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View Full Version : Time for a Stoops reality check

9/8/2006, 12:04 PM
Am I the only person growing tired of the "sacred cow" treatment Stoops gets? The only coach i've ever heard of who gets criticized by NickZepp and it makes headlines..as if he's above criticism.

9/8/2006, 12:08 PM
I agree. He's only won 1 NC and played for 2 others. He's been at OU for 7 years now, so I would expect that we would have played for 6 NC's and won 5 of them.

Stoops has been milking the 2000 NC for too long now.

9/8/2006, 12:11 PM
Am I the only person growing tired of the "sacred cow" treatment Stoops gets?

uh, Yes.

9/8/2006, 12:11 PM
bring back Blake!!!

9/8/2006, 12:15 PM
Sounds like we have adairy farm on our hands here...lots of sacred cows....lots-n-lots of cows...guess Im gonna become budhist.

9/8/2006, 12:16 PM
We're talking about a guy who hired Chuck Long! I give him one more year.

9/8/2006, 12:17 PM
Am I the only person growing tired of the "sacred cow" treatment Stoops gets?

I don't know about the "sacred cow" part...

BUT, what you said is close to sacrelige. Now go wash your mouth out with soap or you will smoke a turd in hell. :D

9/8/2006, 12:18 PM
Having a hot wife can't hurt. ;)

9/8/2006, 12:30 PM
are you kidding! he's the king of sacred cows. he recruited the other sacred cow and look what a bust he is. freakin' ad. freakin' stoops. freakin' moo cows.

9/8/2006, 12:32 PM
this is too easy

9/8/2006, 12:50 PM
Am I the only person growing tired of the "sacred cow" treatment Stoops gets? The only coach i've ever heard of who gets criticized by NickZepp and it makes headlines..as if he's above criticism.
Now ask yourself (through your ignorant sarcasm) if Peterson has accomplished as a player what Stoops has accomplished as a coach.....hmm?
Funny, I don't remember anybody calling Stoops one of the greatest coaches of all time until he actually proved it by winning championships.

9/8/2006, 01:04 PM
Now ask yourself (through your ignorant sarcasm) if Peterson has accomplished as a player what Stoops has accomplished as a coach.....hmm?
Funny, I don't remember anybody calling Stoops one of the greatest coaches of all time until he actually proved it by winning championships.

I know, it's not like there was only one Freshman to finish 2nd in the Heisman race. Why don't those other guys get special treatment? He only ran for 1,900+, we've had tons of true Freshmen do that at OU. This is crap!

9/8/2006, 01:05 PM
this is too easy
so is your mom... i digress;)

i think stoops deserves most/all of the accolades thrown his way. 1 NC is enough, and most programs would kill for that much... and played for 2 more - 4 BCS games total, a cotton bowl, and holiday with a win over a top 5 team.

look how long paterno's been coaching with only 2.

9/8/2006, 01:09 PM
The program, except for the 3 great years under Blake, has been heading downhill ever since *************** was so unfairly fired.

9/8/2006, 01:13 PM
Now ask yourself (through your ignorant sarcasm) if Peterson has accomplished as a player what Stoops has accomplished as a coach.....hmm?
Funny, I don't remember anybody calling Stoops one of the greatest coaches of all time until he actually proved it by winning championships.

<following the rabbit down the hole>


Adrian Peterson is about to become the all-time leading rusher at OU.

As a junior.

Let me say that again in case it doesn't sink in....at the University of Oklahoma, a program w/ three Heisman Trophy winninng running backs and several more that just missed winning it, there is currently a junior on campus who's about to surpass all of them.

</following the rabbit down the hole>

9/8/2006, 01:18 PM
Now ask yourself (through your ignorant sarcasm) if Peterson has accomplished as a player what Stoops has accomplished as a coach.....hmm?

Stoops has almost as many yards along the sideline as AD does on the field. Pretty close, I'd say. And AD did it in fewer years.

9/8/2006, 01:26 PM
Stoops has almost as many yards along the sideline as AD does on the field. Pretty close, I'd say. And AD did it in fewer years.

Plus, AD is faster and runs with more power than Stoops. Although, I would like to see AD run with a headset just to make sure he is the total package.

9/8/2006, 01:29 PM
Plus, AD is faster and runs with more power than Stoops. Although, I would like to see AD run with a headset just to make sure he is the total package.

Don't forget though. Someone stepping on the headset cord brings a whole new meaning to the term "took his head off kind of hit". :D

9/8/2006, 01:46 PM
We punked Stoops back when he played for Iowa, and he's never been the same.

9/8/2006, 01:54 PM

Adrian Peterson is about to become the all-time leading rusher at OU.

As a junior.

Let me say that again in case it doesn't sink in....at the University of Oklahoma, a program w/ three Heisman Trophy winninng running backs and several more that just missed winning it, there is currently a junior on campus who's about to surpass all of them.

I don't really think that's a fair thing to say... It's not like OU's career rushing #'s are completely unattainable... Not taking away anything from the probably 50 good/great backs that have attended OU, just saying that the #'s aren't really unbelievable for an all-time leading rusher... however, if peterson never wins a heisman but still sets the career rushing record (in 3 years), i believe he will have cemented himself as the best back in the history of OU, which is saying something.

9/8/2006, 02:01 PM
I don't really think that's a fair thing to say... It's not like OU's career rushing #'s are completely unattainable... Not taking away anything from the probably 50 good/great backs that have attended OU, just saying that the #'s aren't really unbelievable for an all-time leading rusher... however, if peterson never wins a heisman but still sets the career rushing record (in 3 years), i believe he will have cemented himself as the best back in the history of OU, which is saying something.

what's not fair about it? You just agreed w/ me :confused:

9/8/2006, 02:10 PM

eat mor chiken! leave the cows alone you freaks!

9/8/2006, 02:11 PM
Now ask yourself (through your ignorant sarcasm) if Peterson has accomplished as a player what Stoops has accomplished as a coach.....hmm?
Funny, I don't remember anybody calling Stoops one of the greatest coaches of all time until he actually proved it by winning championships.

Look, the one thing that escapes many players - in collegiate and professional sports does not QUALIFY their careers, or make them great. Charles Barkley was a great player, Patrick Ewing was a great player, Wayman Tisdale was a great player in college, Dan Marino was a great player, Barry Sanders was a great player - All of these guys have a few things in common - 1 is that they are all GREAT players - most of them hall of fame players - the 2nd is - NONE OF THEM WON CHAMPIONSHIPS. I know this is probably sacrilage on this here board, but one of the great college option quarterbacks didn't win a championship, but won the heisman - Eric Crouch was a great player, but never won the big one - in fact, they got blown the fawk out of the Rose Bowl by Miami . . . . (eerily similar to our team in the Orange Bowl against suc - not sure if you remember our quarterback that year - a guy by the name of Jason White - who also won & DESERVED the Heisman trophy)

My point is - there are great players/coaches that never get to, or win the big one - that doesn't make them any less of a great player - it just means that they didn't reach that ultimate goal.

Hell, Trent Dilfer is a Super Bowl Champion - does that make him better than Dan Marino?!?

9/8/2006, 02:14 PM
I don't really think that's a fair thing to say... It's not like OU's career rushing #'s are completely unattainable... Not taking away anything from the probably 50 good/great backs that have attended OU, just saying that the #'s aren't really unbelievable for an all-time leading rusher... however, if peterson never wins a heisman but still sets the career rushing record (in 3 years), i believe he will have cemented himself as the best back in the history of OU, which is saying something.

Considering that all of those records were set when all OU did was run the football, I consider AD's accomplishments even more outstanding. He ran for almost 2,000 yards his freshman year, with Jason White as the quarterback! That's pretty amazing.

9/8/2006, 04:12 PM
so is your mom... i digress;)

i think stoops deserves most/all of the accolades thrown his way. 1 NC is enough, and most programs would kill for that much... and played for 2 more - 4 BCS games total, a cotton bowl, and holiday with a win over a top 5 team.

look how long paterno's been coaching with only 2.

Hey now. No talking about my mom. Just cause she could kick your butt into the next county, is no reason to bring her into this discussion.

9/8/2006, 04:27 PM
Hey now. No talking about my mom. Just cause she could kick your butt into the next county, is no reason to bring her into this discussion.

Leave his mom outa this and I'll leave this outa your mom.

9/8/2006, 04:30 PM
Leave his mom outa this and I'll leave this outa your mom.
I'm not sure that makes sense.:confused:

9/8/2006, 05:08 PM
I would like to see AD run with a headset just to make sure he is the total package.

Can we attach a clear face guard to a visor??

9/8/2006, 05:29 PM
bring back Blake!!!I'm soory,who?Do you mean Gibbs?He WAS our last coach before Stoops.Don't you remember that after we ran Gibbs off we went 4 years without a coach?

9/8/2006, 05:33 PM
There was one good thing about the four years after Gibbs. Some of us were actually able to get season tickets.

9/8/2006, 06:09 PM
There was one good thing about the four years after Gibbs. Some of us were actually able to get season tickets.
Gibbs coached 6 years.Or at least was at OU in position of headcoach for 6 years.You may well be correct,he actually only COACHED four years(5-4-2,6-6 being the exceptions).

Stitch Face
9/8/2006, 06:14 PM
Okay, I just realized that Crimsontothecore's green makes him "a close confident of Barry Switzer." You got me.

Sneaky mod-trolls :mad:

9/8/2006, 06:45 PM
Why, I am stoopified by that very notion!

9/8/2006, 06:47 PM
Gibbs coached 6 years.Or at least was at OU in position of headcoach for 6 years.You may well be correct,he actually only COACHED four years(5-4-2,6-6 being the exceptions).

I believe he said "four years after Gibbs" which would mean Smellslikebourbon (1 year) and Blake (3 years)... I'm a math major so see if you can follow me here... 3+1=4 :D