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View Full Version : New shows on NBC

9/19/2006, 10:10 AM
So last night I watched the premier of Studio 60 on NBC. It's about the inner workings of a sketch comedy show (think SNL) on a network called NBS...but it's a drama. Also new on NBC is a show called 30 Rock. It's about the inner workings of a sketch comedy show and stars people from the real SNL (Tina Fey and Tracy Morgan). It is a comedy.

So: Two shows whose title consists of a single word an a two-digit number, both are about the inner workings of a sketch comedy show, one is based on SNL but does not contain anybody from the real SNL and is not funny, and the other one may or may not be based on SNL but does contain people from SNL and is a sitcom (although it still may not be funny).

Do I have that straight? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

9/19/2006, 10:15 AM
Well, I think that the Sorkin one may end up being like SportsNight, which Family Guy pegged when Peter said, "It's a comedy that's too good to be funny."

Anyway, I watched the premier last night, and it was pretty good.

And it has Amanda Peet. :hot:

9/19/2006, 10:19 AM
And it has Amanda Peet. :hot:

Remember the Seinfeld episode with the two-faced girlfriend, where she looked totally hawt in certain lighting and totally not hawt otherwise? That was Amanda Peet last night.

9/25/2006, 10:57 AM
I can already tell this show is going to be one of my favorite. I miss The West Wing.

Did anyone mention it has Amanda Peet?:eek: