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8/9/2006, 01:41 PM
in regards to having a wife and kids, and then gave me a jab on the arm. I don't quite know how I should feel about this.

8/9/2006, 01:44 PM
I think my mom has finally pretty much given up on that front. Fortunately.

Just wait another dozen years or so and you should be in the clear. :D

Jimminy Crimson
8/9/2006, 01:51 PM
Maybe she thinks you're ghey. :twinkies:

8/9/2006, 01:53 PM
Tell her you are working on the kids daily, but want no part of a wife.

8/9/2006, 01:53 PM
Maybe she thinks you're ghey. :twinkies:
I doubt it. I'm still way younger than any other male in my family was when they got married. I got another 20 years till she starts wondering if I ghey.

8/9/2006, 01:57 PM
My grandma once told me that I'd better hurry up and hit that right spot so she'd get another great-grandkid.

8/9/2006, 01:58 PM
I doubt it. I'm still way younger than any other male in my family was when they got married. I got another 20 years till she starts wondering if I ghey.

are those mud grapplers on that tractor?

8/9/2006, 02:02 PM
are those mud grapplers on that tractor?
could be, but it's not a tractor from my family. I just didn't have a good family picture with me to create an avatar tribute to my late father, so I used an internet photo as a stand in.

8/9/2006, 02:08 PM
She's turning up the heat at 24? Just tell her to mind her business, that should go over well.

8/9/2006, 02:10 PM
She's turning up the heat at 24? Just tell her to mind her business, that should go over well.
She gave me a 4 year time frame, that way I keep the family child spacing up. We're due for a new member in 4 years.

8/9/2006, 02:19 PM
But ma, I'm tappin' everything in sight!

Jimminy Crimson
8/9/2006, 02:20 PM
You to mom: One woman for the rest of my life? Pshhhhh! :texan:

8/9/2006, 02:25 PM
But ma, I'm tappin' everything in sight!
I think my skin would crawl right off my body if I said that to my mom. We're uptight Lutheran/German folks. There are somethings you just don't verbalize to your mothers.

8/9/2006, 03:15 PM
She gave me a 4 year time frame, that way I keep the family child spacing up. We're due for a new member in 4 years.

My youngest uncle had a kid a couple of years ago, so I'm off the hook for a little while.

8/9/2006, 04:33 PM
What I said to my Mother-in-Law, at Thanksgiving, after she needled me and the Wife Unit about having children:

"We can't have kids. It's my fault. Pass the green beans."

There was the most lovely moment of silence...

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
8/9/2006, 04:52 PM
in regards to having a wife and kids, and then gave me a jab on the arm. I don't quite know how I should feel about this.Good grief. I'm so glad my brother has kids so I don't have conversations like these.

8/9/2006, 04:58 PM
Good grief. I'm so glad my brother has kids so I don't have conversations like these.
I'm only child. It's pretty much up to me on this one.

8/9/2006, 04:58 PM
my response probably would have been - "You mean in addition to the three you don't know about?"

8/9/2006, 05:09 PM
When my wife and I had been married just over a year, we came into Norman for an OU-NU game. We had no kids at the time. My wife was talking with my mom when it dawned on her that we'd left the tickets in Dallas. She immediately got wide-eyed and gasped "Oh no! I can't believe what I forgot". My mom, with all seriousness, gasped "birth control?!?" Both were embarassed.

Yeah, mom, we know what was on your mind. Grandkids. :rolleyes: :)

8/9/2006, 05:29 PM
my mom always tries to throw it in all sneaky like. Like if it is tax time and I say something about filing my taxes she is all like taxes are less if you get married.

And when I come back from vacation w/ the gf. She is like did you get married while you were in Mexico, Vegas, etc

Or she always tells me about the people around my age that still live around them having kids

8/9/2006, 05:33 PM
Wife n' kids?


Waaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive.

Just get a whore and forget about having any kids. You'll save yourself thousands of dollars.

8/9/2006, 05:46 PM
Wife n' kids?


Waaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive.

Just get a whore and forget about having any kids. You'll save yourself thousands of dollars.
I plan on having a farm though, and the free labor could be handy.