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8/18/2006, 07:04 AM
In a shoot-yourself-in-the-foot kinda way. Connecticutt libz picked some guy they figgered would win based almost totally on their guy's anti-war stance. Now, they are gonna lose a Democrat senate seat over it. Better try something else libz, that dog won't hunt.;)

BOSTON (Reuters) - U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman , a three-term Democrat now running as an Independent candidate, leads the man who beat him in last week's primary vote by 12 points in a three-way race, a poll released on Thursday shows.

The latest Quinnipiac University poll, conducted between August 10-14, shows Lieberman leads Democrat Ned Lamont, a wealthy businessman with little political experience who has played on anti-war sentiment, by 53 percent to 41 percent among likely voters in November's election. The Republican candidate Alan Schlesinger drew 4 percent, the poll shows.

Democratic voters selected Lamont as their candidate on August 8 with 52 percent of the vote after an increasingly bitter race dominated by Lieberman's support for the Iraq war.

Lieberman vowed to stay in the race as an independent candidate in order to face Lamont and Schlesinger in the general election in November.

The survey found that Lieberman polled best among likely Republican voters, leading the others with 75 percent of the vote compared with Lamont's 13 percent and Schlesinger's 10 percent.

"Senator Lieberman's support among Republicans is nothing short of amazing," Douglas Schwartz, the university's polling director said in a statement. "As long as Lieberman maintains this kind of support among Republicans while holding onto a significant number of Democratic votes, the veteran senator will be hard to beat."

Likely voters said by a 53 percent to 40 percent margin that Lieberman, the Democratic Party's vice presidential candidate in 2000 and once a presidential candidate himself, deserves to be re-elected.

8/18/2006, 08:26 AM
and on the flipside, looks like the repub candidate is craptacular as well as a lot of the (R)s are joinging forces with the (I)s and some of the (D)s.

8/18/2006, 08:30 AM
and on the flipside, looks like the repub candidate is craptacular as well as a lot of the (R)s are joinging forces with the (I)s and some of the (D)s.


8/18/2006, 09:41 AM
and on the flipside, looks like the repub candidate is craptacular as well as a lot of the (R)s are joinging forces with the (I)s and some of the (D)s.

I'm cool with it. I'm an issue voter, not a party voter. Sounds like a lot of good sane folks in CN are too.

8/18/2006, 09:46 AM
I'm cool with it. I'm an issue voter, not a party voter. Sounds like a lot of good sane folks in CN are too.

Then why the pejorative "libz"?

8/18/2006, 09:53 AM
Then why the pejorative "libz"?

Because uber-liberal CN dem party apparatchiks who ran Lamont gambled that an anti-war platform would be enough to secure a seat for their new boy. They were wrong. Folks from both parties appear to be supportive of Lieberman...and that implies the good folks in CN are willing to cross party lines to vote for the guy and not the party -- and, that folks in CN "get it" and generally understand we MUST stay the course in the GWOT.

I also think it bodes well for candidates who support the war in the coming elections.

I honestly don't care much which party controls the legislative and executive branch as long as moderate conservatives control SCOTUS.

8/18/2006, 10:44 AM
You heard it from me first.

Oh, BTW, the dems don't have much to fear. Lieberman has said he would continue to vote demo.

8/18/2006, 06:05 PM
Just for the record, Connecticut is CT, not CN.

8/18/2006, 06:38 PM
Meh, there is plenty of time between now and Nov. Although I don't despise Liberman as much as a lot of Dems do, you kiss Bush, you deal with the consequences.

8/18/2006, 07:14 PM
you kiss Bush, you deal with the consequences.

Yikes, thats what they told me at the free clinic!

8/18/2006, 08:00 PM
Meh, there is plenty of time between now and Nov. Although I don't despise Liberman as much as a lot of Dems do, you kiss Bush, you deal with the consequences.

If that means 1 less "Dem" then I'll take it!

George Soros is going to take your party so far to the left that the only elections they'll win is in San Francisco and Boston. You can forget national elections. Poor Soros, he just doesn't realize that most americans aren't communists. Oh well, it's his money that he's wasting.

8/18/2006, 09:18 PM
If that means 1 less "Dem" then I'll take it!

George Soros is going to take your party so far to the left that the only elections they'll win is in San Francisco and Boston. You can forget national elections. Poor Soros, he just doesn't realize that most americans aren't communists. Oh well, it's his money that he's wasting.
:D :pop:

8/19/2006, 10:01 AM
Meh, there is plenty of time between now and Nov. Although I don't despise Liberman as much as a lot of Dems do, you kiss Bush, you deal with the consequences.

Lieberman will win, book it. Lib anti war guy will only carry Greenwich, outside of that and in the working man's CT, Lieberman is well loved. They, the independents and the repubs will vote for Lieberman to deny the Greenwich Libz candidate...