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View Full Version : Wierd Okie laws you didn't know existed...

9/19/2006, 07:53 PM
Check out this gem, just passed this year by our elected representatives:

40 Okl. St. Ann. S 500

Non Smoking as condition of employment

It shall be unlawful for an employer to:

1. Discharge any individual, or otherwise disadvantage any individual, with respect to compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment because the individual is a nonsmoker or smokes or uses tobacco products during nonworking hours; or

2. Require as a condition of employment that any employee or applicant for employment abstain from smoking or using tobacco products during nonworking hours.

So, succ it tobacco haters! :texan: :D

9/19/2006, 07:57 PM
OUSAEMOM aint gonna be happy :eek:
Theres a site somewhere that gives all the wierd laws still on the books .
LIke its still illegal to hunt camels in AZ .;)

9/19/2006, 08:00 PM
OUSAEMOM aint gonna be happy :eek:
Theres a site somewhere that gives all the wierd laws still on the books .
LIke its still illegal to hunt camels in AZ .;)

Yeah, but Vet...they passed this in "extraordinary session" in 2006 and our boy Gov. signed it! It's therefore surely aimed smack at OUSAEMOM!!!!!!!!!;)

9/19/2006, 08:06 PM
Aw I see Mom pizzed em off ? :D :D :D :D :D

9/19/2006, 08:10 PM
Check out this gem, just passed this year by our elected representatives:

So, succ it tobacco haters! :texan: :D
go ahead. Kill yourself and all those you love the most.

And stink
And get yellow teeth.
And trash the planet with cig butts.

It's your RIGHT.

jk the sooner fan
9/19/2006, 08:17 PM
its legal in texas

9/19/2006, 08:41 PM
Everything is legal in texasFixed.