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View Full Version : Hey Ike!

9/11/2006, 06:59 PM
Still doing the ciggies? That baby is gonna be here soon right?

Just being your accountability buddy.;)

9/11/2006, 07:47 PM
And Ike: while you're quitting the cancer sticks, you might also want to change your "World of Warcraft" password. You may have been compromised.


9/11/2006, 09:11 PM
baby will be here around the end of march

I am still doing the ciggies, but not nearly as much. Im going at about 5 smokes a day now for the past 3 weeks. I just can't seem to get past that hump. Writing my thesis makes me want to smoke more than anything I've ever done.

But thanks for lookin out for me.