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View Full Version : Scars, head injuries, fingers in car doors & blenders

Chuck Bao
8/20/2006, 05:32 AM
I have a one-and-a-half-inch scar under my right eye.

I was about 12 years old and riding my horse, Stinky, around the house. My older brother walked up to Stinky and yelled “boo”. It shocked me because my brother never did things like that and, more importantly, Stinky didn’t expect it either.

I was leaning over patting Stinky’s neck when she reared up and the back of her head hit my cheek. I got 10 stitches out of the deal and a lifetime scar.

While the doc was doing the stitching, he kept talking about those mean ponies. Okay, I hate horses to this day but Stinky was the best one. My sister and I had raised Stinky from a little colt since she was born in our horse pasture.

Give us all the gory details of your scars, head injuries, broken bones, fingers in car doors and blenders.

8/20/2006, 05:50 AM
My mother would not have permitted horse riding "around the house." She wouldn't even let the dogs come inside.

8/20/2006, 06:54 AM
The chef here at work lost a battle with the blender a few weeks back. For some odd reason he decided to reach in while blending some stuff. Lost about half of his index finger. Now that the mourning period for his loss is over, he doesn't get too ****ed if someone calls call him blender.

8/20/2006, 07:12 AM
Too many to talk about . Plus I aint gonna :(

8/20/2006, 07:24 AM
Right thumb and a motorcycle sprocket. Nuff said.

8/20/2006, 10:42 AM
My father was a skilled surgeon. None of his patients have scars. All 5 of his children do. His only comment when one of his kids got cut was, "Scrub it with some Phisohex and put some Neosporin on it. I doubt it will scar".

I repeat, all 5 of his children have scars. Mine came from almost jumping over a chain link fence. Fortunately middle of the inner thigh and not a bit higher.

8/20/2006, 11:01 AM
'Twas Labor Day, 1997. At the tender age of 8 I was with my grandma, and I slammed my left ring finger in her door...and she locked the door...and I was left to scream until she figured out what was going on and unlocked it. I lost a fingernail out of that. Fell off somewhere in my old house during a game of tag.

King Crimson
8/20/2006, 11:04 AM
tackle football in the basketball gym. pretty nice scar on my head. lots of blood.

almost sliced off the tip of my right index finger cleaning a rotating meat slicer. only the fingernail kept it from a clean lop off.

motorbike+small jump+barbed wire fence.

hand slammed in door of pops 70 Mustang.

8/20/2006, 11:14 AM
1/2" scar on the bottom of my chin. I was probably 5 and some *** stepped on my head while in a metal swimming pool at day care. Hit that damn piece of metal in the bottom.

What was that, now that I think about it? A horse trough? Who has metal swimming pools?

8/20/2006, 11:15 AM
well, my oldest was conceived in a car. while my wife was positioning herself on top of me i had my hand outside the car bracing myself. My hand was still there when she shut the door.. good thing there is alot of give in the car door around the window area. small scar though

8/20/2006, 11:21 AM
stitches in front.........in back........on thumbs........on palm.........broken glass........thrown bottles......utility knives......skinning knives...........

about to get one on purpose. Mole just in front of my ear is getting removed since it's decided to grow.

8/20/2006, 11:23 AM
1/2" scar on the bottom of my chin. I was probably 5 and some *** stepped on my head while in a metal swimming pool at day care. Hit that damn piece of metal in the bottom.

What was that, now that I think about it? A horse trough? Who has metal swimming pools?

i remember those, made out of the same stuff

8/20/2006, 11:24 AM
a couple on my shin from metal baseball cleats and one there from a trailer house tie down.
one by my eye from a nail and one on my foot from a nail.

8/20/2006, 11:31 AM
i have almost matching scars on my thumbs, one on the top, and one on the bottom

the one on the top was the bad one, fell into a glass table top when i was 9, and went straight to the bone, severing the tendon. barely felt a scratch, just searing pain when i tried bending said thumb. got to wear a cast for a few months to immobilize the thumb after it was sewn together

the other was 8 years later from my cousin being a jackass with my knife and slicing into my other thumb, this time only scoring the tendon, luckily

King Crimson
8/20/2006, 11:39 AM
a couple on my shin from metal baseball cleats

i got a couple of those covering 2nd on steals and getting taken out turning dp's. and a broken foot from sliding *into* 2nd because my bottom spike lodged into the toe of the opposing guy's shoe....since he didn't know how to/or wasn't covering the base properly.

Newbomb Turk
8/20/2006, 11:39 AM
2 inch scar on left wrist from a dog bite when I was 4.

That was when I found out that some dogs don't like being petted while they are eating.

8/20/2006, 11:41 AM
right Turk, you were trying to pet the dog.. right.. :D

Newbomb Turk
8/20/2006, 11:43 AM
right Turk, you were trying to pet the dog.. right.. :D

I was only 4. I wasn't into that stuff then. :O

proud gonzo
8/20/2006, 11:56 AM
well, my oldest was conceived in a car and while she was positioning herself on top of me i had my hand outside the car bracing myself. My hand was still there when she shut the door.. good thing there is alot of give in the car door around the window area. small scar though
um... i think you need to reword that so it doesn't sound like you were conceiving WITH your oldest...

8/20/2006, 12:02 PM
good catch pg.! :D

8/20/2006, 12:41 PM
Most of my injuries have been either internal or closed head trauma's. I don't have any real good scars, although my right little toe is somewhat deformed thanks to it getting stomped on by a bred heifer.

8/20/2006, 01:11 PM
I was only 4. I wasn't into that stuff then. :O
And now?

8/20/2006, 01:37 PM
I have to get extra paper when a Doctor asks me about my past medical history.

I have learned how to use super glue as an alternative to seeing a Doctor for stitches....:D

It's become a Jesse Ventura kind of life for me....

"I ain't got time to bleed."

I've got Hydrogen Peroxide and neosporin and bandages in multiple locations.

I think I've become the McGyver of First aid.

8/20/2006, 02:26 PM
We had a couple of those Honda 3-wheelers when I was a teen and let me tell you, those things are dangerous. I broke a couple of toes and they don't bend anymore. I have a scar on my lip from landing on my face in the gravel in another 3-wheeler accident. I also broke my nose and knocked my front teeth loose in that accident.

8/20/2006, 09:52 PM
My top three:

1. First day of kindergarten, first recess. It rained the night before, but they let us loose on the metal pre-Big Toys. As I tried to jump off the top of one, I slipped and nailed the back of my head on the play thing. My mother was told "Rhino had a little accident" and was greeted to me lying down face first in the secretary's office with a blood-soaked towel on the back of my head. I had something like 20 stitches and have a great scar to go with my bald head.

2. Friend A got two swords as a birthday present. As Friend A and Friend B cut grass in the backyard, I climbed a tree. As I jumped off the tree, I caught a upper lip full of sword. My mom greeted me in horror when I came in the front door with blood everywhere. I have a small, tiny scar under my nose, but the blood was worse than the scar.

3. Friend A's house again, on the roof for some reason. A couple missteps and I fall off the side of the house, by the air conditioner. I land half-on the cement and half-on the grass. I still have an indent on my left thigh from that one.

8/20/2006, 09:58 PM
#%@#!! My daughter just clocked her older brother in the back of the head with a wooden block. He now has a half-inch bump on the back of his head and I'm sitting here panicking. That's what I get for getting on the SO on a Sunday night.