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View Full Version : Think that OUr recent departee

8/2/2006, 05:17 PM
should be now referred to as of who's name we do not speak

8/2/2006, 05:18 PM
you mean Blowmar?

8/2/2006, 05:19 PM
ding ding

8/2/2006, 06:09 PM

8/2/2006, 06:10 PM

8/2/2006, 06:11 PM
I think we should stop being such goddamn pussies and stop all this bitch-*ss "game of which we do not speak", "coach of which we do not speak", "player of which we do not speak" bullsh*t.

Grow a set and learn to deal with adversity, Sunshine.

8/2/2006, 06:16 PM

8/2/2006, 07:29 PM
What's funny is, once the mods merge this with your thread proposing the ****-ing out of Bomar's and Quinn's names, it'll look like you're "heh"-ing me for going off on you. :D

8/2/2006, 07:30 PM
What's funny is, once the mods merge this with your thread proposing the ****-ing out of Bomar's and Quinn's names, it'll look like you're "heh"-ing me for going off on you. :D

That's kinda why I was Heh-ing.:(

8/2/2006, 07:37 PM
I knew who you were going off on. But I didn't really care that it was me. I just chalked it up to Bri being Bri.

And plus I really just didn't give a dam.

8/2/2006, 07:39 PM
God dang, we turned on him fast...

Get a rope!!!

8/2/2006, 07:52 PM
I knew who you were going off on. But I didn't really care that it was me. I just chalked it up to Bri being Bri.

I was going off on everyone who contributes to the mass state of mewing cowardace that permeates this board whenever something goes wrong (Schnelly, the Orange Bowl, now this). But, if it'll make you feel important to have been gone off on by me, then yes, I was going off on you.

And the bad*ssery of your non-damn-giving has been noticed. Cool points assigned.

8/2/2006, 08:00 PM
And the bad*ssery of your non-damn-giving has been noticed. Cool points assigned.

Same can be said of your posts...Jus' sayin'

8/2/2006, 08:07 PM
The same can be said of anyone's posts. Why don't we just shut down the internet?

8/2/2006, 08:09 PM
The same can be said of anyone's posts. Why don't we just shut down the internet?

IN! :D

8/2/2006, 08:18 PM
I think we should stop being such goddamn pussies and stop all this bitch-*ss "game of which we do not speak", "coach of which we do not speak", "player of which we do not speak" bullsh*t.

Grow a set and learn to deal with adversity, Sunshine.

Word. Somehow I think once the first game rolls around we'll have 11 plyers on the field and I suspect they'll all be pretty decent players.

BTW, count me in the Hazle camp because his parents stopped by the Spring Game tailgate and they were really nice people. :D