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View Full Version : Stoops Reacts after practice

Jay C. Upchurch
9/18/2006, 08:01 PM
NORMAN — Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops reacted sharply Monday night when asked about the PAC-10 Conference's announcement earlier in the day that it had apologized to OU and handed down a one-game suspension to the officiating crew working last Saturday's game at Oregon. The Sooner coach said that the actions of the officials were, "absolutely inexcusable and unacceptable."

Here is a transcription of Stoops' comments ...

Opening statement, regarding penalty and response from Pac-10
"At least they have reacted to it and tried. Truly there can be no
amends to it and it can't be corrected. I think (the media) are fair to
discern whether the actions taken against (the officials) or the
individuals who had an opportunity to get it right are acceptable or
enough ... compared to how our season has changed.

"If you're going to write any of this, you need to say it all. I've
made a million mistakes; I'll make a million more. In each game and in
that game included ... there are things I could have done differently or
changed. Unlike officials, players and coaches don't have that
opportunity. They had an opportunity to get it right and they chose not

"So I find it still absolutely inexcusable and unacceptable. In
particular (the) people who had an opportunity to review it all and look
at it and get it right. They chose not to. You discern whether a
one-game suspension is appropriate for those individuals. I'm not
talking about people in the heat of the moment out there in the middle
of the chaos. I'm talking about people who, like every viewer at home,
had an opportunity to see it. It's not for me to decide what is
appropriate, but I think it's fair to say that a one-game suspension
compared to the way our season now is altered, I don't know if that fits
the situation.

"Like I said, I've made a million mistakes. In a game I'd love to have
a chance to replay it and do it over. They get that opportunity, we
don't. To me again it's just unacceptable and inexcusable."

On if the players understand that the season is not lost:
"Our players understand we've got a lot in front of us. The season is
young. We've got a ton to get better at, improve at. I have to deal
with this because I am the head coach, but we're on to Middle Tennessee.
We had a great practice. Our players are upbeat. They understand the
potential that is on the football team and we're going to keep working
to get better."

On President David L. Boren's letter:
"We have a great administration. President Boren is the absolute best
president a head coach can have. And you know what, and a great
president for this university. You look at what he has done for this
university, it's remarkable. He's a great leader for us right through
Joe Castiglione. I've got faith in what they believe is right and trust
their opinions."

On the team's motivation:
"It's behind us. We're motivated. We've got another game coming up and
we're going to keep getting better. That's all the motivation we need."

On accountability:
"I get a 19-year-old kid who's out there in front of the whole country
and out there in front of 60,000 people who makes a mistake and gives up
a play at the end. He's got to talk to (media) and he's a man and walks
in the tunnel and talks to everybody and explains (himself). All
parties involved should have to explain their actions to some degree you
would think. There are a lot of dynamics to it.

"We all make mistakes in the heat of the moment. Every coach in the
country and every kid would love to replay it and say, 'Let me do that
over." (The officials) have that opportunity, so how can it be
excusable and acceptable? It's just not. The people who were in those
positions, I don't know if that's enough compared to what they've done
to our season when they had an opportunity to get it right. And it
isn't like there's 10 minutes to go. We're taking a knee, game's over.
I'm not saying we didn't have our fault in it that we could be better.
But that's the end of the game and there is no refuting that."

OU Sports Info and Sooner Spectator Reports

9/18/2006, 08:02 PM
I think MiccoMacey and TDTW should tell Stoops to stop bitching. :)

9/18/2006, 08:04 PM
Bob's THE man..............

9/18/2006, 08:06 PM
man, i like that guy.

9/18/2006, 08:07 PM
Well said and well spoken, Coach. We are proud of you as well. Let's get on with the rest of the season.

..and that's the end of that.

9/18/2006, 08:08 PM
You discern whether a
one-game suspension is appropriate for those individuals. I'm not
talking about people in the heat of the moment out there in the middle
of the chaos. I'm talking about people who, like every viewer at home,
had an opportunity to see it. It's not for me to decide what is
appropriate, but I think it's fair to say that a one-game suspension
compared to the way our season now is altered, I don't know if that fits
the situation.

Go Stoops!! I like the comparison! :D

9/18/2006, 08:09 PM
Is Bob Stoops gonna have to choke a bitch? :D

9/18/2006, 08:11 PM
Bob Stoops makes me proud sometimes.

9/18/2006, 08:11 PM
He sure said it better than anyone else, didn't he?

9/18/2006, 08:12 PM
I think MiccoMacey and TDTW should tell Stoops to stop bitching. :)
I don't think you gave enough thought to impications of what happened that absolutely shouldn't have. It may cost us a a BCS Bowl game thus millions of dollars and it may cost AD the Heisman. It's one thing to have a play thats somewhat hard to tell what really happened , but when all the veiwing audience can see that Ref crew blew it. Hell, color commentator Fouts is an ex-Oregon QB and shouted that was a horrible call.So yes Stoops has a right to bitch all he wants.

9/18/2006, 08:14 PM
agree - that's the end of that. i'm starting to feel like this has all worked out quite well. of course, the W would be better... but, there has been enough of a fit thrown that by now ALL voters should be aware of the circumstances. and, if we win this next weekend i'd be willing to bet the polls reflect as such. not that it matters, i guess....

9/18/2006, 08:18 PM
Sounds Like The MAN is ****ed ....Look out Big 12 - We ARE ON a MISSION......!!!!

Now Lets Get Rockin'

9/18/2006, 08:21 PM

9/18/2006, 08:23 PM
that guy is a class act, period.

9/18/2006, 08:24 PM
Hopefully in his comments he did not cross that variable line which the NCAA has. If they determine that his comments were critical of the officials, they can sanction him. He seemed to have carefully contructed his comments so as not to cross the line. However, the NCAA has a way of moving the line if they so choose.

That being said, I support him 100% in his comments and sincerely hope that the players DO continue to get better.

I also hope that we never again agree to allow Pac 10 officials to have any involvement in any game we play.

9/18/2006, 08:24 PM
I think MiccoMacey and TDTW should tell Stoops to stop bitching. :)

When Bob Stoops says it he doesn't come across as a whiny 12 -year-old. ;)

9/18/2006, 08:26 PM
Hopefully in his comments he did not cross that variable line which the NCAA has. If they determine that his comments were critical of the officials, they can sanction him.

No way does the NCAA touch him on this.

9/18/2006, 08:29 PM
On the team's motivation:
"It's behind us. We're motivated. We've got another game coming up and
we're going to keep getting better. That's all the motivation we need."

I think they will be a little more than motivated :texan:

9/18/2006, 08:32 PM
I don't think you gave enough thought to impications of what happened that absolutely shouldn't have. It may cost us a a BCS Bowl game thus millions of dollars and it may cost AD the Heisman. It's one thing to have a play thats somewhat hard to tell what really happened , but when all the veiwing audience can see that Ref crew blew it. Hell, color commentator Fouts is an ex-Oregon QB and shouted that was a horrible call.So yes Stoops has a right to bitch all he wants.

I was poking fun at Micco and TDTW. I'm on your side. It's called sarcasm. :)

9/18/2006, 08:33 PM
If they determine that his comments were critical of the officials, they can sanction him.

Can you imagine what kind of hell would break loose from not only the Sooner Nation but from OU administration and officials should this happen?

9/18/2006, 08:39 PM
Hopefully in his comments he did not cross that variable line which the NCAA has.
Coach Stoops commented as much about the "suspensions" as he did about the officiating. I think he was well within the bounds of what is expected.

9/18/2006, 08:44 PM
Does anybody think that anybody will come within 14 points of the Sooners this year?

9/18/2006, 08:46 PM
I love how in the midst of a very heated statement, he takes the opportunity to indirectly defend Nic Harris. I did think it was very strong of Harris to speak to the media after that game. Bob's right, and so was Tramel when they say the officials must be available to explain their calls. Go Bob!

9/18/2006, 08:47 PM
That was well worded and very classy. I like how he compared the players to the officials. A 19 year old kid has to explain to the media how he made a bad play and he does not get any chance at all to redo it. The officials can screw up, have a chance to make the the right call and then choose not to make that call. Even then they do not have to give one singe ounce of explanation of how they screwed up a team's season. I read in another thread that this is not part of the game, it's cheating...simple as that. I hope there is more to come and I am sure something will be found out about gambling or some other shady dealing involving the booth offiicial.

The game is behind us...I keep dreaming of how the wheels of fate could some how lead us back the ducks and no officiating crew in the world will be able to save them from the ferocious onslaught our Sooner will deliver.

I am scared...I fear for the other teams we play the rest of the year. This is just a motivator for the Sooners to use. If I was Bob I would tell the players to hit everything on the field. If it gets in your way you hit and you hit it hard. If a man in black and white gets in your way you punish and destroy it.(Kidding) This team untill now, has not been angry you can see it in the way they have played. I have a feeling the D is going to become lock-down, blood thirsty, animals who have something they want to tell the other team. YOUR DEAD!

9/18/2006, 08:49 PM
Get'em Coach!

9/18/2006, 08:58 PM
I really hope that our players use this as a reason to understand that because we are Oklahoma it's not good enough to be better than the opponent. We have to dominate the opponent. We have to destroy the opponent. We have to get back the "we're Oklahoma, you're not" attitude that whipped A&M 77-0, beat Texas 63-14 and 65-13, that didn't lose a game at home for years, that struck fear in the opponents we played.

It's time for us to not just play hard. It's time for us to be brutal to our opponents. It's time for us to strike fear becaue we never stop, never relent and keep pounding until you ask for mercy.

I want to see us back with that attitude, starting Sat night. And for those who think this "Oklahoma arrogance" is a negative -- let them get hosed on three play calls by officials. Let them move down in rankings after having a game stolen from them. Have them be criticized for playing in a NC game when they lost one game and unquestionably dominated 11. Screw them.

9/18/2006, 09:02 PM
SoonerGOP, I hope you're right. I hope this becomes our headknocker that our kids need. They aren't playing with the fire they need to be. Maybe this will motivate them.

I think MiccoMacey and TDTW should tell Stoops to stop bitching.

Not me...I'd rather tell Dean he's gay. And I'd really rather not do that either. :D

9/18/2006, 09:28 PM
When Bob Stoops says it he doesn't come across as a whiny 12 -year-old. ;)

When Bob Stoops says it people need to check their @$$es to see if they have any left.

9/18/2006, 09:30 PM
Can we now please get back to hanging half-a-hundred on our opponents while holding them to single digits once again...

9/18/2006, 09:37 PM
Thanks Coach. I needed that...

9/18/2006, 09:44 PM
Can we now please get back to hanging half-a-hundred on our opponents while holding them to single digits once again...

You mean by halftime, right?

9/18/2006, 09:45 PM
Good comments from Stoops. I'm still p***ed that we got hosed so bad.

9/18/2006, 09:48 PM
Bob is a great rock for the University. Twice over the weekend I was listening to poscasts from ESPN and their talking about the Reggie Bush situation. They were discussing how Carroll handled the Bush/agent scenario and then rebutted themselves by saying to effect that, "Then again there's Bob Stoops at Oklahoma who once he heard of the Bomar situation (his starting QB for those who don't know the situation America) where Stoops dismissed him from the team effective immediately because of the higher moral ground Stoops ran at OU.

We lost the game, and got it in the shorts at that, but all in all, I've never been more proud of my school and my coaching staff. With a reputation like Stoops has earned, he'll get his chance to shout at the refs and the NCAA will give him a pass, and may even move on it in his behalf. Three bad calls in the last minute, and he doesn't throw a rod...? Wow.

We continue to be headed in the right direction.

boomer Sooner,

9/18/2006, 10:17 PM
I understand Bob Stoops reaction. I agree for the most part.
What I take issue with is his comment about "interfering with reception" on the onside kick. I think interference with reception comes into play when the ball is kicked off into the air. That onside kick was kicked straight down into the turf then became airborne. Therefore it is anybodies ball after 10 yards. And yes, it was touched before 10 yards. An illegal touching penalty should have been assessed. Another point: Can replays be used to see if penalties were missed? I am aware that replays can be used to determine if a ball was tipped before pass interference(that was an issue also). I am just not aware of anything being reviewed to assess a missed penalty. The true travesty here is the recovery of the fumble. How could anybody give posession to Oregon? Too bad the Oklahoma player thad did recover it acted so nanchalant. The refs had no idea where the ball was. He could have at least made a big deal out of recovering it while everybody in the pile were arm wrestling.

9/18/2006, 10:19 PM
It's on now...


9/18/2006, 10:36 PM
Bob's timing on the matter will absolve him of any sanctions.

He waited until the powers that be suspended those officials and then only made comments about getting things right and answering to your mistakes.

The guy is amazingly astute.