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View Full Version : Pathetic Horn and Poke fans 'writing' to NCAA!

8/28/2006, 12:05 PM
As usual..our toothless 'brethren' to the north as well as the south are writing letters to the NCAA praying for us to be investigated....its funny when most responses come back with little 'satisfaction' from the NCAA offices...

Horns and Pokes just have to learn that you win games ON the field...not in writing campaigns to College Sports Administration.

Yes, their patheticness continues.

8/28/2006, 12:09 PM

Those people are probably just interested on playing the game on a somewhat level playing field... Tennessee fans had no luck at all getting Alabama on probation.

8/28/2006, 12:22 PM
where's it being reported this is happening?

8/28/2006, 12:32 PM
They should worrie about there own back yard before jumping into someone elses.

8/28/2006, 01:01 PM
"where's it being reported this is happening?"

Oh...just over on Ostate.com...some threader whining about not enough dirt being 'offered up' in the news....it went quiet too soon for them.

8/28/2006, 01:02 PM
I didn't know Poke fans could write! Are they using those big pencils with the Big Chief tablet??

8/28/2006, 03:49 PM
If only we could follow pokie state's example and stock our team with gang members and rapists.

8/28/2006, 05:32 PM
That was my first, and probably last, visit to an OSU forum (ostate.com) and I have to say it is one very odd fan site. I counted on the front page 7 threads about OSU football and 18 about OU. Reading that OSU forum is like stepping into the mind of a deranged stalker. I've visited dozens of college team forums over the years and I don't guess I've ever seen anything quite like that level of obsession on any of them (although USC/UCLA might come close, but they're a rivalry so it has to be expected).

8/28/2006, 06:42 PM
Whenever...I hear anyone claim that we should support OSU because they are a fellow State school, a big-12 member and the reason for the "B" word...I feel just like this. http://members.optusnet.com.au/chris.howard/stab.jpg

8/28/2006, 07:00 PM
That was my first, and probably last, visit to an OSU forum (ostate.com) and I have to say it is one very odd fan site. I counted on the front page 7 threads about OSU football and 18 about OU. Reading that OSU forum is like stepping into the mind of a deranged stalker. I've visited dozens of college team forums over the years and I don't guess I've ever seen anything quite like that level of obsession on any of them (although USC/UCLA might come close, but they're a rivalry so it has to be expected).

Well they're a unique program in that they only play one game per year instead of the normal 12 games. They're pretty happy since Stoops took over because they can to a bowl every year vicariously through whoever we're playing in a bowl game.

Aggie lite is just counting down to kickoff at the end of November.

8/28/2006, 07:19 PM
Strange coincidence that football fans wearing orange have IQ's of 50 or less?

8/28/2006, 07:47 PM

8/28/2006, 08:21 PM
The biggest problem I have withh NCAA is when they sanction/punish the violators usually get by light and the innocents are left hanging to pay the price. Until the punishments hit the violators hard square in the a$$ NCAA sanctions/punishment is a farce.:hot:

8/28/2006, 09:22 PM
Well they're a unique program in that they only play one game per year instead of the normal 12 games. They're pretty happy since Stoops took over because they can to a bowl every year vicariously through whoever we're playing in a bowl game.

Aggie lite is just counting down to kickoff at the end of November.

Damn... Offseason is REALLY long for them...

8/28/2006, 09:46 PM
Damn... football season is REALLY historically long for them...