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View Full Version : In my book... #1 example of why AD should be leading the Heisman race

9/18/2006, 11:18 AM
I normally don't do these kinds of posts, but watch AD on Reggie Smith's last kick off return. It's a testament to his speed, athletic ability, and determination.

When Reggie catches the ball, AD is 5 yards behind the "fastest" player on our team. After hurdling a fallen tackler, AD is able to catch and pass Reggie in order to make a key block at the end of Reggie's run.

Wow... Incredible play.


How excited would you have been four weeks ago to know that we are 3-0 after the Oregon game? This team is pretty good fellas. Fix the defense and we are REALLY good.

9/18/2006, 11:21 AM
AD runs a "team best" 4.37 so he was prolly 5 yards behind number 2

9/18/2006, 11:23 PM
I normally don't do these kinds of posts, but watch AD on Reggie Smith's last kick off return. It's a testament to his speed, athletic ability, and determination.

When Reggie catches the ball, AD is 5 yards behind the "fastest" player on our team. After hurdling a fallen tackler, AD is able to catch and pass Reggie in order to make a key block at the end of Reggie's run.

Wow... Incredible play.


How excited would you have been four weeks ago to know that we are 3-0 after the Oregon game? This team is pretty good fellas. Fix the defense and we are REALLY good.

Switzer mentioned on WWLS this afternoon that he would have to put Reggie Smith in the backfield and pitch him the ball a few times a game. I agree with you on the Peterson point. He's a horse, plays hard every down, doesn't give up, can't say enough. he's got a great attitude for a guy that talented, too.

Peterson deserves the Heisman for this reason alone in my book. He's got over 500yds running behind John Cooper and Chris Messner. Barry Sanders couldn't get a first down behind those guys, man. the OLine just looks rough this year, cudos to Peterson.

9/18/2006, 11:46 PM
I'm getting tired of having no imagination on offense. If Reggie played for Bama he'd be taking direct snaps ala David Palmer.

9/18/2006, 11:53 PM
Herbstreit and Tool Corso said Saturday that Peterson was no longer a Heisman contender because of OU's "loss". Of course, they both suck. Bad.

9/19/2006, 12:21 AM
Herbstreit and Tool Corso said Saturday that Peterson was no longer a Heisman contender because of OU's "loss". Of course, they both suck. Bad.

I wonder who herbie's pimping?... Ted Ginn and Troy Smith? You don't say!

His homerism is shining through this year...

Good thing is AD will have votes from everyone South of the Mason Dixon and west of the Mississippi. Ginn and Smith will split votes.

9/19/2006, 12:24 AM
I'm getting tired of having no imagination on offense. If Reggie played for Bama he'd be taking direct snaps ala David Palmer.

and ala Tyrone Prothro :(

I miss that kid... *sniff*

9/19/2006, 12:44 AM
I can see Troy Smith getting Heisman hype, but Ginn? come on now. id say its between smith and AD right now

9/19/2006, 12:46 AM
Considering true RB's dont get the credit they deserve (unless they return punts, line up at WR, etc as Bush did), I'd say AD is fighting a up hill battle.

9/19/2006, 12:55 AM
Yea but all it takes is a loss for a QB to drop out of the race. With Petersen, he has to finish first in the country in rushing yards I think and that West Virginia RB Slayton isn't going to play a decent defense all year and he is only 23 yards ahead atm or something like that.

9/19/2006, 01:00 AM
Considering true RB's dont get the credit they deserve (unless they return punts, line up at WR, etc as Bush did), I'd say AD is fighting a up hill battle.

Maybe I got a different feed than you but I saw AD return kickoffs and spread out wide right on a number of occasions. They used him much more in this game than the first two. Maybe they realize that he needs to do a little extra.

9/19/2006, 01:06 AM
Well, if he runs some kicks back for TD's or catches a fly route for a 70 yd TD then I think it obviously help's his cause. Just lining him up on the edge as a decoy isnt really helping his cause though.

9/19/2006, 01:43 PM
I can't believe that they are just using him as a decoy. As the fastest guy on our team, I have to believe that they will use him at some point and with his running ability, he will do some damage on kick offs as well. I just wanted to point out that it looked like the team was getting ready to do what you suggested.

9/19/2006, 03:14 PM
Well the thing I was trying to point out is that AD has done such a good job actually BEING a RB, that he shouldnt HAVE to do those other things. He should win the hypesman just from doing his job.

9/19/2006, 03:18 PM
I agree. He would be a shoe in if he improves on this blocking as well, IMO.

He had several busted assignment in the UO game. Of course that could be from the fact that they were just busting up the gut.

9/19/2006, 03:19 PM
If he had sustained the block on that kickoff a smidge longer, Smith scores or gains another 10-15 yards, btw.

9/19/2006, 03:23 PM
Adrian is the best player in the country. If he gets 1800-1900 yards this year he deserves the Heisman. He also might be the best player I've ever seen too.

9/19/2006, 04:11 PM
awesome to see him leading the way on the final kick return, he is a true team player without a doubt.:cool:

The Maestro
9/19/2006, 04:19 PM
Troy Smith had fewer yards passing Cincinnati...no, not the Bengals!...then AD had rushing at Oregon.

205 vs. 211.

Right now, it's AD's. I don't care what anyone says.

Just trying to decide what team I prefer he get drafted by. Right now, the Raiders, Texans, Packers and Titans appear to be front runners. God forbid the Titans and AD has to play with no pass threat at QB for the next few years...yes, I mean One-Durh-lick Boy! To heck with all of those teams, really. But they could all use AD in a great way...certainly.

9/19/2006, 04:31 PM
they'll give it to Smith if tOSU goes undefeated. That was they can say, "Well Troy got illegal benefits and he won the Heisman, so that means OMG Reggie Bush Greatest Player Evar can keep his."

9/19/2006, 04:54 PM
Troy Smith had fewer yards passing Cincinnati...no, not the Bengals!...then AD had rushing at Oregon.

205 vs. 211.

Right now, it's AD's. I don't care what anyone says.

Just trying to decide what team I prefer he get drafted by. Right now, the Raiders, Texans, Packers and Titans appear to be front runners. God forbid the Titans and AD has to play with no pass threat at QB for the next few years...yes, I mean One-Durh-lick Boy! To heck with all of those teams, really. But they could all use AD in a great way...certainly.

I hope its the Texans considering Demeco is already on the team. It'd give me TWO reasons to watch that team instead of one. And I need as many reasons as I can get hehe.

9/19/2006, 04:58 PM
I just can't stand that the heisman has become the best player on the best team award.

9/19/2006, 05:05 PM
I agree with SelmaBamaFan. AD's a thoroughbred running back. He shouldn't have to do anything but line up in the backfield. It's enough of a load for him to have to run THROUGH two or three tacklers before he sees daylight [because his O-line can't block worth a crap] without having to also do everybody else's job.

9/19/2006, 05:07 PM
I still say the media is to blame for this crap. I miss the days when players were just so DAMN dominant there wasnt a question about it, AND the media gave them their just due. Hershel Walker, Bo Jackson, and Barry Sanders are the main ones that come to mind.

I wish AD could have played back in those days, he'd without a doubt be labeled one of the best RB's of ALL TIME!

Also, as I said earlier in the thread, the media just doesnt give credit to a good RB. They blame it on competition, or having 'such a good OL any RB could do that''; when they dont hold those same standards for QBs. I seem to remember a RB from Penn St. a few years ago that was pretty damn good, but you didnt hear a peep about him from the media.

Do I think AD deserves to be at the top of the hypesman lists? Yes!

Do I think he will win it, even if he runs for over 2000 yards this year? Nope :(

9/19/2006, 05:18 PM
I seem to remember a RB from Penn St. a few years ago that was pretty damn good, but you didnt hear a peep about him from the media.

Larry Johnson of the Chiefs, who ran for over 2000 yards in 2002 on 8.02 yards per carry (an NCAA record). He had 279 yards on 19 carries in the first half against Michigan State, and stayed on the bench in the second half.

Blame his lack of a Heisman on Paterno, though... JoePa doesn't believe in Heisman marketing.


9/19/2006, 05:18 PM
If he had sustained the block on that kickoff a smidge longer, Smith scores or gains another 10-15 yards, btw.

Yeah I noticed that to. He needs to be a little more aggressive blocking.

9/19/2006, 05:29 PM
Larry Johnson of the Chiefs, who ran for over 2000 yards in 2002 on 8.02 yards per carry (an NCAA record). He had 279 yards on 19 carries in the first half against Michigan State, and stayed on the bench in the second half.

Blame his lack of a Heisman on Paterno, though... JoePa doesn't believe in Heisman marketing.


Thanks for the information, and I agree that JoPa doesnt market his players (something I agree with, just let their play do the talking).

However, your last sentence puts my main problem with the hypesman to light. Players shouldnt HAVE to be marketed. Instead, lets get some voters that actually WATCH THE GAMES. Hell, they could ATLEAST watch the highlights on ESPN.

The hypesman has gone from awarding the BEST player in college football to being a popularity contest. I hate it too because AD isnt too popular at the moment even though he is putting up VERY impressive numbers.

9/19/2006, 09:18 PM
I can see Troy Smith getting Heisman hype, but Ginn? come on now. id say its between smith and AD right now

You're right, Reggie is pretty damn good.