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View Full Version : I must honestly say...

8/11/2006, 10:20 PM
...I feel sorry for Bomar and Quinn...but I have kids about their age so I see dunce-type judgment calls frequently...

8/11/2006, 10:21 PM
yeah they will always be hated by a lot of fans, but let's hope for the best of them.

8/11/2006, 10:23 PM
I wish them both the best, I have made a couple of mistakes in my life...

Big Red Ron
8/11/2006, 10:25 PM
I hope them the best but it was pure greed that destroyed this situation.

I feel no pity for people that have 25 documented discussions about NCAA rules and boosters, etc...and decide fucc 'em, I'm bigger than the rules. I seriously dislike the punks.

That said, I hope he recovers from this a better person.

8/11/2006, 10:28 PM
I am not ready to "cast the first stone"...yet I agree with your comments...

Big Red Ron
8/11/2006, 10:33 PM
I've been called out and punished for all of my misdeeds. I see no difference here. We've all had a moment in life that we make decisions and know we must live with the punishment and whichever way you go, good or bad, it changes your life. He chose wrong. He'll get another chance and I don't mean in football, in life.

8/11/2006, 10:35 PM
I am not suggesting his consequences were too harsh...

8/11/2006, 10:51 PM
I say it's time to go to the desert - The United States Marines will work out any flaws that mommy and daddy didn't handle....Do that and I will have a different view of the car lot jokers....Until then it's a waste of time with these children....

Rock on'

8/11/2006, 11:08 PM
that what they did was an incredibley selfish undertaking. The ramifications will be felt for a long time. Not only did they screw all their team mates, but they smirched the reputation of the coaching staff and the university. The NCAA might punish the innocent along with the guilty, so when I am wishing them good luck...I have to hold my nose.

8/11/2006, 11:14 PM
Kids make mistakes like that...you can't condemn them for life for things like that....

8/11/2006, 11:14 PM
I just got back from Applebee's... anyone been there recently? The 71st St. Tulsa restaurant changed their number 7 jersey on the wall to a number 12 jersey. I wonder why?

8/11/2006, 11:23 PM
Kids make mistakes like that...you can't condemn them for life for things like that....

Kids are from age to 1 to 16 --- These are Spoiled children that should be men by now - No one is codemning them for Life - But it's time for these spoiled brats to find out Life isn't always fair -- From what I understand Daddy is running around trying to save his Son's football career -IF he was my son I'd be saying "Son I don't where you are going but your not coming home" - Good Luck ,God Bless - see ya.....!!!

Still R'

8/11/2006, 11:25 PM
Kids span well past 16 in my experience...

8/11/2006, 11:33 PM
Kids span well past 16 in my experience...

At age 17 with your parent's permission you can go die for this Country - You can also face "The Death Penalty' in most states - So IF you got "Kids" past 17 they better be ready for a reality check....JMHO...

Still R'

8/11/2006, 11:36 PM
Blah, Blah, Blah...immaturity extends well past your assessment for most people...irrelevant to draft age and such, a totally different issue and discussion....

8/11/2006, 11:42 PM
Blah, Blah, Blah...immaturity extends well past your assessment for most people...irrelevant to draft age and such, a totally different issue and discussion....

This original post subject of this thread is all "Blah Blah Blah " feel sorry for the -- "Poor Little Kids" -----Thank God you were not my Dad.....

Still R'

8/11/2006, 11:54 PM
Okay, when you're a young college kid focusing on football, with the pressure of being "the man" at a major D-1 program, a few bucks here and there are tempting to take from boosters, I admit. But one who asks himself, "do I need this more than I want to be a Sooner?" should always come up with the answer that supports their team, and not an addiction, expensive habit, expensive girlfriend, etc.

I can tell you right now, Zac Taylor and Paul Smith are excellent young QBs, who (depsite whose team they've followed all their young lives) would give it all to compete for a National Championship. It is a golden moment when you look at guys like Josh Heupel, Matt Leinert and Vince Young (to name a few). That moment is well worth the sacrifice, even if you never get there. Rhett Bomar is a son, not a kid. He is 21 years old, three years 'not-a-minor.' J.D. Quinn is just the same. There are fourteen-year old Sooner Fans that can tell you stealing money is wrong. Doesn't mean that if they were in that situation, they would take it. Don't pull the "he's a kid, he doesn't know." If he doesn't know better, Bob Stoops would have never taken a chance on him. They knew better, they made a choice. And by their records, they've made a few bad choices. Misdemeanors and college kids drinking underage is one thing, breaking NCAA rules and hurting an entire team and University is quite another.

8/12/2006, 01:59 AM
The thing I don't get is how you could go and screw the pooch like Bomar did for such chump change. Getting paid to not work for $3,000 is like assembling a crack team of 8 thieves to break into a gumball machine and steal all the nickels.

How in the heck does your moral compass get that flawed *and* that cheap?

How many hours pay in the NFL would that have been for Bomar, had he continued to progress (and most national pundits seemed to believe he was going to)? Twelve hours? Maybe a whole day's worth of work, had he gone late in the first round?

There've been many falls from grace, but this one is embarassing. It's sorta like the Clinton scandal - if our president was going to diddle an intern, couldn't he at least get a really *hot* one? He was the leader of the free world, for cryin' out loud! Had Monica been smokin' hot, I bet attitudes would've been a bit different during that whole fiasco - and we certainly wouldn't have been as embarassed on the world stage by it.

8/12/2006, 06:04 AM
They made a dumb mistake. They should have played for ND, Ohio St. or USC. They'd still be on the team at any of those schools.

8/12/2006, 06:41 AM
It they were in the SEC it would have only been a 2 game suspension. Our program is the best.

8/12/2006, 06:55 AM
It they were in the SEC it would have only been a 2 game suspension. Our program is the best.
and those suspensions would've come (conveniently) against the cidadel and middle tenn st.

8/12/2006, 11:41 AM
Immaturity is one thing,childhood is another.Childhood ends by law at 18 for all mentally competent people.What happened in this case was a couple of foolish,immature,young MEN chose to WILLINGLY violate rules that have hurt their teamates,coaches,fans, and school.

Like everyone else with common sense I am not suggesting they be punished for life.Having said that however,I DO feel they should bear the full weight of their actions.In addition to what OU has done I think further sanctions againt the players are warranted.My suggestion would be that they are banned from any d-1A program.They could still pursue their education,college football aspirations,and possible future pro football dreams .I just think their transgressions should deprive them of the use of NCAA footballs biggest stage that of D-1A football with the tv games and bowl appearences.