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View Full Version : Mark Clayton = QB???

9/7/2006, 06:41 PM
Possibly. Brian Billick has slated him as the #3 QB should anything happen to McNair(possibly) or Boller(sucks anyways).

Portion of article

"At least, knock on wood, in the seven years I've been here and the previous seven I had in Minnesota, I've never gotten, by injury, to the third quarterback," he cautiously explained. "So, hopefully it won't be a problem."
Could it happen? Sure. But Billick is confident with the emergency alternative: Mark Clayton.
Clayton, a wideout by trade, hasn't played quarterback since his limited time in high school in Texas. Interestingly enough, the second-year receiver isn't the only Raven that is familiar calling the shots in the huddle.

They even gave Cody props for the 8 different positions he played in HS.

9/7/2006, 11:48 PM
Are you sure Boo isn't in charge up there???

9/7/2006, 11:57 PM
LOL... well I think this should tell you how confident Billick is in Mark Clayton's athletic ability. He's a great athlete, and I think he has a bright future ahead of him in the NFL.

9/8/2006, 08:19 AM
Clayton at Qb could be interesting.Anyone recall OU putting a qb pacage in the offense for Antwan Savage a few springs ago? I know I was sure disappointed when they never used it.

9/8/2006, 09:33 AM
They lined Mark up in one game at the QB position in shotgun and he ran the ball for a td. Does anyone remember this play?

9/8/2006, 10:59 AM
They lined Mark up in one game at the QB position in shotgun and he ran the ball for a td. Does anyone remember this play?

No. They who? Ravens or OU?

9/8/2006, 11:56 AM
They lined Mark up in one game at the QB position in shotgun and he ran the ball for a td. Does anyone remember this play?
ya... baltimore did it last year