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9/18/2006, 10:13 AM
Obviously something was rotten in Eugene.:mad:

9/18/2006, 10:18 AM
I went with b and c.

9/18/2006, 10:18 AM
They were afraid to upset a rowdy home crowd. It was just like in Lubbock.

9/18/2006, 10:28 AM
i would agree that it's mostly "c".

i have always hated the fact that the rulebook seems to get thrown out the window during certain situations, especially a close game with little time remaining. if the rule applies in the first quarter, it should apply in the last.

this is actually a much bigger problem in baseball and basketball, and it's the reason that i can't get into those sports anymore. ever see the 8th inning strike zone for a guy pitching a no-hitter? it's about the size of mangino's left cheek.

9/18/2006, 10:32 AM
Just imagine, you are in a stadium with 55,000 rowdy *** fans in the biggest game of their schools history and YOUR decision may decide whether or not they get the victory...it's solely on you! That would be tough. Maybe they should have more than one replay official?

9/18/2006, 10:33 AM
it's about the size of mangino's left cheek.
so are you saying the zone gets bigger or smaller?:confused:

9/18/2006, 10:36 AM
i still think it's possible the bumbling ref on the field could have misquoted the call. i think i saw his knees shaking. ;)

9/18/2006, 10:42 AM
so are you saying the zone gets bigger or smaller?:confused:

you have seen mangino, no?

his *** is the size of a volkswagen beetle.

9/18/2006, 11:07 AM
Chocolate Foam was playing on the replay monitors.

9/18/2006, 11:13 AM

9/18/2006, 11:13 AM
they were watching the michael j fox reunion episode of spin city...

i really cant say incompetence cuz thats just pathetic... i think he was afraid or a payoff... i hope he dies of the plague

9/18/2006, 11:20 AM
The only thing that bugs me...

the replay official lied. Period. End of story.

Every, and I mean EVERY angle we could see = Duck touched the ball.

The call: OU player touched it.

Not "there is insufficient video evidence to overturn the call on the field." That would drive me nuts, r.e. "afraid to make the call", but I'd deal with it.

He lied.

But that's the last I'll talk about it. Let's go out and kick some arse this week and the rest of the season.

Boomer Sooner.

9/18/2006, 11:21 AM
Being a life long DUCK fan I've been on the other end of horrendous outcomes for our football team over the years. I sympathize with you and understand your emotions. Please, however, understand that the University of Oregon had nothing to do with the officiating and our players did nothing but play hard.

Our program is clean, always has been.

I attended the game in Norman a few years ago and was treated well by people that are used to winning. It is more difficult to display the same level of class and compassion when adversity sets in. I'm sure ,while disappointed, Sooner fans will rise to the challenge.

Better Luck the rest of the season

9/18/2006, 11:26 AM
ur team was fine, ur fans? terrible.. i just couldnt stomach the fact that i was handed a game... i was ****ed in 2003 when we played lsu in the sugar bowl, i felt if our players wanted to be there they should have handled k-state, i cheered for them at the sugar bowl but i still think they shouldnt have been there......

9/18/2006, 11:26 AM
Better Luck the rest of the season

i understand what you're getting at, but this probably isn't a good phrase to use at this particular time....

9/18/2006, 11:35 AM
:) Duck fans play hard too...and 98% play fair. Believe it or not...most of the Fans expected the call to be overturned. I can't think of any examples where the home team fans booed a call that went their way nor can I remember an example of a team forfeiting because a call changed the outcome of the game in their favor. Who do you play next week?

9/18/2006, 11:51 AM
Who do you play next week?

We have the Big XII officials at home.

We're favored.


9/18/2006, 11:57 AM
I would just like to say how honored most Duck fans feel to have the opportunity to play against the storied Sooner football program. If somehow this could fuel a continued rivalry and allow our teams to play many more times in my lifetime I will feel very fortunate.

9/18/2006, 12:00 PM
I doubt very much we'll ever have new games (besides current contract with Udub) with the Pac10 again.

9/18/2006, 12:01 PM
That would be unfortunate.

9/18/2006, 12:49 PM
So, can OU and/or the Big 12 sue over all the money they stand to lose because of such blatant incompetence and/or malfeasance?

9/18/2006, 01:16 PM
I think that the PAC10 will have to change the policy of having their officials at non-con home games or they will begin to lose major matchups in the future. Even if there is no inpropriety here, it certainly reeks of it. Big-time programs will simply refuse to contract these games if there is the thought they might go west and get jobbed like we did.

9/18/2006, 01:37 PM
I think that the PAC10 will have to change the policy of having their officials at non-con home games or they will begin to lose major matchups in the future. Even if there is no inpropriety here, it certainly reeks of it. Big-time programs will simply refuse to contract these games if there is the thought they might go west and get jobbed like we did.


I'm not big on the conspiracy theory smack but the more one thinks about it the worse it gets....consider:

The only human beings that looked at the video replay and got it wrong were the replay officials from the Pac10 Conference. Only ones...

Fans from across the country, coaches, writers, bloggers, talking heads, ESPN staff, cnnsi staff, CFN staff....every other human being on the face of the Earth that has looked at the video agree....Oregon touched the ball first...before it went 10 yards.

The only human beings who got didn't "see it that way" were the Pac10 replay officials in the booth....the only human beings that had the power to get it right.

Again, I want to be a fair and open minded and chalk it up to human error but the odds for such an occurrence (given the overwhelming oppinion to the contrary from the rest of mankind) is very, very small.

Doesn't mean it was indeed a case of corruption, but if it looks like a fix and quacks like a fix...

9/18/2006, 02:25 PM

I'm a UCLA fan and was rooting for Oregon to win this game because they are a Pac-10 team. However, after watching the game, I'm ashamed that Pac-10 refs robbed OU of a win that should rightfully be yours. I know my apology means nothing but I apologize on behalf of all Pac-10 fans anyway.

I'm leaning towards the replay refs being incompetent over all the other reasons because it's the only one that explains why they even reviewed the PI call. They had no reason to review that call if they just wanted to let Oregon win at all costs.

Pac-10 replay refs have been HORRIBLE the last 2 years. I can think of many, many calls that they have gotten clearly wrong. In most cases they've leaned towards requiring a ridiculously high standard of evidence before overruling a call.

9/18/2006, 04:02 PM
You should visit oregonlive.com like i am to vent if you would like to hear some bull@#!$

9/18/2006, 04:56 PM
The Pac-10 has just suspended the officials and review ref 1 game.

hawaii 5-0
9/18/2006, 05:00 PM
Curious if the Pac 10 will take a stand. I doubt it.

:cool: 5-0

9/18/2006, 05:04 PM
I choose all of the above.

9/18/2006, 05:07 PM
The Pac-10 has just suspended the officials and review ref 1 game.

Review ref should be fired.

9/18/2006, 05:11 PM
Review ref should be fired.
All of the refs need to be fired. How can you not tell Allan Patrick has the ball?!?!?!?:mad:

9/18/2006, 05:15 PM
just heard on the SA that the replay official in the booth lives in Portland.

9/18/2006, 05:37 PM
just heard on the SA that the replay official in the booth lives in Portland.
yea, i believe it was a man by the name of Riese

9/18/2006, 06:40 PM
It was homerism of some sort. NOBODY is that incompetent.

9/18/2006, 06:57 PM
posted on the Oregon live board by platypus:

word is that the poor old ba$$tard in the booth never saw the replay and the field guys were telling him to make a call. Someone pulled the plug or someone f'ed up big time. in any event, he never saw it. This will be coming out in the AM or it could be out tonight. Read the paper tomorrow. This is gonna get jerry springer like.

Can you imagine if this is true. Was was all a farce that they were standing around waiting for the replay?

9/18/2006, 08:03 PM
we got fu**ed no doubt about it. you cant tell me that it was a mistake, any replay we seen during the "replay series" was obvious that 1. it was illegally touched and 2. it WAS RECOVERED BY OU. how in the hell can anyone say that it was a mistake. the replay officials were paidoff and corrupt. that being said, i dont hold any grudge toward oregon, they can only do what the refs allow them to do. if i was an OU player and they gave posession to us...i would take it!


9/18/2006, 09:06 PM
I was listening to the local sports show in Portland today. A columnist for the Oregonian, John Canzano, indicated that he had interviewed the replay official. He hinted that in his column tomorrow he will outline why the call on the onside kick was blown. He mentioned that the replay official 'did not have access to video replays', and was therefore unable to review the play.
If this is the case, it hints at possible sabotage interrupting the video feed to the booth. Iwould not put it past UO to do anything, so watch out. BTW, please do not think that Duck fans are typical of the PAC-10. They are universally reviled by all other PAC-10 fans. According to UO fans and their coach (who ALWAYS whines about officiating) there are only three types of calls:
1) Bad calls that went against the Ducks
2) Good calls that went against the opponent
3) Non-calls that should have gone against the opponent

If you're interested, read Canzano's column on-line tomorrow in the Oregonian.

9/18/2006, 09:12 PM
Just imagine, you are in a stadium with 55,000 rowdy *** fans in the biggest game of their schools history and YOUR decision may decide whether or not they get the victory...it's solely on you! That would be tough. Maybe they should have more than one replay official?

Being a Duck fan and a season-ticket holder, I just don't think "C" is likely at all. If you've followed our program for any length of time, you know how often the PAC-10 officials have jobbed us. The whole stadium might be booing simultaneously, but no one is going to assault the officials regardless of their call. This is not Fresno State ... there is no alcohol allowed in stadium.

As to which one is the most likely cause, I hesitate to say. If the review guys only looked at one video (the one taken from up high and downfield), then it was just poor judgment. If they looked at the video from the field-level from the OU endzone, then someone up in the booth, for whatever reason, made an unethical decision, because there is simply no way you can look at that one and give the ball to Oregon. The thing is, the PAC-10 is saying that they viewed them all ... and that seems likely because they certainly took their time doing it.

That leaves me thinking there was something unethical going on. From there, it's sheer speculation as to the cause, but I think the most likely reason is that the reviewer took it on himself to "balance things out." I know refs do things like that all the time at every level and in every sport, which is why I think this is the most likely cause. In any case, aside from the decision being unethical (which is bad enough), it was just flat-out stupid to pick that play (the on-side kick) to balance the game out. It was way too critical, and would only have been justified (again, putting aside the ethics for a moment) if there was a similarly critical call that went OU's way and was just as obviously a bad call. There were bad calls that went against Oregon, but nothing that rose to that level.

The most unlikely scenario, IMO, is that the guy was paid off or something -- or that his working for Nike had anything to do with it. I think these guys, for the most part, really try to be fair.

Just my opinion ...

9/18/2006, 10:31 PM
I was listening to the local sports show in Portland today. A columnist for the Oregonian, John Canzano, indicated that he had interviewed the replay official.


The Pac 10 rules do not allow replay officials to be interviewed. I won't be holding my breath.

9/19/2006, 02:33 AM
The Pac 10 rules do not allow replay officials to be interviewed. I won't be holding my breath.

I echoed this sentiment ... until I saw the interview with Riese on the front page of ESPN, detailing the game and the aftermath.

Can't sleep ... referees will eat me.

9/19/2006, 09:45 AM
I voted for the Afraid for life if call were made against Oregon one, but only because it was the closest thing to, Afraid of riot if call were made against Oregon.

I think thats what happened in Lubbock too.

9/19/2006, 09:49 AM
He used his magic eight ball.