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9/2/2006, 11:14 PM
Why do we always seem to go away from something that works? Pitch sweep to AD gets big yards. We never run it again. Screen to AD for long TD. Never ran it again. I just don't get it.:confused:

9/2/2006, 11:17 PM
Why do we always seem to go away from something that works? Pitch sweep to AD gets big yards. We never run it again. Screen to AD for long TD. Never ran it again. I just don't get it.:confused:

Savin 'em for Texas I guess?

I didn't like what I saw tonight. There were flashes of greatness, but they still need ALOT of work.

9/2/2006, 11:32 PM
Why do we always seem to go away from something that works? Pitch sweep to AD gets big yards. We never run it again. Screen to AD for long TD. Never ran it again. I just don't get it.:confused:

EXACTLY!!! I could kiss you if I wasn't so straight...

The QB has to run an average of 4-5 yards back to make an obvious hand-off to AD the way we run OUr I. When we pitch it, he just grabs it and has five or six yards to look for holes and then turn on the speed. I've said that ever since the 12-0 shut out in Dallas. The kid does better when he can get it and have time to do his thing. On the hand off, he has to grab, make sure to not fumble it, position it, tuck it, look for holes and read defenses, then try to make a play. We're talking way too much to do when he only has a half-second to do it.

9/2/2006, 11:35 PM
And running around the end has to be easier than running up the middle with our o-line.

9/2/2006, 11:37 PM
I thought Kevin Wilson would put a stop to all the crappy play calls???

9/2/2006, 11:39 PM
I thought Kevin Wilson would put a stop to all the crappy play calls???
It was still way way better than last year.

9/2/2006, 11:41 PM
The offense was refreshingly experimental, if it wasn't for the WR's dropping easy passes, this could have easily been a 21 point victory. I personally believe the creativity helped us keep the opposing defense honest.

9/2/2006, 11:43 PM
It was still way way better than last year.

9/2/2006, 11:44 PM
It was still way way better than last year.
oh it was. But to paraphrase a great man, "HOW MUCH RICE CAN A CHINAMAN EAT?"

9/3/2006, 12:36 AM
Gripe Gripe Gripe......c'mon people I was pleased to see our Offense's executions, but the crappy calls and the turnovers were a problem. The defense was the frustrating part.

9/3/2006, 12:37 AM
Gripe Gripe Gripe......c'mon people I was pleased to see our Offense's executions, but the crappy calls and the turnovers were a problem. The defense was the frustrating part.
Heh. You just griped more than I did.

9/3/2006, 12:37 AM
Why do we always seem to go away from something that works? Pitch sweep to AD gets big yards. We never run it again. Screen to AD for long TD. Never ran it again. I just don't get it.:confused:
My exact quote all halftime.

9/3/2006, 12:39 AM
My exact quote all halftime.
I thought when Long left this stuff was over.

9/3/2006, 12:44 AM
Why do we always seem to go away from something that works? Pitch sweep to AD gets big yards. We never run it again. Screen to AD for long TD. Never ran it again. I just don't get it.:confused:

You're wrong. We ran the sweep to the left first for big yards and then later to the right for big yards. (Not just once :rolleyes: :P ) The 69 yard td he caught was not a screen. More or less a swing pass after ENA went through his reads. And by the way Joe Jon ran the wrong route on that play but it worked out because he delivered one of the best hits of the night with that block to free AD for the TD.

9/3/2006, 02:15 AM
I thought when Long left this stuff was over.
Sunday morning QB'ing will never die.

9/3/2006, 02:20 AM
oh it was. But to paraphrase a great man, "HOW MUCH RICE CAN A CHINAMAN EAT?"

prolly too many people won't get this reference....

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/3/2006, 10:16 AM
prolly too many people won't get this reference....Oldtimers such as I know the quote. Sounds as if you're considering going PC on us.

9/3/2006, 10:31 AM
I agree. I wanted to see more pitch sweeps.

I also didn't understand why we never ran the zone read or any option play.

It was really making me mad that the other team can change QB's and run an option all over us but we seemed incapable of doing the same.

Maybe we were taking advantage of a lesser opponent to get practice on the things we will need to get done if we want to be a factor this season, but either way it was frustrating.

9/3/2006, 11:41 AM
I thought when Long left this stuff was over.
Long who?:D

9/3/2006, 11:47 AM
Jeebus people. We knew we could dominate with the toss. Why should we run that play every down when we could work on other plays? The TD pass to AD was not a screen. I loved the play calling. Toss works great. Let's work on other plays. Sheesh.

9/3/2006, 11:51 AM
Fire Wilson.