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9/11/2006, 09:37 AM




and also here...:pop:


9/11/2006, 09:48 AM
Greg davis is officially the whipping boy again. Good times.

9/11/2006, 09:54 AM
But he was a genius along with Mack when they let vince just be vince???? :confused:

9/11/2006, 09:55 AM
The thing that I feared from the VY era did come true...he saved Greg Davis' job and now we have to put up with horrible calls that kill the momentum of the drive and game.

Awesome. :D

Landthief 1972
9/11/2006, 10:08 AM
The good ole' days are back. Thank God Greg Davis is still the whorn OC.

9/11/2006, 10:11 AM
They realize they will all be old or more likely dead before they win another MNC.

9/11/2006, 10:57 AM
They realize they will all be old or more likely dead before they win another MNC.

The way I figure it, the players who will win texass next NC will be born in about 15 years.

9/11/2006, 11:00 AM
The more things change the more they stay the same.

9/11/2006, 11:53 AM
what i couldn't believe was that they were even piling on chizik. he's the best thing that's happened to that program apart from vy this decade.

that's truly a new low for them. good stuff... :D

9/11/2006, 12:13 PM
Looks like there is going to be some room on the Horn bandwagon.

9/11/2006, 12:43 PM
What about this delusional horn fan.

I still think we're the better team. If we played that game again, we'd win 9 of 10 times... :D

9/11/2006, 12:51 PM
Well in all honesty....Texas lost the game because Ohio State played mistake free football. They outgained Texas by less than 20 yards. The problem with Texas was the conservative play calling, and the fact that they tried to force passes.Ohio State NEVER stopped Young or Charles. Look at the yards per carry they had. I blame this loss on playcalling. Inferior coaching, injuries, and CRIMINAL CHARGES...but I'm not completely writing them off yet. They do have some guys that cause me to worry..

The Whorns are exposed...but on a serious note. Having the worst rated run defense in the conference doesnt help us. If we can fix that, I think the Offense can get us a win in October.

9/11/2006, 12:53 PM
If we win the RRR this year....that site is going to be high comedy for a few months afterwards.

9/11/2006, 12:54 PM
What about this delusional horn fan.
that's gold, jerry. GOLD!!!

9/11/2006, 01:03 PM
http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/1674/youngdavis20040ch6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Umm...I need me another one uh those....

9/11/2006, 01:56 PM
I still think we're the better team. If we played that game again, we'd win 9 of 10 times...

Matt Lienart is a Whorn? :D

9/11/2006, 02:59 PM
daMentor and soonerlaw - turn on your sarcasm meters. Did you notice the :D at the end of that post? He was making fun of Reggie Bush, who said last week that if USC and Texas played the Rose Bowl 10 times, USC would have won the other 9.

9/11/2006, 11:17 PM
daMentor and soonerlaw - turn on your sarcasm meters. Did you notice the :D at the end of that post? He was making fun of Reggie Bush, who said last week that if USC and Texas played the Rose Bowl 10 times, USC would have won the other 9.

Did you see the :D at the end of my post? I understood that it was sarcasm and was making fun of Lienart, who said essentially the same thing in an interview directly after the RoseBowl.

9/11/2006, 11:31 PM
And there I was thinking it was ironically similar to Fake Roy Williams' "They're not better than us. They're just not!"

Tear Down This Wall
9/12/2006, 09:28 AM
Time after time during the offseason, I suggested to our beloved 'Horn posters that they would suffer with Greg Davis and Mack Brown actually having to coach again.

To recap 2005:
(1) Everyone in Big 12 was down, mainly us...Texas' biggest rival. We lost over half of our starters to the NFL from 2003-2004 teams.

(2) We ran a tailback out to play corner because our beloved coaching staff failed to recruit any cornerbacks for about four years. (Yes, I know that, technically, they did sign Jowhan Poteat and Marcus Walker, but...you get my point).

(3) Against Texas last year, Ohio State's coach made a stupid decision by playing Zwick instead of Smith to start the game, then rotating them like some Mack Brown on acid circa 2000 (Simms and Appplewhite). Ohio State still almost won the game. Their tight end dropped a TD pass that hit him right in the numbers, forcing them to settle for a FG. Texas still had to make a furious comeback. It wasn't like Texas went up to Columbus and whipped the Buckeyes from start to finish.

(4) USC's arrogance lost them the national title game. Reggie Bush pithcing the ball like a moron, turning down a field goal attempt, running on 4th and 1 with the best player on your team (Bush) standing on the sideline instead of punting late in the game. Texas still had to mount a furious comeback because their defense was so pourous that night. Like the Ohio State game, it's not like Texas went to the Rose Bowl and overwhelmed the Trojans from gun to done.

(5) Vince Young begged Brown and Daivs to quit making him go by the playbook midway through 2004. It bore fruit in 2005. While Mack stood around and allowed sports writers with I.Q.'s no higher than 67 to call him a genius, Vince simply ran right when he could not find his first two reads open.

(6)In 2006, with Vince gone, Texas returns to the days of having to rely of QBs that look like junior high school kids (McCoy and Snead are the latest Mock Versions 2 and 3, McCoy being Mock 2 and Snead being Mock 3) running Greg Davis' crappy playbook.

As a Sooner fans, I love it! Wee-hee. Give me more 'Horn stupidity and kool-aid drinking. As I predicted in the off-season, the 'Horns 2005 run will be nothing more than a silent fart in the long history of college football.

9/12/2006, 10:10 AM
Why would you start a new post on this thread today? geez.

9/12/2006, 10:17 AM
Thats a dissertation on you know who...on day you know what...yeesh

Rock Hard Corn Frog
9/12/2006, 10:27 AM
Well in all honesty....Texas lost the game because Ohio State played mistake free football. They outgained Texas by less than 20 yards. The problem with Texas was the conservative play calling, and the fact that they tried to force passes.Ohio State NEVER stopped Young or Charles. Look at the yards per carry they had. I blame this loss on playcalling. Inferior coaching, injuries, and CRIMINAL CHARGES...but I'm not completely writing them off yet. They do have some guys that cause me to worry..

The Whorns are exposed...but on a serious note. Having the worst rated run defense in the conference doesnt help us. If we can fix that, I think the Offense can get us a win in October.

Ohio St dominated that game from the outset. The fact that the final margin was just 17 was more a product of the game being in Austin, Hook 'em getting their only TD after a bad call when McCoy got blasted and Ohio St playing a little Tresselball and not pulling out all the stops once they had a solid lead. Hook 'em had no answer for Ginn & Gonzalez and McCoy threw about 2-3 passes downfield the whole game. The game proved to me that Ohio St is legit but Texas looks like the same team pre-2005: a lot of individual talent with little clue what they are doing out there.

9/12/2006, 10:29 AM
You're welcome Dean and others.[B] :D


Rock Hard Corn Frog
9/12/2006, 10:43 AM
You're welcome Dean and others.[B] :D


Sorry, I had yesterday off so it felt like Monday.

9/12/2006, 10:58 AM
Well you know IF we had played SC 10 times in the OB,we woulda won the last nine straight.:D

9/12/2006, 02:53 PM
Boy you guys have a short memory. The paint is still wet on your new OC's office, then Bomar and his buddy were thrown under the bus and then run over several times. The smell of dead bodies still hangs over the locker room in Norman and you're slamming us?

I'll say one thing. You're nothing if not predictable.

9/12/2006, 02:56 PM
I'll say one thing. You're nothing if not predictable.

If it wasn't Tuesday I'd say, "just like Greg Davis." But it is, so I won't.

9/12/2006, 02:59 PM
Boy you guys have a short memory. The paint is still wet on your new OC's office, then Bomar and his buddy were thrown under the bus and then run over several times. The smell of dead bodies still hangs over the locker room in Norman and you're slamming us?

I may just be an ignorant hilly-billy, but I don't understand the point here. Can someone explain why Luthors points are relevant?:(

9/12/2006, 03:49 PM
I may just be an ignorant hilly-billy, but I don't understand the point here. Can someone explain why Luthors points are relevant?:(

I'm with you, 'Ster. Normally, Luthor actually makes sense (I mean, for a Horn 'n all), but I don't get it this time.

Is he saying that we should be sad to see our old OC go, or worried because we have a new one?

And what's up with the bus remark about the idiot? Sure, it'd be better if the Idiot weren't an idiot, and we hadn't had any hiccups at the position going into this season -- but that's all ancient past now that we're coming up on game three.

Don't recall any bus throwing, either. Maybe "jumped under a bus", I could dig - but they certainly weren't thrown.

9/12/2006, 05:51 PM
im giving them so much crap over there, im sure to be banned in a couple minutes

9/13/2006, 02:00 AM
Time after time during the offseason, I suggested to our beloved 'Horn posters that they would suffer with Greg Davis and Mack Brown actually having to coach again.

To recap 2005:
(1) Everyone in Big 12 was down, mainly us...Texas' biggest rival. We lost over half of our starters to the NFL from 2003-2004 teams.

(2) We ran a tailback out to play corner because our beloved coaching staff failed to recruit any cornerbacks for about four years. (Yes, I know that, technically, they did sign Jowhan Poteat and Marcus Walker, but...you get my point).

(3) Against Texas last year, Ohio State's coach made a stupid decision by playing Zwick instead of Smith to start the game, then rotating them like some Mack Brown on acid circa 2000 (Simms and Appplewhite). Ohio State still almost won the game. Their tight end dropped a TD pass that hit him right in the numbers, forcing them to settle for a FG. Texas still had to make a furious comeback. It wasn't like Texas went up to Columbus and whipped the Buckeyes from start to finish.

(4) USC's arrogance lost them the national title game. Reggie Bush pithcing the ball like a moron, turning down a field goal attempt, running on 4th and 1 with the best player on your team (Bush) standing on the sideline instead of punting late in the game. Texas still had to mount a furious comeback because their defense was so pourous that night. Like the Ohio State game, it's not like Texas went to the Rose Bowl and overwhelmed the Trojans from gun to done.

(5) Vince Young begged Brown and Daivs to quit making him go by the playbook midway through 2004. It bore fruit in 2005. While Mack stood around and allowed sports writers with I.Q.'s no higher than 67 to call him a genius, Vince simply ran right when he could not find his first two reads open.

(6)In 2006, with Vince gone, Texas returns to the days of having to rely of QBs that look like junior high school kids (McCoy and Snead are the latest Mock Versions 2 and 3, McCoy being Mock 2 and Snead being Mock 3) running Greg Davis' crappy playbook.

As a Sooner fans, I love it! Wee-hee. Give me more 'Horn stupidity and kool-aid drinking. As I predicted in the off-season, the 'Horns 2005 run will be nothing more than a silent fart in the long history of college football.

Whatever you have to say about his coaching, his recruiting is genius and will always have them in contention. Over time, Mack will learn more and more how to stand there, be respectable, and get out of the way while bringing in real talent at offensive and defensive coordinator. All the time we waste criticising Mack should be spent on Greg Davis. Or if you ARE going to criticise him, criticize his LOYALTY to coaches like this who clearly have very little to contribute to gameplans or player development. It is a total atrocity that VY came out of that program with the same Tyranasaurus Rex throwing motion he had when he came.

But back to Mact . . . as long as that dude is there, UT will be our main competition every year. it's beyond debate. if they fire him, I would throw a huge party.

9/13/2006, 02:37 AM
Or if you ARE going to criticise him, criticize his LOYALTY to coaches like this who clearly have very little to contribute to gameplans or player development.

http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/3312/shushpc2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Harry Beanbag
9/13/2006, 06:48 AM
It is a total atrocity that VY came out of that program with the same Tyranasaurus Rex throwing motion he had when he came.


9/13/2006, 08:25 AM
The way I figure it, the players who will win texass next NC will be born in about 15 years.

LOL! Yes, I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is to another 35 year drought(or longer!)...:texan: = overrated

9/13/2006, 08:27 AM
Time after time during the offseason, I suggested to our beloved 'Horn posters that they would suffer with Greg Davis and Mack Brown actually having to coach again.

To recap 2005:
(1) Everyone in Big 12 was down, mainly us...Texas' biggest rival. We lost over half of our starters to the NFL from 2003-2004 teams.

(2) We ran a tailback out to play corner because our beloved coaching staff failed to recruit any cornerbacks for about four years. (Yes, I know that, technically, they did sign Jowhan Poteat and Marcus Walker, but...you get my point).

(3) Against Texas last year, Ohio State's coach made a stupid decision by playing Zwick instead of Smith to start the game, then rotating them like some Mack Brown on acid circa 2000 (Simms and Appplewhite). Ohio State still almost won the game. Their tight end dropped a TD pass that hit him right in the numbers, forcing them to settle for a FG. Texas still had to make a furious comeback. It wasn't like Texas went up to Columbus and whipped the Buckeyes from start to finish.

(4) USC's arrogance lost them the national title game. Reggie Bush pithcing the ball like a moron, turning down a field goal attempt, running on 4th and 1 with the best player on your team (Bush) standing on the sideline instead of punting late in the game. Texas still had to mount a furious comeback because their defense was so pourous that night. Like the Ohio State game, it's not like Texas went to the Rose Bowl and overwhelmed the Trojans from gun to done.

(5) Vince Young begged Brown and Daivs to quit making him go by the playbook midway through 2004. It bore fruit in 2005. While Mack stood around and allowed sports writers with I.Q.'s no higher than 67 to call him a genius, Vince simply ran right when he could not find his first two reads open.

(6)In 2006, with Vince gone, Texas returns to the days of having to rely of QBs that look like junior high school kids (McCoy and Snead are the latest Mock Versions 2 and 3, McCoy being Mock 2 and Snead being Mock 3) running Greg Davis' crappy playbook.

As a Sooner fans, I love it! Wee-hee. Give me more 'Horn stupidity and kool-aid drinking. As I predicted in the off-season, the 'Horns 2005 run will be nothing more than a silent fart in the long history of college football.

My vote for greatest post of all time...seriously. Thanks for making this a great day!