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8/3/2006, 12:43 AM
bo·mard·ed (bo' mard ed)

1. Often Offensive. Affected with mental retardation.
2. Occurring or developing later than desired or expected; delayed.
3. Possessing ability to, after getting arse chewed out by coaches for 2 MIPs,
still believe you can get away with pay for no show at a car lot.
4. Possessing ability to illegally celebrate and spike the ball in a bowl game
near your goal line with seconds left and stopping game clock.

8/3/2006, 12:44 AM
new term for soonerfans.com usage:

Bomar= "The Idiot"

8/3/2006, 12:46 AM

8/3/2006, 12:49 AM
i think me and BB are on the same page tonight or something:pop:

8/3/2006, 07:57 AM
I propose that proper usage should be, "Bomarred", with two additional usages:

5. To mar a program while on the cusp of anticipated greatness.
6. To blindside, and/or to deliver a "sucker punch", often to the testicles.