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View Full Version : Do you REALLY care about being a Sooner!?!?

8/9/2006, 06:16 PM
The moral decay exhibited on this board in several threads makes me positively ill.

I can't even begin to express how disappointed I am in some of you with the comments that have been made along the lines of "well everybody does it and they just got caught" or "why is it our program that always gets caught when every other program is doing it too" or "this might sting a little but we don't have to worry about it because the NCAA will never issue the death penalty again".

Does not a single one of you remember when the SI with Thompson in the orange jump suit hit the stands? Were you not utterly devastated? Do you really want to live through that again?

Do you really want OU to test the waters as to whether or not the NCAA will issue the death penalty again? And even if they don't ever issue it again, do you want OU to be the program that loses 20 or 30 scholarships over a pay for no work scandal?

There is a tremendous lack of accountability going on and it is positively shameful. Young people and old will make mistakes and will get caught and will be made to pay. Yes it is part of growing up, and yes it is part of being human. Individuals are not above impugn. BUT THE PROGRAM ITSELF IS SUPPOSED TO BE!

And whether for good or bad in one way or another we all ARE part of the program! How much longer are we all just going to sit here and continue to play the crimson-bleeding victim card?

My point is: If any of you passes the words across your lips or keyboard again along the lines of "if you only knew what really goes on" and you stand by and let it happen without having the guts to take it directly to the OU compliance team, and furthermore threaten to take it to the NCAA, then you are a gutless cowardly pig and have no business calling yourself an OU player, student, or fan.

Rather, you can call yourself just another jock-sniffing bumpkin booster.

And let me personally "thank" you for your helping hand in getting every last one of us painted with that same brush-stroke.

8/9/2006, 06:24 PM
That post took alot of guts to write, a very commendable act in deed whether I agree with the point or not... If thats your belief, more power to you!

8/9/2006, 06:27 PM
I hear you dude, just remember it's just a small portion of Sooner fans, and it is the internet. Don't get me wrong though, most of these guys on here are good guys, but I wouldn't put much hope in getting what you want out of an internet message board when it comes to other people's perspectives on sports. You do get good info, just don't pay any mind to the goobers that probably never stepped on a field, court, or whatever.

Again, the majority of people on here do know their stuff, just a few folks that just need to keep their thoughts to themselves.

8/9/2006, 06:48 PM
I hear you dude, just remember it's just a small portion of Sooner fans, and it is the internet.

That is to a large extent what has gotten under my skin.

Even with our very small slice of OU fans that frequent these boards, we've got a whole bunch of excuse-makers. And far worse, we've had more than a couple posters in the last week make comments that they know first-hand of similar or worse things that have gone on in this program the last few years.

To have that kind of knowledge and not do the right thing and help make sure that we don't have another Chernobyl is inexcusable. If someone knows something, then get it out there so that it can be dealt with instead of giving it the ol' "well everybody does it".

That kind of "self-victimization", if you will, just makes my blood boil.

8/9/2006, 07:05 PM
I think some of these guys are just making garbage up to make themselves sound like they're a part of something they aren't. Probably helps them sleep better at night if they feel someone believes they're a part of the system.

As far as what's gone on in the past few weeks, I think it's not as widespread as some think, a few idiots made a mistake and took money from a couple snakes, and now they'll never know what it's like to be a REAL Sooner. They'll never be able to come back and be proud of being a part of something better than themselves. Dusty D. got that second chance, and he made the best of it. Bomar and Quinn don't deserve a second chance just because they put our university at risk of sanctions, and they will be living with that for the rest of their lives, what could've been.

8/9/2006, 07:42 PM
The answer to your question is YES! and I just oredered "What It Means to Be a Sooner: Oklahoma's Greatest Players Talk About Oklahoma Football" in hardback to prove it. ;)

8/9/2006, 08:02 PM
Here is the reminder.......


8/9/2006, 08:03 PM
Man, I almost started crying just posting that

8/9/2006, 08:10 PM
This is the BEST cover that SI has ever done!


8/9/2006, 08:25 PM
The moral decay exhibited on this board in several threads makes me positively ill.

I can't even begin to express how disappointed I am in some of you with the comments that have been made along the lines of "well everybody does it and they just got caught" or "why is it our program that always gets caught when every other program is doing it too" or "this might sting a little but we don't have to worry about it because the NCAA will never issue the death penalty again".

Does not a single one of you remember when the SI with Thompson in the orange jump suit hit the stands? Were you not utterly devastated? Do you really want to live through that again?

Do you really want OU to test the waters as to whether or not the NCAA will issue the death penalty again? And even if they don't ever issue it again, do you want OU to be the program that loses 20 or 30 scholarships over a pay for no work scandal?

There is a tremendous lack of accountability going on and it is positively shameful. Young people and old will make mistakes and will get caught and will be made to pay. Yes it is part of growing up, and yes it is part of being human. Individuals are not above impugn. BUT THE PROGRAM ITSELF IS SUPPOSED TO BE!

And whether for good or bad in one way or another we all ARE part of the program! How much longer are we all just going to sit here and continue to play the crimson-bleeding victim card?

My point is: If any of you passes the words across your lips or keyboard again along the lines of "if you only knew what really goes on" and you stand by and let it happen without having the guts to take it directly to the OU compliance team, and furthermore threaten to take it to the NCAA, then you are a gutless cowardly pig and have no business calling yourself an OU player, student, or fan.

Rather, you can call yourself just another jock-sniffing bumpkin booster.

And let me personally "thank" you for your helping hand in getting every last one of us painted with that same brush-stroke.

There's a major discrepancy in how the NCAA, as an organization, approaches and treats coaches and programs. It's very political and always has been. University graduates from across the country fill positions in the NCAA and (oddly enough) their university, conference, and regional allegiances -and contacts -don't die after they graduate.

They're human too.

This is an organization that actively and openly partakes in institutional discrimination w/ regards to Notre Dame and the BCS. This is an organization that lets some players accept money and still participate (Jeff Samardzia) and not others (Jeremy Bloom).

Forgive us if talking media heads in Los Angeles give their home squad a free pass on Bush/Sanchez/Jarrett violations but openly attack programs from Middle America (away from any media centers) to attract ratings.

Ask the Alabama fanbase if they got a fair shake from the NCAA compared to what Miami has received for theirs.

There is a tremendous lack of accountability going on and it is positively shameful. Young people and old will make mistakes and will get caught and will be made to pay.

You say the program (ie. Castiglione, Stoops) has failed in its accountability...where's your proof?

They uncovered two roomates who were actively involved in a scheme to break NCAA rules and they kicked their asses off the team. They're not time-cops who can rewind the calendar and stop people from being idiots or lying to their faces.

What the hell else were they supposed to do?

They're not children. They knew the rules. They broke them. We found out. They're gone.

I get what you're saying about wanting to run a clean program (and I haven't seen evidence yet which indicates otherwise) and not returning to the dark days of '89, but I think your analysis is giving a free pass to a couple factors that should be taken into account.

8/9/2006, 08:47 PM
lest we forget all of the GOOD SI covers through the years--- shall I post them all now?

8/9/2006, 09:11 PM
Do you really want to live through that again?

Do you really want OU to test the waters as to whether or not the NCAA will issue the death penalty again? And even if they don't ever issue it again, do you want OU to be the program that loses 20 or 30 scholarships over a pay for no work scandal?Or another way to phrase it ... do you want to live through this again...




8/9/2006, 09:14 PM
I can guarantee you that if I EVER knew of impropriety by an OU booster, I would be at Castiglione's office in a heartbeat.

Just think about the seats you'd get!!

8/9/2006, 09:31 PM
This is the BEST cover that SI has ever done!


25 cents!

Alright, I'm going back to the 50's to get a whole rack of mags with my five dolla bill.

8/9/2006, 09:39 PM
Yes, I really care about being a sooner, but seriously man, switch to decaf or something. This board gives OU fans a chance to speak up, and also vent their frustrations, especially given the recent trangressions. Considering it's a lot cheaper than laying on a couch 45 minutes a week (trust me, I know). Let it be for what it is. OU is not down for the count. ENA and AD will grind it out. NCAA learned their lesson with SMU, a program which still hasn't recovered. Don't think we are likely to see the death penalty again, mainly because the schools seem to be doing a better job of policing themselves. Just look at all the other schools this summer that have been dealing with similar but different issues.

Anyway, I did appreciate your post and see where you are coming from, but that's a two-way street.


8/9/2006, 09:41 PM
That is to a large extent what has gotten under my skin.

Even with our very small slice of OU fans that frequent these boards, we've got a whole bunch of excuse-makers. And far worse, we've had more than a couple posters in the last week make comments that they know first-hand of similar or worse things that have gone on in this program the last few years.

To have that kind of knowledge and not do the right thing and help make sure that we don't have another Chernobyl is inexcusable. If someone knows something, then get it out there so that it can be dealt with instead of giving it the ol' "well everybody does it".

That kind of "self-victimization", if you will, just makes my blood boil.Welcome to the 21st century. Everybody is a victim. Everybody makes excuses for bad behavior. Everybody justifies bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. Unfortunately, it's the society we live in.

8/9/2006, 10:32 PM
Hell the NCAA lets USC, Notre Dame, and Ohio State get away with murder. Why should we be penalized for taking our own action.....the worst course of action....kicking the players off the team because if we hadn't it would cost us in the future?

8/9/2006, 10:51 PM
I think the major point of his message is to contact athletic compliance with anything you might think curious or suggestible when it comes to our beloved Sooners. As "Internet-Savvy" folks, we might be witness to something ahead of time that OUr compliance people might be able to address or diffuse before rumors become TOTAL AMPUTATIONS. Use of wise restraint and discretion is ALWAYS advised before you post on public forums. When you hear about something that may harm your favorite athletic program, no matter how "insider" the information be, please use RESTRAINT AND DISCRECTION BEFORE GOING PUBLIC WITH IT. An internal investigation is always better than a public sh!t storm, no matter how cool & "connected to the program" you might think you look when posting it.

8/10/2006, 03:06 AM
Look, I think your post is well done and well met, but I think what a lot of us have already done is to move on and support Paul... I mean if one person on the team has shown what it is like to be a real SOONER then it is Paul. People made mistakes on more than one end. In my mind the accountability resides mostly in the players if they were well informed (which in my judgement they were). However, I think all/any of us are really hoping for is some SOONER MAGIC and to get on with the season. So dont get me wrong I agree everyone who want s to consider themselves a part of this program be it booster, Athletic director, coach athlete or fan has a responsibility to uphold its values, I just think that our responsibility as fans is to support and buy into what our coach and our players are trying to do, which is to make this a kick a$$ season.

8/10/2006, 06:51 AM
I think the major point of his message is to contact athletic compliance with anything you might think curious or suggestible when it comes to our beloved Sooners.
Having read the post which I believe engendered this one, I think the major point of his message is, if you know of a situation that spells trouble take it to those who have both a need to know and an ability to address it and take it to them IMMEDIATELY.

On the other hand, if you do NOT know of such potential violations or indiscretions, STFU and don't post something that others will view as "Oh chit, that program is rife with violations and the institution has no control over it."