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View Full Version : We Need To Call A Waaahmbulance For The Media In Oklahoma

9/13/2006, 08:47 AM
The topic this morning on KREF was the argument by the morning host(I forget his name) that Bob Stoops is a jerk and a big meanie to the media.

It is amazing that these thin-skinned primadonnas think they can ask any stupid question they want or spew out whatever negative comment that drops out of their tiny brains without repurcussions.

Theses idiots have already foreseen the entire season based on 2 games. They "know" that OU's defense sucks. They "know" UT is still the best team in the conference. They "know" that UAB and Washington will be sorry teams for the whole year.

Damn it must be awesome to be so omniscient.

If Bob Stoops leaves college football it will be because so much of what is decided in the BCS is controlled by these sniveling, whiney media types and not what takes place on the field.

9/13/2006, 08:53 AM
One idiot was asking him about 04 Auburn.

Partial Qualifier
9/13/2006, 09:05 AM
I heard all that, Fan. Give me a freaking break.

The best Kref caller is Kent and he pretty much nailed it - stop asking Stoops stupid, uninformed questions with the underlying (but obvious) agenda of headline material, and he'll probably lighten up quite a bit.

We've got some dumb media in Oklahoma. I used to like Toby Rowland (the host whose name escaped you) but today he sounded like an idiot. Trammel, same thing - used to like him, but lately he can't hide his bitterness when Coach essentially calls him out on the idiotic questions. Screw 'em.

Some coaches are more the people-person type, but that ain't Stoops. Get over it already, OKC press. This is nothing new.

9/13/2006, 09:24 AM
There are simply too many press conferences, luncheons, etc. Most of the questions I heard (at yesterdays press luncheon) were moronic. If these guys really have media jobs I am not sure why anyone would read or listen to their products.

9/13/2006, 09:41 AM
The media should LOVE Bob Stoops for two main reasons...

1) I don't hear enough of his interviews, but of those I've heard I've always thought he was very respectful and restrained even when confronted with stupid questions.

2) He's the most entertaining interview in town. Most reporters don't care if you crap on their mama, as long as people watch.

9/13/2006, 10:04 AM
what a bunch of pussies. stoops is the man.

9/13/2006, 10:04 AM
If Bob Stoops leaves college football it will be because so much of what is decided in the BCS is controlled by these sniveling, whiney media types and not what takes place on the field.

although the media in the NFL is about 60 times worse

Partial Qualifier
9/13/2006, 10:08 AM
although the media in the NFL is about 60 times worse

True but the NFL media don't typically ask questions like:

"Bob, some of the fans think the defense looks discombobulated, what are your thoughts?"

"Bob, is this a big game?" immediately followed by "Bob, would you label this a 'big' game for your program?"

"Bob, do the defensive tackles and the linebackers need to play better?"

I'm paraphrasing but these are actual questions from yesterday's conference. At least the national NFL guys have some semblance of a clue

9/13/2006, 10:13 AM
good point. i love that stoops is so short-fused with them and acts agitated with the questions. my only concern is whether or not recruits or parents read that as his personality. because from what i gather he seems like a very personable and cool guy away from the media.

9/13/2006, 10:16 AM
I saw Stoops step on BIG BOB for that idiot question,I laughed.

9/13/2006, 10:18 AM
Note his difference in demeanor during his call in show compared to the press conferences. While there is little difference between the questions asked by the callers, he is a lot more relaxed and easy going with the fans.

Tear Down This Wall
9/13/2006, 10:19 AM
It's the same way down here after every Dallas Cowboy game. Bill Parcells ends up fielding questions that border on the insane...and it is employed, adult, supposedly educated, journalists asking them. If I were in Stoops and Parcells shoes, I'd do the same thing. Sports journalists are the biggest weasels on the planet.

9/13/2006, 10:41 AM
ask better questions get better answers

9/13/2006, 11:12 AM
I think we need to fly in TRRW for press conferences and have him horse collar any member of the media that asks a stupid question.

I love how Coach Stoops gives it to the media when they ask stupid questions. They deserve until they start asking better questions.

9/13/2006, 11:14 AM
How about:

"Coach, how did the OLine grade out?"
"Coach, can you give us an idea of what you'll focus on in practice defensively?"
"How about offensively?"
"Coach, how will you simulate the noise factor at Oregon?"
"Coach, who has stepped up on the defense to become a vocal leader like Dusty used to be?"

etc, etc... You don't have to ask insulting questions to get good information.

9/13/2006, 11:28 AM
although the media in the NFL is about 60 times worse

I very respectfully disagree. Bill Parcells makes Stoops look like Mr. Conjovial yet I don't see a lot of articles whining about how Parcells hammers the media at his press conferences.

Also, the sports writers have no impact on how the title is decided in the NFL ie. there is no role for polls in deciding who plays for the title and I even think the All-Pro team is decided by coaches and payers, not by sports writers.

Sports writers and reporters, as a whole, have to be the biggest group of .....what's the word I'm looking for ? Oh yeah, pu$$ies..... that ever drew a breath.

9/13/2006, 11:38 AM
Good thread...I've been thinking about this for a few weeks now so I want to rant a little bit...so SIA.

Very, very few people (and this holds true in politics, sports, the entertainment industry..you name it) buck the media and win. It just doesn't happen. The power of the pen almost always gets the last word.

Media personalities are in a perfect position and they know it....they can say nearly whatever they'd like and then act shocked and offended when their target shoots back.

They get to sit around for days and think of replies, think of ways to dig back and stroke their ego...their relevance. They can act like they're part of a wholesome and neutral media that can't understand why they're criticized even though they don't produce a neutral product.

Some of the local media in Oklahoma act like Stoops owes them something.

The sports talk radio guys acted like someone Jean Benet'd their children when Stoops closed fall practices....not all of them, but several acted like it was some great crime and Stoops owed it to them to grant them access.

The beat writers all of the sudden feel that they can actually criticize Stoops now...whereas, in his early career, there was little to critique. And that's fine...that's their job....but some of them are overzealous.

Enter Barry Tramel.

Tramel is a good example of what Switzer used to call a fiction writer. After Frodo and Sam got busted before fall camp, Tramel depicted the program as 1989 redux. Now, I don't the full facts of that case....but neither does Barry Tramel.

He wrote the story anyway b/c he knew his remarks would stir the pot and it was another great chance for him to carry the almighty banner of neutrality in the world of sports media.

There inlies the big difference between him and a shock jock personality like Jim Rome or Skip Bayless (actually these two were the minority in the national press who dropped the hammer on Stoops before knowing the facts).

It's their job to stir the pot. But as an Oklahoma writer, Tramel gets to proudly display his journalistic "objectivity" to his peers b/c he wrote a scathing indictment of Stoops' program.

Coach Stoops, meet The Monster. The Monster is about more than just unreasonable fans, it's also about fiction writers.

If Bob Stoops leaves college football it will be because so much of what is decided in the BCS is controlled by these sniveling, whiney media types and not what takes place on the field.

I'd go a step further and say it's not just about the BCS...it's about day-to-day life. I'm in no way saying that Stoops is above criticism and he shouldn't be...but some of the questions he's fielding and some of the statements being made would make Scott McClellan lose it.

And you know he takes it home w/ him. Anyone would. Everyone does, at some point, take their work home w/ them...and if there's one thing that'd cause Bob to walk away from the game and be satified golf course hopping IMO, it'd be b/c his work was a detriment to his family life.

But Bob can't simply go toe-to-toe w/ the media and expect to win. They'll win 99% of the time.

But the one advantage sports individuals have over their political and entertainment counterparts is that they can really do something to quiet their naysayers: WIN.

Ask Parcells and TO if a win wouldn't solve a whole lot of problems...ask Mack Brown if he doesn't feel that big-game monkey starting to creep up his back again.

We need to win at Oregon...


Again, sorry for the novel....but I feel better. ;)

9/13/2006, 11:52 AM
Oh well, most people, including Bob, fully understand that the media is what comes out the south end of a north-bound bull. ;)

9/13/2006, 12:08 PM
The media has been hacked at Stoops ever since he closed practice. Every day during preseason practice, both major Oklahoma newspapers did a rehash of the ******* incident. To me it was clear that the media was trying to get back at Stoops for closing practice. The media could have simply ignored OU football since it had nothing to report regarding practice, but instead it tried to perpetuate the scandal, which of course would reflect poorly on OU.

Last week I heard some of the sports animal trolls discussing the Kevin Wilson/AD incident. On the one hand they were praising KW for always being so straight forward with the media. They consider KW a great interview and a great source of information. On the other hand, they were very critical of KW for the way he handled the matter. The media did everything in it's power to keep the "controversy" alive. The effect of this will be that the media has alienated KW and will no longer receive his candid opinions in future interviews. The media has brought this on itself.

I have no sympathy for the local media because they have created their own problems. I am glad that Stoops is not catering to the minions of the almighty press.

9/13/2006, 12:25 PM
****Tramel is a good example of what Switzer used to call a fiction writer. After Frodo and Sam got busted before fall camp, Tramel depicted the program as 1989 redux. Now, I don't the full facts of that case....but neither does Barry Tramel....
Why do you hate hobbits?

9/13/2006, 12:27 PM
The media morons (I'll simply refer to them as MM for the reaminder of the season) have to live and work in Oklahoma, too. They will feel the backlash of the fans and hear the boos and jeers when they're out in public.I think that's part of the reason they're lashing out. I think if this is turning into a battle of wills between the MM and Stoops then Stoops wins every time.

As pointed out in an earlier post the caveat is that the Sooners have to win.....which I think we will this year. If the Sooners continue to win the MM will have to back down because they're every day life will become miserable.

Partial Qualifier
9/13/2006, 12:33 PM
I've pretty much lost all respect I had for Tramell because to me, it's very obvious he's been writing articles with the intent of boosting his radio show listeners. He was begging for callers until he wrote something critical about a subject of which he didn't have all the facts.

The next day, boom - the combo of ppl who were mad at him plus the ppl who wanted to correct him... and ppl who wanted to agree with him (aggies). Suddenly since then he had no shortage of callers.

Someone basically called him on it one day and he didn't deny that's what he was doing. You're a loser, Berry.

Partial Qualifier
9/13/2006, 12:39 PM
Oh yeah - in the days after the D.O. backlash from the practice-closings, a caller asked Berry "Why does it upset you so much!?" His response was "I don't care about me & the press.... Stoops is SCREWING the fans!"

The next several callers were all over him because the fans don't give a **** if the practices are closed or not. And that's really true.. it was fun times

Sooner in Tampa
9/13/2006, 12:56 PM
Craig Humphies is now on the radio saying that most of the Oklahoma media don't like dealing with Bob Stoops...what a dickhead.
Hump has even went so far to say that Stoops wants a list of the question he will be asked in an interview.
Mark Rodgers disputes this claim.

I thing Hump is a hump.

9/13/2006, 12:58 PM
The MM's antagonistic approach to the OU program and fans may work short term but eventually most of the reasonable fans will get tired of it and tune them out. I no longer listen to WWLS. I no longer buy the DOK and I am now listening little if any to KREF. And if I do happen to listen to WWLS or KREF out of morbid curiosity I make a point of knowing who the sponsors are so I will be sure to not patronize them.

The internet is where I get any info on the Sooners.

9/13/2006, 01:08 PM
After what Bob's friend Steve Spurrier has gone through after leaving Florida and the NFL...

I'm sure Bob feels no pressure from the media morons who surround him.

He's been to the Big Show 3 times as a Head Coach.

I'd have to say that these interviews are really just a waste of time for him but he knows he has to do them for the Fans. If you don't like the show...don't listen. I'm sure it won't hurt bob's feelings if folks quit listening to bad sports radio.

Landthief 1972
9/13/2006, 01:23 PM
Big suprise - the KREF contact page won't send comments, it gives a 404 error.

Hey Toby Rowland,
When you and the rest of the Oklahoma media start asking halfway intelligent questions, and quit repeating the same danged question over again, then Bob Stoops might quit being so mean to you poor babies. Wah. Give me a break, you crybaby. Stoops doesn't owe you anything.

9/13/2006, 03:57 PM
I'm working on my Broadcast Journalism degree here at OU now. I'll try not be one of those "weasels" or "idiots" when I'm on the job.:D

9/13/2006, 04:07 PM
The media finally took it's toll on Coach Switzer, hopefully Coach Stoops can just mentally flip them the bird and go win us a couple more titles.

9/13/2006, 04:19 PM
F the media.
F texass.
Stoops just needs to get the edge back that he and the team had when he got here and the media will take care of itself. As long as they are barely getting by to UAB and losing to TCU in home openers the media is not going to give him any breaks. I can't think of a coach I'd rather have but you will take some heat when you are making the big bucks and getting "top recruiting classes" and struggling against crap teams.

Partial Qualifier
9/13/2006, 04:36 PM
F the media.
F texass.
Stoops just needs to get the edge back that he and the team had when he got here and the media will take care of itself. As long as they are barely getting by to UAB and losing to TCU in home openers the media is not going to give him any breaks. I can't think of a coach I'd rather have but you will take some heat when you are making the big bucks and getting "top recruiting classes" and struggling against crap teams.

This is true.

Vegas Sooner
9/13/2006, 04:54 PM
....I think Humphries cares where Al is doing his promos at more than sports.

Vegas Sooner
9/13/2006, 04:55 PM
.....I am going to bet one of his gay "pizzas" on that.

9/13/2006, 04:56 PM
I wonder how often these same jerks complaing about Stoops so-called boorish behavior have hung up on callers just to be a**holes.

Vegas Sooner
9/13/2006, 05:02 PM
....wait a minute--I thought the sports animal was just commercials anyways.

9/13/2006, 05:05 PM
I wonder how often these same jerks complaing about Stoops so-called boorish behavior have hung up on callers just to be a**holes.
One of the callers busted Traber on just this point. He didn't have a whole lot to say about it. Of course, he's not one of the ones complaining a ton, either. He just says that Bob could make things easier on himself if he was nicer to them, and he's probably right. I get a kick out of him sparring with reporters like everyone else, but when you get down to it, any energy spent doing so is wasted.

9/13/2006, 05:28 PM
This is reminding me of a certain Chris Rock bit.... it's the media, it's the media, the media is out to get everyone blah blah blah...

there are VERY few people that read the daily oklahoman or the tulsa world that do not live within the "sooner nation" or support osu or tu or the university of union or anything like that.. it's not like trammel or rhode or sittler or klein can write an article that will actually effect the perception of OU football outside of the state... so i don't really know how harmful a negative article or interview is to any coach or university... all is typically forgotten with winning...

the oklahoman and world columnists have a right to express any sort of thing that they wish within their article, because they've earned that right by paying their dues as reporters coming up through the ranks... if people don't like what berry says, then don't read the article, it's not that difficult of a concept... or if people don't like the sports animal or kref or whatever radio station, then don't listen to it...

it's a little insane and somewhat comical for me to think that OU fans would complain about the media coverage they receive ... especially in the OKC market. OU receives a decisive majority of the coverage in newspapers and television in OKC (mostly due to proximety and affiliation of decision-makers), and the sports animal covers OU to OSU probably at an 8:1 ratio...

That being said, when all the news is good it is fantastic for OU fans to read great things and see/hear great things about their team... The complete opposite is true when there are (or there is the perception in this case) of bad things to report/comment on within the OU AD...

I think everything is blown way out of proportion in every aspect of this situation...

9/13/2006, 05:45 PM
the oklahoman and world columnists have a right to express any sort of thing that they wish within their article, because they've earned that right by paying their dues as reporters coming up through the ranks... if people don't like what berry says, then don't read the article, it's not that difficult of a concept... or if people don't like the sports animal or kref or whatever radio station, then don't listen to it...

they certainly do...they have the right to write whatever they want...that's why I said they'll win a battle against a coach or player 99% of the time.

but that doesn't mean Bob has to go in there and act all chummy w/ someone who's just spewed some nonsense in the paper and act like they're buds.

If Tramel or anyone else wants to be an asshat, they shouldn't expect any sort of preferential treatment.