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9/7/2006, 03:23 PM
Rank your hatred for the other teams in the Big 12:

(from most hated on down...)

1. Texas (evil is bad)

2. Texas Tech (classless clowns)

3. Baylor (win one game out 20 and all of the sudden your big mouth starts talking)

4. Nebraska (just think your coach is overrated)

5. Colorado (ugly program)

6. Missouri (always thought you were overrated)

7. You guys (77-0 hurt. A lot.)

8. Oklahoma State (because I hear so many terrible things about you on Soonerfans)

9. Iowa State (your fans absolutely suck)

10. Kansas (you are dead to me, not even on the radar)

11. Kansas State (ditto)

Partial Qualifier
9/7/2006, 03:32 PM
1. Oklahoma State - have to be around these dolts sometimes
2. Texas - Hated, but get points for the comical aspect
3. Colorado - dumb thugs
4. K-State - white trash
5. Kansas - for all the times we lost to these putzes when we should've WON
6. Nebraska - love 'em / hate 'em
7. Texas Tech - Cheating Bastards, but Mike Leach is my hero
8. Iowa State - bleh
9. Missouri - bleh in yellow & black
10. Baylor - Bad News Bears was my favorite movie
11. A&M - Mutual hatred for anything in burnt orange = okay in my book

9/7/2006, 03:44 PM
1. Texass ( Need I explain??)
2. Texas Tech (Won't get so "lucky" in Norman ladies)
3. Kansas State (Still not forgeting the "Stoop"id pins)
4. Oklahoma State (Kinda sad when your goal is "beat OU" not "Get to a bowl"
5. Colorado ( Your fans suck How bad do you have to be to get kicked out of your own stadium?)
6. Iowa State (As stated before ...your fans suck)
7. Mizzou (Over rated)
8. Nebraska (Good rivalry oh and thanks for ending our winning streak)
9. T A&M (77-0 makes College Station a little quiet)
10. Baylor (Thank you for letting us play your highschool team once a year)
11. Kansas (You should brobably just stick to basketball)

9/7/2006, 03:46 PM
Kansas St. fans are the worst in the conference...and that's saying something considering we have Colorado

9/7/2006, 03:48 PM
I hate Texass with the fiery intensity of one billion supernovae, I kind of like Tech and Nebraska, feel sorry almost for both sets of aggies, and am ambivalent about the remaining teams.

9/7/2006, 03:52 PM
Kansas St. fans are the worst in the conference...and that's saying something considering we have Colorado

K-State have some horrible, annoying fans, but I don't think that you can get any worse than Texass fans the Friday night before OU/Tejas.

9/7/2006, 04:18 PM

9/7/2006, 04:20 PM
I hate Texass with the fiery intensity of one billion supernovae, I kind of like Tech and Nebraska, feel sorry almost for both sets of aggies, and am ambivalent about the remaining teams.

May I offer you a valium?:D

My top 11.

1. KSU
2. CU
3. UT
4. NU
5. oSU
6. TTU
7. A&M
8. KU
9. ISU
10. MU
11. BU

9/7/2006, 04:26 PM
I love these threads.

#1) Kansas State - wannabe'll neverbe
#2) Texas - the years UNL DOES play Texas
#2) Colorado - the years UNL doesn't play Texas
#4) A&M - whoop this you dumb muhfuhs
#5) Mizzou - fans are CU-bad
#6) OSU - too stupid to really hate
#7) Kansas - ok, you beat Nebraska. Now back to your regularly scheduled suckage.
#8) Iowa State - I like Dan McCarney. But you still suck.
#9) Texas Tech - Thank your lucky stars LeKevin Smith dropped that ball.
#10) OU - only above Baylor because they actually have a program.
#11) Baylor - I'm sorry, do I know you?

9/7/2006, 04:30 PM
I hate Texass with the fiery intensity of one billion supernovae, I kind of like Tech and Nebraska, feel sorry almost for both sets of aggies, and am ambivalent about the remaining teams.

I feel the same way. I've always pitied OSU. And pitied A&M for the brutal torture that Texas fans put them through. I'd love to see A&M hand it to them soon...

I won't like Tech until he hang 77 or more point on them for last year :D

I used to like Tech until I found out what a_sshats their fans really are.

They actually believe they have some sort of dynasty going..Truly sad.

9/7/2006, 04:33 PM
Kansas St. fans are the worst in the conference...and that's saying something considering we have Colorado
I would agree with you 100%. I can not stand KSU fans.....Except for the one that lives with me.:D

9/7/2006, 04:45 PM
1. A&M
2. A&M
3 A&M
4. Nebraska
5. TCU
6. Kansas State

9/7/2006, 04:46 PM
KSU are the most classless fans in the Bix XII. Colorado would be far worse if it weren't for the fact that they're always high.

9/7/2006, 04:54 PM
1. Okie State - bunch of ignorant, inbred whinos who knock OU every
chance they get.
2. Texas - cocky SOB's with a bunch of bandwagon fans.
3. TAMU - cocky as UT, inbred as OSU - worst of both worlds.
4. KSU - cheap shots to Hybl were unforgivable.
5. Nebraska - Callahan is a f'ing hillbilly.
6. Colorado - Rae Carruth makes Lawrence Phillips look like Santa Claus.
7. TTU - Lubbock stinks (literally), but Mike Leach is cool in a strange way
8. Mizzou - hanging plush "tiger tails" out of car trunks is ghey.
9. ISU - Seneca Wallace got so much overrated hype, it still leaves a bad
taste in my mouth.
10. Kansas - can't hate them too much b/c of Mangino.
11. Baylor - kind of like beating up kid brother; plus their fans are pretty nice.

9/7/2006, 05:07 PM
1. Any f***ing team that is not OU.

9/7/2006, 05:08 PM
11. Baylor - kind of like beating up kid brother; plus their fans are pretty nice.

If you mean nice as in arrogant for no reason at all, then, yeah, I agree!

9/7/2006, 05:34 PM
If you mean nice as in arrogant for no reason at all, then, yeah, I agree!
I hear it's the kind of arrogance that comes from not spending all your spare time playing solider and worshipping a medicore breed of dog.

Texas Golfer
9/7/2006, 05:40 PM
I don't hate anyone. Life is too short to waste on that emotion.

9/7/2006, 05:48 PM
I have never linked a university football team together with it's fanbase. I played college football so to me the two, fans and team, are totally different.

That being said, I don't hate any teams in the Big XII or anywhere else for that matter. I respect them for what they do.

As far as fans go, I universally hate all of them, but some more than others depending on how they are currently behaving.

9/7/2006, 05:48 PM
Kansas State

9/7/2006, 06:09 PM
1. Texas
2. Oklahoma State
3. Texas Tech
4. Colorado
5. Kansas State
6. Nebraska
7. Missouri
8. Kansas
9. Texas A&M
10. Iowa State
11. Baylor

9/7/2006, 06:17 PM
1. A&M
2. A&M
3 A&M
4. Nebraska
5. TCU
6. Kansas State


Crap did we change conferences again?!?!?!

9/7/2006, 06:29 PM
1) Texas

9/7/2006, 07:56 PM
1. OSU (I know it should be texas, but OSU has absolutely nothing to hang their hat on so they annoy me)
2. texas (obviously)
3. Kansas St (the whole student section chanting "RUF/NEK fag-ots" says a lot about the clientelle at this "school")
4. Texas Tech (I had a blast in Lubbock somehow, but the fans at the game sucked. Anyone remember the JD Runnels interview?)
10. Texas A&M (good fans, tons of cool traditions, but a little mad about how they belittled my Seahawks for the whole 12th Man thing.

9/7/2006, 08:26 PM

Crap did we change conferences again?!?!?!

The question wasn't limited to within the conference was it?

9/7/2006, 08:27 PM

"I don't hate these teams but I pity the fools. I pity any team that tries to take what's OU's."

9/7/2006, 08:48 PM
1. UT (Just conceited pricks and I see those damn Longhorns everywhere now. Of course, before this year, you never saw them)
2. Boone Pickens - (Just plain annoying.)
3. Tech - Never cared about them before last year. Now I just want to punch anyone who does that stupid hand signal of the "guns".
4. KSU - Only visiting stadium Ive seen OU play in, and I was not impressed. And when the entire crowd yells "First Down!", I wished that entire stadium had collapsed on those obnoxious idiots.
5. Texas Aggie - I dont get the whole military thing they have going on down there. I really dont want to get it either.
6. Colorado - Its a nice place, but their fans seem kind of cocky. and the marhsmallow tossing thing is just lame

I dont really hate any of the other teams. NEbbish is kind of annoying with Callahan and Co. Everyone else is just sort of "meh"

9/7/2006, 09:04 PM
1. Aggy (think they're better than us because they have more overall national championships...98% in rasslin')
2. Whorn (almost as bad as Aggy, but at least they can be somewhat respected for at least having tradition)
3. Corn (if Callahan would leave, I'd like them more)
4. A&M (ditto with Fran)
5. KSU (bad fans who all wear purple)
6. Tech (would be near the bottom if not for last year)
7. Colorado (based only on horror stories, can't hate fans that don't exist)
8. Iowa State (they choked away another North title as I typed this)
9. Kansas (Mangino Monster!)
10. Baylor (nothing wrong)
11. Mizzou (ditto, plus my grandparents went there)
12. OU (obviously)

9/7/2006, 09:35 PM
I'm sure many of you will disagree with me, but I cheer for every Big XII team. I wish every team was undefeated going into conference play, and we all beat worthy opponents during pre-conference. The Big XII bowl record was pretty impressive last year, and that will help us all in the polls this year.
That being said...

9/7/2006, 10:46 PM
1. Texass (not the traditionalists, just the rednecks and bandwagoners, I've had some great times down in Dullass, TX during the RRS with the folks from both sides).
2. Okie Light (I know you're not supposed to hate on retards, but a program who lives to turn us in, lives to attempt to beat us, and lives to be classless @$$holes... hmmm... If I wasn't such a Sooner, I'd put them #1.

I roll my eyes at Callahan's Cornhumpers, I've really always liked the OU/NU series (and gawdamn I won' it back!)... as much as Nebbish hates it, they needed a guy to bring their offense to the 21st Cenutry or else they would have never score more than 17 points in a game ever again. Nice situational irony that Mr. "I-know-what-I'm-doing" Boo has to work as a DL coach and a recruiter (where he belongs)... at his beloved Sooners' rival school.

9/7/2006, 10:48 PM
The question wasn't limited to within the conference was it?

Reread first post of thread.

9/7/2006, 10:59 PM

1. lOSUr - It was a tough choice between them and UT, but the ags win due to (a) crappy school, (b) crappy town, (c) crappy fans, and (d) crappy tradition. Should OSU really talk about having a rivalry with OU if its winning percentage is only 0.205 (17-76-7)? It would take *59* straight years of winning for them to just break even.
2. Texas - They are just so dang arrogant and annoying.
3. K-State - Uh, ugly stadium anyone? And I agree about the annoying "Good for another Wildcat......first down" on EVERY SINGLE FIRST DOWN. Do you really have to celebrate a first down? (Well, I guess, maybe this year they do. Heh.)
4. Aggy - Most ags I know are pretty friendly, but I'm still irritated about the losses in 1994 (my first away game as a student) and especially 2002.
5. Colorado - Eh. Never been to a game there, but bandwagonners annoy me.
6. Iowa State - I really don't have any feeling about the Cyclones, other than they have an extraordinary ability to choke out of winning the Big XII north. Pretty campus, although the stadium is nothing spectacular.
7. Baylor - Other than the big scare my senior year (1997) and last year, it usually isn't a big enough game with the Bears to generate any feelings about them.
8. Kansas - I like Mangino. Pretty campus.
9. Nebraska - I generally like Nebraska, but I really dislike Callahan. Otherwise this would be the other Big XII team that I root for.
10. Texas Tech - I have a pretty good friend that is a Tech fan, plus I think Mike Leach is hilarious. I am still upset about last year, but that was more the refs than the team.
11. Missouri - I have cousins that go here, so I generally like them.

Oh, and for good measure, the team I hate above all others: Miami Hurricanes. BLECH.

9/7/2006, 11:24 PM
I hear it's the kind of arrogance that comes from not spending all your spare time playing solider and worshipping a medicore breed of dog.

that's probably the funniest thing ever written in the history of man

9/7/2006, 11:59 PM
I don't actually hate any Big12 team and generally pull for them against any ooc team, but here goes a list anyway....

1. texas - Not hate, but a respectful and strong dislike. Ugly uniforms and way too many bandwagon fans, but the fan thing is common to any school having success. They have good, if not great, tradition. Mack Brown is a bit annoying and seems to be mildly retarded.

2. Missouri - No reason really.. just hate their uniforms too. Their fans are usually okay, if somewhat delusional at times. Don't like Pinkard, either.

3. Booger Pickin' U - Can't even say I really dislike them, but I do pity them a great deal. They try so hard and just can't get anything going. Ugly uniforms, and they tore down and replaced the one significant improvement to their stadium (the brick OU). They are fun to belittle as a pastime, though.

4. KSU - Idjit fans, easily as delusional as Tiger fans.

5. Nebraska - Love the program, miss the rivalry, hate their as$hat head coach and their as$hat DL coach.

6. Colorado - Cool atmosphere when you can get away from the prison riot crowd. Buffs just seem to have more redneck fans than an SEC school, but their regular fans are a pretty good bunch. It'd be nice if their players could stop embarrasing them on such a regular basis.

7. Iowa St - They're okay. Apathy abounds.

8. Kansas - More apathy. I do like Mark Mangino though.

9. TTech - Don't really care about their team or fans, but I'm a pretty big Mike Leach fan.

10. aTm - I like the tradition there. It's dropped off in recent years, but it'll make a comeback soon... probably when the team starts winning again.

11. Baylor - Little brother syndrome. Plus my wife thinks the sic 'em thing is "cute".

Jason White's Third Knee
9/8/2006, 09:15 AM
THis is generally an indictment of the way the fans behave, with some notable exceptions:
1. Colorado - Worst fans in the history of college sports... and I went to the Sugar Bowl vs LSU.
2. Oklahoma State - Utterly classless in their wins. Very annoying step children.
3. Texas Tech - Their band chanted "Overrated" after we had just beaten them. F'ing morans and bad fans.
4. Texass - Arrogant and delusional and a great rival.
5. Nebraska - Great fans and a jackass for a coach.
6. Kansas State - Again, more bad fans, but I am never around them.SHould probably be higher.
7. T A&M - If they were good, I'd probably be annoyed by the chants and kissing and that glorified ROTC of theirs.
8. Iowa State - non-issue
9. Mizzou - non-issue
10. Kansas - non-issue
11. Baylor - The Big XII puppy. How can you not like a puppy? Did you see how scrappy they were last year? It was cute, but now we'll need to rub their nose in the **** this time.

9/8/2006, 09:29 AM
saxeT... the rest is fodder.

I've never lived in an OSU heavy town, so their fandome has never affected me at all. I just feel sorry for their patheticness.

I like aTm when we're not playing them, just b/c of their pure hate for saxeT. I know they're the OSU of Texas, but at least they have some good tradition.

9/8/2006, 09:38 AM

DITTO! In the words of my generation:texan: ...UP YOOOOOOOOOOUUURS!!!

9/8/2006, 09:59 AM
I just think it is so cute how the two true rivals on here keep sniping at each other.. those two schools with mutual hatred, whose athletic talent is so very close, whose history of success mirror each other, how the proximity of the schools inspires both fanbases to acts of meanspirited animosity.. I speak of course of...

Baylor and aggsy.


9/8/2006, 11:58 AM
Actually, I used to root for Baylor against other teams in the Big 12. It wasn't until "GuyMo" started trash talking just about every team they play. It makes Baylor look bad, the Big 12 look bad, and makes college football look bad. There really isn't a place for coaches wanting to fight players in college football.

Notice the pattern with this guy? He's always running his big mouth about his opponent, and then he always has to backtrack and make a public "clarification" of his comments. His schtick is annoying and yet the Bear fans have placed him on some kind of pedestal -- and that's why I'll take a shot at Baylor every now and then.

It has nothing to do with them being a threat. They have made some in-roads, but I'm not overly concerned. They simply don't have the support, resources, and facilities to be more than a temporary thorn in the side of A&M.

9/8/2006, 12:07 PM
Actually, I used to root for Baylor against other teams in the Big 12. It wasn't until "GuyMo" started trash talking just about every team they play. It makes Baylor look bad, the Big 12 look bad, and makes college football look bad. There really isn't a place for coaches wanting to fight players in college football.

Notice the pattern with this guy? He's always running his big mouth about his opponent, and then he always has to backtrack and make a public "clarification" of his comments. His schtick is annoying and yet the Bear fans have placed him on some kind of pedestal -- and that's why I'll take a shot at Baylor every now and then.

It has nothing to do with them being a threat. They have made some in-roads, but I'm not overly concerned. They simply don't have the support, resources, and facilities to be more than a temporary thorn in the side of A&M.
I'd worry more about Mike's Pirates taking your women if I were you. That and having Gary Darnell as your DC.

Bourbon St Sooner
9/8/2006, 12:25 PM
I hear it's the kind of arrogance that comes from not spending all your spare time playing solider and worshipping a medicore breed of dog.

That made me laugh.

9/8/2006, 12:28 PM

everyone else sucks equally

cept texas

they are what suck was invented to describe..

9/8/2006, 12:38 PM
I'd worry more about Mike's Pirates taking your women if I were you. That and having Gary Darnell as your DC.

lol, the defense can only get better.

9/8/2006, 01:31 PM
My rankings for the teams (not fanbase)

1. Neb. - Coach is an idiot.
2. Baylor - see above
3. aTm - the whole hallowed ground, want to fight after losing, dog worship thing.
4. Colorado - hatred present from last few years.
5. okie lite - they actually think they have a tradition or something. A rasslin tradition yeah...and there are about 500 people in the world that care.
6. Kansas St. - not really hatred, just dislike slowly turning to pity.
7. UT - at least they have won in important sports, they at least have a reason to be arrogant.
8. TT - Like Leach, Knight sucks.
9. Missouri - no feelings
10. ISU - no feelings
11. KU - I like Mangino and Self.

Rankings for fans:

1. osu - 98% of fans are clueless, hateful idiots that have zero grasp of reality. They steal more gameday traditions than they create. Im waiting for them to start midnight yell practice.
2. aTm - win a few games and they run their mouths almost as much as okie lite.
3. cu - classless-liberals
4. ksu - what has your school ever done?
5. ut - I dont mind the ribbing about last year, but take the price tag off your new hat first. werent you wearing a LSU hat last year?
6. TT - same as aTm..win a few games and all of the sudden they are mouthing.
7 - 11. no feelings, Mizz, Neb, ISU, KU and Bay seem to be ok with me.

9/8/2006, 01:58 PM
Oh, and for good measure, the team I hate above all others: Miami Hurricanes. BLECH.

You get an opportunity to see the Sooners play them next year...in Norman no less! What a non-conference game that will be!

I probably hate USC the most out of any team in the country. Being from Wisconsin and only really into Sooner sports for a couple of years now, I have yet to formulate opinions on Big XII schools and fans...although I can say with certainty that I hate Texas and their fans already. Booo :texan:

Duke o Brewery
9/8/2006, 02:14 PM
1. tEXAS - They epitomize the lowest, most disgraceful aspects of the pompous-a$$ 'republic' to our south. Our two states/peoples have hated eachother since well before Oklahoma joined the Union. If there was ever a state that needed a mute button, this is it!

2. Kansas State - These people are, bar none, the most offensive, sub-human, disgusting, stupid, backward, ugly, VIOLENT, assinine, horrible fans I have EVER encountered.

3. Texas Tech - Bobby Knight insulted my beloved Sooners and Tech fans loved him for it. Refs in Lubbock cheated OU out of a win on HORRIBLE calls and Tech fans showed no regret whatsoever. They've made a promotional campaign celebrating how they beat us through blatantly terrible officiating. And they're texans.

4. Oklahoma State - These people have turned what should have been a friendly rivalry between big brother and little brother state institutions into a vicious, backstabbing, traitorous feud. It is for this reason alone that I put them on this list. Oklahomans should Never revel in the failure or disappointment of their fellow Oklahomans, and these people often epitomize that dispicable trait. They live to backstab Oklahoma.

The rest of them, I'm generally Ok with.

9/8/2006, 02:25 PM
I'd worry more about Mike's Pirates taking your women if I were you. That and having Gary Arnell as your DC.

Had to fix that... because there ain't no "D" associated with aggsy's defensive coordinator. :D

9/8/2006, 04:50 PM
There's not near enough hate for TTech on this board.

Maybe we'll fix that for good this year. See you November 11. :)

9/8/2006, 04:59 PM
There's not near enough hate for TTech on this board.

Maybe we'll fix that for good this year. See you November 11. :)

You have to earn hate on this board, or wear orange one or the other

9/8/2006, 05:11 PM
I think of Tech and the referees like that annoying little kid that his parents brought to the Friday night movie. You don't know whether to pummel the kid or his parents, but you want to beat the crap out of both of them.

9/8/2006, 06:05 PM
1. texass - hippie wannabe arrogant fags from austin **** me off.
2. OSU - their fans are unable to admit their team sucks and they think wrestling victories matter. Play circus music and they all start waving like idiots.
3. TA&M - obnoxious rituals and insane dedication to a team that never wins anything. A victory over texas would move them down at least 5 spots.
4. TTech - lubbock is a toilet and i'm still peeved about getting robbed last season.
5. Nebraska - will move back to the bottom once Callahan is fired.
6. K-State - wannabe program, annoying fans, bad school colors
7. Colorado - losing to I-AA teams hurts the big XII's rep ..... but it is still funny
8. Missouri
9. Iowa State
10. Kansas - I like the fighting Manginos and I have a soft spot for any team that is robbed of a victory over texas.
11. Baylor - helpless, harmless, hopeless. Will need to notch at least 1 victory over OU before I can muster any distaste for the bears.