View Full Version : My wife is the cruelest woman EVAR!!!

8/9/2006, 12:15 AM
So I'm walking through the bedroom and she says, "honey look at this show on tv". What do I see? Oh, Dr. 90210 doing a testicle implant!! :eek: :eek: OMG!!! I hoofed it out of there and I'm now sitting here with my legs crossed.

8/9/2006, 12:17 AM
I saw that episode.
I forwarded it to Kevin Steele.

8/9/2006, 12:21 AM
It could be worse. You could be married to Lorena Bobbit.

8/9/2006, 09:45 AM
I think she's trying to tell you something.

8/9/2006, 09:54 AM
He was just using it as a chance to put his testicles all over you.

How you say? Octopus testicles?