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9/5/2006, 10:12 PM
and I can honestly say that Stanford sucks.

9/5/2006, 10:15 PM
Hey, what a coincidence... so does *****!!!

9/5/2006, 10:56 PM
and I can honestly say that Stanford sucks.

I watched part of the game on Saturday to do a little scouting, but it was so painful to watch Stanford play that I had to turn it off.

I couldn't tell how good Oregon was from watching that game.

9/6/2006, 09:11 AM
and I can honestly say that Stanford sucks.

SHHHHHHHHH...don't tell Oregon that! From all of the crap they have been talking you would have thought the Ducks beat the tar feathers out of USC or someone of note. Someone convinced them Stewart can carry more than AD's jock strap and that their QB is the next Vince Young....and, this is all based on their win over Stanford. I wouldn't want them to get wise to anything before our game.

9/6/2006, 09:51 AM
SHHHHHHHHH...don't tell Oregon that! From all of the crap they have been talking you would have thought the Ducks beat the tar feathers out of USC or someone of note. Someone convinced them Stewart can carry more than AD's jock strap and that their QB is the next Vince Young....and, this is all based on their win over Stanford. I wouldn't want them to get wise to anything before our game.
I watched the first 2 quarters and there was no butt kicking. just sloppy play.

Quack 10
9/6/2006, 10:14 AM
Someone convinced them Stewart can carry more than AD's jock strap and that their QB is the next Vince Young....and, this is all based on their win over Stanford. I wouldn't want them to get wise to anything before our game.

I watched the first 2 quarters and there was no butt kicking. just sloppy play.

I couldn't tell how good Oregon was from watching that game.

I hereby coin the term "O'Glaucoma" to describe the increasingly fuzzy impression Oklahoma fans have about their 2006 team, and its impending opponents.

9/6/2006, 10:18 AM
I hereby coin the term "O'Glaucoma" to describe the increasingly fuzzy impression Oklahoma fans have about their 2006 team, and its impending opponents.
what's fuzzy? I don't think we're top 10.
You guys obviously have talent, the QB looks dangerous. But, Stanford sucked thoroughly. They looked like a less athletic and cheaper version of Tulsa.

9/6/2006, 10:21 AM
Saw the game on tv all ready..they looked good but we shall see.... Hope it's a hot day in Norman but looks like rain?

Quack 10
9/6/2006, 10:22 AM
Hope it's a hot day in Norman

I'm not sure that will help much.

9/6/2006, 10:23 AM
They looked like a less athletic and cheaper version of Tulsa.

Perfect description of Oregon.

Quack 10
9/6/2006, 10:32 AM
Perfect description of Oregon.

A team the Sooners beat by three on neutral field? Doesn't say much for the Crimson and Jizz, does it?

9/6/2006, 10:35 AM
A team the Sooners beat by three on neutral field? Doesn't say much for the Crimson and Jizz, does it?

Hey fu*khead, if you and your cohorts ever get scoreboard on us, maybe then you should talk sh*t. Until then, go back and watch some highlights of AD treating you west coast pussies like prison bitches.

9/6/2006, 10:36 AM
crimson and jizz? the hell colors are you sporting, duck shiit on moldy rye?

I'm curious here. Why do you feel compelled to talk smack to a school/team of which you've never beaten?
It would be like me going to a USC board and ragging on them. Oh wait, wrong, because we actually did beat them once.

9/6/2006, 10:36 AM
A team the Sooners beat by three on neutral field? Doesn't say much for the Crimson and Jizz, does it?

Wait, who won that game? Oh yeah Oklahoma did!

9/6/2006, 10:39 AM
and we didn't even lift weights last year.

The Maestro
9/6/2006, 11:01 AM
Enjoy your trap game in Fresno, Quacky McAflacterd. I think Oregon will be 1-1 come next Saturday.

9/6/2006, 11:04 AM
A team the Sooners beat by three on neutral field? Doesn't say much for the Crimson and Jizz, does it?

considering it was the worst team OU fielded since the 90's, and oregon's second best (maybe third, to the '01 and '00 teams) in recent history, i'd say you guys should be ashamed of yourselves for losing.

hell, AD was a flea's penis away from making it 24-7 and slamming the door in the third.

Quack 10
9/6/2006, 11:08 AM
Until then, go back and watch some highlights of AD treating you west coast pussies like prison bitches.

Well, that's fair, but I didn't start the smack. And yeah, I'll go re-watch AD's 83-yard HB masterpiece.

9/6/2006, 11:21 AM
Well, that's fair, but I didn't start the smack. And yeah, I'll go re-watch AD's 83-yard HB masterpiece.

Personally, I enjoy Quack's smack. It may be misguided and delusional, but he is acting as the fan of a team who has never beat us should...antagonistic, a bit pathetic and without sensory capacity. He forgets past scores, overlooks obvious shortcomings and will forever hold true that the history doesn't reveal the truth of the game. Sorry, Quack, history is written by the victors. That means you guys have yet to write a chapter in the book of this series. You have lost ALL of our respective team's games. So, hold onto your conspiracy theories and blind allegiance, it will be all that you have after another OU win.

David Earl
9/6/2006, 11:31 AM
You people better cut the smack talk or I'll reach for my shoe. I don't care who starts it, there's no need to respond in time. Quack 10, I'm cuttin' you slack but you need to chill on the smack dude.

You people don't want me reachin' for no shoe!

David Earl
9/6/2006, 11:31 AM
I'll pull this car over and go for the shoe...

David Earl
9/6/2006, 11:32 AM
And you know I ain't afraid to get my shoe out...

David Earl
9/6/2006, 11:32 AM
I will GET the shoe!

David Earl
9/6/2006, 11:32 AM

9/6/2006, 11:32 AM
Personally, I enjoy Quack's smack. It may be misguided and delusional, but he is acting as the fan of a team who has never beat us should...antagonistic, a bit pathetic and without sensory capacity. He forgets past scores, overlooks obvious shortcomings and will forever hold true that the history doesn't reveal the truth of the game. Sorry, Quack, history is written by the victors. That means you guys have yet to write a chapter in the book of this series. You have lost ALL of our respective team's games. So, hold onto your conspiracy theories and blind allegiance, it will be all that you have after another OU win.
well said, well spoken.

9/6/2006, 11:46 AM
Hay Q 10 I can say this...I enjoyed sitting with the Ducks fans in SD for the Hoiliday Bowl, what a nice bunch! I will be in Eugene next week for the OU/UO game, can't wait.

9/6/2006, 11:46 AM
Did a duck fan just talk color smack? With THEIR uniforms? Wow. What panties go with uniform #12?


9/6/2006, 11:47 AM
will you grab the birkenstock for quack 10?

Scott D
9/6/2006, 12:00 PM
Eh I like Quack 10....and I think this Oregon team is probably more dangerous offensively than the one we faced last year. Stewart is a good primary back, and Jackson is sorta scary as a change of pace back. Also, Belotti isn't afraid to put both of them in the backfield at the same time. Defensively they are a bit more green in some areas than they want to be, but it could be argued so are we. Luckily we'll be facing a version of the spread offense this week with Washington to help as prep for Oregon.

But make no mistake, this Duck team is good and it should be a hard fought game. Our offense is going to need to step it up to beat them.

Quack 10
9/6/2006, 12:38 PM
Quack 10, I'm cuttin' you slack but you need to chill on the smack dude.

Point taken, my apologies, and I can't really argue with OUster's assessment.

Regarding Scott's comment, UW doesn't run the spread, they're pretty much a straight option team, and I seriously doubt they'll offer much challenge. In any case, UW is to Oregon as Texas is to Oklahoma (on a much smaller scale), so I'll be pulling for the Sooners.

BTW, do you think Wilson calling out AD was a good idea? The sports talk radio DJ's here in Seattle are having a field day with that sidebar.

David Earl
9/6/2006, 12:45 PM
BTW, do you think Wilson calling out AD was a good idea? The sports talk radio DJ's here in Seattle are having a field day with that sidebar.

I'm thrilled for Wilson to correct any player that struggles. AD is a star and a big part of our success, but he's not immune to criticism.

9/6/2006, 04:06 PM

Glad to see you here. You'll take a ribbing and I hope after a good OU victory you'll come back ;).

I'll be in section 36 screaming real loud and wearing "crimson and jizz" ;)

I think this can be a tight game, but look forward to watching UO this weekend to get a feel. This Sooner will be vacationing next week in Oregon and dropping Crimson and jizz bucks at the wineries and brew pubs, I hope you all will take them...

Quack 10
9/6/2006, 06:03 PM
Hey THA,

Yes, I'll be back to "take my medicine" if necessary, and I won't even flame much if the "impossible dream" really happens.

I, unfortunately, won't be at Autzen on the 16th; my wife is the exec chef at a jazz (or maybe jizz) club, and she has a show that night.

Please do enjoy your time in Oregon. I'm sure you've got a ton of recommendations already, but if your looking for an amazing brew pub in the Portland area, check-out Kennedy School; it's my favorite. It's owned by the McMenamin Bros. (like 100 other brew pubs in Oregon), but it's truly amazing.


Anyway, Oregon will certainly love your crimson and CREAM cash, and I hope you have a terrific time.

9/6/2006, 06:17 PM
Hey THA,

Yes, I'll be back to "take my medicine" if necessary, and I won't even flame much if the "impossible dream" really happens.

I, unfortunately, won't be at Autzen on the 16th; my wife is the exec chef at a jazz (or maybe jizz) club, and she has a show that night.

Please do enjoy your time in Oregon. I'm sure you've got a ton of recommendations already, but if your looking for an amazing brew pub in the Portland area, check-out Kennedy School; it's my favorite. It's owned by the McMenamin Bros. (like 100 other brew pubs in Oregon), but it's truly amazing.


Anyway, Oregon will certainly love your crimson and CREAM cash, and I hope you have a terrific time.
dude, people in Oregon can't hear jazz.

9/6/2006, 06:20 PM
I'm thrilled for Wilson to correct any player that struggles. AD is a star and a big part of our success, but he's not immune to criticism.

I wonder if Wilson has said "note to self: Watch what you say off the cuff at the press conf. from now on." Just to avoid the distraction it might create.

9/6/2006, 06:29 PM
Oregon looked solid against Stanford(who is very weak).
I didn't see Oregon make a lot of "dumb" mistakes, and they played hard for 4 quarters.
All of that, and it's at their place says the Sooners need to bring the A+ game.

9/6/2006, 06:32 PM
I would love to go to the game. Oregon is a great state, at least Portland and the coast. You should head to the coast, if you fly into Portland, its only about an hour away. Have fun getting used to the slow speed limit on the highways. If i remember 55 is the limit. Should be a game to see where each team is at overall. Here is to OU going out and making a statement.

9/6/2006, 06:35 PM
Yeah, Quack 10 brings up a good point. Beer crazy people like me know that the Northwest has a lot of good micros and brew pubs. That's a good enough reason to go there all by itself.

Jello Biafra
9/6/2006, 06:41 PM
Well, that's fair, but I didn't start the smack. And yeah, I'll go re-watch AD's 83-yard HB masterpiece.

while you are doing that, make sure you dust off the game of his freshman year. didn't he bust off about 4fiddy on you guys that day?

you guys couldn't stop a high school running game last year and you certainly won't do it this.........

your barn or not.

Jello Biafra
9/6/2006, 06:44 PM
All of that, and it's at their place says the Sooners need to bring the A+ game.

jeez. i don't know what to think. we haven't played in many 50k seat stadiums before. i wonder if our guys can handle it.

pffft. there are high school stadiums in this part of the country bigger than that dump....... get a grip.

Jello Biafra
9/6/2006, 06:45 PM
dude, people in Oregon can't hear jazz.

o they are listening......but i doubt they can hear it.

9/6/2006, 11:39 PM
A team the Sooners beat by three on neutral field? Doesn't say much for the Crimson and Jizz, does it?
I don't appreciate that too much. if i was a duck fan i wouldn't say a single word about any other teams uniforms or colors....EVAR!

Quack 10
9/7/2006, 10:40 AM
dude, people in Oregon can't hear jazz.

I don't live in Oregon anymore ... unfortunately. I live in the dank and festering heart of your next opponents' lair.

you guys couldn't stop a high school running game last year and you certainly won't do it this.........

Look! I'm not flaming back at this ridiculous remark.

I don't appreciate that too much. if i was a duck fan i wouldn't say a single word about any other teams uniforms or colors....EVAR!

I already apologized, it just hit me as I typed ... poor judgment on my part.

As far as Oregon's togs go, Duck fans take constant flak from stodgy college football traditionalists no matter what we write or say, so what's the difference? It's not as though anyone's going to stop because of anything I write, or don't. Personally, I'm hoping for the cornea-searing yellows on the 16th, just to make the whole experience more annoying for y'all.

9/7/2006, 12:30 PM
I hereby coin the term "O'Glaucoma" to describe the increasingly fuzzy impression Oklahoma fans have about their 2006 team, and its impending opponents.

While you're in danger of running a-fowl of our board mods, Quack, O'Glaucoma is kinda funny.