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View Full Version : Skip Bayless is a double-crossing Moron!

8/5/2006, 03:32 PM
He's blowing smoke and saying he knows things from anonymous sources.


He also said years back that Aikman was gay.

8/5/2006, 03:44 PM
Brand new Lexus for a month? :rolleyes:

8/5/2006, 03:52 PM
Switzer's NCAA issues >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stoops' NCAA issues.

It's not even close IMO.

King Crimson
8/5/2006, 03:56 PM
Bayless likes to hear himself talk and that way he tries to convince himself he matters.

8/5/2006, 04:09 PM
In other news, water is wet.

8/5/2006, 04:40 PM
Skip Bayless likes dick.

Or so I'm told.

8/5/2006, 04:40 PM
i sent that a$$hat a little feedback:

to compare bob stoops to barry switzer is ridiculous. the qb didnt get put on the cover of si in handcuffs. machine gus are not being fired around the dorms. no gang rapes are happening. this was a hothead qb that thought he was above the rules, that showed he didnt want to follow the rules by getting 2 m.i.p.'s in a matter of 6 months. he didnt respect his new qb coach josh heupel, and by that i mean he wouldnt listen to him when he was trying to coach him- came out and said that he wasnt going to do everything he was telling him to do like slide, avoid the big hit, throw it away instead of trying to force a play, and other things like that. the peterson car was not brand new, he drove it for two weeks while trying to get approved, and instead of taking money from a booster to pay for it, did the right thing and turned it in when he found out he couldnt get it.(unlike dwayne jarret from usc, who instead of saying i cant afford this insanely priced apartment, let leinart's dad pay for it)stoops didnt give bomar or quinn the opprotunity to pay back the money and sit out a few games, like jim tressell did with heisman hopeful troy smith. instead he said these guys knew the rules, broke them, and because of that, we are going to show our high standards of class by permanately removing them from our program. how does that not scream to the other players that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated? for a coach to kick his most experienced qb off the team right before a season where they are heavily favored to go all the way demands respect. even the much relieved longhorn fans have said that much.

8/5/2006, 04:50 PM
i sent that a$$hat a little feedback:

i pretty much wrote him a full essay. here's mine:

To call yourself a Sooner fan and then compare these violations to bad ol' Switzer's days violations is an embarassment. Comparing these two eras is like comparing apples to oranges, or as Gene Wojciechowski said, "Uzis to BB-guns." Also to say that Oklahoma should face harsh sanctions is ludicrous. Let's not forget that our now top-ranked Ohio State Buckeyes had a starting quarterback last year(hmmm...) suspended for only 1 game for fundamentally the same violation. Many people say that it was because of the differences in the amount of money between the two situations. I feel that is an irrelevant point. If you take money you're not supposed to take, you deserve to be ruled ineligible regardless of the price that is involved.

Now, the national perception seems to be that Bob Stoops had to know about this problem. Let's get this straight; his title is head football coach. It's not his job to babysit all 100+ players of his football team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is his job to make his players aware of the rules and the consequences of breaking those rules and to try to instill morals into these young men, but as for monitoring part-time jobs, they pay other people to do this. There is a reason that the University of Oklahoma has a compliance office that is supposed to make sure that players stay within the paramaters of NCAA guidelines. There is only so much a coach can do, and in the end, some responsibility has to fall back onto both the kids themselves and the people that are supposed to be in charge of monitoring these kids.

As for the Peterson/Lexus situation, Adrian's already been cleared of anything involved with that and it was found he did nothing wrong, so stop trying to beat a dead horse.

I'm sure you will probably read this and think that I am probably a homer, but I'm just trying to be objective and look at the facts. Does Bob Stoops deserve some of the blame? Possibly, it's really hard to say at this point. Does he deserve all of it? By all means, NO!!! I'm sure you were there to see exactly when Bob Stoops found out about this and how he decided to handle it. Let's all bow down to the all-knowing Skip Bayless! Oh, and how about you do a little piece next week of how, in other news, a player from the media's love-child, USC, got kicked off the team for taking steroids.

OU is not reverting back to the days of Switzer, and when/if it does, I'm sure we'll hear a lot of "I told you so" from you. In the meantime, just stay in your little safe place that we call ESPN and talk about how you're this big OU fan, but hope they receive the death penalty from the NCAA. Before you open your mouth again, for the sake of everyone, review the facts.

8/5/2006, 05:45 PM
hummpie LOVES skippy

8/5/2006, 05:52 PM
hummpie LOVES skippy
that sounds wrong on so many levels

King Crimson
8/5/2006, 05:56 PM
that sounds wrong on so many levels

not as bad as him blowing Chris Patterson.

8/5/2006, 05:57 PM
not as bad as him blowing Chris Patterson.