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8/4/2006, 09:59 AM
Happy Friday...

source: AAS (http://www.statesman.com/news/content/news/stories/local/08/4kelso.html)

COMMENTARY: JOHN KELSO http://img.coxnewsweb.com/C/03/47/59/image_1859473.jpg

Bomar's good-bye is worth a laugh to us Longhorns

Friday, August 04, 2006

Yeah, I know. I should be feeling large, gooey gobs of sorry for Rhett Bomar, the kid who got kicked off the Oklahoma football team.

And I shouldn't be joking about it. I shouldn't be saying that instead of Boomer Sooner, the expression should be changed to Bomar No Longer Sooner.

But I just can't control myself. So the good news out of Oklahoma for folks around here — if good news and Oklahoma can be used accurately in the same sentence — is that the OU starting quarterback has been given the old heave ho from the squad.

The reason it's fantastic that Bomar has been shown the big red door is that it'll make it that much easier for Texas to kick Mobilehoma's butt in October. Besides, Bomar left Grand Prairie to play UP THERE. So, at the risk of sounding juvenile, let me just add this philosophical footnote: hah hah hah, hee hee hee hee hee.

Actually, I have a warm spot in my heart for Oklahoma, since it lends itself to comedy. For example, this guy goes to the doctor, who tells him he has six months to live. So he asks the doctor for advice. "Get a Dodge truck, marry a 300-pound woman, and move to Oklahoma," the doctor says.

"Will this make me live longer?" the guy asks. "No, but it'll sure seem like it," the doctor replies.

Incidentally, there's a MySpace.com page claiming to be Bomar's own space, where under "Rhett's Blurbs" it says, "Hello my name is Rhett im sure you have heard of me." Of course we've heard of you. You're the clown who got kicked off the football team for workin' at a car dealership.

You've got to laugh at the reason Bomar got pitched from the team — work, or a lack thereof. See, ESPN.com reported that Bomar worked about five hours a week at a Norman car dealership called Big Red Sports/Imports and that he claimed on his taxes that he made $18,000 a year.

Some people might find that a little high on the pay scale, if Bomar was in fact making $18,000 a year for working five hours a week. But when you amortize it out to a 40-hour-a-week work schedule, that comes out to a meager $144,000 a year.

Heck, when Barry Switzer was the Oklahoma coach, he would have marched over to the dealership and demanded they give the kid a raise and a free convertible.

By the way, Big Red Sports/Imports is a Kia dealership. You'd think the quarterback could rate a job kicking tires at a Hummer joint.

Oh, also on MySpace, "Rhett's Interests" include "taking the sooners back to the national championship game and winning it." Funny. There's nothing that mentions him taking a hike.

Still, Rhett Bomar could be the new working man's hero. Americans work too many hours. Here's a kid who was showing us the way by emptying the dealership wastebaskets or whatever for just an hour a day or so. So we ought to give him a plaque.

But the real reason we ought to hammer out some kind of award for him is that his absence has left Chokelahoma holding the football bag. Besides, why should we waste our sympathy on him? He'll probably end up playing for the Oakland Raiders.

John Kelso's column appears on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Contact him at 445-3606 or [email protected].

8/4/2006, 10:03 AM
I guess this is what passes for "clever" in asstin? :rolleyes:

Landthief 1972
8/4/2006, 10:06 AM
And you guys thought the Daily Oklahoman sportswriters were hacks? At least they don't resort to lame tired cliche nicknames when referring to opposing teams. I felt like I was reading a MySpace.com page by a 12-year-old Texas fan.

8/4/2006, 10:07 AM
Typical whorn. Can they ever write anything without looking like some redneck trash?

8/4/2006, 10:08 AM
I hope this gets posted in the locker room.

8/4/2006, 10:08 AM
I wonder what he will write when OU kicks the **** out of his horns in October?

One horn is the same as the next....worthless

8/4/2006, 10:09 AM
The best part: this guy looks like he never met a glazed doughnut he didn't like, and he's telling jokes about fat people. ******tard.

8/4/2006, 10:10 AM
That had to be one of the least professional articles that I've ever seen written for (supposedly) a real newspaper.

8/4/2006, 10:11 AM
That was a waste of 2 minutes.

8/4/2006, 10:13 AM
the DOK should offer this guy a job, his writing is right on the level with a high school newspaper

Tear Down This Wall
8/4/2006, 10:21 AM
Who gave this f*cktard a job? Oh...it's in Austin. Nevermind. Years and years of taking in dope on one end and vaseline on the other would make anyone that stupid.

8/4/2006, 10:23 AM
John Kelso sucks. He is extremely untalented. Therefore, he is perfect for our local paper, The Austin American Statesman, as it sucks beyond comprehension.

8/4/2006, 10:25 AM
Just one more reason to look forward to the inevitable October texas meltdown.

8/4/2006, 10:28 AM
This is the same lameass that thought it was so *clever* to have a cow patty effigy built and sent to Dallas one year.

Apparently revealing there were Longhorn fans willing to play with sh!t was lost on him.

8/4/2006, 10:34 AM
I think it is funny that we are Chokelahoma....when was the last time a favored OU team lost at the cotton bowl...now ask the same of Texas

8/4/2006, 10:38 AM
That guy looks like the perfect clown that lives in a mobile home and he is using that tired reference. Looks like he knows a thing or two about mobile homes. By the way, solid and impartial journalism at its best. Just think, 57 more days of living in hell and having *******s like this remind us about it.

8/4/2006, 10:48 AM
yea, and Grizzly Adams had a beard

Grizzly Adams did have a beard

8/4/2006, 11:03 AM
As much as everyone (rightly so) bags on the Daily Oklahoman, I don't recall the DO ever being as unprofessional as that towards texas. Not one "tejas" or "texass" or "uterus" has ever been printed, to my knowledge. Sad what they find "witty" in Austin.

Sooner in Tampa
8/4/2006, 11:08 AM
I think it is funny that we are Chokelahoma....when was the last time a favored OU team lost at the cotton bowl...now ask the same of TexasYeah...and to use the term Moblihoma too. :rolleyes: What is this guy an 8th graduate...with honors?

8/4/2006, 11:08 AM
I'm shocked that was in an official newspaper... or rather, I would be if it wasn't in Austin.

I can't wait to read his column on October 8.

8/4/2006, 11:09 AM
He looks like a real winnar.


King Crimson
8/4/2006, 11:50 AM
if he's drinking Lone Star he's clearly an idiot. possibly the worst beer on planet earth.

8/4/2006, 11:53 AM
Very classy and professional article. For some middle school leaflet.

8/4/2006, 12:01 PM
That guy's writing makes Jenni Carlson look like a Pulitzer Prize winner.

8/4/2006, 12:34 PM
He kinda looks like Ernest Hemingway.

Here's to him vacationing in Ketchum, ID

Half a Hundred
8/4/2006, 01:01 PM
I'm shocked that was in an official newspaper... or rather, I would be if it wasn't in Austin.

I can't wait to read his column on October 8.

I'll give you a preview:

"They're CHEETERS! Those redneck trash from up north are payin' Peterson $100,000 a day! Excuse me, I have to go hit up the corny dog line"

8/4/2006, 01:13 PM
I'll take our 7 National Championships to their friggin 2 ANY DAY.

8/4/2006, 01:36 PM
I'll take our 7 National Championships to their friggin 2 ANY DAY.

Well, actually we have to B.S. about them having 3. ;)

7 AP to 3

8/4/2006, 01:40 PM
This guy reminds me of that assclown Aggie Ryan Perriloux.

8/4/2006, 02:01 PM
This lunch box sound like every other whorn and sheep-divin' aggie I've had to listen to since, oh, birth. Can't beat the team so let's go after the state and it's residents. Still makes me laugh thinking that they carry such a disdain for all thinks Oklahoma as they play thier home games in D K Royal Stadium.

8/4/2006, 02:05 PM
That looks like the shirt that he wore from the 1970 NC!

8/4/2006, 03:09 PM
Nice professional journalism there.:rolleyes:

8/4/2006, 03:30 PM
Color me a freaking hillbilly but I thought it was mildly amusing. He used all the stereotypical takes in one long bowel movement. :pop:

8/4/2006, 04:00 PM
That was a waste of 2 minutes.

Heck, that's two minutes of my life I can't ever get back...serves me right for thinking anyone from Austin not in The Sooner Fan Club was worth my time.

Obviously a top-tier product of Texas Public Schools. Egad.

8/4/2006, 04:09 PM
Well at least Kelso is putting that Austin Community College degree to good use!!!

8/4/2006, 04:10 PM
Heh. I sent the turd an email. "Mobilehoma? How can you consider
yourself to be a professional and write that?"

His response? "Mobilehoma has made it onto a T-shirt."

Oh, well that makes it ok I guess. :rolleyes:

What a ******.

8/4/2006, 04:42 PM
He kinda looks like Ernest Hemingway.

Here's to him vacationing in Ketchum, ID:D spek!

8/4/2006, 05:16 PM
even from the picture near his article, he doesn't look thin enough to write about 300lbs woman anyway.

I sent him an email with a very short content: "you and your whorns Su.ck"

8/4/2006, 08:16 PM
Man that gets old. I guess if you don't know anything but the trailer park you live in, you can't come up with anything original. :rolleyes:

8/4/2006, 09:47 PM
Happy Friday...

source: AAS (http://www.statesman.com/news/content/news/stories/local/08/4kelso.html)

COMMENTARY: JOHN KELSO http://img.coxnewsweb.com/C/03/47/59/image_1859473.jpg

Bomar's good-bye is worth a laugh to us Longhorns

Friday, August 04, 2006

Yeah, I know. I should be feeling large, gooey gobs of sorry for Rhett Bomar, the kid who got kicked off the Oklahoma football team.

And I shouldn't be joking about it. I shouldn't be saying that instead of Boomer Sooner, the expression should be changed to Bomar No Longer Sooner.

But I just can't control myself. So the good news out of Oklahoma for folks around here — if good news and Oklahoma can be used accurately in the same sentence — is that the OU starting quarterback has been given the old heave ho from the squad.

The reason it's fantastic that Bomar has been shown the big red door is that it'll make it that much easier for Texas to kick Mobilehoma's butt in October. Besides, Bomar left Grand Prairie to play UP THERE. So, at the risk of sounding juvenile, let me just add this philosophical footnote: hah hah hah, hee hee hee hee hee.

Actually, I have a warm spot in my heart for Oklahoma, since it lends itself to comedy. For example, this guy goes to the doctor, who tells him he has six months to live. So he asks the doctor for advice. "Get a Dodge truck, marry a 300-pound woman, and move to Oklahoma," the doctor says.

"Will this make me live longer?" the guy asks. "No, but it'll sure seem like it," the doctor replies.

Incidentally, there's a MySpace.com page claiming to be Bomar's own space, where under "Rhett's Blurbs" it says, "Hello my name is Rhett im sure you have heard of me." Of course we've heard of you. You're the clown who got kicked off the football team for workin' at a car dealership.

You've got to laugh at the reason Bomar got pitched from the team — work, or a lack thereof. See, ESPN.com reported that Bomar worked about five hours a week at a Norman car dealership called Big Red Sports/Imports and that he claimed on his taxes that he made $18,000 a year.

Some people might find that a little high on the pay scale, if Bomar was in fact making $18,000 a year for working five hours a week. But when you amortize it out to a 40-hour-a-week work schedule, that comes out to a meager $144,000 a year.

Heck, when Barry Switzer was the Oklahoma coach, he would have marched over to the dealership and demanded they give the kid a raise and a free convertible.

By the way, Big Red Sports/Imports is a Kia dealership. You'd think the quarterback could rate a job kicking tires at a Hummer joint.

Oh, also on MySpace, "Rhett's Interests" include "taking the sooners back to the national championship game and winning it." Funny. There's nothing that mentions him taking a hike.

Still, Rhett Bomar could be the new working man's hero. Americans work too many hours. Here's a kid who was showing us the way by emptying the dealership wastebaskets or whatever for just an hour a day or so. So we ought to give him a plaque.

But the real reason we ought to hammer out some kind of award for him is that his absence has left Chokelahoma holding the football bag. Besides, why should we waste our sympathy on him? He'll probably end up playing for the Oakland Raiders.

John Kelso's column appears on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Contact him at 445-3606 or [email protected].

What a freaking tool; we should fill his email with as much internet spam and porn as we can; fat bastard:mad:

8/4/2006, 10:07 PM
What a freaking tool; we should fill his email with as much internet spam and porn as we can; fat bastard:mad:

Heh, great idea...what a tool.:mad:

8/5/2006, 12:03 AM
if he's drinking Lone Star he's clearly an idiot. possibly the worst beer on planet earth.
Next to Samuel Adams -I took one swig from a bottle and immediately spit it out-terribly bitter.

8/5/2006, 12:06 AM
I'll take our 7 National Championships to their friggin 2 ANY DAY.
THey have 4 before any Longwhoren jumps on you.

8/5/2006, 12:11 AM
Heh. I sent the turd an email. "Mobilehoma? How can you consider
yourself to be a professional and write that?"

His response? "Mobilehoma has made it onto a T-shirt."

Oh, well that makes it ok I guess. :rolleyes:

What a ******.
Here's one for him "you can always tell if a Longwhoren is married by the tobacco spit stains on the outside of both his pickup doors."

8/5/2006, 12:27 AM
But when you amortize it out to a 40-hour-a-week work schedule, that comes out to a meager $144,000 a year.

Hmmm, I guess those high falootin seven-figure-a-year types just love the local swill so much they won't buy that high priced stuff. From the looks of the guy the only thing not meager about him is his waistline!

8/5/2006, 12:51 AM
my reply:

Nice hat Dad.

Chokelahoma? Look who has more titles ya wanker.