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8/28/2006, 03:38 PM
It appears that the Mighty Buckeye faithful have rented out The Erwin center for the weekend of Spetember 9 (that the texas version of Lloyd Noble).

It seems they expect 30,000-40,000 buckeye fans to make the trip down here. They also have secured rental on a couple of the main hangouts for longhorns IE: stubbs bar and grill etc.... Get THAT? They rented the businesses in the home teams town and will be able to prevent longhorn fans from patronizing the businesses. CLASSIC FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8/28/2006, 03:41 PM
I don't know whether to laugh or laugh.

8/28/2006, 03:43 PM
I heard that reported this morning...I have a feeling the bucknuts are going to show those *casual* longhorn sissies and thing or two about tailgatin' :texan:

They're also saying this could very well be *the* most important game in Donkey Kong Royale Memorial Stadium--with its #1 vs. #2 matchup and national visibility.

I keep imagining the opening montage of the Drew Carey Show happening downtown--a bunch of Ohioans prancing around while APD maces and tazers everyone in sight.

8/28/2006, 03:48 PM
I don't know whether to laugh or laugh.

I think I'll laugh! :D

I hope it gets some attention on College Gameday.

8/28/2006, 03:52 PM
Yeah, that's kind of a win-win... texas loses, and they're surrounded by a bunch of cocky tosu fans rubbing it in their faces the rest of the weekend; should the whorns win, there are 30-40K depressed buckeyes that have to make a loooong trip home. I don't see a downside.

8/28/2006, 04:04 PM
I have to say that I'm impressed with tOSU fans. That's a lot of people travelling to a regular season game, especially without tickets.

8/28/2006, 04:07 PM
Resident whorn apologist/asstin chamber of commerce pumping of how great asstin is, in ....3.....2......1......

The Ensuing Kickoff
8/28/2006, 06:58 PM
I've been to many, many games at the Shoe. If the Bucks bring one half of the tailgating atmosphere and hard-core football enthusiasm to Austin that routinely shows up in Columbus for even meaningless games, the Longhorns won't know what hit them.

8/28/2006, 07:04 PM
I keep imagining the opening montage of the Drew Carey Show happening downtown--a bunch of Ohioans prancing around while APD maces and tazers everyone in sight.

No need. Austin PD is bringing in Aaron Harris and Ramonce Taylor to provide security.:D

8/28/2006, 07:13 PM
No need. Austin PD is bringing in Aaron Harris and Ramonce Taylor to provide security.:D

LOL....I think Ramonce may be providing something other than security! :P

8/28/2006, 07:52 PM
a lot of whorns fans have already sold their tickets and parking permits. casual tx fans are going to be in for a big surprise on gameday to see their town overrun with buckeyes. the first tx loss of what will be a few this year.

8/28/2006, 09:59 PM
I've been to many, many games at the Shoe. If the Bucks bring one half of the tailgating atmosphere and hard-core football enthusiasm to Austin that routinely shows up in Columbus for even meaningless games, the Longhorns won't know what hit them.

Right, because when they brought two halves of that atmosphere to the Shoe less than a year ago, the Horns really didn't know what hit them.

Wow, this is the first time that one of those wasn't enough:

8/29/2006, 12:15 AM
Wow. Austin will be hell on earth.
Cocky-*** short horns mixed up with annoying-*** midwestern folks (donchaknow). I could throw up just thinking about it.

8/29/2006, 06:17 AM
Right, because when they brought two halves of that atmosphere to the Shoe less than a year ago, the Horns really didn't know what hit them.

Wow, this is the first time that one of those wasn't enough:

Lighten up 'Horn. A little too much starch in your Wranglers?

8/29/2006, 07:25 AM
Aleft to the head of bevo-bevo counters with an overhand right to the jaw of the buckeye-wow what a fight! Can yousee this coming; and I'm just talking about the parking lot.

8/29/2006, 08:08 AM
I've been to many, many games at the Shoe. If the Bucks bring one half of the tailgating atmosphere and hard-core football enthusiasm to Austin that routinely shows up in Columbus for even meaningless games, the Longhorns won't know what hit them.
tOSU fans have some of the worste reputations for their treatment of visiting team's fans, and acoording to some of the Horn faithful, they lved up to that billing last year. It will be interesting to see how the Horn fans treat the Buckeye fans in Austin. I remember hearing the horror strories from some Bowling Green fans about tOSU and how they couldn't beleive how the OU fans were treating them, and showing so much hospitality to a 'mid major' school.

8/29/2006, 08:41 AM
I heard that reported this morning...I have a feeling the bucknuts are going to show those *casual* longhorn sissies and thing or two about tailgatin' :texan:

They're also saying this could very well be *the* most important game in Donkey Kong Royale Memorial Stadium--with its #1 vs. #2 matchup and national visibility.

I keep imagining the opening montage of the Drew Carey Show happening downtown--a bunch of Ohioans prancing around while APD maces and tazers everyone in sight.

haha good stuff

8/29/2006, 09:30 AM
I keep imagining the opening montage of the Drew Carey Show happening downtown--a bunch of Ohioans prancing around while APD maces and tazers everyone in sight.

Actually, I see Friday night on 6th street looking like the Drew Carey battle of the drag movies....Time Warp vs. Shake Your Groove Thing.