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View Full Version : Stupid research studies

8/3/2006, 04:16 PM
"Researchers found that the size of a mans waist may be a better way to predict type II diabetes than the BMI."
"The study found that the larger a man's waist, the greater his risk of getting diabetes."
Um, NEWSFLASH, if you're a fatass, you are more prone to get diabetes! WOW, Who knew?

"Men with waist sizes more than 40 inches were 12% times more likely to get diabetes than men with a waist size less than 34 inches."
So if you have a 36 inch waist, you must really be scarooooood!

8/3/2006, 10:10 PM
Sorry to be dense, but just how much is "12% times more likely"? Is it 12 percent more likely? Or 12 times more likely?

Not trying to be a smart-a$$; I got one of them big waists and want to know how much trouble I'm in. :rolleyes:

8/3/2006, 10:41 PM
Studies show in Stillwater, that the price of an average 4bedroom home with 2 car garage can be had for $250k

But yer still gonna smell like pig ****.

Oh, and i've got one of those large waists also.