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View Full Version : Who doesn't love Ari Fleischer?

8/31/2006, 09:28 PM

8/31/2006, 09:34 PM

8/31/2006, 11:08 PM
pilots, thats who.

I'm told that the co-pilot that survived is blaming their incorrect runway choice on the excessive glare from his forehead...

8/31/2006, 11:17 PM
My wife says he's a "cutie".

9/1/2006, 08:03 AM
better keep the leash short clip ;)

proud gonzo
9/1/2006, 10:23 AM
An essay on Ari Fleischer
In order to understand our selves, we must first understand Ari Fleischer. Advancments in Ari Fleischer can be linked to many areas. Until recently considered taboo amongst polite society, spasmodically it returns to create a new passion amongst those who study its history. Inevitably Ari Fleischer is often misunderstood by those most reliant on technology, trapped by their infamous history. Hold onto your hats as we begin a journey into Ari Fleischer.
Social Factors
Society is a human product. When The Tygers of Pan Tang sang 'It's lonely at the top. Everybody's trying to do you in' [1] , they could have been making a reference to Ari Fleischer, but probably not. A society without Ari Fleischer is like a society without knowledge, in that it cleary plays a significant role amongst the developing middle classes.
Special care must be taken when analysing such a delicate subject. On the other hand anyone that disagrees with me is an idiot. To put it simply, people like Ari Fleischer.
Economic Factors
Increasingly economic growth and innovation are being attributed to Ari Fleischer. We shall examine the Greek-Roman model, a classic economic system of analysis. National
Debt http://radioworldwide.gospelcom.net/essaygenerator/images/graph_up_4.gif

Ari Fleischer
The results displayed in the graph are too clear to be ignored. My personal view is that the national debt plays in increasingly important role in the market economy. Strong fluctuations in investor confidence have been seen over the past two financial years.
Political Factors
No man is an island, but what of politics? Politicians find it difficult to choose between what has become known in politics as - 'The two ways' - the vote of the man in the street with that of one more accustomed to Ari Fleischer.
In the words of nobel prize winner Kuuipo H. Amster 'The success of any political system can only truly be assessed once the fat lady has sung.' [2] What a fantastic quote. To paraphrase, the quote is saying 'Ari Fleischer wins votes.' Simple as that.
Since the Renaissance Ari Fleischer has become more and more prevalent. May it continue.Conclusion
We can say with certainty Ari Fleischer deserves all of the attention it gets. It inspires, brings glamour to an unglamorous time and it is human.
I'll leave you with this quote from Britney Morissette: 'You win some, you loose some, but Ari Fleischer wins most often.' [3]
[1] Tygers of Pang Tang - The Cage - 1982 MCR Records
[2] Amster - The Popular Vote - 2002 Worldwide Publishing
[3] Your guide to Ari Fleischer - Issue 98 - T36 Publishing.

9/1/2006, 10:32 AM
i used to love ari.

he was a master of his craft

9/1/2006, 06:23 PM
I miss Ari a great deal. McClellan wasn't fit to hold Ari's jockstrap.

9/1/2006, 10:43 PM
better keep the leash short clip ;)

Either that or cut back on the Rogaine.

9/2/2006, 02:25 AM
I have nothing to say about this thread...I'm just trying to have the last post on every thread in the SO right now and I'm somewhere near having all of the first twenty threads.