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8/2/2006, 05:44 PM
I keep hearing people talk about who will replace Bomar like its going to be PT. Anyone know if PT has been working out as a QB? Halzle a lock to start?

Any opinions or insights?

8/2/2006, 05:49 PM
I dunno, but I'd just be surprised if they bring PT back into the picture. He might get some reps as a backup, but I think they'll go with Halzle unless he just bumbles through fall practice.

We're coming up on one year since Thompson took any significant snaps as a quarterback and he was really emerging as one of our top wide receivers. I'm thinking that the coaches are looking at moving PT back as a last resort. Not that I don't think he'd do well, but I think they'll work with the other 3 as much as they can and leave PT at WR as long as they can before bringing him back into the mix at QB.

I dunno. We'll find out soon enough.

8/2/2006, 05:51 PM
The players and coaches have apparently known about this for 4 or 5 months. I would assume from this that either Thompson or Halzle has been gearing up to be the starter. I understand that kevin Wilson really liked Thompson as the starter last year so that may be a very viable option.

8/2/2006, 05:54 PM
Halzle supposedly had a great spring, just sucked in the Red White game. I think if I was coach Stoops, I'd open up the competition between him and Thompson, and see who comes out on top. PT has to be a little rusty at QB, but should be able to pick things up quickly, if that's the decision.

We do have the best defense in the country, and that fact alone should keep us in some games. I guess it could be worse.

8/2/2006, 06:36 PM
I think paul will get the start goiing into game #1

Big Red Ron
8/2/2006, 06:38 PM
Halzle looked like crap all throught the spring. His favorite reciever was DJ Wolfe.

8/2/2006, 07:09 PM
I wouldn't give Thompson the initial start only to yank it from him again unless the staff is absolutely sure that they're going to go with Thompson. I just can't see them naming him the starter for the 2nd time only to pull him again for the 2nd tme.

8/2/2006, 07:10 PM
I think Thompson starts right now.

8/2/2006, 07:11 PM
OU is still the favorite in the B12 S. The only difference now is that UT and OU are on the same plane in terms of QB experience. Those jokers that think this is going to cause a dramatic shakeup in the B12 S are idiots. A&M is still A&M and Tech is still Tech.

Big Red Ron
8/2/2006, 07:12 PM
I think he gets handed the keys and Stoops lives and dies by Thompson. Halzle will get some action in blowouts and whatnot but Thompson will do as good as Bomar would have.

8/2/2006, 07:16 PM
This makes a few of those non-conference games a little tougher than they were going to be. But, i still don't fear TTech or A&M. I am more leary of Baylor than Aggie or Dust Aggie.

8/2/2006, 07:27 PM
I think Thompson starts too and I think Wilson's offense suits him a lot better.

8/2/2006, 07:30 PM
Halzle looked like crap all throught the spring. His favorite reciever was DJ Wolfe.

Well that's news to Bob Stoops. From two different stories:

"Joey looked really good, and so did Rhett," Stoops said. "For only being here for four practices, Joey was awesome with the way he handled it all. To be able to handle it mentally that way shows that he likes those situations."

Junior college transfer quarterback Joey Halzle continued to impress, especially during the scrimmage.

"Joey is doing well," Stoops said. "I don't know that he's had a bad day. He has a great feel for the game and good poise."

But if it's true that his favorite receiver was DJ, then let's just move him back to offense.

Big Red Ron
8/2/2006, 07:44 PM
He was being nice. Notice his reference to the bad day. That question could have been asked on any number of days. Joey might end up pretty good but Paul is the best option we have right now.

8/2/2006, 07:48 PM
OU is still the favorite in the B12 S. The only difference now is that UT and OU are on the same plane in terms of QB experience. Those jokers that think this is going to cause a dramatic shakeup in the B12 S are idiots. A&M is still A&M and Tech is still Tech.
did you miss the start of last season?

will you still have confidence when we're facing a 3rd and 8? I'm hating this and hope for the best but this is a major step backwards.

8/2/2006, 07:57 PM
I think this stinks for PT if they push him into that role. The guy finally got it in his head to focus on WR and has the ability to do "something" at OU. I dont know, it just seems like he would be getting a sorry deal. I know it happens a lot but thats just how I feel.

Unless he leads OU to great things...

8/2/2006, 08:00 PM
Maybe if Thompson doesn't have people breathing down his neck he could have a break out year at QB- I remember his red white game in 03 I think he threw for 350+ yards on a pretty damn good defense... You have to get Paul Thompson back in the mix now at QB- regardless of if he starts in my opinion.

This is pretty damn dissapointing- Will hope for the best- Hazel may pick it up a bit as well with time.

Desert Sapper
8/2/2006, 08:01 PM
I wonder what we were all saying when that half-rate juco from South Dakota came in? "...how on earth? What happened to Patrick Fletcher?" I wonder what #14's first spring looked like? Anybody remember? And was our defense this good in 1999?

8/2/2006, 08:02 PM
Halzle will be the starter. Bank on it. I met his parents at one of our tailgates last year. Salt. Of. The. Earth. Everything happens for a reason, and my money is on Joey leading us to the promised land - ala Heupel. No science. No research. Just a gut hunch. Yes, you heard it here first.

8/2/2006, 08:08 PM
I wonder what we were all saying when that half-rate juco from South Dakota came in? "...how on earth? What happened to Patrick Fletcher?" I wonder what #14's first spring looked like? Anybody remember? And was our defense this good in 1999?

Our defense wasn't this good in 2000. And we didn't have the talent on WR or RB we have now. The OLine then didn't have the athletes but it was much more experienced with Jay Smith, Stockar McDougal, Matt O'Neal.

Big Red Ron
8/2/2006, 08:10 PM
Halzle will be the starter. Bank on it. I met his parents at one of our tailgates last year. Salt. Of. The. Earth. Everything happens for a reason, and my money is on Joey leading us to the promised land - ala Heupel. No science. No research. Just a gut hunch. Yes, you heard it here first.Hope you're wrong. Heupul lead us to 7-5 in his first year. Thompson should by any measure be the starter. Bob thinks so too.

8/2/2006, 08:10 PM
My gut says you are correct sir

Crimson Kid
8/2/2006, 08:11 PM
I think pt should be the starter now, he Knows the team and scheme way better then J.H.

Big Red Ron
8/2/2006, 08:12 PM
I think pt should be the starter now, he nows the team and scheme way better then J.H.Plus he has the respect of his teamates and has earned that. He also knows the system and speed of D1 ball.

8/2/2006, 08:18 PM
Ron. It doesn't matter what you think. PT ain't a QB. End of story. Halzle will start. If Stoops start Thompson, you can bet your bottom dollar he'll be starting Halzle after our beating from UAB.

8/2/2006, 08:19 PM
just from what I've seen with my own eyes

PT doesn't have the accuracy to hit the broad side of the barn and Halze lacks the arm strength to reach the barn.

My vote is Paul at least he can run. Plus he might be a whole lot better throwing on the run under Wilson's offense.

8/2/2006, 08:23 PM
Ron. It doesn't matter what you think. PT ain't a QB. End of story. Halzle will start. If Stoops start Thompson, you can bet your bottom dollar he'll be starting Halzle after our beating from UAB.
I have to agree with him. PT had been working with the receivers all season long, going back to QB, he would have to regain that "feel" for the position.

Halzle starts. He's no head case like Bomar was, he will lead us to victory.

8/2/2006, 08:24 PM
just from what I've seen with my own eyes

PT doesn't have the accuracy to hit the broad side of the barn and Halze lacks the arm strength to reach the barn.

My vote is Paul at least he can run. Plus he might be a whole lot better throwing on the run under Wilson's offense.

Well, my friend, you obviously haven't been to a practice or a scrimmage since Halzle's been on campus. No arm strength? Are you ****ing kidding me? Dude makes Elway look like a softball pitcher. He may not have the head to play QB. He may not have much touch. But he's got PLENTY of arm strength.

8/2/2006, 08:29 PM
Well, my friend, you obviously haven't been to a practice or a scrimmage since Halzle's been on campus. No arm strength? Are you ****ing kidding me? Dude makes Elway look like a softball pitcher. He may not have the head to play QB. He may not have much touch. But he's got PLENTY of arm strength.

you're absolutely right Dean, I haven't. I have a recorded version of the red-white game, that's it. But I've read quotes from Stoops and other critics about his lack of arm strength.

What do you have against softball pitchers? I'd take Jennie Finch over PT and Joey Halze any day.

8/2/2006, 08:31 PM
you're absolutely right Dean, I haven't. I have a recorded version of the red-white game, that's it. But I've read quotes from Stoops and other critics about his lack of arm strength.

What do you have against softball pitchers? I'd take Jennie Finch over PT and Joey Halze any day.

I agree. I'd **** Jennie Finch before I'd **** PT or JH, but I don't really know where you're getting your "weak arm" BS from. Dude can throw. Seriously.

8/2/2006, 08:32 PM
i think halzle still starts. PT is now fitted into the WR spot

Clever Trevor
8/2/2006, 08:38 PM
My money is on ENA as he has better speed, and behind your line, he'll need some. I love how everyone bases his ability on one play, many qb's admit that play is hard to pull off unless you are in the flow of the game and locked in. It was the first play. If the Oline gets salty fast, Joey will get his shot.
For now, I think you're going to have to go to a spread attack with some option thrown in and Paul is better suited for it.

8/2/2006, 08:39 PM
I think pt should be the starter now, he Knows the team and scheme way better then J.H.

With all due respect, Sir - Scheme? What scheme? Isn't the idea this year that there may be a new "scheme"? Or at least a substantially modified version of the old "scheme"? PT would have to learn it too, would he not? He's already practiced it as WR.

What better time to inaugurate the "new guy" as QB and play caller (at least in the huddle)? A guy with physical tools, a brain, and an established role already as a quarterback. A guy who's recognized by everyone else as a QB at this point in time.

PT provides Senior leadership on the field. Doesn't matter whether he calls the plays or not. As long as he's in the huddle, he will provide leadership.

Too much change at once always seems to muck up the works. PT has apparently become comfortable at WR. Halzle came to campus for precisely the role he is now in -- as a competent back-up in case something were to happen to Bomar. Well, something happened to Bomar.

I am no closer to the program than a perceptive reader of public statements and message board gossip, but it seems to me that Coach Stoops saw something in Halzle that suggested that he would follow instructions with integrity, humility, competence and commitment. He's capable of distributing the ball to incredibly talented backs and receivers. Leadership isn't the same thing as being "da man".

Unless PT makes an exceptional plea to the coaching staff to re-install him as QB (which doesn't sound like something PT would do), my money is on Halzle as the presumed starter, while entering Fall practice.

The question is who will compete for the job. I'm betting Halzle, and the two others QBs. Thompson remains as WR.

But, ****. I don't know much.

8/2/2006, 08:41 PM
My money is on ENA as he has better speed, and behind your line, he'll need some. I love how everyone bases his ability on one play, many qb's admit that play is hard to pull off unless you are in the flow of the game and locked in. It was the first play. If the Oline gets salty fast, Joey will get his shot.
For now, I think you're going to have to go to a spread attack with some option thrown in and Paul is better suited for it.

Well, with a handle like "Clever Trevor living behind the cornhole" we will forgive you for your stupid bet. Halzle starts. Geez. How many times do I have to say it?

Clever Trevor
8/2/2006, 08:43 PM
I guess one of those c's stands for Chuck.

8/2/2006, 08:47 PM
I agree. I'd **** Jennie Finch before I'd **** PT or JH, but I don't really know where you're getting your "weak arm" BS from. Dude can throw. Seriously.

You've never steered me wrong, so I'll take your word on it.

Honest question though and I'll take your word on it You've seen him throw at practice and he looks good? Believe me I don't think arm strength is a must (see Heupel) but I just want to make sure you've seen him throw, because I haven't except for that one recorded version of the red/white game.

Big Red Ron
8/2/2006, 08:48 PM
Ron. It doesn't matter what you think.You're right, it's what I know or have been a party too. There will be an "Open race" for starter and my gut tells me that if Thompson can beat out Bomar that he can beat out Halzle.

Did you watch much in the spring? I did. Halzle threw twice as many Ints than TDs.

8/2/2006, 08:50 PM
The Great QB Race of 06'. Let's hope it turns out a little better than the The Great QB Race of 05'.

I'm feelin' sick.

8/2/2006, 09:08 PM
You're right, it's what I know or have been a party too. There will be an "Open race" for starter and my gut tells me that if Thompson can beat out Bomar that he can beat out Halzle.

Did you watch much in the spring? I did. Halzle threw twice as many Ints than TDs.

Oh. You're basing your ASSumption on what you saw in spring scrimmages huh? Cool. I'll say the same thing I said last year. PT may start the first game. By the 2nd or 3rd game, Halzle (last year I said dumbass) would be starting. But I think out coaches are smart enough to realize that our hope at QB ain't PT. At all. In fact, I'd probably bet on it.

Big Red Ron
8/2/2006, 09:23 PM
In fact, I'd probably bet on it.$20 too little?

8/2/2006, 09:25 PM
You've never steered me wrong, so I'll take your word on it.

Honest question though and I'll take your word on it You've seen him throw at practice and he looks good? Believe me I don't think arm strength is a must (see Heupel) but I just want to make sure you've seen him throw, because I haven't except for that one recorded version of the red/white game.

hell I thought it was an honest question

8/2/2006, 09:26 PM
$20 too little?

If Halzle and Thompson are healthy, I'll bet your $20 that by the MTSU game Halzle is the starter. Maybe even by Washington. Maybe even by UAB.

8/2/2006, 09:26 PM
Ron. It doesn't matter what you think. PT ain't a QB. End of story. Halzle will start. If Stoops start Thompson, you can bet your bottom dollar he'll be starting Halzle after our beating from UAB.
Beating by UAB? Are you kidding. That team was supposed to be good last year, ended up with a losing record, and is rebuilding this year. We could throw a high school quarterback at them and win on defense and a running game alone.

8/2/2006, 09:27 PM
hell I thought it was an honest question

I've seen him throw. I've also met his parents on a couple of occasions, and they even came to a tailgate last year. Of course his momma and daddy think he's good, but I see something in him too. Remember, you heard it here first.

8/2/2006, 09:28 PM
Beating by UAB? Are you kidding. That team was supposed to be good last year, ended up with a losing record, and is rebuilding this year. We could throw a high school quarterback at them and win on defense and a running game alone.

I'm seriously considering banning you for lack of reading skills.

8/2/2006, 09:29 PM
solid source states it will be mini-Ditka...

8/2/2006, 09:33 PM
Hope you're wrong. Heupul lead us to 7-5 in his first year. Thompson should by any measure be the starter. Bob thinks so too.

7-5 wasn't Heupel's fault... AT ALL. It was murderous schedule and first-year coach changing up positions and working John Blake's players into his system. If you choose to believe 1999 was due to sh*tty QB play, look at his numbers for all of 1999, dude was good on every game he played.

8/2/2006, 09:38 PM
Dean, I know you're up to your neck in it right now, but you don't have to call Ron a dumba55 because he has a different opinion.

Didn't Wild Bill Hickock shoot his own deputy one night because all hell broke loose?

8/2/2006, 09:41 PM
I didn't realize it, and maybe it was posted her and I missed it, but Halzle only played one year and has 3 years of eligibility.

8/2/2006, 09:45 PM
Dean, I know you're up to your neck in it right now, but you don't have to call Ron a dumba55 because he has a different opinion.

Didn't Wild Bill Hickock shoot his own deputy one night because all hell broke loose?

Dude, I love Ron. We've had secks. I don't recall ever calling him a dumba55.

8/2/2006, 09:50 PM
PT has worked extremely hard to showcase his abilities at WR this year to hopefully get a shot at the NFL. I will be very shocked if Halzle is not the QB for the opener in a month.

8/2/2006, 09:52 PM
I think PT has to atleast move to QB. You just don't go into a season with 2 scholarship QBs. Espcially with one as a true freshman. Now if Halzle wins the job maybe PT can play at WR some. But you don't want your top 2 QBs in the game at the same time.

8/2/2006, 09:53 PM
I think PT has to atleast move to QB. You just don't go into a season with 2 scholarship QBs. Espcially with one as a true freshman. Now if Halzle wins the job maybe PT can play at WR some. But you don't want your top 2 QBs in the game at the same time.

Really? Stoops did it the whole year last year.....well after PT went to WR anyhow.

8/2/2006, 09:54 PM
I am numb to thinking through who the starter will be...

Big Red Ron
8/2/2006, 09:55 PM
Dude, I love Ron. We've had secks. I don't recall ever calling him a dumba55.Nope we're cool. But thanks fer watchin me back. ;)

8/2/2006, 10:01 PM
I think Thompson starts too and I think Wilson's offense suits him a lot better.

I don't think so, Wilson's offense requires you to be able to throw the ball. Last I remembered Thompson couldn't throw. We have Bradford waiting in the wings behind Halzle, I say give Paul Thompson backup nod to Halzle. It doesn't make much sense to me to start a quarterback who:

a) wasn't that good to begin with
b) will only be here for this season which will leave us at the same position we were at last year and this year

Big Red Ron
8/2/2006, 10:03 PM
I don't think so, Wilson's offense requires you to be able to throw the ball. Last I remembered Thompson couldn't throw.You remember wrong then. Just sayin...

8/2/2006, 10:05 PM
I don't think so, Wilson's offense requires you to be able to throw the ball. Last I remembered Thompson couldn't throw. We have Bradford waiting in the wings behind Halzle, I say give Paul Thompson backup nod to Halzle. It doesn't make much sense to me to start a quarterback who:

a) wasn't that good to begin with
b) will only be here for this season which will leave us at the same position we were at last year and this year
Kustok was a short passing guy, not a drop back bomb tosser, fyi.

8/2/2006, 10:07 PM
we were willing to trust PT last year.. whats changed? He's even more experienced than before.... Chuck didnt want him playing QB and I think he called plays that hurt PT's performance against TCU.

8/2/2006, 10:08 PM
we were willing to trust PT last year.. whats changed? He's even more experienced than before.... Chuck didnt want him playing QB and I think he called plays that hurt PT's performance against TCU.

What's changed? Uh, he sucked? And don't you dare pull the Chuck card on this one. PT simply ain't a QB.

8/2/2006, 10:09 PM
The way I feel right now, its like not only did Blo-mar hose us for this year, but the next few years. We have a stud group of recievers and no qb. So, if PT starts this year, who next year? Is this Bradford kid any good? What if Halzle starts and is subpar? Do we bring in Bradford to start next year? Even if we recruit another stud qb, it will take atleast two years to get him into the full rotation. By that time, who knows what the receiving corps will look like...

8/2/2006, 10:11 PM
I know this is off topic. But espnews is listing the possible starters and McEachern isn't even listed. That would hurt my feelings if I were him :(

8/2/2006, 10:11 PM
What's changed? Uh, he sucked? And don't you dare pull the Chuck card on this one. PT simply ain't a QB.

dean and i are just like twins. we think exactly alike.

well except for everything other than this post.....

8/2/2006, 10:17 PM
My last thought on this so listen up people!

If you look on any of the pay sites and their top 25 going into this season. They have Texas listed at anywhere from 3-5. Their reason being is that they have good enough recievers,RB's and O line and defense to have a good season. They just need the QB to be good enough.

I think this may be the same case for us.....I hope

Big Red Ron
8/2/2006, 10:18 PM
Bomar succed for a few games before he showed much. Chuck decided to go with Rhett for the long term potential (he was wrong).

8/2/2006, 10:20 PM
My last thought on this so listen up people!

If you look on any of the pay sites and their top 25 going into this season. They have Texas listed at anywhere from 3-5. Their reason being is that they have good enough recievers,RB's and O line and defense to have a good season. They just need the QB to be good enough.

I think this may be the same case for us.....I hope
Cept for that whole Oline thing.

8/2/2006, 10:21 PM
My last thought on this so listen up people!

If you look on any of the pay sites and their top 25 going into this season. They have Texas listed at anywhere from 3-5. Their reason being is that they have good enough recievers,RB's and O line and defense to have a good season. They just need the QB to be good enough.

I think this may be the same case for us.....I hope

I completely agree, we should be good enough that if our QB can get it to the recievers and AD. But the only difference is that Saxet is coming off an undefeated season and that they've had all year to prepare for life w/o VY. By the time big-12 play comes around, we should be fine.

8/2/2006, 10:22 PM
Cept for that whole Oline thing.

Who knows Ron ? With all the new guys coming in they might be great, I guess we shall see.

8/2/2006, 10:29 PM
A lot of you blasted me about my optimism regarding Paul. He has given more to the U of O than most any sooner I can recall. I have recieved alot of Dising for supporting him. I say give em hell paul and to all the bomar supporters that didn't see this coming? back at ya. I told ya a year ago that this ***** premadonna was gonna be problems.

8/2/2006, 10:29 PM
Bomar succed for a few games before he showed much. Chuck decided to go with Rhett for the long term potential (he was wrong).

and so were alot of people on this Board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8/2/2006, 10:36 PM
Let PT run his butt off - I'm saying right now as soon as he scores his first touchdown he will be "THE MAN " and take this team to a Major Bowl Game.....JMHO....!!!! --- :)

Still R'

8/2/2006, 10:44 PM
Really? Stoops did it the whole year last year.....well after PT went to WR anyhow.

Maybe he thought Hayes McEachren (SP?) was 2nd best. Is he totally out of consideration??? Or are there any other young-ens in the pipe?

8/2/2006, 10:50 PM
Cept for that whole Oline thing.

What SoonerRon said.

8/2/2006, 10:55 PM
with the way teams are going to be keying on ad, why would we move one of our go to guys from wr to qb. paul thompson is good enough of a threat(especially with kelly on the other side) that even with an average qb, he can keep a defense honest. we have to keep guys from consistently putting 8-9 in the box and ganging up on ad. thompson is a better value at wr than he would be at qb. all halzle has to do is manage a game. we still have a running game and the best d in the nation. i have faith in heupel to be able to handle this as the qb coach. this is NOT the end of our goals for the season.

8/2/2006, 10:59 PM
A lot of you blasted me about my optimism regarding Paul. He has given more to the U of O than most any sooner I can recall. I have recieved alot of Dising for supporting him. I say give em hell paul and to all the bomar supporters that didn't see this coming? back at ya. I told ya a year ago that this ***** premadonna was gonna be problems.

Make this a sticky folks, because you're going to hear it for the REST OF YOUR FREAKING LIVES!

8/2/2006, 11:07 PM
I would rather watch Pete Incaviglia swagger up to the plate and strike out than watch Ruben Sierra priss up there and hit a home run-SFS circa 1995

Its sorta how I feel about Thompson he's so tentative in his play. I think I'd rather watch Halzle stumble around and learn.

Also if you got into Thompson's head could you fathom goin back?

8/2/2006, 11:07 PM
So is it the general assumption that Halzle isn't a good running quarterback? I've seen him described as a "multiple-threat quarterback" several times.

8/2/2006, 11:10 PM
Make this a sticky folks, because you're going to hear it for the REST OF YOUR FREAKING LIVES!

No we ain't, cause PT ain't gonna be the QB.

8/2/2006, 11:12 PM
Next year it'll be the Bradford/unknown recruit vs Halzle threads

8/2/2006, 11:12 PM
PT is going to be the qb I am pretty sure, atleast thats what all the so-called experts say?

8/2/2006, 11:13 PM
Anyone see this quote on espn.com...OUCH!!
"By booting his quarterback, Stoops might have jeopardized another season. At least he didn't sacrifice his integrity, which is something Barry Switzer might have done."

8/2/2006, 11:14 PM
No we ain't, cause PT ain't gonna be the QB.

Moreso talking about the, " I told ya about Rhett! I told ya, I told ya...."


No offense 85.

8/2/2006, 11:31 PM
I completely agree, we should be good enough that if our QB can get it to the recievers and AD. But the only difference is that Saxet is coming off an undefeated season and that they've had all year to prepare for life w/o VY. By the time big-12 play comes around, we should be fine.

except that we start Big XII play with Hook em ... So I hope we are fine for Mid Tenn St. I think this whole thing could go either way. If its PT then I say **** it give em hell Paul you earned it. If its Joey (which is who i would bet on) then I say well youve got the JH and youre JUCO dont screw it up. If I was his teammate though I would ****ing kill Bomar especially if I was AD for doing his to everyone. I still hope he gets hit by a bus.

8/2/2006, 11:33 PM
Halzle will start.

End of discussion.

8/2/2006, 11:44 PM
Halzle will start.

End of discussion.
If Halzle has a cannon, and his QB coach is Heupel, and Halzle is teachable, why would there be any argument about who the starter would be.

ENA is amazing, at WR. He'll stay there, and the person we don't speak of will hopefully be a distant memory come October.

Are we in that Dire of straits folks? Somehow, I'm not calling off the season yet.

8/2/2006, 11:49 PM
Heck no....Im always ready to see football

Yes, even in the 90's

8/2/2006, 11:53 PM
dire straits? no
but we probably just lost 2 or 3 games today
/end speculation

8/2/2006, 11:59 PM
End of discussion.:pop:

Now that we have that outta the way, on to the important stuff:

Since whatshisface is now 1st string QB on the all-time dumba55 team, what do we do with Charles Thompson? Move him into the backfield with Macus Dupree?

8/3/2006, 12:03 AM
Has it been mentioned that Halzle's JUCO team was 1-9 last year?:eek:

8/3/2006, 12:09 AM
Has it been mentioned that Halzle's JUCO team was 1-9 last year?:eek:

you're kidding ;)

8/3/2006, 12:20 AM
I wish I was. Wish I knew how to post a link, search for the article on the web entitled "Sooner than later" in The Acorn. Golden West was 1-9 last year, with Halzle completing 46.6 %. He also lost his starting QB job his senior year in high school to a freshman, Jimmy Clausen.

8/3/2006, 12:22 AM
I wish I was. Wish I knew how to post a link, search for the article on the web entitled "Sooner than later" in The Acorn. Golden West was 1-9 last year, with Halzle completing 46.6 %. He also lost his starting QB job his senior year in high school to a freshman, Jimmy Clausen.

Im not sure that you are familliar with high school football, but its mostly an A$$ kissing contest with the parents from a coaching standpoint. Nothing against Clausen, im sure the kid is good, but he had the name.

BTW yes we all knew they went 1-9

8/3/2006, 12:43 AM
Now we have a starting QB in those OU vs. Open Date threads...

8/3/2006, 12:43 AM
Has it been mentioned that the Rustler defense gave up 40 points a game last year. Kinda hard to win with that support. Also, someone mentioned Halzle getting beat out his senior year in high school. If so, how did he make All-Area and All-CIF as a senior while leading his team to the All-CIF championship.....just asking.

Here is his bio from SoonerSports.com

Enrolled at OU at the beginning of the 2006 spring semester...In 10 games at Golden West he threw for 2,077 yards and 13 touchdowns...Three-year starter in high school...Threw for 2,500 yards and 28 touchdowns as a senior...Earned first team All-Area and All-CIF honors as a senior while leading his team to the All-CIF championship...Has a 28.7-inch vertical leap...Can do 21 reps on the bench at 185 pounds...Runs a 4.58 in the 40-yard dash...Coached by Ray Shackleford...Born: Jan. 29, 1986...Parents: Corky and Teresa Halzle.

• No. 40 JC player in the nation (CollegeFootballNews.com)
• No. 3 Junior College QB (CollegeFootballNews.com)
• No. 91 player in the JC Top 100 (Rivals.com)
• No. 49 JC player in the nation (SuperPrep)

8/3/2006, 12:45 AM
Has it been mentioned that the Rustler defense gave up 40 points a game last year. Kinda hard to win with that support. Also, someone mentioned Halzle getting beat out his senior year in high school. If so, how did he make All-Area and All-CIF as a senior while leading his team to the All-CIF championship.....just asking.

Here is his bio from SoonerSports.com

Enrolled at OU at the beginning of the 2006 spring semester...In 10 games at Golden West he threw for 2,077 yards and 13 touchdowns...Three-year starter in high school...Threw for 2,500 yards and 28 touchdowns as a senior...Earned first team All-Area and All-CIF honors as a senior while leading his team to the All-CIF championship...Has a 28.7-inch vertical leap...Can do 21 reps on the bench at 185 pounds...Runs a 4.58 in the 40-yard dash...Coached by Ray Shackleford...Born: Jan. 29, 1986...Parents: Corky and Teresa Halzle.

• No. 40 JC player in the nation (CollegeFootballNews.com)
• No. 3 Junior College QB (CollegeFootballNews.com)
• No. 91 player in the JC Top 100 (Rivals.com)
• No. 49 JC player in the nation (SuperPrep)

Very nice...I was actually kinda wondering the same thing

8/3/2006, 12:45 AM
who cares if he went 1-9? welcome to college. it's a different world

The VIIIth
8/3/2006, 01:17 AM
I dunno, but I'd just be surprised if they bring PT back into the picture. He might get some reps as a backup, but I think they'll go with Halzle unless he just bumbles through fall practice.

We're coming up on one year since Thompson took any significant snaps as a quarterback and he was really emerging as one of our top wide receivers. I'm thinking that the coaches are looking at moving PT back as a last resort. Not that I don't think he'd do well, but I think they'll work with the other 3 as much as they can and leave PT at WR as long as they can before bringing him back into the mix at QB.

I dunno. We'll find out soon enough.

If Bomar were still here and PT was a WR, he might get 30 balls tossed to him all season and he would drop 10 of those. I'm guessing he'll embrace the opportunity to play QB. I don't think it will hurt his draft stock at WR at all. In fact by not playing WR he might actually improve his draft stock...team player, sacrifice etc and no potentially bad exposure. He may even fit into Wilsons new schemes better than Bomar.

King Crimson
8/3/2006, 01:24 AM
Kustok was a short passing guy, not a drop back bomb tosser, fyi.

bingo. we'll see what happens when gravy feet, former classic drop back QB, the QB "has to win the big game" (Sugar Bowl) Long isn't calling the plays this year.

the missed delay middle screen to KeJuan was a great call in NO. but it shouldn't have come to that. it should have come to the 2 point play.

8/3/2006, 01:41 AM
You remember wrong then. Just sayin...

Did you not watch him against TCU....ok the first play of the game overthrew a wide open receiver...big time. Then he can't even complete screens to Runnels who is a measley 8 yards away from him. I am just saying he can't throw that well. He didn't get the job done before so what is magically going to make him do it now? I firmly believe Halzle will be the starter, he was brought in specifically as backup to Bomar. People don't give him much credit, he learned the playbook for less than a semester. Practiced well through the spring, but had a lousy Spring Game. I don't know how much we can judge from that one lowley scrimmage. Thompson and Bomar both had pretty good scrimmages in the spring of '05 and we all know how that turned out. :(

8/3/2006, 01:43 AM
Has it been mentioned that Halzle's JUCO team was 1-9 last year?:eek:
A brazilion times . how you get so green ? :confused:

8/3/2006, 08:37 AM
If Bomar were still here and PT was a WR, he might get 30 balls tossed to him all season and he would drop 10 of those. I'm guessing he'll embrace the opportunity to play QB. I don't think it will hurt his draft stock at WR at all. In fact by not playing WR he might actually improve his draft stock...team player, sacrifice etc and no potentially bad exposure. He may even fit into Wilsons new schemes better than Bomar.

uh, did you miss the spring game or something? he looked like he kinda improved a little bit at wr. maybe that was a different paul thompson that was playing then. him and kelly make a great wr duo, and removing our #2 wr aint exactly gonna keep defenses honest when it comes to the run, is it?

8/3/2006, 08:43 AM
Can Halzle punt? :D

8/3/2006, 08:53 AM
Tulsa World - http://www.tulsaworld.com/SportsStory.asp?ID=060803_Sp_B1_Sourc10994

What's next for Sooners?: Sources: Thompson will take over at QB

Paul Thompson's patience has apparently paid off.

Multiple sources on the University of Oklahoma football team said Wednesday night that Thompson, a senior from Leander, Texas, will quarterback the Sooners this season following the dismissal of starter Rhett Bomar.

"Paul's going to be the guy," said one source, who requested anonymity. "There's no trying out. There's no competition. Paul's the guy."

The sources confirmed that head coach Bob Stoops informed the team Wednesday during a routine meeting to welcome the team back from summer break. Players reported Wednesday and preseason practice begins Thursday.

"He said it during the meeting," the source said. "He said Paul's ready, and Paul didn't seem too worried about it."

Many observers anticipated junior college transfer Joey Halzle would inherit the job because he spent all of spring practice at the position while Thompson moved full-time to wide receiver, or that there would at least be a competition between Thompson and Halzle. But Stoops has apparently already chosen Thompson.

A second source with the team said Thompson is the starter now but said that would change if he proved he was not capable of being the Sooners' QB.

"He'll have
every opportunity," the second source said.

Thompson and Halzle -- as well as QB coach Josh Heupel -- declined comment following Wednesday night's meeting.

"We're not allowed to talk," Thompson said.

Stoops also declined comment.

Thompson came to Oklahoma in 2002 and was an effective backup to Jason White during White's Heisman Trophy season in 2003. Thompson redshirted the 2004 season -- he was the emergency QB behind White as freshman Tommy Grady got all the mop-up snaps -- in hopes of having two full seasons as the starter.

After Grady transferred to Utah, Thompson beat out Bomar last preseason in a close battle, but was benched after a poor showing in the Sooners' shocking season-opening loss to TCU. In that game, Thompson completed just 11-of-26 passes for 109 yards with an interception and two fumbles and was benched the remainder of the season in favor of Bomar.

While Bomar became seemingly entrenched as the starter, Thompson continued to practice as the backup quarterback, but also moved to wide receiver, where he caught 11 passes for 106 yards last season.

Thompson then spent all of spring practice working out full-time at the wide receiver spot as Halzle was Bomar's backup.

"He had every chance to get a bad attitude and never did," the second source said. "People like that have a tendency to win out in the end."

Halzle signed with OU in December apparently not intimidated by the possibility of Bomar being a four-year starter.

Halzle arrived at OU after two years at Golden West (Calif.) College. He spent one season with a broken ankle, so he has three seasons of eligibility at OU.

Halzle was an academic qualifier out of Oaks Christian High School in Westlake Village, Calif., but he was undersized and wasn't highly recruited.

Last fall, he completed just 47 percent of his passes (169-of-363) for 2,077 yards with 13 touchdowns and 13 interceptions as the Rustlers battled through major injuries and finished the season just 1-9.

Halzle was a three-year starter at Oaks Christian and was named All-Tri-Valley League and first-team All-California Interscholastic Federation (Oaks Christian won the CIF Division XI title his senior year).

But, he said in December, "I was an inch shorter and about 35 pounds lighter than I am now," Halzle said. "I was a late bloomer, I guess."

Bomar became the Sooners' starter last year, two games into his redshirt freshman season. As the Sooners won six of their last seven games, he showed big-play ability in clutch situations as well as a reliable knowledge of the offense and the trust of his teammates.

Bomar, a third-year sophomore from Grand Prairie, Texas, passed for an OU freshman record 2,018 yards last season. He completed 54.2 percent of his passes with 10 touchdowns and 10 interceptions. Last December, Bomar was named MVP of the Holiday Bowl when he led OU to a 17-14 victory over sixth-ranked Oregon. In that game, Bomar completed 17-of-30 passes for 208 yards and three touchdowns.

OU's other quarterbacks include first-year freshman Sam Bradford from Putnam City North and third-year sophomore Hays McEachern from Austin, Texas.

8/3/2006, 09:05 AM
I wouldn't give Thompson the initial start only to yank it from him again unless the staff is absolutely sure that they're going to go with Thompson. I just can't see them naming him the starter for the 2nd time only to pull him again for the 2nd tme.That sounds about right to me.Personally I think Joey gets the nod UNLESS PT far outperforms him.

8/3/2006, 09:15 AM
Wow. ENA is our starting QB.

Wouldn't have pegged that one.

Here's hoping he's really come into his own this season. Really going to stink breaking in yet another QB next year.

8/3/2006, 09:23 AM
Thompson gets it and maybe he will get more than 1 half this year to do something with Chuck Long being gone. Sorry I brought him up again.

8/3/2006, 09:50 AM
I like and always have ( search older posts) PT. He is just one good kid and I have faith in him!!!!!!!!!

8/3/2006, 10:02 AM
Personally, I don't care who the starter is (although it will apparently be PT). What I'd like to see is some playing time from both. This is not a QB controversy a la UT with Applewhite and Simms. I think we can all agree that our cocky "stud" QB is the one who just got booted. I don't think either of the top two candidates would get offended or upset at the idea of splitting time. Each has their strengths, and I think our offensive coaches can come up with a plan that could include both.

We all know that with Peterson, we want to run the ball as much as humanly possible. Half the goal is taking pressure off of Peterson. This could include trick plays, switching out QBs, or heck, even having both QBs in at the same time. PT's a receiver too, right? :)

The bottom line is that neither QB is the head case that Bomar is. They can effectively work with the team, and put the team first, which might include splitting time. I trust our offensive coaches to come up with whatever they think is the best plan for maximizing our offfensive potential. I would at least consider playing them both. PT can scramble or even run the option, Halzle can throw. Just mix it up as much as possible, keep the other team guessing.

King Crimson
8/3/2006, 10:14 AM
if it's PT, i think Wilson as OC will do a much better job of giving him the opportunity to "make some plays with his feet" than Chuck did. we paid lipservice to the idea but Chuck still play-called like a slow of foot, drop back QB would.

8/3/2006, 10:31 AM
I hate to say this -- But - I think to "some degree" Chuck Long got us in this mess...I think Bomar was his guy and Come Hell or High water he wanted the kid to take over...I believe they had a pretty good sense we were going to go 8 and 4 or 9 and 3 last year with PT or RB - So they went for the Future -- Well There is no yesterday and NO tomorrow -Today is the Future.....JMHO...

On to the Future -- TODAY...!!

Everybody is Rockin'

8/3/2006, 11:01 AM
I just can't imagine bringing PT back for just one season after having a year off from the position. Joey has to get a year under his belt for us to have a chance in 2007, a season where everything could come together. Without an experienced QB in 07, that team's going to be a serious waste of talent.

Concerning PT, his only chance, albeit a slim one, to make an NFL roster is at WR. If he continues to improve, those chances will increase.

One advantage we'll have in 07 if Joey starts this season is that he'll have a full year under the tutelage of Josh. That's something we wouldn't have had this season with Rhett.

8/3/2006, 11:43 AM
I just can't imagine bringing PT back for just one season after having a year off from the position. Joey has to get a year under his belt for us to have a chance in 2007, a season where everything could come together. Without an experienced QB in 07, that team's going to be a serious waste of talent.

Concerning PT, his only chance, albeit a slim one, to make an NFL roster is at WR. If he continues to improve, those chances will increase.

One advantage we'll have in 07 if Joey starts this season is that he'll have a full year under the tutelage of Josh. That's something we wouldn't have had this season with Rhett.

I agree, I don't see how bringing Thompson in as the starter is in anyway a good idea. Bringing him back for one season and then leaving us with Halzle who will have 2 years of eligibility left and no experience. So if they make this decision to do it like that, then we're in the exact same boat next year. Leave Thompson at receiver where he can make plays!! He and Malcolm Kelly will already be much needed. Maybe make him as backup to Halzle and redshirt Bradford.

8/3/2006, 11:46 AM
I think PT has earned the right to compete for QB - if he want's it.

If so, here's hoping that both he and JH are throwing the ball day and night until game one.

Will the coaches implement any new stop-gap, emergency practice scheme since this happened so late in the summer, i.e. increase number of practice sessions, increased frequency drills for QB's, etc.?

8/3/2006, 11:49 AM
Rhett Bomar "The idiot" = Greatest thing to ever happen to ENA's sex life

8/3/2006, 11:50 AM
Like I said yesterday, if we do start ENA, then we need to have him stay in the game for 3 games. No shuffling if he makes a mistake, let him work through it. I think he struggled vs. TCU last year because he was afraid of making a mistake and getting replaced. So let's let him play for our first 3 games, no shuffling, only mop-up duty for Halzle. If he sucks, and (God forbid) we get trounced by Ducky, then let Halzle have a shot. But give him 3 games to assert himself without constantly looking over his shoulder.

8/3/2006, 12:26 PM
Dont forget guys that Wilsons offense is pretty similiar to the spread option that northwestern, florida, and louisville run which means we will have paul out of the pocket more...atleast thats how Wilson ran his O at northwestern

8/3/2006, 12:54 PM
Like I said yesterday, if we do start ENA, then we need to have him stay in the game for 3 games. No shuffling if he makes a mistake, let him work through it. I think he struggled vs. TCU last year because he was afraid of making a mistake and getting replaced. So let's let him play for our first 3 games, no shuffling, only mop-up duty for Halzle. If he sucks, and (God forbid) we get trounced by Ducky, then let Halzle have a shot. But give him 3 games to assert himself without constantly looking over his shoulder.

Everyone seems to forget Bomar wasn't looking that great during the first half of the season.

Big Red Ron
8/3/2006, 03:13 PM

Everyone seems to forget Bomar wasn't looking that great during the first half of the season.Werd.

We need to win this year with AD. Next year, whatever.

8/3/2006, 06:01 PM
Stoops named Paul Thompson the starting QB today.

He said there was no competition.

8/3/2006, 06:08 PM
Wow. I'm surprised. But I'm glad for Paul. I was pulling for him last year. I hope it works out for him.

8/3/2006, 10:16 PM
Dean don't know didley :D

9/25/2006, 05:11 PM
I bet Thompson starts and is ranked 13th in the country in passing going into the Texas game. Three interceptions tops.

9/25/2006, 05:20 PM
I bet Thompson starts and is ranked 13th in the country in passing going into the Texas game. Three interceptions tops.

Whoa man, that is completely accurate!:D

9/25/2006, 05:27 PM
I bet Thompson starts and is ranked 13th in the country in passing going into the Texas game. Three interceptions tops.

That's hilarious...you resurrected a good one here...funny to re-read what everyone was saying.

Big Red Ron
9/25/2006, 06:38 PM
That's hilarious...you resurrected a good one here...funny to re-read what everyone was saying.I agree.:D

9/25/2006, 08:05 PM
Yeah, I'll bet he beats Oregon 33.27, also... :D

The VIIIth
9/25/2006, 09:40 PM
And on the 4th game, it was good that the thread was resurrected. Ere though there were many doubters, PT hath delivered.

Hindsight anyone?


9/25/2006, 10:17 PM
I already threw myself on my own sword for doubting ENA.I did so after the UW game in a thread titled WHAT DO WE THINK NOW THAT ENA HAS LEAD US IN TWO GAMES.My pick was that we finish between 10-2 and 12-0 in the regular season.I stand by that and once again apologize to ENA and supporters.Paul is having a true storybook year,hope it continues on OCT. 7.

Stoop Dawg
9/25/2006, 10:45 PM
Lotsa crow to be eaten in this thread.

9/25/2006, 11:47 PM
infinity heh.

10/14/2006, 03:00 AM
Ron. It doesn't matter what you think. PT ain't a QB. End of story. Halzle will start. If Stoops start Thompson, you can bet your bottom dollar he'll be starting Halzle after our beating from UAB.

I just really liked this one.

Hell, I just made it my sig!

Crucifax Autumn
10/14/2006, 03:12 PM
Somkeone's been reading old *** threads!

10/14/2006, 03:20 PM
OU still talking to a number of verbally committed but unsigned HS Qbs. Also some JUCOs may be taking a look now that Bomar is gone. I doubt Halzle will be the man. If he is, I will be pulling for him as hard as anyone.

10/14/2006, 03:23 PM
Ooops, I thought you guys were referring to NEXT year as if PT could get an extra year(like he would want one).

10/14/2006, 04:40 PM
You managed to dig up quite the relic.

10/14/2006, 05:12 PM
I like what PT has done, but I'm afraid we may be in trouble now that there won't be 8 or 9 men in the box trying to stop AD.

Big Red Ron
10/14/2006, 05:13 PM
You managed to dig up quite the relic.That would be a "Classic."