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View Full Version : People involved in the game were NOT mad at

The Maestro
9/19/2006, 11:02 AM
I need something positive to talk about. Thought this might be helpful for us all. Please add to the list for my therapy and yours, if needed.

1. Probably three of the officials on the field. They weren't the one's who were involved in the onside kick calls. This does NOT include the ref, DEFINITELY NOT the umpire, and NOT the side judge on Oregon's sidelines.

2. The 1 or 2 good looking cheerleaders Oregon has.

3. Fouts and Brandt. Yes, it did seem that Fouts was a little more vocal when Oregon scored, but that might have something to do with 40,000 screaming tree huggers. THey both admitted the call was bad and Brandt even pointed out Allan Patrick had the ball. I'll give them credit for that.

4. Old Man Riese's wife, kids and grandkids. Lots of stupid people have families. It's not there fault.

5. The granola/trail mix vendor in section C.

6. ANY Oregon player or coach who will just come out and say that A)they got lucky, B)that the ball was touched first by Oregon before ten yards and, C)that OU recovered the kick. JUST ONE!!

7. Belotti's kid. It was a textbook onside kick. Just touched early. But...on second thought, he did come from his daddy's loins, so nevermind. I don't like him, either.

8. Me...even though it's "we're" instead of "were".

9/19/2006, 11:14 AM
ENA- he looked pretty solid, i thought.

9/19/2006, 11:21 AM
The lady that sat behind me constantly blowing the duck noise-maker in my ear and hitting me with her pon-pom, and who thought it necessary after the game to put her hand on my shoulder and tell me "We (Oregon) deserved this win"... wait... no... I was pretty mad at her

How about...

-Jon Cooper - I think he originally got hurt early in the second half and he kept hobbling (even more than normal) back out there to do his job. Very gutsy and maybe even heroic.

The Maestro
9/19/2006, 11:23 AM
I meant Oregon type people. But I guess you have to think of someone and the list is small.

The Maestro
9/19/2006, 11:37 AM
I'm not mad at Oregonian's Matt Groening (The Simpson's dude), Doc Severinsen (I used to love Stump the Band on The Tonight Show) and country singer Sara Evans (HI-OH!!!). Unless they are related to Belotti.

9/19/2006, 11:46 AM

well, i think everyone has pretty much been covered then. :D