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View Full Version : Is it just me or does The Pride suck

Big Red Ron
9/6/2006, 08:36 AM
I certainly don't mean their talent or ability to play and march but the selection of what they play.

At halftime they played the GAYEST crap selections I have ever seen. Also, what was with the, "Let's see who can run to the NE corner and get set?" "Great job clarinets!"

What has happened to the fun and humor or the Pride I grew up with?

9/6/2006, 08:39 AM
I certainly don't mean their talent or ability to play and march but the selection of what they play.

At halftime they played the GAYEST crap selections I have ever seen. Also, what was with the, "Let's see who can run to the NE corner and get set?" "Great job clarinets!"

What has happened to the fun and humor or the Pride I grew up with?

Be glad you guys have a talented band. Ours sounds okay, but they couldn't walk a straight line if it would keep them from a DUI.


9/6/2006, 08:40 AM
I thought the race was silly, but "fun". And I never remember ANY collegiate marching band playing music I ever wanted to hear. Usually a movie theme and an Earth, Wind, and Fire song and they out.

Big Red Ron
9/6/2006, 08:52 AM
I thought the race was silly, but "fun". And I never remember ANY collegiate marching band playing music I ever wanted to hear. Usually a movie theme and an Earth, Wind, and Fire song and they out.Someone help me out here. The two songs they chose were male nut gobbler romance tunes...I can't even recall the bands but it was horid and embarassing.

9/6/2006, 09:06 AM
I really love watching the Pride and always stand for them, but I do wish they would let me pick the songs. :D

9/6/2006, 09:09 AM
Someone beside me said they played a Sheryl Crow song.

9/6/2006, 09:09 AM

9/6/2006, 09:18 AM
If you did not like the choice in songs, as I didn’t, that is fine. However, that does not constitute them as sucking.

9/6/2006, 09:18 AM
Gene Threalkilll is gone..........

9/6/2006, 09:34 AM
do they take request?? Maybe some 2pac!!

9/6/2006, 09:46 AM
Oh well..Hopefully this week will be better at halftime. Worse things could happen.

Halftime will blow this week though...It will be a tropical storm.

9/6/2006, 09:54 AM
this was the worst halftime show ever. 3 crappy songs, 2 scrambles, and one song without any marching. And no theme. One Queen song, One Movie Song, and one Americana song? I miss coach.

The Maestro
9/6/2006, 09:54 AM
The band plays at halftime? I thought they had that so I could go pee!

9/6/2006, 10:00 AM
Anytime you get a Queen song, though, i wouldn't complain...

9/6/2006, 10:06 AM
the race was very ghey.

9/6/2006, 10:29 AM

9/6/2006, 10:31 AM
Who is this "Pride" you speak of?

9/6/2006, 10:37 AM
Maybe we could another Disney song. I think we have played every crappy Disney song from every crappy Disney movie. The Sheryl Crow song was from the Movie "Cars". Maybe it a theme to go with the horse mascots. You know more kid friendly.

9/6/2006, 10:44 AM
The Queen song was the only bright spot in that show, really. I always hated "Strike up the Band" and the race killed the second tune, which wasn't bad. It was nice that they played to the northeast, though. Those people don't often get to hear the Pride.

They sounded good in the stands, but that show was a bit embarassing. Marching was OK tho.

garland sooner
9/6/2006, 10:45 AM
i see how it is here. We learn all of pregame and all of halftime (about 35 sets) in 15 days (a first) and you complain about the music. not how it sounds, just the tunes.

great. thanks guys.

btw, i did think what our announcer said during the scatter drill was pretty gay, i wanted to ring his neck for saying something like that.

garland sooner
9/6/2006, 10:47 AM
I forgot to say that the tunes could be better. The least you could do, though, is give us some support.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
9/6/2006, 10:47 AM
Anytime you get a Queen song, though, i wouldn't complain...

If was Fat Bottomed Girls. I'm waiting for the day when bands perform Down With the Sickness, Bodies or Crazy Bitch.

Actually I would have settled for Holloback Girl or My Humps.

9/6/2006, 10:48 AM
Fire Chuck Long!

9/6/2006, 10:48 AM
Not saying that the Pride hasn't gotten worse in the past few years, but I'm sure it isn't easy or cheap to just obtain any song they want to play. Buying the rights for a song isn't cheap. Other than that I wish the Pride was as loud as it used to be when I was a kid, I can hardly hear them during the games anymore.

9/6/2006, 10:49 AM

9/6/2006, 10:57 AM
male nut gobbler romance tunes

:confused: wtf

9/6/2006, 10:57 AM
I love these guys are calling out the PRIDE on a message board.
Better close this one down fast before the horns get ahold of it.

9/6/2006, 11:02 AM
I love these guys are calling out the PRIDE on a message board.
Better close this one down fast before the horns get ahold of it.

It's not so much anyone "calling out" the Pride, it's just for those of us who have been going to OU sporting events for the vast majority of our lives, we see the changes that have been made. For those in the Pride who have only been on campus for a few years and never been to a football game prior to being in the Pride, you have no way of telling any difference. I'm only 19, but I remember when I was little the band being much more energetic and much louder. I just wish there was some way to show those of you who haven't been around that long....

9/6/2006, 11:03 AM

What exactly are your credentials that give you this all knowing ability to judge the sound quality of a musical ensemble? Just curious.

9/6/2006, 11:13 AM

What exactly are your credentials that give you this all knowing ability to judge the sound quality of a musical ensemble? Just curious.

Well of course, He was at Catllet High for 7 years...

9/6/2006, 11:28 AM

Rock Hard Corn Frog
9/6/2006, 11:29 AM

What exactly are your credentials that give you this all knowing ability to judge the sound quality of a musical ensemble? Just curious.


9/6/2006, 11:36 AM

9/6/2006, 11:41 AM
If you are going to be so vocal and public with your disapproval of an organization, then you better be able to back it up with something better than "they sounded like crap." What sounded like crap? Tone, intonation, clarity? What section? Or is it just the fact that you didn't like the musical selections and the way we ran from set to set? All I have gotten from you is that you have nothing to base your opinions off of and you must resort to 10-year old name calling.

Think of it this way. If I came on here and said: Man our football team sucks, they looked like crap. What kind of response would I get? I would look like a stupid inbred Aggie with a remark like that and frankly that is about all you have done my friend.

9/6/2006, 11:43 AM
This thread is coming to a crescendo. lol

9/6/2006, 11:43 AM
I don't like the title of this thread. It's misleading.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
9/6/2006, 11:46 AM
This thread is coming to a crescendo. lol

Nah, this could be the next Kasey Studdard thread.

For the record I didn't think the Pride sucked but it wasn't their best perfomance either. Maybe they need to add a little cowbell.

9/6/2006, 11:52 AM
And for the record, I am not at all above criticism. But I won't sit here and listen to unfounded criticism that isn't being backed up by inteligible comments.

I am not a big fan of the song selection either, but this argument isn't about what songs we played anymore.

Landthief 1972
9/6/2006, 11:58 AM
The scramble to the corner, "Great job, clarinets!" was so bad, I was embarrassed, and I haven't picked up a trumpet since 1988 in high school. You know, how you see something so bad, that you're embarrassed for that person/those people?

Me and my buddy from work immediately ripped into the announcer for that one, doing the whole Buddy Christ finger pointing thing.



9/6/2006, 12:06 PM
oh boy, another pride bashing thread... :rolleyes:

whether you like it or not, it's still your university's band. The least you could do is show some support.

9/6/2006, 12:37 PM
i see how it is here. We learn all of pregame and all of halftime (about 35 sets) in 15 days (a first) and you complain about the music. not how it sounds, just the tunes.

great. thanks guys.

Is that seriously what resulted of two weeks preparation? ugh

9/6/2006, 12:38 PM
I missed the announcer. What did he say?

9/6/2006, 12:39 PM
although to be fair, after the section race debacle i got up to shake my head in disgust and go to the concessions so i didn't see much of what happened after that.

9/6/2006, 12:40 PM

Simply put, you guys do work hard, and as individual musicians I am sure you are excellent.

But as an organization the Pride continues to be mediocre.

Yup, I said it... Just the ignorant uninformed opinion of another rube off the street with no credentials.

However, that same opinion is shared by a lot of Pride alumns, too.

So to a degree I think that some of the good German citizens in the countryside need to be walked through the gates of Auschwitz to look upon the burning rotting corpses.

I know it's tough to hear about an organization you care deeply about.

But it's tough to say about an organization one cares deeply about as well. I'd rather not have to.

9/6/2006, 12:40 PM

What exactly are your credentials that give you this all knowing ability to judge the sound quality of a musical ensemble? Just curious.

here is a thought. Pregame I thought was better for the first game.

Halftime was embarrassing. Your director brought bush league to D1 College football. And the song selection was bad. What happened to traditional powerhouse marching music?

And the biggest reason the pride has gone downhill?

until around '02, I could still hear the pride from my seats. now? not at all.

It will be a welcome site when the pride is moved to a end zone next year

Rock Hard Corn Frog
9/6/2006, 02:02 PM
I missed the announcer. What did he say?

Let's just say when I heard it I thought I'd rather be carrying some dude's pocket around a prison yard then hear it again.

9/6/2006, 02:15 PM
Pride = Bob Barry Sr. Same stuff............old tired and in need of replacement

9/6/2006, 02:25 PM

Thank you for finally posting some constructive comments. I have not been able to hear a recording from Saturday so I can't confirm or deny what you heard. However, I have no doubt that some or all of these things did happen in some way. It is normal for any college marching band. I find it interesting that our conversation has morphed from basic volume to much more complex and intricate details that take time to perfect. With all this talk about being stuck up and arrogant, you sure do care about the finer details that many other bands neglect for raw "noise".

In regards to the Pride being not brass heavy enough. We are a balanced ensemble who provides opportunities to all those who want to audition. When you have say 60 trumpets audition and 40 flutes, you can't just take all 60 trumpets and half the flutes so we can have more brass. A) All that does is decrease the the quality of the ensemble and the amount of quality players in each section and b) The audition process isn't fair and equitable.

I wouldn't have had to question your knowledge of band if you would have posted a quasi-intelligent response to the initial post. What is accomplished by saying someone sucks? The primary goals of the Pride are to 1) support the football and the athletic department and b) to entertain our fans. And since I know that 1) will never be in question, our focus turns to our half-time shows. Since obviously our secondary goal was not met last Saturday, wouldn't it be better to voice your opinion in a constructive manner instead of having me drag it out of you. These threads happen every year on this board and it ends up usually being disgruntled former members who didn't want to work harder during rehearsal and couldn't accept the fact that showing up to rehearsal drunk was not ok, bashing a program that they are no longer (thankfully) a part of.

If you have legitimate concerns, and since you obviously care enough about what is going on within the organization to listen so closely to our performances, then why don't you forward your concerns or observations (positive or negative) to someone who will work his a$$ off to better accomodate our audience. That was the entire premise behind this Saturday's show. It was a collection of songs that was aimed to touch a multitude of different people. You have the rock & roll, the more traditional Strike up the Band, and a more modern Real Gone from the movies cars. The announcements were added to appeal to people that might like that kind of thing. It is IMPOSSIBLE for us to appeal to every single person that watches or listens to us. We do the best that we can to please as many as possible but we all know that in the end it is an unattainable goal.

My initial post was not a post questioning your intelligence or whatever, I was merely trying to get you to post something that conveyed a deeper understanding to music than my dog would have.

9/6/2006, 02:34 PM
1) support the football and the athletic department and b) to entertain our fans.

Seems to me that B isn't very well accomplished when the choice of music makes people want to hurl.

Oh, and I was in the pride, and have been around long enough now to see how bad the pride has gotten. The music is crap, I cannot hear them in the stands anymore, and they "march" worse than a high school band as well.

You should go check out Union or BA, then go see the pride. Its not pretty.

The pride really does suck these days, and thats not something I like typing.

9/6/2006, 02:35 PM
although to be fair, after the section race debacle i got up to shake my head in disgust and go to the concessions so i didn't see much of what happened after that.

ok for those of us that couldnt make it to the game, what the hell is he talking about....

I thought this was a regular "pride vs the world" thread, but it appears to go a little deeper than that.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
9/6/2006, 02:43 PM
ok for those of us that couldnt make it to the game, what the hell is he talking about....

I thought this was a regular "pride vs the world" thread, but it appears to go a little deeper than that.

From my perspective the band wasn't that bad. It wasn't as good or as forcefull as some years past but mostly the song choice could have been better.

What was GHEY was the announcer coming on and asking who will win the race to the NE corner, "great job clarinets." That was like inviting your neighbors over and then your dog tries to hump their leg in the middle of the living room.

All the other stuff just makes for :pop:

9/6/2006, 02:46 PM
Seems to me that B isn't very well accomplished when the choice of music makes people want to hurl.

Congratulations, you restated exactly what I said in my post.

You should go check out Union or BA, then go see the pride. Its not pretty.

My lord...These are 2 of the best competitive[B] organizations in the nation and they spend 4 months learning [B]1 show! Of course they are going to be cleaner than a collegiate band that does a different show every couple of weeks.

The pride really does suck these days, and thats not something I like typing.

Once again, stupid remarks that don't solve any problems.

9/6/2006, 02:47 PM
I was merely trying to get you to post something that conveyed a deeper understanding to music than my dog would have.

But if you are hurting the dog's ears....

9/6/2006, 02:51 PM
No Thrailkill ..............No Band

9/6/2006, 02:51 PM
But if you are hurting the dog's ears....

Then all he would do is bark and not tell you what the problem was or how to fix it. Which is all that these threads acomplish.

9/6/2006, 02:53 PM
Congratulations, you restated exactly what I said in my post.
The problem is, IT KEEPS HAPPENING!!!!

My lord...These are 2 of the best competitive[B] organizations in the nation and they spend 4 months learning [B]1 show! Of course they are going to be cleaner than a collegiate band that does a different show every couple of weeks.
So this excuses the lack of marching fundamentals? Nice. Glad to know we shouldn't think about comparing The Pride of Oklahoma to High Schools! Why, they are just WAY better than us, how could we ever compete? :rolleyes:

Once again, stupid remarks that don't solve any problems.
YOU may thank its a stupid remark, however I would like to inform you that there are MANY pride alums on this board, from many years, that believe exactly the same damn thing. Ignoring it would be stupidity. I would much rather sit in my seat that I shell out lots of $$$ for every year and HEAR a band that compares to other big 12 or SEC bands in size, sound, quality and entertainment. I would also like to see a halftime show that doesn't make me think standing in a line for a corn dog for half an hour is a good idea.

9/6/2006, 03:00 PM
Comparing marching quality of state championship high school program and ANY collegiate marching band is stupid. They are two completely different entities. If you are an alumnus, especially tuba, then you should know this better than anyone.

The point is, all of you people just sit here and bitch, bitch, bitch but never offer any of your thoughts on what you would like to hear at halftime. If you care as much as it sounds like you do, then be a part of the solution, not the problem.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
9/6/2006, 03:10 PM
Comparing marching quality of state championship high school program and ANY collegiate marching band is stupid. They are two completely different entities. If you are an alumnus, especially tuba, then you should know this better than anyone.

The point is, all of you people just sit here and bitch, bitch, bitch but never offer any of your thoughts on what you would like to hear at halftime. If you care as much as it sounds like you do, then be a part of the solution, not the problem.

I did earlier. I'll give the you a month to practice it too. How about the poetry of Breaking Benjamin followed by a little Prodigy?;)

9/6/2006, 03:12 PM
Thanks for the time extension. :P

9/6/2006, 03:14 PM
My lord...These are 2 of the best competitive[B] organizations in the nation and they spend 4 months learning [B]1 show! Of course they are going to be cleaner than a collegiate band that does a different show every couple of weeks.

Look, I don't like to be overly critical of people doing something that I can't, or don't know how to do. This being said, I wasn't at the game, and didn't hear the performance, so I can't comment on how it sounded, but it sounds like we need some improvement - & quickly.

In regards to your comment about the other organization learning only 1 show, and you guys know umpteen different songs/performances . . . . I might suggest you get a "few" DOWN. Quality over quantity.

( I know THIS is something that you CAN'T control)

Also, to be critical of someone elses criticism isn't going to do you any good - you can't control other people, and the way they "complain". I guess I'd be happy that you got feedback that was HONEST. Obviously, EVERYONE doesn't feel the same way as posters on this thread, but it's good to get criticised everyonce in a while - don't take it too personally - try to pass it along to someone who you feel might be able to take it as constructive, and improve the situation.


Keep up the good work,


9/6/2006, 03:18 PM
WHAT?! NO denfense, now SUCKY PRIDE.... . We're DOOMMMMMMMMMED!

9/6/2006, 03:18 PM
I'd love to see the quality return to the days when The Pride's halftime show was specifically included in the telecasts of OU football games... they were just that good and were well known.

Sorry I can't offer advice on how to get back to that level. Been a long time since HS band, and I only marched in parades since I also played football. All I can offer is a fan's perspective.

When I get to attend games I generally enjoy The Pride's show but at the same time for the last couple year's it's just seemed lacking somehow. When I have to watch the game on tv I don't get to see The Pride at all anymore.

9/6/2006, 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by euph_jay

What exactly are your credentials that give you this all knowing ability to judge the sound quality of a musical ensemble? Just curious.

So in those regards, what gives us the credentials to judge a performance of the football team? Were you a coach or a COLLEGE player? Do you know the players personally and their personal life to know that maybe the broke up with their girlfriend may contribute to the reason they had a bad performace? Of course you don't and neither do 99% of us. We just know what it was like when Coach was here and now that Britt is here. The only time I ever here the band during the game is when they all come up the aisle by our sections. The sound quality is what I am most displeased about. The music selection seems to be much more bland than it used to be. I am no expert I can't tell you what section this problem could be coming from. Just please bring back the old Pride!

9/6/2006, 03:47 PM
I remember when I was in 6th grade band, thinking I was going to play some wind instrument. We went to Duncan to watch the pride (around 88) and I was blown away. Every time we'd go to Sooner games in the 80's I was always blown away as well.

I personally think that song selection is one of the biggest problems, so it seems that could be easily fixed. That, and maybe some of the wind players are smoking too much dope and don't have the power they used to have in their lungs in the "just say no" Reagan years...

Power, good song choice, good marching, and quality playing accross the board makes everybody happy. It seems simple enough...

9/6/2006, 04:07 PM
For those of you looking for a halftime performance that goes hand in hand with football, I hope you'll join us on Nov. 4 when we host you guys in College Station.

9/6/2006, 04:09 PM
A comment was made about if 60 trumpets and 40 flutes audition, it is "unfair" to take most of the trumpets and a handful of flutes?

NOOOOO. It's not unfair if that is what produces the best sound. Only 1 long-snapper gets to play in the football game.

What about switching to a drum and bugle corps format?

9/6/2006, 04:59 PM
euph jay = Brian Britt?

9/6/2006, 05:04 PM
"When you have say 60 trumpets audition and 40 flutes, you can't just take all 60 trumpets and half the flutes so we can have more brass. "

What band director in his right mind would take a world class flute player over a journeyman trumpet player? If this is indicative of the ou band philosophy, I can see why the pride is getting all this flack.

Look at tOSU, LSU, Texas Tech - they are all built for power. I know in Tech's case they put every brass player on the field and fill out any remaining spots with woodwinds.

9/6/2006, 05:08 PM
And yes, I expect the Pride to play cleaner than Union. They're older and more experienced. As a former drumline member, I can tell you I was expected to play clean every time. Never did we hear the excuse that the show could be full of dirt because it was new. If it's dirty cut it out, simplify, or clean it up.

Meanwhile, atm plays the theme from Patton again and people go crazy.

9/6/2006, 05:08 PM
now THIS is a band....


bwahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha............ :D

9/6/2006, 05:20 PM
b) The audition process isn't fair and equitable.

As far as it being fair and equitable, goes... Go look at the football team's roster; there's like 11 wide receivers to 2 punters. Do you suppose that, in the name of being fair and equitable, Bob Stoops should cut 4 wide receivers to make room for 4 more punters?

Of course not, because we don't need 6 punters.

Get what you need first, then worry about being fair and equitable.

(That makes sense, right?)

9/6/2006, 05:23 PM
Give the general public that same two week notice that all those band seats are available and they WOULD be filled.

Folks do not come to hear the band.

9/6/2006, 05:37 PM
i see how it is here. We learn all of pregame and all of halftime (about 35 sets) in 15 days (a first) and you complain about the music. not how it sounds, just the tunes.

We did about that much in 9 days for the OU/UNC game in 2001. It ain't a first just because you're new. :)

9/6/2006, 05:40 PM
I know I'm in the minority, and I know I have very little musical experience/knowledge/taste, but I really like A&M's band.

I don't care if it's extremely easy, or if they do the same thing every time. Just my opinion, but I like to watch them and listen to them.

9/6/2006, 05:46 PM

Thank you for finally posting some constructive comments. I have not been able to hear a recording from Saturday so I can't confirm or deny what you heard. However, I have no doubt that some or all of these things did happen in some way. It is normal for any college marching band. I find it interesting that our conversation has morphed from basic volume to much more complex and intricate details that take time to perfect. With all this talk about being stuck up and arrogant, you sure do care about the finer details that many other bands neglect for raw "noise".

I thought that overall, the basic sound the band was producing was quite a bit better than I've heard in recent years. All I was able to hear was the pregame concert, so I can't speak for the stadium show.

In regards to the Pride being not brass heavy enough. We are a balanced ensemble who provides opportunities to all those who want to audition. When you have say 60 trumpets audition and 40 flutes, you can't just take all 60 trumpets and half the flutes so we can have more brass. A) All that does is decrease the the quality of the ensemble and the amount of quality players in each section and b) The audition process isn't fair and equitable.

Drum corps seem to do fine with no woodwinds. Quite a few college marching bands only march brass and saxophones. As long as the music is written accordingly, absence of flutes/clarinets isn't a problem. In an 84,000 seat stadium, you don't hear the flutes and clarinets. It just isn't going to happen. Might not be fair, but it's the case. In a competitive marching atmosphere, where the crowd is going to be quiet and listen, sure, trot out the woodwinds. It adds a different timbre to the sound... if you can hear it. That won't ever happen at a big time college football venue unless they're holding a marching band competition there.

I wouldn't have had to question your knowledge of band if you would have posted a quasi-intelligent response to the initial post. What is accomplished by saying someone sucks? The primary goals of the Pride are to 1) support the football and the athletic department and b) to entertain our fans. And since I know that 1) will never be in question, our focus turns to our half-time shows. Since obviously our secondary goal was not met last Saturday, wouldn't it be better to voice your opinion in a constructive manner instead of having me drag it out of you. These threads happen every year on this board and it ends up usually being disgruntled former members who didn't want to work harder during rehearsal and couldn't accept the fact that showing up to rehearsal drunk was not ok, bashing a program that they are no longer (thankfully) a part of.

I know many of the former members on the board. Quite a few were section leaders. All that I know worked very hard. Just because we're older than you and not doing the activity anymore doesn't mean we didn't bust our asses while we were there.

My initial post was not a post questioning your intelligence or whatever, I was merely trying to get you to post something that conveyed a deeper understanding to music than my dog would have.

I hate when current members make me (as an alumnus) look bad by being defensive and snippy. If you think you're being insulted, at least take the high road, state your opinion in a non-insulting way, and move on.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/6/2006, 05:47 PM
i was sitting in the northeast section saturday...wishing i was sitting in the southwest section

9/6/2006, 05:49 PM
And yes, I expect the Pride to play cleaner than Union. They're older and more experienced. As a former drumline member, I can tell you I was expected to play clean every time. Never did we hear the excuse that the show could be full of dirt because it was new. If it's dirty cut it out, simplify, or clean it up.

Meanwhile, atm plays the theme from Patton again and people go crazy.

Indeed. That was one of the things I really liked about Roland. Playing dirty wasn't an option. It was good, or you weren't going to be playing that part on Saturday.

sooner KB
9/6/2006, 05:54 PM
The whole "who's gonna make it to their spot first!? The trumpets?! The flutes?! Hussle pride members! Hussle!!! And the winner is... The FLUTES! Great job flutes!!" was just lame. Not only was the whole thing in the band announcer's cheesy, overly-dramatic voice, it was too drawn out, and they did it twice. The whole thing just seemed so goofy.

And then before the second song, as the drum major was walking over to the stand, the announcer goes "Lets see how fast drum major ____ can make it back to the stand!!!!! Hussle (insert guy's name)!!!!!!!!! Hussle!!" And then the drum major embarrassingly starts running to the stand...

9/6/2006, 06:19 PM
wah wah wah... The older they get, the more they start to complain. You guys are starting to sound like the alumni, old people, who tell people to sit down.

9/6/2006, 06:20 PM
I don't think the band sucks.

9/6/2006, 06:29 PM
I haven't seen The Pride this year, probably MTSU will be my first chance, but as a former member statements like this:

These threads happen every year on this board and it ends up usually being disgruntled former members who didn't want to work harder during rehearsal and couldn't accept the fact that showing up to rehearsal drunk was not ok, bashing a program that they are no longer (thankfully) a part of.

REALLY **** me off.

Euph_Jay, were you a member in Fall of '02 or Fall of '03? If you were, I want to know who you are, so I can call you by your real name and we can talk about who worked hard in rehersal.

Duke o Brewery
9/6/2006, 06:32 PM
These threads happen every year on this board and it ends up usually being disgruntled former members who didn't want to work harder during rehearsal and couldn't accept the fact that showing up to rehearsal drunk was not ok, bashing a program that they are no longer (thankfully) a part of.


First off, I and many people who have been in The Pride for both of the past two directors can state confidently that we worked MUCH harder in years past than the band does now. Trust me, I visited a rehearsal just last week. The expectations are totally different now than they were under Coach and Roland when we were taught to go 150% on every rep and we actually did it. Now the band just goes through the motions. Marching fundamentals are non-existant. Air and Sound are grossly neglected. Those "drunk" and "lazy" former members you're insulting put in more work in a week than the Pride does now in a month. You insult amazing musicians and people who poured their heart and soul into this organization, AND WHO DID IT BETTER THAN IT IS BEING DONE NOW. These people were the GUTS and the heart of the Pride in their time. Many were section leaders or leaders within the band. Their Prides did great things that the current organization isn't.

Secondly, what's with the personal attacks?! Where do you get off making accusations and personal insults against Pride Alumni, most of which you've proabaly never known. I see, so according to you the majority of us who love the Pride and want it to be great once again are only mad with its current failures because someone once made us sober up during rehearsals?! What a load of bullsh*t.

Stoop Dawg
9/6/2006, 06:34 PM
I know I'm in the minority, and I know I have very little musical experience/knowledge/taste, but I really like A&M's band.

I don't care if it's extremely easy, or if they do the same thing every time. Just my opinion, but I like to watch them and listen to them.

I agree. If the purpose of the band is to entertain the fans, then ATM's band kick's the Pride's arse.

If the purpose is to meet some standard of sound quality and/or marching complexity known only to the people who are actually in the band then maybe the Pride is better - but 99% of the 85,000 people sitting in the stands are still bored.

macho sooner
9/6/2006, 06:41 PM
can we get some of this in the pride?
first post here, i really hope i did this right.

9/6/2006, 06:47 PM
anyone heard any rumors about which end zone they are going to move to next season?

9/6/2006, 06:55 PM
Looking at it from a logistics points..I'd say the North End zone.
If you were to put them in the South End zone:
(1) You would either not have the band march back up the field in the OU and just stay where they are or have to re-write Pregame.
(2) Have a people nightmare when The Pride is trying to get up the ramp to get to their seats, the visiting team is trying to get down the ramp to get to the field, and you still have people trying to get to their seats in the South and West sides.
(3) It puts them really close to where the visiting teams fans and bands sit.
(4) You would have the same potential people mess at the end of halftime as you would at pregame.

9/6/2006, 06:56 PM
This one time......in a band thread.......

Mile High Sooner
9/6/2006, 07:17 PM
"Why is it always the same ol' people??!!"
"Explode off that yardline!!"
"People, People, People!"
Coachisms that I can recall 25 years after my membership.
After reading thru this thread it sounds like Mr. Britt needs to step into the Wayback Machine and refresh his memory on what it took to be a member of The Pride of Oklahoma.

9/6/2006, 07:22 PM
some people don't care for the pride. some people don't care for people who don't care for the pride.

i don't care for a new pride thread every season/month/week,whether its positive or negative.

Duke o Brewery
9/6/2006, 07:31 PM
Until the band is back to its usual stratospheric standards I have a feeling you'll keep seeing new threads.

9/6/2006, 07:33 PM
Until the band is back to its usual stratospheric standards I have a feeling you'll keep seeing new threads.
well then, duke, I guess it's time to ask for this:

9/6/2006, 07:45 PM
Is this the official "Join Soonerfans to make a post" thread?

9/6/2006, 07:53 PM
One thing I appreciate about The Pride is they always wear their full dress uniforms. Even when it's hotter than hell times ten, they have their uniforms on, not some awful t-shirt/shorts combo like many bands do.

Regardless of their halftime selections, they still put on the best pre-game I've seen, and the march through campus corner is very cool.

9/6/2006, 07:59 PM
Is this the official "Join Soonerfans to make a post" thread?

I think so.

Im not going to get technical with this, im going to simply state that the Pride on Saturday was awful. I was sitting in the student section and could not hear the Pride at all when they played. The only thing I could hear were the Tubas, ie: Jordan the section leader because he plays ballzando (super loud), and I could hear the drums. The rest of the Pride was non existent in the stands. The halftime show race to their sets was awful, no need to go into detail about that. The rest of the halftime show I really cant comment on because I couldnt hear it. Why couldnt I hear it? Probably because I was carrying on a normal conversation with the person sitting next to me, and his voice must have drown out the band, and that should never happen. Two alumni tubas were at the pregame concert standing next to the drum major stand having a conversation, one of them said, "you know, we should not be able to have a normal conversation while the band is playing." Thats all I need to say about that. The Pride does the same type of show year after year and honestly, its getting old fast. You dont have to do a movie show every year, you dont have to do a rock show every year, thankfully you arent doing a latin show this year. The choice of music is bad, like people have said before me, the marching is bad and it just seems like the Pride isnt having fun.

When Duke o Brewery said,

Those "drunk" and "lazy" former members you're insulting put in more work in a week than the Pride does now in a month. You insult amazing musicians and people who poured their heart and soul into this organization, AND WHO DID IT BETTER THAN IT IS BEING DONE NOW. These people were the GUTS and the heart of the Pride in their time. Many were section leaders or leaders within the band. Their Prides did great things that the current organization isn't.

Secondly, what's with the personal attacks?! Where do you get off making accusations and personal insults against Pride Alumni, most of which you've proabaly never known. I see, so according to you the majority of us who love the Pride and want it to be great once again are only mad with its current failures because someone once made us sober up during rehearsals?! What a load of bullsh*t.

He hit the nail on the head.


Scott D
9/6/2006, 08:20 PM
This thread sucks, someone send me a PM when Brian Britt is running a band...in an elementary school, where he belongs.

9/6/2006, 08:21 PM
This one time......in a band thread.......


9/6/2006, 08:35 PM
I was in a band once.

9/6/2006, 09:12 PM
I certainly don't mean their talent or ability to play and march but the selection of what they play.

At halftime they played the GAYEST crap selections I have ever seen. Also, what was with the, "Let's see who can run to the NE corner and get set?" "Great job clarinets!"

What has happened to the fun and humor or the Pride I grew up with?

its just you.... :D

9/6/2006, 09:24 PM
Comparing marching quality of state championship high school program and ANY collegiate marching band is stupid. They are two completely different entities. If you are an alumnus, especially tuba, then you should know this better than anyone.

The point is, all of you people just sit here and bitch, bitch, bitch but never offer any of your thoughts on what you would like to hear at halftime. If you care as much as it sounds like you do, then be a part of the solution, not the problem.

First off, I should not be expected to do the job of some overpaid tax supported band geek.

This is his and his assistants job to do.

After all, I am busy working my *** off every day to help fund OU and the Pride with my tax dollars and gifts that I am consistantly hit up for all the time. Not to mention my donations and such for my season tickets.

These problems are the Pride's problems, and THEY need to fix them, or fire the ******* and find someone that can fix it. Expecting the fans and alumni to spoon feed you this is retarded as hell. Imagine if the Football team worked this way? You would be home for newyears, thats for sure.

That said, if you don't expect the people coming out of high school to march well enough that they might just compare to highschools, than you're pretty clueless.

After 4+ years of marching, one could possibly expect that people can march well, at least better than they are now. Thats the facts kiddo.