rude.

Did you know the cute little girl who used to say that on Full House is totally on drugs now?

9/20/2006, 02:07 PM
Did you know the cute little girl who used to say that on Full House is totally on drugs now?

Sweet! Is she nekkid yet?

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
9/20/2006, 03:02 PM
Did you know the cute little girl who used to say that on Full House is totally on drugs now?I totally saw their house in San Francisco. That street is really ghetto now that The Tanners have left.

9/20/2006, 03:05 PM
The hood is now rollin' with Bob Saget (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B_n9YaAMmg)