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View Full Version : cool picture of the pentagon from the other night

9/15/2006, 08:50 AM

9/15/2006, 08:55 AM
Very appropriate.

I wonder if that's the same flag they used to cover up the hole made by the plane. Its new home is in the Smithsonian's American History's entrance.

I still get chills thinking they could do that to The Pentagon, and what might have been if those brave souls hadn't of brought the plane down in PA.

9/15/2006, 09:08 AM
I love that they repaired it exactly as it was. I'll bet that in the daylight hours, you can't tell it was ever compromised.

9/15/2006, 09:23 AM
Wish they would do the same for the twin towers. Bigger n Better.

9/15/2006, 10:10 AM
I love that they repaired it exactly as it was. I'll bet that in the daylight hours, you can't tell it was ever compromised.
I saw something the other day saying that they left one of the blocks untouched and just built on top of it. They then engraved September 11, 2001 and something else on it...So the rest of the building looks as though nothing ever happened, but that one small spot still has a burned brick on it.

And I do think they should rebuild the WTC as well...

9/15/2006, 12:37 PM
And I do think they should rebuild the WTC as well...


I mean, come on, we rebuilt the freaking Death Star for crying out loud, we can do the WTC again.

9/16/2006, 06:22 AM
You know, a lot of great and patriotic Americans worked a lot of overtime to get those four rings back into commission ASAP. It was their way of saying, "you stunned us, but we're back and we're gonna make you wish you had never done this." They did, and we have...and continue to do so.

9/16/2006, 01:07 PM
Our single message should be:


Multiple-story memorial sites is the exact thing we DON'T need.

It isn't like people are going to forget anytime soon.