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View Full Version : Despite everything...

9/18/2006, 01:23 AM
Okay, so I know this is the millionth thread on the Autzen thing, but after a day to cool off, not come to these boards, get pretty plastered and think things through, I want to post my thoughts.

This isn't a bad thing. The sports announcers on every channel were in agreement that the officials at Pac-10 are full of it. The media, for once, is on our side. Meaning this: if we were to win out, everyone will know that the one loss we had (besides the fact that it was a one point loss) was incorrect.

Seriously - who's going undefeated this season? I don't see anyone doing it. And if so, if someone is able to (tOSU, Auburn, USC maybe, but doubtful for any of them in my book), and we win out, OU is gonna be in that top 2/3/4 with them. AP knows Oregon was a ref's game, and I'm sure many coached know this as well.

I'm not worried about this ruining out NC run. I'm more worried about our defense right now. They look horrible for a Stoops team. They need to get their act together THIS WEEK or we will not be in a BCS game.

I'm not worries that AD's stats will be tainted. He still looked amazing and put up another amazing statistic for himself. He is still in the thick of the Heisman run.

Let's get past it. Oregon played a good game, but they also know they got away with murder. So do most coaches. So does the media. That means, my fellow Sooners, that if it comes down to a one-loss season for everyone (assuming our defense gets better now), our one-loss season will have a huge asterick next to it.

In hindsight, though, we need to start having neutral officials in out-of-conference games. Pac-10 officials need to go through corrective action. Pac-10 needs to send out an official apology to Bob Stoops, OU, and the Big XII.

Texas Golfer
9/18/2006, 02:02 AM
I'm not worries that AD's stats will be tainted. He still looked amazing and put up another amazing statistic for himself. He is still in the thick of the Heisman run.

Tell me the last time a player from a #15-#20 team won the Heisman over a top 5 team's finalist. It has been done but not in decades and I don't expect it to change.

As long as Smith and Ginn of Ohio State continue to perform well and WIN, they'll be atop of the list as well as West Virginia's Stanton. Florida's Leak is among those. There's your final four if things continue as it is going at the present time.

Quinn is probably out unless Notre Dame makes one hell of a comeback. It's not over for AD but his work is cut out for him and it's a shame because none of it is his fault.

9/18/2006, 06:37 AM
Hopefully, Smith and Ginn will help AD and hurt themselves by splitting votes. AD has a legitimate shot if he keeps this up.

9/18/2006, 07:37 AM
I have faith in my Sooners to get the ship righted on Defense, I do not know how that is going to happen at this point but I have faith.

I believe that we can get to that top five by the end of the year and I believe AD will win it.

I believe.

9/18/2006, 07:55 AM
Sco, it's "asterisk".

9/18/2006, 08:19 AM
Sco, it's "asterisk".

Jack, it's "shuddap!" :D