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View Full Version : Slick update

8/9/2006, 09:43 AM
Well, where did I leave off.....

Oh yeah, the movers showed up to pack our stuff. I finished cleaning up
and packing a few items they didn't pack, and drove up.

The house we were buying had a contingency contract on it, and 30 minutes
before the 48 hour notice was up, the other people bought the house.

Back to square one over the weekend, we house hunted again. Made an
offer on Saturday night, it was accepted, so we'll have a home by the
end of the month. Close on the 18th, move in sometime the week of the

The new job rocks so far. Excellent career move.

Slickwife is doing well, and Slickdaughter is having a blast with my MIL.

The commute from sulphur Springs to Dallas succs. But we only have a couple more weeks of that.

8/9/2006, 10:54 AM
The worst is yet to come.....unpacking at the new house.

8/9/2006, 01:32 PM
Glad to hear you're doing well Slick.

8/9/2006, 01:32 PM
Did you pack up the secretary and take her with you to the new job?