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View Full Version : I am beginning to increase my hatred of osucks fans!!!!

9/18/2006, 10:28 AM
I have always been an OU first, Oklahoma second, Big 12 third kind of guy. That is changing quickly!:mad: Outside of ducks fans I have heard 2 people that have said that OU lost fair and square...both are osucks fans. This is in 2 seperate and distinct conversations and both of them said that OU fans, "always jump to conspiracies and whining about the refs when things don't go their way," "OU lost"
Both claim they saw the whole game.:rolleyes:
Whatever, I don't even know what else to say, stupidity speaks for itself.

Sooner in Tampa
9/18/2006, 10:38 AM
I am such a glutton for punishment I went to www.aggiessuckd!ck.com (http://www.aggiessuckd!ck.com) and read their messages boards....:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ...why am I so stupid???

Damn...I just keep reminding myself that they are just aggies.

Jacka$$ aggie says:
Funny how they get a bad call in their favor last week (which very easily could have decided the game) and nobody at the Oklahoman says a thing. But something like the Texas Tech or Oregon thing happens and the Oklahoman complains about it forever. This behavior should be expected from the average banjo playin OU fan, but not OK for an "unbiased" media outlet.

A terrible call by a ref in an OU game is called "Sooner Magic" when it is in their favor.

Landthief 1972
9/18/2006, 11:28 AM
What do you expect? They've got football envy, and can't get any real satisfaction out of playing NAIA and high school teams for all their non-conference games. You ought to read some of the comments on newsok.com by the the poke fans. It's typical poke stupidity: nobody who roots for OU went to OU and, most OU fans are toothless rednecks "because that's all that I see when I go to the State Fair!"

If I had a nickel for every Poke fan I know who flunked out or left OSU after less than one year, I could have bought off a Pac-10 officiating crew.

9/18/2006, 11:34 AM
unless its making love to livestock or putting a lift kit on a truck aggies dont know what they are talking about... they think delay of game is 3 seconds in the paint... try to have a football conversation with an aggot you'll get no where just shrug it off...

Bourbon St Sooner
9/18/2006, 11:36 AM
They're going to have a rude awakening when they stop playing high school teams and step up to the next level.

9/18/2006, 11:39 AM
I had to watch the game in Stillwater cause of a friends birthday that night. 7 of us(OU fans) watched the BS game, then went to my friends tent outside Boone Pickens. Every drunk osu fan could not stop talking about the OU losing.

had all kinds of "POOR SOONERS" chants

god they are retarded

Sooner in Tampa
9/18/2006, 11:42 AM
F&*king Pat Jones is an @$$hole...gah. I REALLY wish that I had an alternative at work for sports radio in Oklahoma other than the animal.

9/18/2006, 11:43 AM
jealousy has turned most osu fans into classless sloths.

9/18/2006, 11:57 AM
Oregon would light OSU up. Big time.