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View Full Version : will Bomar go down as the most hated Sooner or will his memory fade away?

8/2/2006, 09:54 PM
I remember being mad at the Boz and CT but they have come full circle and made peace.

I kinda feel like this maybe different.

8/2/2006, 09:55 PM
He is just an immature kid...I don't hate him...

8/2/2006, 09:56 PM
We'll see how we do this year

8/2/2006, 09:56 PM
Semper Fi, and all that other good ****, but the next person who starts yet another new Bomar thread is gonna be tasting velcro.

8/2/2006, 09:57 PM
If message boards were invented in the 80's we would be going the same way when Boz and Charles Thompson, and Marcus Dupree. Probably even worse with Dupree.

8/2/2006, 09:57 PM
Rhett is going to be in the hated Sooners group with the likes of Marcus Dupree,Brent Rawls and Joe Don Looney. Make way for the new members of the club Rhett Bomar and J.D.Quinn.

Crimson Kid
8/2/2006, 09:58 PM
As much as im ****ed of at him, i don't hate him, im just really disappointed in him. :(

I hope he's finally learned from his mistakes and makes something of himself.

8/2/2006, 09:58 PM
He not only disappointed himself. But a whole slew of people.

Just think about it. He did all of this for $18,000? A college and pro career wasted. Plus the scorn of the Sooner Nation.

I somewhat feel sorry for the guy.

8/2/2006, 10:00 PM
My grandma told me not to hate anyone.

There is my answer

8/2/2006, 10:01 PM
He will be reviled. That is all.
Boz and CT can show their faces on Owen Field for their accomplishments. Rhett only did so much and VERY little to endear himself to the fanbase.

8/2/2006, 10:04 PM
When I hear the name Rhett Bomar I'll think of an immature kid who made a horrible mistake.

8/2/2006, 10:05 PM
Bomar isn't a Sooner.

8/2/2006, 10:07 PM
I think that honor still goes to DKR.

8/2/2006, 10:08 PM
he's a 1 year player.. He's gone for good..

Selling cars in Dallas can be a very exciting life...

8/2/2006, 10:12 PM
I'm tired about hearing about some "mistake" by Bomar. This was a planned payment deal over a length of time- it would have to be. Rhett had plenty of time to think about this and how it would affect himself and the team. I am sure that the university has a slew of people telling these kids how to stay out of trouble. **** him. I see him in a bar or whatever the back will be turned in a heartbeat. He threw it all away for what is in the grand scheme of things, nothing. **** him.

8/2/2006, 10:14 PM
I have come to the opinion that he is dumb f**ker. 1 MIP happens a second shows a real lack of judgement and intelligence. Now the most recent problem shows he thinks he is above the law.

8/2/2006, 10:15 PM

Well frankley Scarlett...I really don't give a damn if he ever comes back.

8/2/2006, 10:18 PM
I remember being mad at the Boz and CT but they have come full circle and made peace.

I kinda feel like this maybe different.

Kid just turned 21 --blame STUPID supporters - not him. Would you have turned down the money they were throwing at you at that age? Especially if they told you it was OK? -- Most hated? No -- Biggest waste of Talent? More than Joe Don Looney (If you're too young, Google it) Toss up with Marcus Dupree. Maybe a future in Canada or Europe.


8/2/2006, 10:20 PM


8/2/2006, 10:20 PM
Rhett probably had NO IDEA he was doing something wrong.

Bless the little hellion.

8/2/2006, 10:23 PM
I have come to the opinion that he is dumb f**ker. 1 MIP happens a second shows a real lack of judgement and intelligence. Now the most recent problem shows he thinks he is above the law.

His daddy convinced him of that.

8/2/2006, 10:32 PM
he's played only a season at OU and we're already considering him to be THE most hated sooner? wow...

8/2/2006, 10:39 PM
I don't think he'll be the most hated, but neither do I buy into the "he didn't know he was doing anything wrong" BS! I've NEVER played football at an NCAA Div 1 school, but I know that you can't take money for something you didn't do! It's not just a violation of NCAA rules, it's unethical! Would I have taken the $$$$$ if I had been in his position? NO! I worked my a$$ off to get through college. I did not have any scholarship and I did not take out student loans. I WORKED!

Bomar let his team, his coaches, the Sooner Nation, and himself down. While it's true that we all make mistakes, this was not just a one time "oops, I forgot" type of mistake. This was planned and carried out over time. He got what he deserved. Good for Coach Stoops!!!!!

8/2/2006, 10:44 PM
Are you suggesting that, at some point, he was briefed on the possibility of someone approaching him to do something wrong........and he chose to ignore the information?


8/2/2006, 10:48 PM
Kid just turned 21 --blame STUPID supporters - not him. Would you have turned down the money they were throwing at you at that age? Especially if they told you it was OK? -- Most hated? No -- Biggest waste of Talent? More than Joe Don Looney (If you're too young, Google it) Toss up with Marcus Dupree. Maybe a future in Canada or Europe.


i dont hate bomar, but he deserves the blame, he knew better no matter what anyone told him. if he was unsure about any of it, he shouda asked the coaching staff. hes gone now so its kinda late for coulda shoulda woulda's, but it was a very f**kin stupid thing on his part

King Crimson
8/2/2006, 10:51 PM
hate is not the word i'd use. disappointing, sure.

sad thing is that i don't doubt that "star system" or recruiting and the absurd staging of reality that seems part and parcel of youth today....make it seem that all for nothing is what the "stars" deserve. #5 for USC living in a 750,000$ house etc.

8/2/2006, 11:56 PM
I dont hate him... but I do still hope he get hit by a bus. I am tired of hearing how if someone was handing you that kind of money you would jump at it... his family is ****ing rich! And if youve ever tried to live on 18k for a year that doesnt amount to much. I mean this kid a sniveling, arrogant, back stabbing **** demon spawned from texas. Earlier today I was distraught over this whole thing, but after thinking about it for a while I say good riddance. At least he cant **** us over anymore. so most hated... no. An afterthought when we win our next nat'l title (whenever that is... and my expectations are still high for this year) absolutely.

8/3/2006, 12:04 AM
John Blake
Darrell Royal
Howard Schnellenboozer
Gary Gibbs

I do believe I plead the fiz-ifth here. I don't know where to rank him.

8/3/2006, 12:16 AM
John Blake
Darrell Royal
Howard Schnellenboozer
Gary Gibbs

I do believe I plead the fiz-ifth here. I don't know where to rank him.

You hate Gibbs? Wow. That's stout.

He replaced the King, was told to keep (make) the program clean and remain competitive. He did. He just couldn't handle tx or Neb. Heck, he even wore crimson and cream for us as a linebacker.

But then, I can't even work up any hatred for DKR. He strayed later in life, but he sure won a bunch of games for Bud.

8/3/2006, 12:18 AM
DKR was before my time.

But a stinkin' horn never the less

8/3/2006, 12:34 AM
Like I stated, I dunno. I don't hate Gibbs, and I couldn't care less about DKR, just giving some examples. Some hate Gibbs for being boring around here is why I listed him...

8/3/2006, 05:55 AM
Posted by Paperclip:
I think that honor still goes to DKR.

Paperclip wins this one hands down. I will be quoting this one for days in real life.

Imaginary spek!

Sooner in Tampa
8/3/2006, 06:05 AM
I don't hate him...I did yesterday. Not so much today.

He will forever be mentioned in the same breath as Marcus Dupree. Too bad.

8/3/2006, 06:28 AM
In my mind, the title of most reviled would go to Charles Thompson and the two guys convicted of the rape charges. Those two incidents ended Switzer's college coaching career and resulted in the program football to be forced to wander in the wilderness of mediocrity for about ten years. Last I heard, Thompson has his life on track and is doing well. Not sure about the convicted rapists, hell, I can't even remember their names!!

I believe that this incident with Bomar, while in the short term will cause a lot of angst and may considerably reduce the team's chances of an undefeated season and MNC, will eventually blow over and the program will continue to thrive.

8/3/2006, 10:25 AM
He will forever be mentioned in the same breath as Marcus Dupree. Too bad.

Exactly. A monumental waste of talent.