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8/31/2006, 09:45 PM
Disclaimer: I know it's probably gay to like this show, but I've watched it every season and I'm hooked.

All I gotta say is those dudes are awesome. I cannot BELIEVE they've pulled this off.

Now it comes down to the following scenarios:

Either of the girls wins the next HOH, they're putting up the other showmance, period. Either of the dudes win it, they're putting up both girls (MAYBE). They might put up the other member of CT and let the girls do the dirty work for them, but I still think they hold their cards close and go for the girls.

Final three scenarios

If either of the CT guys are in and win the final three, it's obvious they take the other one. End of discussion.

Boogie, Will, Janelle wins - she takes Will and possibly loses. She takes Boogie she wins by a huge margin. However she'll continue to fall under Wills spell and take him, probably losing.

Boogie, Will, Erika wins - She takes Boogie, probably gets beat soundly.

Boogie, Erika, Janelle wins - She takes Erika, wins unanimously.

I still cannot believe these dudes have pulled it off so easily. It's unbelievable that Will was not voted out the first week. I mean, only dude to win that was in the house, hasa a rep for being the best BB player ever, and he's in the final 4 with his best friend and business partner.

I hate their game, but they deserve to win.

8/31/2006, 09:51 PM
Thanks for the recap . . . now I don't have to worry about watching it.


8/31/2006, 09:52 PM
Okay, BB is a guilty pleasure of mine, also. :O What Will and Mike have accomplished is phenomenal. How the two biggest liars in the history of the game has gotten so many people to put all their trust in them, only to be backstabbed by them week after week, is beyond my comprehension. They are truly the masters of puppets in the game, and one of them deserves to win.

By the way lebowski, Janelle cannot compete for HOH this week.

8/31/2006, 10:28 PM
I know.. I caught that after I went to the chatrooms (I REALLY am gay).

HOWEVER, if she gets put up, she WILL win the diamond POV.

If Will and Janelle are in the final two, that would be the hardest possible decision for the house. Which do you prefer? Strategy or comp skill? Both came in with big targets, though I think Janies was bigger since the S6 alliance was picked out from the get go. That took focus away from the fact that the most deceptive, best player in BB history was in the house... and he did the EXACT same thing he did last time, though he didn't have the showmance angle he did this time. Either way, it's genius. Notice how he's told every member of the jury that he was solely responsible for putting them in the jury.

Man, if only CG had won HOH or veto tonight, that would have been a FUUUN twist. Oh well... We'll see what happens.

Mrs. Norm
8/31/2006, 10:45 PM
I think Will definitely deserves to win. He hasn't won a SINGLE competition, yet he is responsible for the last 4 evictions. Tonight, Janelle won HoH, and what did she do? She went to get Will so that he could tell her WHAT TO DO!! WTF???? He might as well have one every single HoH, because he is getting what he wants every week.

Plus, what two guys can go around wearing t-shirts saying, "Showmance", "I'm probably lying", etc. and not be looked at as liars! Unbelievable!

9/1/2006, 12:01 AM
I wouldn't hang out with them, but CT definitely deserves to win. Thank you for getting rid of the ambiguously gay chicken man tonight.

9/1/2006, 07:47 AM
I think Will definitely deserves to win. He hasn't won a SINGLE competition, yet he is responsible for the last 4 evictions. Tonight, Janelle won HoH, and what did she do? She went to get Will so that he could tell her WHAT TO DO!! WTF???? He might as well have one every single HoH, because he is getting what he wants every week.

Plus, what two guys can go around wearing t-shirts saying, "Showmance", "I'm probably lying", etc. and not be looked at as liars! Unbelievable!
No doubt. They are so brazen in what they're doing, yet these idiots have all been hooked, especially the two girls. I mean, they're both spending all their time with their showmances, yet they both believe they're the only Yoko in the group. DUMB!

While Will is obviously genius, you can' take away from Boogie. He's actually won comps, while doing a lot of the manipulating and thinking as well. If it comes down to those two in the final two, I think Will has it won b/c he's been the most vocal in putting the blame on himself, but Boogie has definitely surprised me. If he somehow makes it to the final three and has the choice between Erika and Will, he'd truly prove his smarts if he took Erika, b/c there's no WAY he's beating Will. I think he'd beat Erika pretty soundly.

Which makes me think again about how sorry Erikas move of voting out Danielle was. The only person Erika might have beaten in the final two out of the remaining houseguests was CG, but even that might not have happened. However, if she had been the one to finally break apart CT, that might have earned her some cred in the jury... but she was blinded by the showmance. She just doesn't realize she's going to have to follow up on her "kicking Boogies A" promise to him b/c he's been playing her like a fiddle.

I agree about Janelles bush league move last night. I was shocked that she couldn't make a move without talking to him. It really showed her dependence on him, even though she tries to act in the diaries like she's playing him and just having fun. She's just a silly girl that gets duped by the showmance, just like Erika... and they're being duped by guys that wear shirts saying "Anybody for a showmance?". Geen-yus...

I can't wait for all these people to watch the entire season and see those diary tapes of CT in there together, laughing it up at the rest of these dopes. They are all going to look like a bunch of morans on the finale...:pop:

9/1/2006, 07:53 AM
CT is really the only reason to watch . . . those guys are definite players.

9/1/2006, 08:18 AM
CBS had the Dallas preseason game on here last night. My wife was ****ed.

9/1/2006, 03:42 PM
I can't wait for Sunday to see the new HOH. It's going to be interesting...

9/1/2006, 03:47 PM
CBS had the Dallas preseason game on here last night. My wife was ****ed.

Could she not change it to KTXA 21? :confused:

9/1/2006, 03:59 PM
Could she not change it to KTXA 21? :confused:

Hey, don't give her any ideas. :mad:

I'll take all the BB free Thursdays I can get.

9/1/2006, 05:23 PM
Disclaimer: I know it's probably gay to like this show....

If I have no idea what a BB7 or a CT or an HOH is does that make me manlier than Dean?


9/1/2006, 07:17 PM
I think we all know what a CT is...

9/1/2006, 09:05 PM
From the 'Birds and Bees' game they played - George gets his freak on.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xEtZzGJAp8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xEtZzGJAp8)

9/1/2006, 09:29 PM
That was pretty funny. You know that perv was enjoying bouncing all over Janelle.

9/2/2006, 02:30 AM
Dean nip. :D

9/6/2006, 08:19 AM
CT is dead, what a shame, but they had it coming. And Will remains the best reality player of all-time IMO.

Sooner in Tampa
9/6/2006, 08:53 AM
What a shocking development...and now boogie is going to act like a little yianch. He is screwed anyway...his big daddy is gone. He doesn't know what to do.

Fu*% him.

9/6/2006, 09:12 AM
It's so hypocritical too. The dude was being a complete pig in the diary rooms about how he's playing Erika, and now he realizes she's playing him and he can't stand it. He also harshly criticized Howie for going out the way he did, and now he's acting the same way. Hopefully when he actually does walk out the door he'll be calmed down and go out "like a class act".

Speaking of Howie, how about that jerkhead??? It's crazy how he went from one of the fan favorites to the biggest jerk they've had in the house. I guess last year everybody disliked the nerd herd so much, we weren't paying attention to what a butt he was.

I'm interested to see how this finale shapes up...

9/6/2006, 09:54 AM
Janelle deserves the win. It isn't even close.

Sooner in Tampa
9/6/2006, 10:16 AM
Janelle deserves the win. It isn't even close.Yep, she has saved her own arse SEVERAL times!

9/6/2006, 10:36 AM
That's exactly why getting rid of Will last night was genius. Had she kept him in and he somehow made it to the final two, he would be the only one to compete with her.

Also, Boogies move last night was unbelievably bush league. That right there ought to automatically disqualify him from winning. Choosing not to compete and instead telling the girls there's no way they take the other to the final two... Will is going to be pulling his same stuff in the seq house that he did in the house, acting like Boogie was the mastermind, hoping to sway the jury to think he's the best player.

I can't believe it took Janelle and Erika as long as it did to catch on to them, but they finally did, and nailed it right on the head. Now, if Erika wins the final HOH, it might be a better move to take Boogie to the finals... though I don't know if she'd win that way either. It'd really suck if she did take him and he ended up winning.

Sooner in Tampa
9/6/2006, 11:10 AM
That's exactly why getting rid of Will last night was genius. Had she kept him in and he somehow made it to the final two, he would be the only one to compete with her.

Also, Boogies move last night was unbelievably bush league. That right there ought to automatically disqualify him from winning. Choosing not to compete and instead telling the girls there's no way they take the other to the final two... Will is going to be pulling his same stuff in the seq house that he did in the house, acting like Boogie was the mastermind, hoping to sway the jury to think he's the best player.

I can't believe it took Janelle and Erika as long as it did to catch on to them, but they finally did, and nailed it right on the head. Now, if Erika wins the final HOH, it might be a better move to take Boogie to the finals... though I don't know if she'd win that way either. It'd really suck if she did take him and he ended up winning.IF Erika wins HOH and takes Boogie...she will be TOAST!! I just can't see them giving here the money after the promises that she made to Janelle.

NOW, if she takes Janelle she is probably screwed that way too.

Me thinks that no matter who Erika takes to the final (if she wins HOH) she will lose.

9/6/2006, 11:14 AM
badger makes me watch this show. I hate it. I hate all the people. I hate every second. I feel stupider every time I see the blonde idiot gush over that guy with the emo hair.

9/6/2006, 12:35 PM
What happened the last two episodes.? I missed them both.

Brief Summary?

9/6/2006, 01:24 PM
What happened the last two episodes.? I missed them both.

Brief Summary?

Boogie wins HOH, nominates Erika and Janelle, Janelle being Janelle wins POV, removes herself and puts up Will. Being the only voter she evicts Will after Erika promises to take her to the final two. For final HOH, Boogie acts like a little bitch and throws the competition and says that they won't take each other to the finals. Erika wins first of three HOH competition after Janelle screws the pooch on a dumb error. Next two HOH sections played on TR.

9/6/2006, 01:25 PM
Erika and Janelle FINALLY talked openly to one another and figured out that each of the boys were playing them (why it took them this long, I cannot imagine). Erika IMO has gained some serious cred points for being the spearhead behind getting Will out. and yes, Boogie acted like a HUGE baby. The comp was all of them were on a mountain and they had to hold on to a big key above their heads with both hands. He threw the comp by jumping off the little mountain. When he did, Janelle looked over to see what he did and one of her hands let go of the key. Instead of it going late into the night like it was designed to, it was over in 2 minutes...

I know how NP feels, and I can't argue his points... but I've been hooked since season 1 so there's no hope for me. It's the only reality show and one of the few TV shows I watch consistently.

I know it would be a brash move for Erika to take Boogie, but it'd be a BOLD move. If people respected the deceptive game like Wills, they might appreciate that. It wouldn't be any sorrier than her voting out Danielle (which was a dumb move as well, but again could be looked at as bold and strategic).

As long as Janelle is in the final 2, she's got it locked. Between Boogie and Erika I'm just not sure...