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View Full Version : History Channel show on the Exodus

8/21/2006, 12:24 AM
Pretty interesting stuff. It'll be on again Thursday, so check it out!


8/21/2006, 05:22 AM
Pretty interesting stuff. It'll be on again Thursday, so check it out!


Watched it. Kinda cool that they found consistency in both the biblical and archeological records. Yet another example of the fact the more scientific knowledge we acquire, the more "provable" the biblical facts become. Prior to this, I was not aware of any archeological evidence of the Hebrew captivity in Egypt, let alone the ten plagues God visited on the Egyptians during a single year of a particular pharoahs reign.

Coolest parts for me: 1) the record of the actual exodus in which the parting of the sea was described which allowed the Hebrew escape...in an ancient Egyptian text. 2) Can't remember his name, but the pharoah's first-born son (the crown prince) who died on the night of the first Passover and whose mummy was autopsied in the Cairo Museum of Antiquities. The prince was confirmed to have died young and for no apparent medical reason. They concluded his body is the only known casualty of the biblical plagues of Egypt positively identified as a particular individual. Further, the contemporary Egyptian mass graves they've found filled only with male remains is pretty stunning.

8/21/2006, 07:30 AM
I might just have to check that out . . .

8/21/2006, 07:47 AM
It really is pretty fascinating. Homeys points above, as well as the explanation for all the plagues. I only caught the part in the middle that explained the plagues and a little part about the Reed Sea, so I already have Thursdays show set to record.

The archaeological evidence was really cool, b/c like Homey (and the rest of the world), I was always under the impression that there was no evidence for the Israelite captivity in Egypt, much less the exodus. The fact that certain scholars have obviously misinterpreted the data for centuries seemed very strange to me. The heirogliph of the Reed Sea crossing was pretty clear to me, but that Professor in the museum was saying it was a chariot race (through the water?!?!).

As a believer, I've never needed any scientific evidence whatsoever to believe the infallible Word of God. However it is always pretty cool to see scientists finally catch up. The biologists are now saying that we all came from one single female ancestor, whom they've obviously named Eve. Most astronomers are now extremely convicted that there was a designer behind the creation of the universe. They're always playing catch up with us simple minded Bible thiumpers... ;)

8/21/2006, 08:05 AM
Exodus was pretty good, but I preferred Testament, Naplam Death, and Morbid Angel.

8/21/2006, 08:25 AM
As a believer, I've never needed any scientific evidence whatsoever to believe the infallible Word of God. However it is always pretty cool to see scientists finally catch up. The biologists are now saying that we all came from one single female ancestor, whom they've obviously named Eve. Most astronomers are now extremely convicted that there was a designer behind the creation of the universe. They're always playing catch up with us simple minded Bible thiumpers... ;)

The Bible is an amazing thing. Even if taken for just historical reasons, its amazing that a text like this has made it so far in time, reached so many and changed so many lives.

Thank goodness we have banned such stuff from our public schools.

8/21/2006, 09:26 AM
Thank goodness we have banned such stuff from our public schools.


8/21/2006, 09:45 AM
The more that science trys to dispell the so-called myths of the Bible,the more they actually end up proving them.

8/21/2006, 10:36 AM

Not fishing, just spoon feeding the horrible truth.

8/21/2006, 11:11 AM
TIVOed...hope to watch it on the flight across the pond...

8/21/2006, 11:19 AM
How does that work? Do you transfer them to DVD?

8/21/2006, 11:25 AM
Thanks for starting this thread. I saw that show in the program guide but didn't watch it because they usually spend the entire time trying to debunk everything in the bible which gets old. I'll definately watch it given that it sounds more balanced.

8/21/2006, 11:43 AM
I'm the same way. I usually laugh at the guys that try to debunk everything, b/c it's obvious what their agenda is and they usually do a poor job of it to boot.

From what I saw of this one, it's actually taking the opposing view and trying to prove everything. People that disagree are kind of painted in an archaic light. Quite the turnaround from the norm...

and James Cameron put it all together!