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9/6/2006, 09:24 PM

This was pretty funny

http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/conspiracy_news1.gif http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/conspiracy_news2.gif

I've been getting a lot of email lately from people sending me this stupid 9/11 conspiracy video called "Loose Change." I've tried to ignore it for months now, but you morons keep forwarding it to me, and I keep having to add more email addresses to my spam filter. The ironic part is that I'm a huge conspiracy nut, and even I can't stomach this bull****. For example, I believe that there is a small, reptile-like creature called Chupacabra that sucks the blood of goats in Mexico. Area 51? Hell yes. Roswell? Pass me the Kool-Aid. But "Loose Change" elevates bull**** to an artform. Watching this video is like being bukakked with stupid.
Unlike others who debunk 9/11 conspiracy theories, or "cons" for short, I'm not going to bother with going through intricate point-by-point rebuttals (http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=911_morons#FURTHER_READING), or pointing out the hundreds of factual inaccuracies and outright lies in this "documentary," because I don't need to. In fact, I can debunk the entire story with one simple observation:

The fact that this man is alive...
...is proof that "Loose Change" is bull****. Here's why:
1. The man in the picture above is Dylan Avery. To be more precise, the fact that Dylan, his friends, and family are alive, is proof that "Loose Change" is bull****. He, along with a couple of his friends, created a 9/11 conspiracy video claiming that the US government and the military caused 9/11. Take a closer look at the last part of that last sentence: he's claiming that the US government, for whatever ends, killed nearly 3,000 innocent Americans, and tens if not hundreds of thousands of more lives in the conflicts that ensued because of it.
2. Since Dylan's arguing that the government has no problem killing 3,000 innocent people, this raises the question: if his documentary is true, and we've established that the government has no ethical qualms about killing thousands of its own people, then why wouldn't the government kill Avery and his friends as well? What's a few more lives to them to ensure the success of this conspiracy?
Whatever reason it may be that the government supposedly orchestrated this conspiracy, it must have been worth it to them to cause so much suffering and loss of life. So if there's any truth to this, then you can bet your *** that the government wouldn't let a couple of pecker-neck chumps with a couple of Macs and too much time on their hands jeopardise their entire operation by letting this stupid video float around on the Internet. I can picture you morons emailing me now: "BUT MADOX, MAYBE DYLAN POSTED IT ON THE INTERNET BEFORE THE GOVERNMENT HAD A CHANCE TO REMOVE IT LOL." Yeah, too bad this rebuttal is inconsistent with the premise of Dylan's ****-festival of a movie: that the WTC was brought down "in a carefully planned and controlled demolition ... and it was pulled off with military precision." Now we're expected to believe that the same government that was able to commit the largest terrorist operation in history--with military precision no less--is suddenly too incompetent to sniff out and shut down a little website set up by some college losers within days, if not minutes of its creation?
I win. There is no conspiracy. Eat my ****, losers.

The other type of 9/11 conspiracy email you dip****s keep sending is the $20 dollar WTC conspiracy. Glenn Beck--a loud-mouthed, fat-faced ******* on CNN--has a copy of it on his website:

The new U.S. $20 dollar bill contains hidden pictures of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks!
Yes! see for yourself... 1st) FOLD A NEW $20 BILL THIS WAY:

Compare your fold precisely to this picture.
exactly as you folded the left side. You'll immediately see the Pentagon ablaze! (red circle)

4th) NOW FLIP IT OVER AND SEE OTHER SIDE The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center are hit and smoking.

http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/gb_bill4.gif What are the odds that a simple geometric folding of the $20 bill would accidentally contain a representation of both terror attacks?
What are the odds that a simple geometric folding of a $20 bill with elements of design that were conceived in 1928 by a committee of treasurers, a full 42 years before the World Trade Center even existed, could accidentally contain a representation of both terror attacks? Pretty good, apparently.
The article on Beck's page goes on to ask: Need even more proof? No, you ****! You had me at "the U.S. $20 dollar bill contains hidden pictures of the World Trade Center." As if a folded picture of shrubbery on a bill that kind of looks like smoke wasn't convincing enough of a conspiracy, Beck offers this gem on his site to sway those few remaining skeptics:

This is followed by the fact that 9+11 = 20, and in big red letters:

COINCIDENCE? YOU DECIDE! The question mark at the end of "COINCIDENCE" is clearly there to denote a rhetorical question, as clearly, this is not a coincidence. To help out Glenn Beck, I sat down with a $100 bill and tried to find any hidden messages the bill might contain. Here's one that he hasn't found yet:
Step 1:
Fold the bill so that the "ON" of "ONE" is covered:

http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/gbeck1.gif Step 2:
Fold again like so, covering "HU" of "HUNDRED:"

http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/gbeck2.gif Step 3:
Another fold covering part of "DOLLARS:"

http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/gbeck3.gif Step 4:
Finally make one last fold, and with a magic marker, add the following letters to reveal a hidden message!

Coincidence? YOU DECIDE!

http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/conspiracy_tot1.gif http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/conspiracy_tot2.gif

Further Reading:
For anyone interested in a point-by-point debunking of some of the most popular conspiracy theories out there (like the fact that steel melts at 1525° C, and although jet fuel burns only at 825° C, it doesn't have to burn hot enough to melt to cause the buildings to collapse, since steel loses 50% of its strength at 648 ° C), check out the following links:
Popular Mechanics (http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/outgoing.cgi?u=http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1227842.html)
Loose Change guide (http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/outgoing.cgi?u=http://www.ccdominoes.com/lc/LooseChangeGuide.html)
977,199 people have been bukkaked.
[email protected]
Back to how much I rule... (http://www.xmission.com/%7Emaddox)
© 2006 by Maddox

9/6/2006, 11:13 PM
Thank GOD someone has the sense to debunk this asshattery of a conspiracy theory.

Hell, I'm an idiot and I know this.

I also know it's the gospel of the fire service and steel structures that exposure to direct flame contact creates an extremely dangerous environment for structural collapse. So much so that most texts I've read recommend disengaging from offensive operations after as little as 5 to 10 minutes with no considerable progress because of, you guessed it, structural collapse. The lil' nugget that steel structural members, exposed to 1100 degrees Fahrenheit, will expand over 9 inches across 100 feet, another indicator of structural collapse as monolithic loadbearing structures deform out of the stringent engineered design that gives it its overall strength. Not to mention the understood gospel that heavy floor construction, like the WTC towers, are dependent on load bearing columns/load bearing core construction that subject to weakening by direct flame contact are prone, HIGHLY prone, to structural collapse.

Now if a rockheaded fireman can understand that, how come the University of Wisconsin professor that was on Bill O'Reilly spoutin' this crap can't?

Is it really beyond my comprehension? Am I just the dumb guy?

9/7/2006, 09:37 AM
A little defensive, aren't we, lib?

I'm a liberal, you're a cracker. What's the problem?

9/7/2006, 09:39 AM
Rumsfeld (and the rest of them) are scared &*?!less about the possibility of the D's winning a majority in either chamber and exercising some subpoena power re: this mess of death and deception.

That's what this current media offensive is about.

They're whipping up the base going into the midterms, AND this election (polls show) there are enough ****ed off people about what they've done, that someone may have to pay for what they've done...
that's common practice during election time.

I can't believe this thread is still going. it's sooooo yesterday.

9/7/2006, 10:44 AM
So which personal liberties of yours has Homey hijacked? Just curious!

So you are advocating staying the course then?

Pot, kettle!

You don’t really expect me to believe you want an answer about how Homey has hijacked my freedoms, do you? Unless you live in a cave, you’re well aware of the list and spelling it out is futile. I mean , you believe that plastic sheeting and duct tape will prevent a chemical attack from killing you and your family, correct? That’s what Homeland Security told us four years ago, so it must be true!!! Bush and his people never lie, correct? I’m sure that doesn’t make sense to anyone who supports a president who made the ill advised comment “Bring it on”. That’s an easy cowboy comment for him and his co-chicken hawk vice president to say while Cheney hides under his wife’s dress somewhere in America and Bush is protected by a legion of Secret Service agents. Yeah we’re at war with Islamic wacka-doodles and we’re also at war with our idiot government that believes it’s S.O.P. to ignore laws and do what they want to get what they want, so we will believe they’re helping us stay free. You and the other jingoistic miscreants that blindly support Dubya need to realize that “patriotism is the refuge of a scoundrel” and stop wrapping yourselves in the flag.

If staying the course means continuing under Rumsfeld’s guidance, no, I’m not for it.
This is a regime that thought a bunch of Islamic fundamentalists would welcome us as liberators. That is just pathetic. We have five people in the entirety of the F.B.I. that can speak Arabic and we think we know Arabs and can gather intelligence? I know the F.B.I. isn’t under Rummy, but it’s just a general way of thinking by Bush and his cronies that has to be changed. We can’t leave now, but we can’t continue to spread our forces thin and not even give them protection, like flack vests or electronic protection from R.P.G.’s The Department of the Army would rather protect their buddies at Raytheon than protect the soldiers in the field. The Israeli’s have a system (It’s called Trophy. It has passed a live fire test.) that could be implemented in the very near future to protect against R.P.G. attacks, but the Dept. of the Army wants to wait five years for Raytheon to polish their system. Even the fu*k ups at General Dynamics say they can have one ready in less than two years.

Pot/Kettle? Did you coach Michael Dukakis in his debates against Bush in ’88? That is so sad to stoop to that kind of retort. That’s o.k. You probably went to public school in Texas.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/7/2006, 11:26 AM
I'm a liberal, you're a cracker. What's the problem?You're a liberal.

9/7/2006, 11:37 AM
that's common practice during election time.

Avoiding possible impeachment/jail time/total disgrace is common practice?

My point is there is more at stake in November for these guys than their party winning or losing...

9/7/2006, 11:48 AM
that's common practice during election time.

I can't believe this thread is still going. it's sooooo yesterday.

Yet your ignorant as* continues to read it.

9/7/2006, 11:53 AM
Yet your ignorant as* continues to read it.

you should have read the agreement you checked 'yes I have read and understand the rules to post on here' where it says that you cannot call people names.

settle down a bit. You're not going to change anyone's mind on here.

9/7/2006, 12:05 PM
you should have read the agreement you checked 'yes I have read and understand the rules to post on here' where it says that you cannot call people names.

settle down a bit. You're not going to change anyone's mind on here.

Sure thing, mommy. I’m the only person name calling. It’s o.k. for some pin head to call me a liberal, which to them is "fightin' words", but as* is to be vilified? I don't see anyone telling people not use bitch. It's printed multiple times through out these posts.
I'm not worried about changing anyone's mind. Conservatives aren't exactly famous for being open minded. It's like the mantra of those who listen to conservative talk radio. "Give me my opinion" "Give me my opinion" "Give me my opinion" "Give me my opinion". I have fun agitating them and trying to guess what stock Rush Limpd**kbaugh catch phrase will be coming at me.

9/7/2006, 12:06 PM
You're a liberal.

Right. That’s the problem. You can’t handle someone having a different opinion, just like your daddy Bush. You and Homey are the reason that Godwin’s rule is eventually invoked. You cracker types think it’s an insult to call me a liberal, but I love it. It defines you and your myopic view of the world. You think the answer to everything is to kill it or suppress it. As I said before, you twits sound like the Russians from the cold war days. not Americans.

9/7/2006, 12:12 PM
Sure thing, mommy. I’m the only person name calling. It’s o.k. for some pin head to call me a liberal, which to them is a "fightin' words", but as* is to be vilified? I don't see anyone telling people not use bitch. It's printed multiple times through out these posts.
I'm not worried about changing anyone's mind. Conservatives aren't exactly famous for being open minded. It's like the mantra of those who listen to conservative talk radio. "Give me my opinion" "Give me my opinion" "Give me my opinion" "Give me my opinion". I have fun agitating them and trying to guess what stock Rush Limpd**kbaugh catch phrase will be coming at me.

you have 46 posts on here. the rest of us know each other to some extent.

settle down boy, it's in your best interests.

9/7/2006, 12:16 PM
I got my new voting card today, I am now officially Independent. I figured I was wasting my vote as a Libertarian, and I couldn't stomach being a Democrat or a Republican.

9/7/2006, 12:17 PM
I know you're a cracker-*** cracker.

9/7/2006, 12:36 PM
you have 46 posts on here. the rest of us know each other to some extent.

settle down boy, it's in your best interests.

Are you threatening me, Hoss? Sounds like you’re the one who needs to “settle down boy”. Have you had too much Mountain Dew and chocolate? I'll bet you were a hall monitor in high school and you liked it. It's up to the moderators to do their job, not you. You vent your spleen on these sites and then want to cry foul if someone disagrees or laughs at it. Do you not get it? And “you know each other” ??? What the hell does that mean? Until the moderators ban me, I’ll say what I please, about what I please. If they do ban me, so what? Do you think you’re somebody because you have more posts than someone else? I have a life and I’ll keep on living it. I don’t require validation from you and your little clique of conservatives. You’re like the rest of us. A fly on the windshield.Grow some thicker skin or get bent.

9/7/2006, 12:43 PM
Wow. What an offensive person.

9/7/2006, 12:44 PM
yeah, stop being such a cracker 1TC.

9/7/2006, 12:56 PM
Well, we know how to take 1TC, with someone who doesn't, it could get interesting.:D

9/7/2006, 01:07 PM
Well, we know how to take 1TC, with someone who doesn't, it could get interesting.:D

I doubt it will get very interesting, unless he perfected that face stabbing someone over the internet technique that other dude is trying to get rich with. I work in Fort Worth and have to deal with "people" like him in person. Much hot air and posturing, but not much else. I am open to suggestion. You may fire when ready, Gridley.

sooner n houston
9/7/2006, 01:10 PM
You don’t really expect me to believe you want an answer about how Homey has hijacked my freedoms, do you?

Well, Yes, Yes I do!!!

Unless you live in a cave, you’re well aware of the list and spelling it out is futile. I mean , you believe that plastic sheeting and duct tape will prevent a chemical attack from killing you and your family, correct?

What genius you must be, in you own mind anyway! That has what to do with the question?

That’s what Homeland Security told us four years ago, so it must be true!!! Bush and his people never lie, correct?

Finally we agree on something.

I’m sure that doesn’t make sense to anyone who supports a president who made the ill advised comment “Bring it on”. That’s an easy cowboy comment for him and his co-chicken hawk vice president to say while Cheney hides under his wife’s dress somewhere in America and Bush is protected by a legion of Secret Service agents.


Yeah we’re at war with Islamic wacka-doodles and we’re also at war with our idiot government that believes it’s S.O.P. to ignore laws and do what they want to get what they want, so we will believe they’re helping us stay free. You and the other jingoistic miscreants that blindly support Dubya need to realize that “patriotism is the refuge of a scoundrel” and stop wrapping yourselves in the flag.

Wow how does that go again about attacking people you don't agree with? I thought only Con's did that?

If staying the course means continuing under Rumsfeld’s guidance, no, I’m not for it.

Shocking - so what are you for, cutting and running maybe?

This is a regime that thought a bunch of Islamic fundamentalists would welcome us as liberators. That is just pathetic. We have five people in the entirety of the F.B.I. that can speak Arabic and we think we know Arabs and can gather intelligence?
We used to belive that, that is why Bish "LIED" to you libs!

I know the F.B.I. isn’t under Rummy, but it’s just a general way of thinking by Bush and his cronies that has to be changed. We can’t leave now, but we can’t continue to spread our forces thin and not even give them protection, like flack vests or electronic protection from R.P.G.’s
You know this is a paper tiger don't you? Did GI's in WWII quit because they didn't have the very latest gear available? No, and neither have our troops today. I know it's tough to understand but there are logistal problems with moving an army and supplies around the world that sometimes mean not everyone get everything that we would like. Sad but true.

The Department of the Army would rather protect their buddies at Raytheon than protect the soldiers in the field. The Israeli’s have a system (It’s called Trophy. It has passed a live fire test.) that could be implemented in the very near future to protect against R.P.G. attacks, but the Dept. of the Army wants to wait five years for Raytheon to polish their system. Even the fu*k ups at General Dynamics say they can have one ready in less than two years.
Wow, I hear that in a few years we can have laser weapons too. Should we surrender until we can bring these advances to fruition?

Pot/Kettle? Did you coach Michael Dukakis in his debates against Bush in ’88? That is so sad to stoop to that kind of retort. That’s o.k. You probably went to public school in Texas.

No, Grew up in Tulsa, OK, went to a CC and a University there.

9/7/2006, 01:12 PM
that odor you are smelling....it's this thread. Its gone bad.

this thread went from stupid to funny, back to stupid for a while with a few intermittent funny remarks, and has now digressed into utterly embarassing.

I didn't think threads could go this bad. At least, not since db left.

9/7/2006, 01:24 PM
Well, its obvious I won.

Dean, you can lock it now, Thanks. ;)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/7/2006, 01:39 PM
Well, its obvious I won.

Dean, you can lock it now, Thanks. ;)Not so fast...first you have to admit to having your very own CAMP.

9/7/2006, 01:45 PM
Well, its obvious I won.

Dean, you can lock it now, Thanks. ;)

Yeah, but you played East Popcorn State. Good job. :D

jk the sooner fan
9/7/2006, 01:50 PM
I doubt it will get very interesting, unless he perfected that face stabbing someone over the internet technique that other dude is trying to get rich with. I work in Fort Worth and have to deal with "people" like him in person. Much hot air and posturing, but not much else. I am open to suggestion. You may fire when ready, Gridley.

i'll bet those folks are real "thrilled" over having to deal with you too

tough guy.....:rolleyes:

9/7/2006, 02:04 PM
Are you threatening me, Hoss?

He wasn't threatening you. I think he was just alluding to the fact that you're making a total *** of yourself. I don't know, maybe that was your goal?

Your ranting reminds me of Ann Coulter :p

Tear Down This Wall
9/7/2006, 02:09 PM
Page 14 and I still agree with Rummy.

Also, as a bonus, two thumbs up to the secret CIA prisons. Stellar spy work, much to the chagrin of the terrorist supporters here in the American press and Democratic Party.

9/7/2006, 02:12 PM
TDTW, we've moved on. Your comments are no longer relevant.

9/7/2006, 02:12 PM
Are you threatening me, Hoss? Sounds like you’re the one who needs to “settle down boy”. Have you had too much Mountain Dew and chocolate? I'll bet you were a hall monitor in high school and you liked it. It's up to the moderators to do their job, not you. You vent your spleen on these sites and then want to cry foul if someone disagrees or laughs at it. Do you not get it? And “you know each other” ??? What the hell does that mean? Until the moderators ban me, I’ll say what I please, about what I please. If they do ban me, so what? Do you think you’re somebody because you have more posts than someone else? I have a life and I’ll keep on living it. I don’t require validation from you and your little clique of conservatives. You’re like the rest of us. A fly on the windshield.Grow some thicker skin or get bent.

Sorry Ma'am, I didn't mean to get your thong twisted. I was trying to help you out. I'm not sure you can throw me into the blanket of being in the clique of conservatives. If you had bothered to read some of my posts you would understand that. Or perhaps reading comprehension isn't your best ability. Clearly, being an internet tough chick is your forte.

Sorry again Ma'am, but you are wrong about me thinking I'm somebody because I have more posts than you do on here. I think I'm special because I don't have 15k posts on a midget S&M message board like you do.

Again, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, Ma'am.

9/7/2006, 02:14 PM
I doubt it will get very interesting, unless he perfected that face stabbing someone over the internet technique that other dude is trying to get rich with. I work in Fort Worth and have to deal with "people" like him in person. Much hot air and posturing, but not much else. I am open to suggestion. You may fire when ready, Gridley.

step-ladder. get one. have your husband show you how to use it. bring it.

Sweetie Pie

9/7/2006, 02:15 PM

9/7/2006, 02:17 PM
I'm investing in step ladders right now. Mason jars be damned.

9/7/2006, 02:33 PM
Well, Yes, Yes I do!!!

What genius you must be, in you own mind anyway! That has what to do with the question?

Finally we agree on something.


Wow how does that go again about attacking people you don't agree with? I thought only Con's did that?

Shocking - so what are you for, cutting and running maybe?

We used to belive that, that is why Bish "LIED" to you libs!

You know this is a paper tiger don't you? Did GI's in WWII quit because they didn't have the very latest gear available? No, and neither have our troops today. I know it's tough to understand but there are logistal problems with moving an army and supplies around the world that sometimes mean not everyone get everything that we would like. Sad but true.

Wow, I hear that in a few years we can have laser weapons too. Should we surrender until we can bring these advances to fruition?

No, Grew up in Tulsa, OK, went to a CC and a University there.

Monitoring phone calls of civilians with no connection to any terrorist group, monitoring meetings of groups deemed subversive for no reason and using fear to motivate us to do what Bush wants, for starters. What’s the use in continuing? Your knee jerk reaction to criticism of your boy Bush will prevent you from doing anything other than buzzing around like a gnat.

The “plastic” comment is just to point out how extremely gullible anyone that supports Bush is at any given moment. Is that clear now, Jethro?

If you EVER believed that Iraqis would meet us with flowers and kisses, then you just illustrated the above point for all of us.

It’s not a logistical problem, Sniffy. It’s the Dept of the Army playing politics with our troops. We leave our troops in an equipment lurch, and all you have to say is “sad but true”. I hope when you have the misfortune of having your as* in the grass with the boogey man and you catch a round in the chest with no vest, “sad but true” serves as comfort to your family.

Right. I’m advocating surrender until some government ride company perfects a weapon. You’ve already surrendered to the logic of a madman, so I wouldn’t use that word surrender so lightly. You don’t have enough good sense to pound sand into a rat hole.

Again, I know I’m wasting my time, but I too can use cut and paste:

What Bush press flack Tony Snow said the day the total number of American dead reached 2,500: "It's a number"

Number of Americans killed since Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" on May 1, 2003: 2,438

Number of Americans wounded (a vague term that includes such horrors as brain damage, limb blasted off, eyes blown out, psyche shattered, etc.) in Bush's war:
Official count: 18,777

Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmit's advice to Iraqis who see TV reports of innocent civilians being killed by occupying troops: "Change the channel."

Stockpiles of Weapons of Mass Destruction found in Iraq since Bush committed
Americans to war in 2003 on the basis that Saddam had and was about to use WMDs: 0

9/7/2006, 02:36 PM

Let's see, you've got a grand total of 49 posts on this board, and you've called about a half-dozen well-liked and respected posters on this board names. You are quite obviously a couple brews short of a sixer, and an extremist zealot, to be sure. I don't think I like you very much. I don't think our board likes you very much. And trust me, it ain't your politics. It's your attitude. Say goodnight rog.

9/7/2006, 02:37 PM
He wasn't threatening you. I think he was just alluding to the fact that you're making a total *** of yourself. I don't know, maybe that was your goal?

Your ranting reminds me of Ann Coulter :p

For someone who just joined the board, I sure am a gigantic *******. I apologize to all the regular posters who I have offended. My momma closed her legs when I was being hatched. Drain bamage. Ciao mates.

9/7/2006, 02:40 PM
Buh bye. Whorn.

9/7/2006, 02:42 PM
I live in Ft. Worth.

9/7/2006, 02:49 PM
Avoiding possible impeachment/jail time/total disgrace is common practice?

For politicians? YES.

9/7/2006, 03:15 PM
You cracker types think it’s an insult to call me a liberal, but I love it.

9/7/2006, 03:19 PM
For someone who just joined the board, I sure am a gigantic *******. I apologize to all the regular posters who I have offended. My momma closed her legs when I was being hatched. Drain bamage. Ciao mates.

I may have to make an IBTRogcoley troll.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/7/2006, 03:22 PM
Your ranting reminds me of Ann Coulter :pYeah, me too, if being the exact opposite reminds you of someone.

9/7/2006, 04:11 PM
Oh man, Dean already baned him. I was going to dust off the ol' shoe. :(


9/7/2006, 04:13 PM
Oh man, Dean already baned him. I was going to dust off the ol' shoe. :(


You need to keep your shoe on and get ready for Nicholls State. :D

Seriously, Nicholls State? Who the **** is that?

9/7/2006, 04:15 PM
Yeah, me too, if being the exact opposite reminds you of someone.

Shrill ranting, replete with ad hominem attacks? Sounds like Ann Coulter to me.

9/7/2006, 04:17 PM
I may have to make an IBTRogcoley troll.

9/7/2006, 05:04 PM

Let's see, you've got a grand total of 49 posts on this board, and you've called about a half-dozen well-liked and respected posters on this board names. You are quite obviously a couple brews short of a sixer, and an extremist zealot, to be sure. I don't think I like you very much. I don't think our board likes you very much. And trust me, it ain't your politics. It's your attitude. Say goodnight rog.

Since when did Homey, 1tc, Tuba, and Favor become well-liked and respected ;)

9/7/2006, 07:28 PM
Y'all should see the emails rogcoley is flinging around. Makes that german kid on youtube look positively drugged on valium. Whack. Job.

9/7/2006, 07:30 PM
Y'all should see the emails rogcoley is flinging around. Makes that german kid on youtube look positively drugged on valium. Whack. Job.

ooooh... I think they should go on the Hollis Board.

9/7/2006, 07:32 PM
What is a "**** holster?"


9/7/2006, 07:58 PM
Avoiding possible impeachment/jail time/total disgrace is common practice?

My point is there is more at stake in November for these guys than their party winning or losing...
did you miss the 90's? but of course you did, you were probably 8.

and both parties put themselves ahead of the common good of the country. however, if you don't think there's a big time threat out there that wants to put us down you're sadly mistaken.

9/7/2006, 08:02 PM
Yet your ignorant as* continues to read it.
I read it every morning after I get off your momma, and just before I start on your sister.


9/7/2006, 08:04 PM
Right. That’s the problem. You can’t handle someone having a different opinion, just like your daddy Bush. You and Homey are the reason that Godwin’s rule is eventually invoked. You cracker types think it’s an insult to call me a liberal, but I love it. It defines you and your myopic view of the world. You think the answer to everything is to kill it or suppress it. As I said before, you twits sound like the Russians from the cold war days. not Americans.
and you call anyone in this thread who disagrees with your warped logic names?

small phallus much? or, have you no one to share with? I'm sorry for your plight.

proud gonzo
9/7/2006, 08:06 PM
Oh man, Dean already baned him. I was going to dust off the ol' shoe. :(


holy ****, you still post here? :eek:

9/7/2006, 09:39 PM
The only guys with whom I have been acquainted who were so down on the government were either KKK, had been indicted for some federal crime or learned that level of hate in prison. I wonder which applies in this particular case?

9/7/2006, 10:06 PM
The only guys with whom I have been acquainted who were so down on the government were either KKK, had been indicted for some federal crime or learned that level of hate in prison. I wonder which applies in this particular case?

You obviously haven't been hanging out with the young kids much. They all want to be "individuals" and that means hating the prez. Even if everyone else is doing it, nobody's doing it like them. :rolleyes:

9/8/2006, 05:19 AM
You obviously haven't been hanging out with the young kids much. They all want to be "individuals" and that means hating the prez. Even if everyone else is doing it, nobody's doing it like them. :rolleyes:

I'm around 23-26 y/o's most all day every day of the week. I have not detected this level of rancor for the administration or its policies among them (at least within my hearing,) however we do have some ex-hippies on the faculty who will occasionally fire a verbal missile or two.

9/8/2006, 11:26 AM
holy ****, you still post here? :eek:
Every now and again. I actually have to work these days. :(

9/8/2006, 11:42 AM
I'm around 23-26 y/o's most all day every day of the week. I have not detected this level of rancor for the administration or its policies among them (at least within my hearing,) however we do have some ex-hippies on the faculty who will occasionally fire a verbal missile or two.

Law school doesn't count, Homey. Those kids know how to schmooze those in power, and most of those in power right now are the Republicans. ;) I'm talking high school, or liberal arts major in college. It's a bonus if they're majoring in a history that isn't American. :D

9/9/2006, 12:07 AM
I bet Homey buys them beer.

They are smoozing him so he'll keep buying rounds. ;)

9/9/2006, 12:16 AM
I was really crass earlier huh. I apologize to all except the trolls I was replying to.

9/9/2006, 12:21 AM
I was really crass earlier huh. I apologize to all except the trolls I was replying to.

Well it's just too late now....no Christmas fruit basket for you this year

I know that stings too cause everyone loves fruit in a basket.

9/9/2006, 12:26 AM
Well it's just too late now....no Christmas fruit basket for you this year

I know that stings too cause everyone loves fruit in a basket.
as long as the mango is fresh.

9/9/2006, 12:28 AM

You're a high class hillbilly.

I was only thinkin bout nanners and manzanas. ;)

9/9/2006, 09:29 AM
Stanley Crouch get's it. AND he's a jazz historian:

As the world naps, Arab leaders must step up

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Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is running a game that might pay off for him, but at a great cost to the world. Stepping into the short totalitarian line of the greatest monsters of the 20th century, he just called for the expulsion of all professors from Iranian universities who do not submit to the fundamentalist doctrines that underlay the Iranian Revolution of 1979. But that is not all.

The most dangerous game is one in which he claims not to be building nuclear weapons, begins discussions about it, withdraws and then asserts that the discussions should resume. All of this is designed to give him and his men more time to work on the weapons program so that he can move to threaten Israel and take center position as the strongest Islamic country in the Middle East.

Ahmadinejad knows who he is addressing. This is a characteristic of our most dangerous opponents. They know what arguments sucker us into comfort or spin off of our various criticisms of capitalist democracies.

The big man in Iran for the moment argues like those balloon heads who see everything as no more than abstract subjects for discussion, as if the world were no more than a civics class for lame brains. He says that the West does not have

the right to make smaller countries second-class citizens in the arena of power, which he also asserts is an attempt to keep Islam bound down. Though his claims are that Iran is only building harmless nuclear technology, he really means that mushroom clouds for some should actually give way to mushroom clouds for all.

If we were talking about bottle caps, that might be a good argument, but we are not, and we are not in a civics class, either. We are in a predicament because we can almost be sure that Europe will do no more than talk, and it would be very hard for America to act against Iran because this nation's forces are spread thin in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The penchant for talk instead of action is something that Adolf Hitler understood during the 1930s because he would meet and talk and promise almost as much as anyone liked, while going about doing exactly what he wanted to do, which was build up his forces for war. While the blather and the duping went on, the supposedly innocent German pup became a raging big dog of war. A rabid one, in fact.

But the solution to the latest of the world's troubles might come from within the Middle East. As a young Palestinian said to me recently, the leaders in the region know that Iran is moving to become the most powerful Islamic state and create a bond with Hezbollah, which is why the other Islamic states laid back during the recent conflict with Israel in Lebanon. They were sending a message to Iran: If you mess around and get attacked, broth er, your backside is your own to protect.

If my Palestinian friend is correct, it would mean that we find ourselves at another point in which there might well be an antidote to those endlessly empty and ineffectual conversations that the United Nations is so well known for; that is, besides twiddling its thumbs until it can do nothing and giving off grave looks as though enduring avoidable human tragedy is merely a hard fact of a very complex world.

It would be extraordinary if the Arab leadership proved itself much better than Europeans at recognizing a pig in a poke who is trying to pass himself off as a lamb of Islam revolution.


Stanley Crouch can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].

9/9/2006, 02:27 PM
Y'all should see the emails rogcoley is flinging around. Makes that german kid on youtube look positively drugged on valium. Whack. Job.

I think it would be valuable entertainment if those emails were posted. Just a thought.

9/10/2006, 07:20 PM
No I don't. Do you and your family share one tooth amongst all of you?


Just wanting to use this ;)