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9/14/2006, 02:57 PM
Here's the link to the N.D. story:


I know that we have a sign SIMILAR to this in our tunnel/locker room - I haven't seen a picture of it in a while, but I know it's been up since the early 80's/Switzer era - maybe even farther back than that.

Does anyone know the history/date of ours? The story quotes Holtz about seeing a picture of it, but couldn't remember where - wonder if he saw OURS?


Does anyone have knowledge of a black and white photo from Bud's Era of a "locker room" shot, and painted on the wall is a very cool slogan/saying - something along the lines of - "Your opponent is working right now" - or something along those lines - I remember seeing it a long time ago - just wondering if anyone had either of these photos saved -

Maybe that Soonerfan with Chris Ferguson as his avatar - anyone?

Thanks in advance,


9/14/2006, 03:05 PM
Here is our sign.

9/14/2006, 03:41 PM
I'm almost certain thta Bud started that when he was at OU,maybe after the 1950 titke.Not certain about the date though.

9/14/2006, 04:10 PM
I'm almost certain that Bud started that when he was at OU,maybe after the 1950 title.Not certain about the date though.

That's how I remember it, but I have no "authority" or documentation to back me up. Somebody please come through!

Typos corrected at no extra charge! ;)

Harry Beanbag
9/14/2006, 04:29 PM
IIRC, Wilkinson stole it from Minnesota, and Notre Dame stole it from us. Although I thought the Irish had it well before Lou Holtz was there. :confused:

9/14/2006, 04:33 PM
I take the History of College Football and Bud did have the sign way before ND had it. I am not sure about Minnesota having it. I just know that it was common for Bud to paint things on the walls and put up signs in the locker room to motivate his teams.

9/14/2006, 04:46 PM
Merv Johnson told me that Bud came up with it (IIRC) last Friday whilst we took the tour.

9/14/2006, 06:14 PM
Why does damn Notre Dame get credit for EVERYTHING??

Desert Sapper
9/14/2006, 09:59 PM
Why does damn Notre Dame get credit for EVERYTHING??

Because they have the NBC Cameras in their tunnel showing their sign, like the article mentioned. Besides, everybody on the east coast thinks Knute Rockne invented everything even remotely related to football, and they have the biggest mouths...so everybody listens to them.

9/14/2006, 10:35 PM
Who has the "Play like Oklahoma today" picture?